Magic Emperor

Chapter 16 Pingliang Battle Song

The general of Pingliang City is a veteran named Pei Lin.

Pei Lin was a veteran in the Li Yuan period. He followed Li Yuan and Li Shimin successively. After Li Shimin ascended the throne, he was classified as Luo Cheng and has been working under Luo Cheng's account. Although he is not outstanding, he has more than enough success. Standing above the city stack, Pei Lin held the sword in his hand tightly. Pei Lin did not have any fear on his face. As a veteran of the battlefield, he knew very well that the battlefield was their real destination. He had already planned to fight to the death. Even if the city was finally broken, he would make the Qin army pay the most painful price.

At this time, he saw a group of small troops rushing from the rear of the Qin army from afar, at an extremely fast speed. Many Qin troops had disappeared from their sight without even seeing the figure.

Luohe arrived in time with the death team, but they did not go directly into the city, but surrounded the soldiers who shouted at the city. Luo He directly interrupted the hands of several soldiers and asked them to go back and tell Li Xin, saying that Luo He was waiting for Li Xin in the city.

"How can it be! Luohe, you are really bullying people too much! Come on, prepare utensils to attack the city immediately!"

Luohe's hand was extremely effective. After seeing that the soldiers were treated like this by Luohe, Li Xin directly waved his army to prepare to attack without saying a word!

Luohe and the Death team did not return to the city immediately. Luohe did not seem to need to talk, and all the team members directly set up the formation of infinite gossip array. Wu Zhao was in the eyes of the array, while Luo He stood outside the array with a dragon stick, with a cool smile on his strong face.

"Come on, you can deal with it carefully. You just need to destroy two-thirds of the light engineering equipment. After it is done, immediately return to the city and don't fall in love with it. Luo He gave the order directly. His meaning was very simple, which was to destroy Li Xin's few engineering tools. However, it is not completely destroyed. It only needs to destroy two-thirds and leave one-third to Luo Xin. In this way, Luo Xin's siege will be more difficult, and it will be easier to arouse his anger and desperate.


Seeing the thick smoke in front of him, Luo He not only did not have any timidity, but also raised his pride. Fang felt that only by fighting vividly and happily can he show his true nature as a man!

Luo He glanced at the non-moving dragon stick in his hand. Under his intention, the non-movable dragon stick suddenly became larger until it became more than ten meters long and the mouth of the bowl was thick and square.

"50 meters away from me, and I'll give it to you on the left!" Luohe shouted angrily, and then ran towards the siege on the right with a long and motionless dragon stick. Among the siege equipment brought by Li Xin, only the five medium-sized siege vehicles are extremely threatening, and the rest are just some simple ladders and other gadgets.

"Touch!" Under the brute force of the Luo River, a medium-sized siege vehicle was directly smashed by the non-moving dragon stick. At the same time, the non-moving dragon stick even smashed deeply into the land, directly smashing a human line behind the siege vehicle. Blood splashed, and the limbs were broken!

Luohe doesn't know much about sticking, but he can use some simple moves just by watching TV.

such as: "Sweeping thousands of troops like sweeping, scattering enemy bandits like a valley!"

Luohe was like entering a no man's land on the right, which made people turn upside down for a while, and there was no one round of people. The cooperation between Wuzhao and the death team is also frightening. If Li Xin's army is compared to the valley turbulence, the death team is like a heavy stone pillar in the turbulence. No matter how fast the water flow is, the death team has always been persevered. Moreover, what stunned Li Xin in the rear was that the death team not only stood still, but also moved as much as possible in the flow of people. Wherever they passed, the corpses flew over.

"Call the heavy shield soldiers to surround those people, and the archers will shoot at hand!" Li Xin immediately gave the order, but when he ordered to arrive and the heavy shield soldiers began to gather to surround the death team, Wu Zhao issued an order to retreat. Among the death team, only Wuzhao's vision is the widest and brightest. She knows that she has overfulfilled the task and should retreat. Otherwise, once she is surrounded by the enemy, she is likely to die. Now most of the soldiers in the team are more or less injured. Although they are not big, they will die after a long battle.

