Magic totem

Section 098 Coma

When all the people in black looked up, they saw an old man shrouded in golden light, staring at them angrily.

"Since you have violated the precepts, don't blame my ruthlessness." The old man said fiercely, "You, die!" With his hands raised, a more surging light immediately came out of his hands.

"Wait!" Just as the old man was about to take action, the leader in black suddenly shouted.

"Well?" The old man changed his expression and looked at the man in black and asked, "What else do you have to say now?"

"If I remember correctly, you must be the light demon tutor Yate." The man in black said calmly.

This person is Yat. He had fallen asleep, but was suddenly awakened by the abnormal movements in the college. At first, he thought someone was practicing, but he suddenly felt Mo Li's breath and was curious before he came over. What he didn't expect was that Mo Li was not only here, but also dying. The golden mask just now was released by Yat. At this time, Yat was very surprised to see that the man in black could recognize him. Do you know me?" Yate asked in surprise.

"I not only know that your name is Yate, but also that your full name is Kaiyat. I don't know if I'm right?" The man in black said with a smile.

"Yes, I'm Kaiat, but you are insightful." Yat said coldly, "What on earth do you want to say? Just say it directly. Don't waste time here."

The man in black laughed. So you are from the Kai family. Let me tell you, I also have a member of the Kai family. We want to kill this man because he killed the most talented magician of our Kai family three years ago. As a member of the Kai family, I don't think you will stop us.

Yatt shook his head and said, "You only know that I am Kaiyat, but you don't know one thing. I am indeed a member of the Kai family, but no one in the Kai family can command now. Even the pope of the contemporary Holy See cannot. You can't kill this person. I advise you not to provoke this person if the Kai family of the Trans Empire doesn't want to disappear. Since you are from the Kai family. That's my descendant, and I don't care about you anymore. You guys go."

"You really won't let us kill this man?" The man in black asked.

Yat stared and said coldly, "Do you still want to leave? If you don't want to die, get out with me immediately!"

How dares the man in black to neglect? Seeing that Yate was already angry, he jumped from the ground and disappeared to this place after a while.

Ya Te looked at the disappearing crowd and shook his head helplessly. Then he walked to Mo Li's side and held Mo Li up with a golden light in his hand. The golden light went to Mo Li's body* like a tide.

"Mother." While her mother was cleaning up the kitchen, Mo Li stopped her.

"What's the matter?" The mother asked without raising her head.

"I..." Mo Li wanted to tell his mother that he didn't pass the magic school examination, but for some reason, he couldn't say a word. He just held the ten copper coins in his hand and looked at his busy mother a little aggrievedly.

Seeing that her son had not spoken for a long time, the mother couldn't help looking up at Mo Li. When she saw Mo Li's expression, she already knew what her son was going to say. In fact, my mother already knew about Mo Li at school in the afternoon. When Kathy saw Mo Li's mother in the afternoon, he told her the result. The reason why she didn't say it at night was to distract her son.

"Is it a school business?" The mother came to her son, squatted down, hugged him and said gently, "Actually, that's nothing. If you can't be a magician, Li'er can do anything else. As long as you work hard, you will always have your own way out.

"But I just like magic..." Mo Li shouted, got into his mother's arms, and cried loudly. All grievances and unwillingness completely broke out at this moment. The little boy cried hard to vent his inner pain. The slightly thin body kept trembling with his crying.

The mother held her son tightly in her arms. A trace of pain flashed on his face again.

"Okay, don't cry. Li'er is the bravest." Mother comforted.

"Mother!" The little boy suddenly raised his head and looked at his mother with bright eyes. I don't believe that I can't learn magic. Mo Li said, "I want to prove to everyone that I can't help learning magic and become the Kohler Empire. Well, no, it should be the most powerful magician on the mainland!"

Looking at her son's young but firm face, Mo Li's mother couldn't help but feel pain. I sighed in my heart: I didn't expect your son to be as stubborn as you.

With the comfort of his mother, Mo Li finally entered his dream. But the mother did not sleep, but stared at her sleeping son and started to stare. Li'er, idiot." Two lines of tears flowed down my mother's cheeks. She didn't wipe it away and couldn't help holding her sleeping son tightly.

"Mo Li."

Mo Li heard someone calling his name vaguely. He suddenly opened his eyes and saw a magician in a golden magic robe looking at him with a smile. The six-pointed star pattern on the magician's chest told Mo Li that the person in front of him was the most respected magician in the mainland.

"Who are you?" Mo Li said respectfully, and couldn't help but be excited. The magician actually saw the noble great magician. And from his golden magic robe, Mo Li can confirm that he is the most powerful magician of the Royal Academy of Magic in the empire.

Because of his obsession with magic, Mo Li knew a lot about magic. He acquires knowledge related to magic through various channels. Even if he has something to do with magic, he won't let it go. Mo Li still learned about the Imperial School of Magic from the old man Kathy. The Imperial Magic Academy is the highest magic academy of the Kohler Empire, where teachers are all wearing golden magic robes. And the lowest is also the great magician.

"You don't care who I am, son. I'm just here to tell you not to give up your dream of magic, because you will be the greatest magician in the whole Tenglong continent. There are a lot of things waiting for you to finish. The magician said in a gentle voice.

"However, I don't have any magical talent." Mo Li said a little aggrievedly.

The magician stroked Mo Li's little head and said, "Child, remember, there is no absolute in everything. As long as you do it with your heart, you will get the result you want."

Chrys put Mo Li on the ground, then pointed to the dense woods south of the mountain road and said, "Son, I don't think I can send you to the other side of the mountain. Now you enter the woods first. Remember, no matter what happens here, don't come out. Hurry up!" With that, Chris pushed Mo Li to the dark woods.

Looking at the dark, Mo Li couldn't help shivering! Uncle, I'm afraid, will you go with Li'er?"

"Child, you have grown up and are a real man. Come on, go! Remember to keep going inside and don't stop!"

"But..." After all, Mo Li is a child. He is still a little guilty when he enters the woods alone during the day, not to mention the night.

"Mo Li, hurry up!"

Looking back at Chris in the middle of the path, Mo Li crossed his heart and ran into the forest in the south. Because the speed was a little fast, he tripped several times by the roots on the ground, but he did not shout pain. He got up, ran forward quickly, and soon disappeared from the sight of Claire.

"Mo Li, you can't die. Didn't you tell your mother that you want to become the greatest magician in the world?"

"Mo Li, uncle sacrificed his life to save you. How can you die like this?"

"Ah!" Mo Li shouted fiercely and woke up from his coma. By this time, it was already bright. And there is already a large group of people around him. At this time, he was lying on the ground of the hill, incomparable pain all over.

"He woke up, he really woke up." At this time, Mo Li heard Miller's happy voice. That sound sounds so far away.