Magic Emperor

Chapter 24 Lan Ruo Ghost Temple

It is not difficult to hear from Li Xiangwei's tone that she was already afraid.

"I, I, I want to go too." Luo He learned Li Xiangwei's tone and stambled, "What are you a little girl doing with me? Let's go back to your palace." After saying that, Luo He's body quickly flashed and soon disappeared into the surprised eyes of everyone.

"Dead Luohe, stinky Luohe, remember me!"

The locust tree slope is not far from the north city. Ordinary people are only about 20 minutes away, and the Luohe River is only a few jumps away.

When the Luo River entered the locust tree slope, he found that the surrounding environment had changed. I only feel the gusts of wind and the cold air. If ordinary people are afraid, they will never go up the mountain easily. The three pedestrian businessmen killed last night may have walked too much at night and are used to this kind of gloomy wind. However, the wind that ordinary people are very disgusted with gives Luohe a different feeling. Although Luo He doesn't like this atmosphere, he doesn't hate it very much. There is an inexplicable sense of familiarity in his heart.

The mountain road under his feet was rugged and winding. When the Luo River was nearly half an hour away, he saw a large wooden sign in the middle of the road, which said: "Lan Ruo Ghost Temple, don't enter strangers."

"Two barbecued bananas! Young master, I have to go in, but I want to see what this ghost looks like. Luo He didn't say another sentence in his heart, that is, "If this ghost is a woman and looks like Wang Zuxian, it's not bad. Although it's a little worse than my Ziyi, after all, it's a ghost. I feel quite a lot to say when playing."

The Luo River directly bypassed the wooden plate. Before long, he came to the stone steps, which had already been climbed by the reeds and covered with moss. Luohe picked up the stairs, and he finally saw the three characters "Lanruo Temple" at the end of the stone steps. The doorbar of Lanruo Temple has long been rotten, and half of the broken door leaf is half open, making a "squeaky and creak" sound under the mountain wind.

In this situation, even the bold Luo River couldn't help swallowing his saliva. He even began to doubt whether he was right to come here. However, since he has come, Luohe certainly does not plan to go back. He took a long breath and immediately strode into the gate of Lanruo Temple.

After entering the gate, Luohe found that Lanruo Temple had such a scale. At this time, Luohe stood in a dilapidated square, and there were still some statues standing on the square, but these statues couldn't help washing away by the years and seemed to be delapidated. In front of the Luohe River is a main hall. The hall also looks shabby. The gate is closed, and the Luohe River can't see the internal structure clearly. On the left side of the hall is a separate Zen room. The doors of the Zen room are also closed. Although the doors and windows are dilapidated, at least the things inside are still hard to be seen. On the right side of the hall is a stone-paved path that has been around the hall. When Luohe looked up, he found that he could see a few more in the dense trees behind the hall. A vague Zen room.

Luohe first walked to the hall. When he pushed open the door of the hall, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Hm!" Luo He retreated hurriedly. When he saw the person coming clearly, he took a long breath and sighed, "Old man, don't pretend to be so scary in the daytime, okay? Don't you know that scary people can scare people to death?

"Young man, what are you doing here? Don't you know it's haunted here?" The old man half lowered his face so that Luo He could only see his wrinkled half of his face.

"I just know that this haunted place came to have a look. Hey hey, old man, do you live here?"

The old man shook his head: "No, I live at the foot of the mountain. I came here to burn incense for the three dead last night. Now that it's done, I'm going down the mountain. Young man, I advise you that curiosity can kill people. This is not the place where you can come. Come down the mountain with me. When the sun shines, everything will be late.

"Old man, this thing is not as suspenseful as you said, is it?"

"Believe it or not, if you insist on not leaving, I will come to collect your body tomorrow morning." After saying that, the old man left without looking back.

"Two banana barbecues, young master, I'm at least half an immortal. How can I be afraid of ghosts?" Luo He laughed at himself. Although he said that he was not afraid, as long as there were some people, they would still tremble a little. After all, ghosts are illusory. Unlike those enemies, no matter how many enemies there are, Luohe can kill one by one and two, but the ghost is different. The long tongue and loose hair - "Um~~", Luohe himself naturally shivered.

At this time, Luohe found that the hall was very spacious, but there were no objects, only this big Buddha statue was placed in the center. Luohe worshipped the Buddha and then walked out of the hall. Then, he went to the Zen room next to him to observe and found that there was nothing suspicious in it. By this time, it was getting late, and the sunset was gradually drowning on the top of the mountain, but Luohe still did not intend to leave. He bypassed the main hall from the path. After the main hall, Luohe checked it one by one and found nothing abnormal.

"Day, do you really have to wait for dark? Oh, wait and wait. Anyway, it's all here. You can't go back empty-handed!" With that, Luohe sat under a big tree and leaned his back against the tree pole. I don't know why, when Luo deteriorated against the tree pole, he felt that his eyelids were fighting, and soon a tiredness surged up, and Luo He soon fell asleep.

After Luohe fell asleep, the uncle changed slightly. At this time, the sunset was gone. Some vines wrapped down from the tree pole and tied up the Luo River.

Maybe he hurt Luohe when he was tied up, causing Luohe to wake up. As soon as Luohe woke up, he found himself tied up.

"Oh, do it! I messed up with other people's plots. Is it the old man who wants to rob money!" Seeing that the sun had gone down, Luohe hurriedly broke the rope on his body and then looked around. At this time, Luohe suddenly found a figure flashing by, and Luohe naturally caught up with him. However, when Luohe chased to the gate of Lanruo Temple, the figure disappeared. Luo He wanted to walk out of the gate, but before he stepped out, he found that countless black vines were intertwined at the gate in an instant, blocking the gate firmly.

Huh? What's the matter? Is it the man who wants to trap my young master here? Humph, such a small thing can stop me!" Luohe was not an ordinary person. He grabbed the vine and pulled out a hole in three or two, but the hole was quickly filled again, and the black vine became thicker and thicker.

"Fuck!" Luo He had an international scolding. He turned his mind and suddenly transferred his target to the wall beside him. He punched the seemingly dilapidated wall.

"Boom!" Luo He's punch was exhausted, and the wall fell down in an instant. However, what stunned Luohe was that the black vine had already re-weaved a new wall.

"Damn, I want to see who it is!" Luo He waved his fist continuously, but the effect was getting weaker and weaker. When he was out of breath, he found that many black strange vines had drilled into the land behind him. The surface of this black vine is very smooth, and only a black leaf is connected to the top. Without this leaf, Luohe thought that he had met the tentacle monster that often appeared in the A·V cartoon of an island country.

At the same time, Luohe noticed that the temperature around him dropped sharply, and he began to feel that his hands and feet were a little inflexible.

"Shit, is there really a ghost in this place?" While Luohe was thinking nonsense, those black vines suddenly came to life, and all rushed to Luohe. What made Luohe extremely depressed was that he had a force, but there was nothing to do about the vine. And what makes Luo He feel a little strange is that he can't call the dragon stick here! Luohe, who has no weapons, is like a tiger without minions to deal with this kind of vine.

Luohe immediately turned around and rushed to the main hall. After Luohe rushed into the main hall, he hurriedly closed the door, but how could this dilapidated wooden door resist the fierce impact of black vines? However, a few times, Luohe was knocked out with the door.

At this time, when he saw a vine sticking towards him, Luohe hurriedly rolled away with the donkey. At the same time, he grabbed a copper stick with candles and hit the vines.