At the cost of several seriously injured players, the Death team finally broke through before the archers shot in unison. However, they are not out of danger, because a large number of crossbows have appeared behind them, and the powerful crossbows in their hands have been equipped with arrows and are lining up to aim.


With a shout of anger, thousands of powerful crossbows came to the death team.

"Fal to heaven!" Just as many death teams were about to lie down and deal with it, Luo He suddenly appeared in the infinite gossip array. With his angry shout, a golden bowl-shaped spiral shield protected all the team members and bounced back all the flying arrows, and no one was injured.


Under the protection of the Luo River, all the death team members jumped safely to the wall.

All the soldiers on the wall saw the actions of Luohe and others with their own eyes. When Luohe and others climbed the wall, there were cheers from all over and below the city.

"The last general Pei Lin, I have met General Luo!" Pei Lin hurriedly greeted him with his own soldiers. Luohe heard Cheng Chuliang say before he came that Pei Lin was a subordinate of Luohe Laozi Luo Cheng and had always been loyal to the Tang Dynasty. If Luohe did not come to rescue this time, Pei Lin would definitely die with this Pingliang City.

"General Pei, please get up quickly!" Luo He hurriedly helped Pei Lin up. "The old general is at the same level as me, and he must not be so polite."

"The old man is a general, and he is really ashamed of Luo Shuai." Pei Lin looked very excited. He knew what the arrival of Luohe meant. Originally, he had a dying heart, but the appearance of Luohe made him know that 20,000 soldiers and tens of thousands of people in Pingliang City had been saved. This Pingliang City is just a small city with a sparse population. In addition, the Qin army had ravaged here before, causing the original population of more than 100,000 in the city to drop to 70,000, and they were all old and weak women and children. Those young and strong people either were either drafted into the army earlier or died in the original battle of defending the city.

From the outside, the defense facilities of Pingliang City are not bad, but they are just in vain, but the city is full of holes. Pei Lin's 20,000 non-commissioned soldiers have less than one archer in the regiment, and the rest are infantry. In addition, the city's city defense equipment, such as stones, oil, fire pillars, etc., are almost extinct. Once Li Xin attacked the city, Pei Lin knew that in less than three days, this Pingliang City would be broken!

" boss, it's almost over!"

Shi Kai shouted in a hurry at this time. Luo He turned his head and looked at it, but he saw that his face was very pale, and there was a short knife in his left chest. At the same time, Luo He also found that more than a dozen people under his men were leaning against Chengdie. These people's noodles were seriously injured and obviously showed signs of excessive bleeding.

"Oh, why didn't you say it earlier!" Luo He cursed angrily. Just as Pei Lin was about to call the medical soldier, he was surprised to find that Luo He gently put his green hands on the most injured black-toothed shoulder, and then directly pulled out the short knife on the black-toothed Changzhi's chest with his hand.

"Hm!" The black tooth often took pain and hummed softly.

"Should! Who made you inferior to others? How did you become the captain and let your men suffer such a serious injury!" With the entanglement of the green light, Changzhi's originally pale face slowly returned to normal, and the bleeding wound had healed. Pei Lin and his soldiers, who were not familiar with Luohe around him, were stunned, and their expression was as if they were seeing God in the day.

"Big brother, Brother Hei blocked a knife for me..." Shi Kai hurriedly explained for Black Tooth Changzhi. Indeed, if Black Tooth Changzhi hadn't blocked a knife for Skye, Skye might have died.

"Stop talking, he is the captain, and these responsibilities must be carried by him!" Luo He stared coldly at Skye, and then he treated more than a dozen seriously injured death team members in turn. As for the slightly injured Luo He let them bandage themselves. However, Luohe did not intend to forgive Black Tooth Changzhi and others. "After this battle, you will be punished again."


Luohe's reward and punishment are clear, which has been learned by all the members of the Death Team for a long time. However, at the thought of the upcoming punishment, they all trembled from the bottom of their hearts, as if they hoped that the battle would end too early.


Is it boring to watch war?

Ha ha, there is nothing we can do about it. It's necessary. Otherwise, not only Luohe and Wu Zhao can't grow, but also Black Tooth Changzhi, Skye and their death team can't grow. The Death Team has been following Luohe, and their role will be heavier in the future.

The war will not last long, and soon Luohe will fight against Rasha and those legendary gods.