Magic totem

Section 034 The whole city panic

Just as the magic of the three people was about to fall on the gopher, an extremely unpleasant sound of the flute appeared abruptly. Then the gophers who had run to the crowd all turned around and ran in the direction of Mingxing Forest. When all the magic came down, where was there a gopher? All the magic fell on the open ground.

Everyone frowned when they looked at the empty officials.

"What should I do?" Konan turned his head and looked at Mo Li and asked anxiously.

"It seems that the orcist is very likely to be nearby. With the strength of us, he is not his opponent at all. I think so. Let's go back and tell the mayor as soon as possible, and then make a long-term plan. Mo Li thought for a moment and said.

"Brother Mo is right. If we still stay here, the orcist is very likely to control the more advanced Warcraft attack. I think we'd better leave as soon as possible." Miller said with lingering heart. Unlike Mo Li, he doesn't know Nick's real strength at all, and Miffy's introduction just now, so he is more worried.

"It's not too late. Let's leave quickly. Everyone, pay attention to protect several magicians. Conan said loudly.

"Yes!" The soldiers answered and immediately turned their heads and ran to the city. Mo Li and the three were caught in the center of the team. Originally, Mingxing Forest was not far from here, so it didn't take long for everyone to get outside the gate. But at this moment, everyone heard a sharp call.

"Quickly, open the gate. Let's talk about it when we get into the city." Mo Li shouted.

"Good." Konan walked to the gate and shouted. The gate opened in response, and everyone quickly entered the gate. At the moment when the gate closed, everyone saw a huge red shadow flashing in the air.

"Fortunately, we run fast, otherwise the consequences are really difficult to imagine." Mo Li looked at the distant red shadow and said.

Conan respectfully walked to Mo Li and bent down and said, "Thanks to Lord Mo Li this time. Let's tell the town chief everything now."

"Good." Mo Li answered, followed the soldiers with the Miller brothers and sisters and approached the mayor's mansion.

In the living room of the mayor's mansion, the mayor sat in the center of the living room in official clothes, while Mo Li and Miller stood in front of him.

"Mo Li magician, please tell me more about what you saw and heard tonight." The mayor is a middle-aged man in his thirties. The short brown hair is erect like a pine needle, and a pair of bright eyes give people a very wise feeling. A small eight-character beard hangs on his mouth. It's funny to talk.

"The mayor." Mo Li took a step forward and asked doubtfully, "Have we ever offended anyone in Haixing Town recently, or have there been any injustices or something?"

The mayor shook his head at first, but suddenly stagnated, but soon returned to normal and said with a smile, "Although Haixing Town looks prosperous on the surface, it is a remote area of the empire after all. Folklore is relatively simple. How can it offend anyone, let alone any injustice.

"That's strange." Mo Li touched it and made a meditation. Then he whispered, "Did that man lie to me? It doesn't make sense."

"Brother Mo Li, what's going on? You said it." Miller, who stood aside at this time, couldn't help it. He asked anxiously.

After listening to Miller's words, Mo Li couldn't wait to go over and kiss him a few times. It was really timely. Mo Li turned to Miller and asked, "Brother Miller, do you remember the child we met last night?"

"Is it the child with the piccolo? That beast master?"

"Yes, it was him. After I chased into the Mingxing Forest, although I let him run away, there was a dialogue between us."

Dialogue? What kind of dialogue? The mayor asked nervously. From his expression, Mo Li has confirmed that what Nick said is not false. After a pause, he stared at the mayor and asked, "He said he was a relative of a person who died unjustly in Haixing Town. It is said that the man was killed by the collusion of nobles and officials in the town. That's why he invited the master of the division to take revenge. He said that the man's name seems to be... Well, by the way, it's called nylon!" The last few words deliberately aggravated his tone.

As Mo Li expected, when he heard the word "nylon", the mayor suddenly stood up and turned pale. Then he said angrily, "What a nonsense! How can nylon use illegal food and then commit suicide in prison? I think someone must want to take advantage of this to make waves this time.

Mo Li said quietly, "That's what I thought at that time. Although I came to Haixing Town for less than three days, I was still quite satisfied with everything here. So I exposed him to his face. He seemed to be right by me, and then used the Unicorn King to escape.

"Hmm..." The mayor touched his beard and said, "It seems that someone is really messing around. By the way, Mo Li Magician, how much do you know about this man's strength?

