Magic Emperor

Chapter 14 Human Fox Strange Chapter 15 Self-created Martial Arts

Fifteen days seems to be very long, but for Luohe, who sits still and enters a certain realm, it is as short as a flick. However, unlike expectations, Luohe can't stand up at this moment, because he is facing a critical point, a critical point of breakthrough.

Speaking of which, Luo He found that his body seemed to have changed a lot about three days ago, and he faintly felt that the bones and muscles of his whole body were growing. The originally chaotic body, after more than ten days of aura baptism and erosion, was accumulated by the pores of Luohe's skin and taken away directly by the rapid river.

If someone had been present at that time, I would have been very surprised. Because the deep pool, which was originally 20 meters wide and more than ten meters deep, was blackened by the material washed out of Luohe's body, and also emitted a very stimulating smell. It took three days to slowly wash away by the water flow.

At this time, look at Luohe, a standard Chinese character face, with steep eyebrows, a high nose and thick lips. Although it is not as handsome as the eldest grandson Zhongkang, it strongly highlights the unique masculine beauty of men. With strong muscles, it looks very explosive. Judging from Luohe's current skeleton, Luohe's height is at least 1.8 meters. In just 15 days, Luohe's body has indeed undergone earth-shaking changes.

Of course, Luohe's change is not just about appearance. In these 15 days, Luohe has absorbed a large amount of the aura of the surrounding heaven and earth to purify his body. At this moment, Luohe's body is no longer chaotic. Now he, like an ordinary person, has meridians and Dantian. However, unlike ordinary people, the meridians and Dantian of Luohe are condensed with weather aura. As long as the "life gate" is always open, the continuous aura of heaven and earth will converge in Dantian through the meridians of the whole body.

At this time, the Luo River is rushing through the customs with the weather aura gathered in Dantian.

Yes, it's rushing.

This is also the text that came to Luohe's mind after Dantian's trip. It turns out that the so-called "Eight Doors Against the Sky" is not just eight top fairy skills. If it is so tight, it will not be called " Against the Sky". At the moment when the golden light shined into Luohe's forehead, Luohe's soul chain was like being blocked by eight gates. From low to high, these eight doors are "open, rest, shock, scene, life, injury, Du and death".

It seems to be a top skill. Every time Luohe breaks through a gate, his power will advance by leaps and bounds. According to the text, "opening the door" is equivalent to the "three realms of martial arts"; the two gates of "shock and shock" are equivalent to the "six realms of immortal cultivation"; and "jing, birth and injury" is equivalent to the "six levels of heaven" in the fairy world; as for the last two doors, no one has been trained so far, because the human power to create the "eight gates against the sky" is nothing more than the emperor of heaven. That's all. The Emperor of Heaven is only the fifth class in the "Sixth Level of Heaven".

As the second successor of the "Eight Doors Against the Sky", Luohe has a long way to go. Of course, in Luohe's current state of mind, he naturally will not think about things that are too far away. Although he knows that the stronger his ability, the greater the responsibility, that is the future. He just needs to make himself stronger and stronger now!

The creator of "Eight Doors Against the Sky" is also a lazy man. His words are very simple. If you want to become stronger, find death or seek death! Gather enough aura and break through the door. If you don't succeed, you will die!


Suddenly, the air around Luohe suddenly shook, and Luohe's body also trembled, and bright red blood flowed out from the corners of Luohe's mouth.

The clearance was unsuccessful and did not open the "open door" on the blockade soul chain. Luohe once again condensed the weather aura, and he was unwilling!


This time, the energy of air vibration was stronger, and even the water flow above Luohe was cut off for nearly two seconds, but Luohe still failed.


Luohe stepped on the accelerator and instantly accelerated the absorption of the aura of heaven and earth. Now his soul is like entering a small van stepping on the accelerator and rushing towards the hard wooden door!


Luohe spewed a large mouthful of blood in an instant, and his body was washed into the deep pool by the waterfall water flow because of a slight shaking.


Before long, a tall figure rushed out of the deep pool: "Wow, hahaha, I finally succeeded!"


Just as the Luo River rose higher and higher, a bloody lightning flashed in the sky, and suddenly an extremely strong evil inhalation shot from the sky in the direction of the Luo River. After that strong evil breath, Luohe also felt a very violent breath, which seemed to tear everything apart and invincible.

