Magic totem

Section 002 Magic Dream

The sky is slowly getting dark, and the outline of the hills in the upper reaches of the river can no longer be seen clearly. The sound of birds has been replaced by the singing of summer insects. The cooking smoke from the village in the distance gives people a unique smell at home. Mo Li even heard the loud aunt in the village calling her child home.

Mo Li looked at the gray-blue sky, took a heavy breath, then put on his shoes and ran home. Although he didn't want to see his mother's disappointed expression because he couldn't practice magic, he knew that if he didn't go back late, his mother would be more worried.

When he ran to the door of his house, Mo Li saw from afar that there were black figures next to the small trees in front of his house, and now he was looking around at his side. Mo Li's nose was sour for no reason, and then ran over quickly. That figure will never be forgotten for the rest of his life. She is like a grass in the strong wind, as if it is about to drift away with the wind.

"Mother, I'm back." Mo Li ran to the side of the figure and said in a trembling voice.

A pair of warm hands touched Mo Li's slightly cold cheeks. Although it is summer now, the weather in the mountains has not changed too hot. Mo Li felt a warmth on his body, as if the warmth on his face had entered his heart.

"Just come back. Let's go home for dinner." Mother picked up Mo Li's novel and said gently, "Li'er, guess what delicious food my mother made for you tonight?" My mother suddenly turned around and looked at Mo Li mysteriously.

Mo Li was stunned. Is it delicious? What delicious food can a family like yourself have? In Mo Li's memory, the best food was the red-skinned egg her mother made for herself on her fourth birthday. But he later learned that his mother borrowed it from Master Del Rey's cook, because he also washed the dishes and chopsticks for half a month.

Mo Li pretended to be excited and said, "I can't guess, good mother, just tell me..." After saying that, he rubbed his mother's arm with his head.

"Hehe..." The mother smiled and bent her eyes, like a crescent in the air. Mo Li looked at her mother as if she had seen the whole world.

"Tell me, I really can't guess." When Mo Li saw that her mother didn't say anything, she acted coquettishly.

"Come on, look for yourself." After saying that, Mo Li let go and quickly walked into the room. Mo Li was stunned for a moment and followed in.

This is a simple house. There is almost nothing to lift in the room except a small low table. Almost all the things used for cooking were made by my mother, either supported by wood or made of neat stones.

A bean-like oil lamp was lit by my mother, and a faint yellow halo filled the whole room. At this time, you can clearly see the mottled white paint on the wall of the room, and several places even exposed black things. There are also several animals that are barely rabbits, which Mo Li drew when he was very young. This can be seen from the height of the rabbit. Although the room was dilapidated, it was sorted out by my mother, and even the black smoke left on the wall was carefully scraped away by my mother. This is Mo Li's kitchen.

The mother took out a plate from the covered black pot, and a strange fragrance immediately came out. Mo Li took a few hard breaths, with an intoxicated but confused expression on her face.

"What is that mother?" Mo Li asked curiously, and his depression of not being able to learn magic was temporarily left behind by him.

The mother looked at her son's curious expression and smiled faintly. She put the plate on the low table in front of her son and said, "This is the best rabbit meat. It was sent by your uncle Chris."

Uncle Cles? Have you recovered from your leg injury?"

"Yes, this is when he went up the mountain today, he happened to see a rabbit crashing to death on a big tree." Mother said while serving food for Mo Li. Mo Li noticed that her mother's eyes were full of tenderness when she spoke.

"Okay, eat it quickly." His mother sat opposite Mo Li, gave him a large piece of rabbit meat, and said lovingly.

"Mother, you should also eat more." Mo Li also put a large piece for his mother.

Looking at Mo Li devouring food, his mother smiled happily. She didn't eat too much rabbit meat, but kept feeding it to Mo Li. And I ate the rice in the bowl. Soon they finished their meal.

"Mother." While her mother was cleaning up the kitchen, Mo Li stopped her.

"What's the matter?" The mother asked without raising her head.

"I..." Mo Li wanted to tell his mother that he didn't pass the magic school examination, but for some reason, he couldn't say a word. He just held the ten copper coins in his hand and looked at his busy mother a little aggrievedly.

Seeing that her son had not spoken for a long time, the mother couldn't help looking up at Mo Li. When she saw Mo Li's expression, she already knew what her son was going to say. In fact, my mother already knew about Mo Li at school in the afternoon. When Kathy saw Mo Li's mother in the afternoon, he told her the result. The reason why she didn't say it at night was to distract her son.

"Is it a school business?" The mother came to her son, squatted down, hugged him and said gently, "Actually, that's nothing. If you can't be a magician, Li'er can do anything else. As long as you work hard, you will always have your own way out.

"But I just like magic..." Mo Li shouted, got into his mother's arms, and cried loudly. All grievances and unwillingness completely broke out at this moment. The little boy cried hard to vent his inner pain. The slightly thin body kept trembling with his crying.

The mother held her son tightly in her arms. A trace of pain flashed on his face again.

"Okay, don't cry. Li'er is the bravest." Mother comforted.

"Mother!" The little boy suddenly raised his head and looked at his mother with bright eyes. I don't believe that I can't learn magic. Mo Li said, "I want to prove to everyone that I can't help learning magic and become the Kohler Empire. Well, no, it should be the most powerful magician on the mainland!"

Looking at her son's young but firm face, Mo Li's mother couldn't help but feel pain. I sighed in my heart: I didn't expect your son to be as stubborn as you.

With the comfort of her mother, Mo Li finally entered her dream. But the mother did not sleep, but stared at her sleeping son and started to stare. Li'er, idiot." Two lines of tears flowed down my mother's cheeks. She didn't wipe it away and couldn't help holding her sleeping son tightly.

"Mo Li."

Mo Li heard someone calling his name vaguely. He suddenly opened his eyes and saw a magician in a golden magic robe looking at him with a smile. The six-pointed star pattern on the magician's chest told Mo Li that the person in front of him was the most respected magician in the mainland.

"Who are you?" Mo Li said respectfully, and couldn't help but be excited. The magician actually saw the noble great magician. And from his golden magic robe, Mo Li can confirm that he is the most powerful magician of the Royal Academy of Magic in the empire.

Because of his obsession with magic, Mo Li knew a lot about magic. He acquires knowledge related to magic through various channels. Even if he has something to do with magic, he won't let it go. Mo Li still learned about the Imperial School of Magic from the old man Kathy. The Imperial Magic Academy is the highest magic academy of the Kohler Empire, where teachers are all wearing golden magic robes. And the lowest is also the great magician.

"You don't care who I am, son. I'm just here to tell you not to give up your dream of magic, because you will be the greatest magician in the whole Tenglong continent. There are a lot of things waiting for you to finish. The magician said in a gentle voice.

"But I don't have any magical talent." Mo Li said a little aggrievedly.

The magician stroked Mo Li's little head and said, "Child, remember, there is no absolute in everything. As long as you do it with your heart, you will get the result you want."