Magic totem

Section 049 Brothers' First acquaintance

When Mo Li followed Reese to the place for admission, there were already a lot of people gathered there. Reese explained a few words to them and turned around and left, because he was also responsible for assessing other freshmen.

"The next one." Before long, it was Mo Li's turn. It seems that the efficiency of the Imperial School of Magic is still good, and more than a dozen people finished it in less than half an hour. Miffy was the first of the three, and she slowly walked to the long table for the formalities.

"Name, class." A girl who was not much bigger than Miller asked without raising her head. It seems that these people are also students of the college. Mo Li knew very early that the teachers at the Imperial School of Magic were generally indifferent, and many things in the college were handed over to senior students to help deal with. This is called on-campus exercise.

"Miffy, wood class one." Miffy said with a smile.

"Wooden school uniform, school emblem." The girl turned her head and shouted at the students standing in front of the pile of clothes behind her and the school emblem. After a while, a green dress and a green school emblem with the special logo of the college eagle appeared on the long table. At this time, the girl finally raised her head, handed a brass key to Miffy's hand and said with a smile, "This is the key to the school uniform, the school emblem and the dormitory room. The room number has been marked on the key. All right, you can leave now.

Miffy did not leave, but asked strangely, "This senior sister, if I remember correctly, I should still need to pay a certain tuition fee to enter the college."

The female voice laughed and said, "This is for general colleges. As the best class in the freshman grade, there is no need to pay any fees. Are there any other questions?"

Miffy shook her head, picked up her things and left.

"The next one." The girl continued to shout.

Miller walked to the girl and reported her name and class as required. After a while, all the formalities were completed.

"Name, class." When Mo Li stood in front of the long table, the girl continued to ask.

"Mo Li, but I don't know my class." Mo Li said shyly. At this time, he cursed the headmaster Feite fiercely in his heart, all because the old guy was careless and almost couldn't even complete the admission procedures.

The girl suddenly looked up at the boy in front of her and saw him with long black hair tied behind his head in a white hair, and his bronze skin flashed with heart-pounding light in the sun. The resolute face showed a faint childishness, thick eyebrows and big eyes, which looked very ordinary, but those dark eyes seemed to be able to understand everything, bright and very attractive.

"Senior sister." Mo Li was observed by the girl for the first time, and his face had been hung up for a long time. Seeing that the girl did not want to look away, he had to scream softly.

The girl gave a "hm" and immediately looked away. His cheeks turned red, but it soon returned to normal. What's wrong with me? I was blushed by a child. The girl cursed in her heart and looked up and said, "Mo Li, right? The principal of your message has already informed us. You are from Fire Class One. With that, she went through the formalities for Mo Li according to the college procedures.

But at this time, Miller, standing aside, suddenly ran over and said, "This senior, can you do us a favor?"

"What?" The girl looked up at Miller doubtfully. Mo Li is also a little puzzled.

Miller tightened the clothes in his arms and said with a smile, "Brother Mo Li and I are good friends. We entered the college together this time. Do you think you can share us into a dormitory?"

"Well?" The girl turned to Mo Li and asked, "Would you like to?"

"Of course." Mo Li replied immediately. Of course, it's good to be able to live in the same room with Miller, so that everyone can also have a care in the college.

"That's good." The girl smiled and then handed Mo Li's things to him.

When Mo Li came out of them, he saw Miffy standing outside waiting for them.

"Okay, now let's go to the dormitory first. When we find it, we will go out to have a good meal to celebrate." Miller said with a smile.

"Okay, I'm going to King Hans. The food there is the best." As soon as she heard that she was going to eat, Miffy was so happy. When everyone first arrived in Telland City, they had almost visited here. Of course, they knew that the food there was delicious.

Mo Li said with a smile, "You are really a greedy person."

"Hee hee, greedy is not a bad thing. By the way, do you know where the dormitory building is?

Mo Li and Miller shook their heads at the same time. Just ask if you don't know." Mo Li said with a smile, and then saw a girl in a light blue school uniform coming from the opposite side. She immediately stepped up and asked, "This senior, I'm a freshman. Where is the dormitory building of the college?"

The woman has long light blue hair, pink and white skin, coupled with a pair of flexible blue eyes and small red lips, she looks very beautiful. When the girl raised her head, Mo Li couldn't help but be stunned, but soon returned to normal.

The girl was obviously shocked by Mo Li's abrupt behavior. Seeing that she was a freshman holding the school uniform, she smiled gently. The dormitory building is at the end of this road, opposite the teaching building. Just go straight. The girls' dormitory is in front of the boys' dormitory. Don't go wrong.

"Thank you." Mo Li smiled and said, "I'm Mo Li from Fire Class One. If you need any help, you can come to me."

"Hmm." After listening to Mo Li's words, the girl couldn't help blushing, answered, and turned around and ran away.

This order became inexplicable. Didn't you say something wrong?

"Hey, what did you say to that beautiful sister just now? Why did she suddenly leave?" Miffy didn't know when she came over and asked loudly.

"Ah?" Mo Li was shocked by her. "I didn't say anything. I just asked the way."

"Did she tell you?"

"Hmm." Mo Li nodded and said, "I'm leaving now."

When Mo Li entered their dormitory, there were already two people there, plus just four people, Mo Li and Miller.

It should be said that the student dormitory of the Imperial School of Magic is a dormitory, with four people living in each dormitory. So Mo Li and Miller were the last to arrive. After confirming his bed, Miller went to the other two and said with a smile, "Hir, my name is Miller. We will live here together in the future. That's my good brother Mo Li." Finally, he did not forget to introduce Mo Li to everyone.

The other two people are very tall and have a strong man with fiery red hair, whose faces are covered with horizontal flesh. On the surface, they give people a fierce look of rejecting people for thousands of miles. In addition, I thought it was just the opposite. She was simply a beautiful girl. If his raised Adam's apple didn't indicate his gender, Mo Li thought he seemed to have gone to the wrong dormitory.

As soon as Miller's voice fell, the strong man stood up with a "hoo" and stretched out his big hand and said, "Hello, my name is Ying Honglong. Nice to meet you."

Mi Li put his hand in Ying Honglong's hand and said with a smile, "We will be brothers in the future. Please take care of me."

"Mutual care." Ying Honglong said with a smile. Looking at his simple smile, Mo Li's previous impression of him suddenly took a 180-degree turn. The sentence that a man can't look like appeared in his mind. At this time, he also walked to Ying Honglong and shook hands with her.

"Hope, my name is Li Lan. Nice to meet you all." The boy who looks like a girl stood up and said. Hearing his voice, Mo Li and Miller couldn't help trembling. The voice was too... If they hadn't been sure that this guy was a man, they would have thought they were talking to a girl.

"Haha, can't you stand this guy? I grew up with him, and he has been a sissy since childhood." Ying Honglong suddenly laughed.

Li Lan suddenly stared, grabbed Ying Honglong's thick arm and roared, "Ying Honglong, what are you talking about? Who is a sissy? Believe it or not, I'll strangle you!"

Ying Honglong pushed Li Lan away, pointed to him and said with a smile, "Do you think he looks like a woman like this? He also said that he was not a sissy. After saying that, he quickly ran behind Miller and dodged the attack of Li Lan's claws. After their quarrel, the four of them only met a lot.

After some exchanges, Mo Li learned that Li Lan and Ying Honglong were both locals in Telang City, but they didn't say anything about the family situation. Li Lan is from Class 1 of the Water Department, which happens to be in the same class as Miller, while the powerful Ying Honglong is in Class 1 of the Fire Department. Unexpectedly, the college has divided them into a class. It happens to be two people in one class.