Just as Luohe was thinking about whether to avoid it, a huge sound suddenly exploded in the sky, which sounded like thunder and resounded all over the world.

"Evil, where are you going!"

hiss, this intonation, this line, is really familiar.

I think most people born in the 1980s have heard similar lines. They are too familiar with them. Isn't this really the idiom of Brother Monkey when he chased demons?

In the blink of an eye, a purple-pink light mass shot at Luohe. Luohe was about to avoid it, but he found that he had a nearly ** soft body in his arms. When Luohe looked down, the first thing he saw was nine slowly swaying fluffy fox tails. The beautiful woman in his arms slowly raised her head, and a face that harmed the country and the people appeared in Luohe's eyes.

This is a cold and charming face, exquisite and flawless, if it is finely carved by nearly a thousand skilled craftsmen. What Luo He loves most is her round and slightly elastic red lips, which are sexy with a trace of mischievousness and a unique amorous feelings in charm. At a glance, Luo He's lower body is the most normal male reaction.

"Father, help me!"

"Evil, where to run!"

At this time, a golden light came directly, and Luo He felt the power that seemed to tear the space head-on, and then hurriedly shouted, "Monkey, stop it quickly!"

"Ms!" The golden light stopped in an instant just a few centimeters away from the forehead of Luohe River. Luohe swallowed his saliva and found that dozens of big trees around him were washed away by the energy halo that dissipated in an instant. This power is too strong!

What made Luohe tremble excitedly, Luohe found that the person who came was really the legendary Monkey King! Like the same great saint costume, the golden armor scales shine, the monkey hair is full of wild charm, and the fast flashing golden eyes seem to penetrate everything in the world.

"Why do you have a familiar smell?" It's amazing. Luohe was surprised to find that the Qi Tian Dasheng in front of him was not only the same as the six-year-old children, but also the voice was exactly the same as the Monkey King in the 86th edition of Journey to the West. However, the appearance of Qi Tian Dasheng in front of him looks more burly, and his whole body is full of extremely violent power. If Luohe's body had not been transformed by the aura of heaven and earth, I'm afraid that he would probably be torn apart by that kind of violence at this time.

"Brother Monkey, we are our own people."

"My own people?" Qi Tian Dasheng circled around the Luo River and sniffed from time to time. After he stood down, the golden eyes suddenly shot countless golden light at the Luo River. After the golden light flashed away, Qi Tian Dasheng finally laughed, "So it's you, er, six ways."

"six, six ways?" Luo He's eyes turned around, thinking that he had something to do with the six words in the mouth of Qi Tian Dasheng. "So he nodded and said, it's rare for you to know Brother Monkey. By the way, how are Marshal Tianpeng and the Rolling Curtain General now and past?

"What else can those two idiots do? One knows how to eat all day long, and he is a golden arhat according to the rules.

"That's right, Brother Monkey, what are you doing?"

"If you don't tell me, I forgot. You get out of the way and let my grandson destroy this nine-tailed sky fox!" With that, Qi Tian Dasheng raised the golden staff in his hand and was about to fight.

"My son, save me!" The nine-tailed sky fox in Luohe's arms hugged Luohe tightly, and the two softness on his chest made Luohe have a fever. It's enough to save people from the evil holy baton. It's very difficult to save the demon. I'm afraid that Tang Sanzang is the only one in the world who dares to do this.

"Monkey, how about selling your personal feelings to your little brother, this fox demon..."

"No, this nine-tailed sky fox was named by the Jade Emperor to kill, and it can't be left."

"Brother Monkey, when did you listen to the old boy of the Jade Emperor?"

Luohe's words are a little vicious. Others may not know, but how can people who are familiar with the storyline of Journey to the West not understand that Sun Wukong and the Jade Emperor have always had eight characters incompatible. Sun Wukong's mantra is often that sentence "When my old grandson caused havoc in the heavenly palace." Now the Great Sage obeys the Jade Emperor's order to destroy demons. If this spreads, I'm afraid the image of the Great Sage will be greatly affected.

"Bang!" As soon as the Dinghai needle stamped on the ground, the whole mountain suddenly trembled, and countless vegetation was broken, which was very messy.


Nine-tailed Sky Fox, another heroine, goes hand in hand with Wu Zhao.

However, her portrait will not be released for the time being. When she officially enters the role, please give more clicks and tickets, as well as collections, and give me more motivation.