"This person should be the legendary beast master." Seeing the mayor's blank face, Mo Li explained, "The so-called beast master can use special methods to control a large number of monsters to serve himself. The legendary beast master can control thousands of advanced monsters to attack. Last night, the Miller brothers and I saw the child using a piccolo to control a large number of gophers. It was these gophers that made the food of the nobles and rich families in the city disappear. It was not done by thieves. So I guess that his strength must be very strong, and in the Mingxing Forest, I personally saw him control a ninth-level high-level warcraft like the Unicorn King.

"Advanced Warcraft?" The whole picture said in surprise.

"Not only that, when we came back, there were also a large number of gophers and a strange huge red bird. If we hadn't entered the city in time, I'm afraid..."

"Yes, the mayor, several of us were there at that time." Miller nodded and said.

The mayor did it on the chair, kept touching his beard, and then raised his head to Mo Li and said to them, "Thanks really to the three of you this time. You have completed this task, and the reward will be placed in the Mercenary Guild tomorrow. It's almost dawn now. You'd better go back and rest. Something big is going to happen to the starfish. All fighters with unique skills hope to help Haixing Town overcome the difficulties at that time.

"The mayor can rest assured that we will not sit idly by." Miller said with a fist.

"I'm relieved to have your words." The mayor stood up and said, "This matter is really serious. I still have to study it carefully with my subordinates. I can't treat the three well."

"The mayor is very kind. Just call us directly if you need anything in the future." Mo Li said with a fist.

There was a wry smile on the mayor's face. All right. Then I won't send it."

As soon as Mo Li entered the room of the inn, Miffy grabbed Mo Li's arm and stared at his eyes and said, "Now you can tell the truth. What the hell happened last night? Don't lie to me with those lies. I won't believe it.

"Feifei, what are you doing? Don't let go of Brother Mo Li." Miller scolded loudly.

Mo Li smiled and said, "Miss Miffy is really smart. But I have a question. How did you tell that I didn't tell the truth?

This time, it was difficult for Miffy. She hesitated for most of the day and couldn't say why. She did feel that Mo Li did not tell the truth and found out after he came out of the Mingxing Forest. But thinking that he might have some difficulties, I didn't ask until now. But even he can't figure it out. Finally, he simply stared and said arrogantly, "I can see it. How do you care how I see it?"

"What the hell are you talking about? Why can't I understand?" Miller looked at the two questions doubtfully.

Miffy said angrily, "You don't know that you have been cheated!"

Miller turned to Mo Li and asked, "Brother Mo Li, what the hell is going on?"

"At this time, I have nothing to hide." Mo Li said with a smile, "But when I say this, you have to promise me one thing, otherwise, even if you kill me, I won't say a word." With that, there was a rare firmness on his face.

"Brother, what are you talking about? If you don't want to, we will never force you. Come on, as long as our brothers and sisters can do it, we will never hesitate to do anything. After all, we are a team. Miller said firmly.

"Thus, I said the same thing as my brother." Seeing that Mo Li turned her eyes to herself, Miffy said angrily.

Mo Li looked at the two and said, "What I want you to promise is not to tell you what I told you."

"What's so mysterious?" When Miffy heard Mo Li's words, she immediately became excited and asked curiously.

"Don't worry about this. Do you agree?"

"Since you have explained this, we brothers and sisters will never reveal a word." Miller nodded affirmatively.

Miffy also nodded and said, "Now you can say it."

Mo Li turned around and closed the doors and windows, and looked carefully at the situation around him. Seeing that there was nothing suspicious, he turned around and took out his magic wand. After a ray of light, a sound insulation boundary enveloped the whole room. This time, he said, "This is the thing. That child is not a bad person. The reason why he did this has his own unspeakable grievances..."

Then he told them everything Nick had told him. How nylon was killed unjustly and how the Ni family was destroyed, everything was said without saying a word. Seeing that the two looked incredible, Mo Li continued, "I was also skeptical at first, so I specially tested it at the mayor's mansion just now. As a result, you all saw that when the mayor who seemed to be in time heard the word 'nylon', there was such a big reaction. Needless to say, you should be very clear about the reason.

"Damn!" Miller punched the wall and said angrily, "The nobles have been enjoying so much, and it has changed so much."

"That is, they don't treat civilians as people at all, and kill people without even blinking their eyes. And the mayor. We must teach these scum a lesson. Miffy blushed angrily and said loudly.

Seeing the reaction of the two people, don't leave your heart and smile. I also made good friends. I'm relieved that you said so.

"Brother Mo Li, do we just sit back and ignore it? That child... Yes, Nick, since there is no help from the master, he can only control the gopher and a ninth-order warcraft. If the mayor sends troops to surround him, I'm afraid..." Miller said worriedly.

