Magic totem

Section 030 Starfish "Bandit"

"What? I was just saying that I was suspicious, but now you are shocked." Mo Li slowly stood up and said.

"Look, what is that?" Miller whispered that Mo Li felt something wrong in his voice and looked curiously in the direction he pointed to. At a glance, he couldn't help opening his mouth wide!

The streets not far away are full of unknown things, which are about the size of domestic cats. A pair of eyes emitting light green light on their round heads vigilantly look at everything around them, and a pair of sharp ears turn around. What's more strange is that the slightly longer nose, like a hungry dog looking for food, keeps sniffing around. As the group of things approached, Mo Li finally confirmed that the sound he had just heard was the slight sound of their four paws hitting the ground.

"What is this?" Mo Li asked in a low voice.

"How do I know?" Miller stared at what was constantly approaching the two people and said.

"It's not really like Miffy guessed that these things stole the food of the rich family."

It's possible. Let's wait and see. After saying that, the two stopped talking and stared at the group of unknown things.

The group of unknown animals continued to crawl forward. To their surprise, the animals seemed to be endless. The streets were almost full of such animals, and there was no end in the dark.

"Woo..." Just as the two were observing the animals, a strange flute sounded, giving people a very uncomfortable feeling. When the two were strange, the animals on the ground jumped up as if they had eaten stimulants, and then quickly got into the houses on both sides of the street. After a while, a dark animal on the ground disappeared. The street returned to calm again.

The two looked at each other, and a faint red light and blue light appeared on the soles of their feet. With a soft sound, the two jumped from the roof. The body entered a house in a flash.

"It turns out that they really ate all the food!" Mo Li said in a low voice. At this time, he was hiding behind the door of a granary. From the crack of the door, he saw a strange animal jumping into the granary and eating. In a short time, a whole jar of grain went down in half. If it goes on like this, all the food in the town will be eaten by them in a few days. I can't help thinking about it. The body disappeared behind the door in a flash.

"How about it?" On the roof, as soon as Murray appeared, Miller grabbed his clothes and asked.

Miss Miffy was right. It was these strange monsters who were doing strange things. They are stealing everyone's food now. Mo Li whispered, "This matter seems to be troublesome. With so many monsters, it is impossible for the three of us to destroy them alone.

"But have you found one thing?"

"What?" Mo Li asked strangely.

"When those monsters were crawling on the street just now, none of them entered the house without permission, and it seemed that they were still maintaining a neat team. Later, when the flute sounded, it suddenly dispersed and went to find food by himself. Miller said in surprise.

"You mean... these monsters are under control?" Mo Li said loudly.

"Shh... whisper." Miller made a silent gesture and said, "It's true. There is another thing you may not have noticed. In the information we got, it seems that only rich businessmen and nobles' food has been stolen, and poor families and ordinary families do not have this phenomenon. Don't you think it's strange?"

"Maybe those people didn't think of the officials."

"Do you think it's possible? For ordinary families, food is their most important thing. Will they not report to the official if it disappears all of a sudden? Miller explained. There is only one reason. They don't have much food at all!"

"You mean that these monsters will only eat the food of the rich and noble families, while the poor and ordinary civilians will not go at all?" Mo Li said in surprise, "This is incredible. Can these monsters distinguish between the poor and the rich?

"Let's go to civilian homes to see how the facts are." After saying that, Miller pulled Mo Li into an ordinary house. As Miller guessed, no strange warcraft was found in this civilian's home.

"Now you believe what I said." Back on the roof again, Miller looked at Mo Li and said.

So these monsters are really controlled. What is the purpose of him doing this?

"It's hard to say." Miller shook his head and said, "Do you remember the direction of the flute just now?"

"Northeast direction." Mo Li said without hesitation. Why do you suspect that someone is controlling these monsters with the sound of a flute?

"Yes. Let's go and have a look, but remember to be careful not to let that person find us.

"Good." After saying that, Mo Li took out his magic wand and whispered for a moment. A red aperture fell down from the top of the magic wand, picked up their bodies, and quickly floated to the northeast, like a ghost without making a sound.

"Stop!" With Miller's low call, the two suddenly stopped and hid at the top of a house, and their bodies were just hidden behind a high chimney.

"What's wrong?" Mo Li took back the magic wand and asked in a low voice, "What did you find?"

"Where do you see?" Miller turned to a tall building and said. There seems to be a man sitting on it.

"Child?" Mo Li turned his head and looked over and couldn't help shouting, "How is that possible?"

"Look at his hand?" Miller took Mo Li's arm and said.

Mo Li looked carefully at the child's hand and saw a piccolo in the child's hand by the faint starlight. Is it? Is this possible?"

"Is it possible to wait for a while?" Miller whispered.

"What do you say?"

"You think that if those little monsters are under his control, he will definitely take those monsters away by dawn. Although the three of us can't destroy those little monsters, if the whole town's army does it, or the whole town's people, does not. That's why these monsters act at night.

"It makes sense, then let's wait and see here. If this is what this child did, everything will be easy to do. Mo Li said with a smile. Although he doesn't believe that a four- or five-year-old child can control a bunch of monsters, he still hopes that this is true in Mo Li's heart. After all, in this case, it is easy for him and Miller to catch the child. The task can also be successfully completed.

"Don't be happy too early. If this child can really control these monsters, there must be a master behind him. Otherwise, he alone will never do this. Even if it's really him, do you think he commands and controls these monsters that have no attack power? Maybe he can also control more powerful high-level monsters. So we must not act rashly." Miller said seriously.

"Well, I know. Let's take a look first." Mo Li said shyly. It seemed that his idea was still too naive. Mo Li couldn't help thinking that if Miller hadn't reminded him, he might have really made irreparable mistakes.

At this time, the two stopped talking and looked at the child on the building without blinking. At this time, the child was sitting on the roof, looking up at the sparse stars in the sky, as if something was on his mind, and his hands kept tapping the tiles on the roof.

When the stars slowly hid behind the clouds, the child slowly raised the piccolo in his hand, and then slowly blew it at his mouth, and the unpleasant flute sounded again. Mo Li's heart suddenly moved, and he suddenly thought that the penetration of the flute sound seemed to be too powerful! I was so far away that I could hear the flute sound, but now I can't find how close the flute sound is. It seems that this child is really unusual.

After only a few blows, the child stopped and bent down to look at the street not far away. As if waiting for something.

The third update is sent to you, please collect it. The outbreak of Yilan is the result of everyone's support. Collect it! Light my ** with collection.