Magic totem

Section 047 Joint Showdown

When Mo Li found Miller's brother and sister, they had not taken the second assessment. At this time, they were standing in the corner of the trial field. Seeing Mo Li suddenly appear, Miffy ran to Mo Li with a concerned face and asked, "Mo Li, how are you? Why did you come here? Our group is about to start the assessment.

Mo Li said with a smile, "You have just seen that the principal has treated me with light magic, and now it's all right. And I don't have to take this assessment."

"What's wrong? Did you fail in the explosion just now? Miller had already stood behind Mo Li and asked with concern.

Miffy looked at Mo Li sympathetically and comforted him, "It's okay. There will be an opportunity to pass this assessment in a month. I believe you will definitely pass."

Mo Li shook his head and smiled, "You misunderstood. I didn't pass the assessment, but directly passed all the assessments, that is to say, I am now the official college of the college. Originally, I didn't need to come here, but I was worried about you, so I told the headmaster to come here to have a look.

"Ah!" Miffy couldn't help exclaiming and said happily, "I told you, how could Mo Li's magic level fail? I didn't expect to enter the college directly through all the assessments. I really envy you. Poorly, we have to take the next assessment.

"That's right, Brother Moli, congratulations." Miffy stretched out her hand and said with a smile. Mo Li hit his hand and said with a smile, "Come on, and try to study together."

At this time, a man in a blue long-distance run ran over and shouted, "The assessment is about to begin. Why don't you two come to prepare?"

"You guys go there quickly." Mo Li said with a smile, "Come on, I believe in you."

"Hmm." After nodding, the two quickly ran back to the team.

At this time, a man in blue long-distance running who thought he was a little older than them came to the team and said loudly, "The next round of assessment will begin immediately. Now I will announce the assessment rules. You can combine two people in each team, and seniors will assess you later. As long as you can persist in their attack for a quarter of an hour, you will pass. Otherwise, we can only wait for the next time when the college recruits. Does everyone understand?"

"I see!" Everyone shouted.

The blue-robed man nodded with satisfaction and said, "Okay, let's start the free combination now." After saying that, he turned around and left.

There is no doubt that Miller and Miffy have become a group. Although several people came to ask to team up with one of them, they all refused.

Soon everyone finished the free combination, and the assessment began. A group of senior colleges in long-distance running of different colors walked out of the crowd and stood in front of the team of freshmen. The man in blue came out again and said with a smile, "Now please come and report your team and department."

After a while, the man in blue robe shouted with a piece of parchment: "The list of participants in the first round of assessment is as follows: fire khaki, gold Sauron against third-grade water Lewis..." Miller and Miffy did not appear on the list. After reading, all the students on the list entered the trial ground as required. With an order, the assessment officially began.

Mo Li looked at the battle on the field and couldn't help showing a look of disappointment, because he did not find a particularly outstanding freshman. Two groups even lost to seniors as soon as they played. A quarter of an hour passed quickly, but only three teams passed the assessment, and there were only six people.

The next round of assessment has also officially begun. This time, Miller's brother and sister are on the list. They are fighting against a third-year fire student named Reese. The water system and wood system fight against the fire system. It seems that the Miller brothers and sisters are not very lucky. Although Miller's water magic can restrain fire magic, Miffy's wood system cannot compete with fire.

After the assessment began, Miller did not directly attack, and the dancing magic wand displayed a water boundary "Water Curtain Tianhua" on Miffy. Then he danced his magic wand and looked at Reese.

"You are a person who cherishes fragrance and jade." Reese said with a smile, "But you will soon regret your actions."

"Stop talking, we will definitely defeat you." Miffy said loudly, and the magic wand in her hand pointed diagonally at Reese.

Reese smiled and said, "Let's hold on for a quarter of an hour before talking big." Then he ignored the two and raised the magic wand in his hand, and a dark red magic light lit up from the top of the magic wand.

"Great fire, you are the god who destroys everything, rage and ruthlessness is your characteristic, and destruction is your nature. Please listen to my call, turn into a great fire dragon, and destroy everything in front of you. The fire dragon is coming!" As his singing voice fell, a bright red light emerged from the magic wand. After rotating around his body for a few weeks, a flame dragon more than three meters long and half a meter thick was formed. The fire dragon kept spinning around his body, and the dragon's head kept spraying bright sparks. The surrounding air is also rising in an instant. A fine layer of sweat appeared on Miffy's face.

When Miller saw Reese's magic, he couldn't help showing a cautious expression on his face. He slowly raised the magic wand in his hand and sang in a low voice.

"Purify all water, you are the source of life and bring supreme vitality to the world. Please obey my call and destroy everything in front of you with your supreme power. Thousands of waves!"

"Great God of Life, please listen to my call and use your green essence to turn into boundless vines and wrap everything in front of you. Green grass is everywhere!"

Miller and Miffy performed their magic at the same time. Seeing the magic of the two, Mo Li couldn't help showing a trace of appreciation on his face. The huge wave extinguished and Qianmu trapped the enemy. It seemed that the two were brothers and sisters after all, and they could reach the point where they could make it through.

At this time, Reese on one side, not only did not show any strange color on his face, but Mo Li even saw a trace of disdain in his eyes. Mo Li couldn't help moving. Does this guy have a trick?

Now it's too late to think about it. The three have already fought together. Reese's fire dragon roared and suddenly flew out of his side and attacked the wooden Miffy fiercely. A huge flame suddenly spewed out of his mouth and shot on the "water curtain Tianhua" boundary set by Miffy. It was not until then that Mo Li understood the meaning of Reese's expression. It turned out that his attack was really sharp. Just a flame blurred Miller's "water curtain" a little. Mo Li doesn't know what the result will be if this fire dragon hits the boundary directly.

But at this time, the water magic in Miller's hand had come out, and a layer of huge waves suddenly fell from the sky, just hitting the huge body of the fire dragon. When the water and the fire dragon's body touched, "Z" With a sound, the water immediately rose all over the sky. However, looking at the fire dragon, there was no change at all. The waves fell one after another. Although the waves did not cause substantial damage or weaken the fire dragon, they effectively blocked its attack on Miffy. And Miffy also relaxed at this time. The wooden magic in his hand began to attack.

The ground, which was originally covered with marble, suddenly appeared a large number of green vines and slowly climbed to Reese on one side. Reese didn't have any expression on his face. The magic wand in his hand danced, and the fire dragon suddenly turned around and flew to Reese. The flame in his mouth burst out again and shot at the vines on the ground. But at this time, the magic wand in Miller's hand danced continuously, and the original huge waves also moved. It immediately fell to the ground. But at this time, the magic wand in Miller's hand danced continuously, and the original huge waves also moved. It immediately fell to the ground.