"That's why he said that to the mayor and others, with the intention of exaggerating Nick's strength as much as possible." Miffy looked at Mo Li and said, "It seems that there should be some plan between you and Nick."

"Miss Miffy is really smart." Then Mo Li said all his plans.

After listening to Mo Li's narrative, the two couldn't help clapping their hands. Miffy said with a smile, "Mo Li, I didn't expect you to be young and smart. Don't worry, this matter is up to me. In a day, the whole town will definitely know about it. As for the other two things, you and my brother will do it.

"Okay, that's it." Mo Li said with a smile, "We must let these scum pay the price they deserve for their crimes. Everyone has been busy all night. Let's take a rest first and start to take action after noon.

"Good." After saying that, everyone returned to their rooms.

In the teahouse in Haixing Town, after lunch, a large number of people are sitting in the teahouse and slowly tasting the fragrant tea in the cup. Enjoy a pleasant time after dinner.

At this time, the two people sitting by the window began to talk in a low voice.

"Kerry. Have you heard? It seems that someone in Haixing Town has offended the legendary beast master. Now all the teachers are ready to come to wash our starfish town. A short man put down the teacup in his hand and said mysteriously.

"Is there really such a thing? Why don't I know? My brother is a member of the mayor's escort and hasn't heard him come back. A beard sitting opposite him asked loudly, with an incredible face.

"Shh..." The short man made a silent motion, and then walked his head to the big man and said, "This is confidential. Although your brother is in the mayor's guard, he dares not reveal it himself. If the whole town is in chaos, who can bear this responsibility? Do you think your brother dares to tell you?

"That's right." The beard deliberately lowered his voice and said, "It seems that something big is going to happen to Haixing Town. Well, no, my brother doesn't dare to reveal it. How do you know? Although this beard is usually reckless, he is still relatively careful. I suddenly grasped the key to the problem.

Although the two have a low voice, few people talk in the teahouse at this time. The fighters come to enjoy the leisure time after dinner, so it's good for someone to make a loud noise. So the conversation between the two fell into the ears of many people present. Ordinary people have a big characteristic, that is, they like to spy on secret things as a discussion after dinner. Now seeing that both of them are so mysterious, they both prick up their ears and listen carefully.

The short man came to his beard and said, "Have you forgotten who my uncle is? He is the largest tea merchant in Haixing Town. My uncle came to my house this afternoon. Let's clean it up quickly. Tomorrow, we will leave Starfish for Misu City in the east.

"Is this really the case?" Until this time, the beard finally confirmed the short man's words. But there are still some doubts.

"If you don't believe it, let's go to my house and see if we are ready to move out. I regard you as your best friend, so I took a great risk to tell you that if you don't believe it, I have no choice." With that, the short man stood up and put down a few copper coins on the table to leave.

The beard took the short man's hand and said excitedly, "Brother, thank you very much this time. If you can leave safely this time, I will definitely repay you."

"If only you could believe my words. Go home and clean up." After saying that, the two left the teahouse one after another. Just after the two left, the whole teahouse immediately burst into a huge discussion. The news that Haixing Town was about to be bloodshed immediately spread all over the streets. Moreover, the more the crossing was, the more ridiculous it finally turned into a sea star town to offend the gods. The gods wanted to disaster the starfish. For a moment, the whole sea star town was panicked. Everyone began to pack up and planned to leave this place as soon as possible. Some anxious people left Haixing Town overnight.

In the mayor's mansion, the mayor is sitting in the living room with several local nobles and rich people. Everyone is studying the problem of beast control.

"Town chief, I think we'd better ask Misu City for help and ask them to send a large army to support." A big-bellied old man squinted his small eyes and said that his hands were full of gold rings, and he knew at a glance that he was a complete upstart.

At this time, an elegant man stood up and said anxiously, "I'm afraid the ordinary army can't deal with the beast master. After all, he stays in the Mingxing Forest. Everyone knows where the Mingxing Forest is, and it is difficult for ordinary people to enter. I don't know why Warcraft has been unable to leave the forest, which ensures the safety of our starfish. Now the orcist is very likely to control a large number of monsters to make trouble. I'm afraid that the ordinary army is not the opponent of Warcraft.

"Baron Sox, what can you do?" The mayor has obviously lost his square inch now and asked as if asking for help.

Sux elegantly picked up the wine glass on the table, took a sip of wine and said, "Who do you think is the strongest in this empire?"

"Of course it's a noble magician..." The upstart said first.

But as his voice fell, everyone present immediately understood what Baron Soux said. If anyone can save Starfish Town, there is only the Magician Guild. Everyone turned their eyes to the mayor in the middle.