Magic totem

Section 103 Scroll Magic

"Although it's not me, he is my friend after all. Can't you say it?" Li Lan said a little aggrievedly

"I definitely can't. If you have the ability, you also have the strength to talk about it." Ying Honglong said loudly at this time.

"Ying Honglong, are you itchy?" Li Lan didn't dare to say anything about Miller, but Ying Honglong, who had been playing since childhood, was different. He was speechless by what Miller said just now. At this time, Ying Honglong just hit his muzzle. How could Li Lan let go of such an opportunity? The two immediately quarreled.

Miller said impatiently at this time, "You two calm down. Are you still playing now? You have to quarrel in the dormitory and don't affect our watching the game."

"That's right, didn't you see that the game is still going on?" Cheng Ya also rarely said at this time.

Hearing both of them say this, Ying Honglong and Li Lan no longer quarreled and focused on watching the game.

After splitting the light ton, Mo Li did not stop. The sword in his hand waved continuously, and the golden and red fire punishment light quickly shot at Desa, who fled in a hurry. Although Desa was in a hurry, his strength was not ordinary. In a hurry, he actually blocked all the attacks. And he also shot several swords. Although it did not pose any threat to Mo Li, he finally bought time for him to release magic again.

Just as Mo Li resisted Desa's golden sword with a neon sword, the magic wand in Desa's hand was raised again and chanted loudly, "Gold element, you are the hardest and sharpest place in the world. Please follow my call, turn into a sharp and unstoppable weapon, and pierce everything in front of you." A golden light emanated from the top of his magic wand, and then immediately flew into the air and immediately spread away. Then it turned into a rain of arrows and covered Mo Li's head. No matter how Mo Li's body moved, those arrow rains, as if spiritual, kept following him on top of his head and attacking him piece by piece.

Mo Li replaced the neon sword with his left hand and struggled to resist the heavy rain of arrows. With his right hand, the magic wand appeared again, and then quickly portrayed it, and a small fire combination magic array took shape again. In order not to arouse everyone's suspicion, Mo Li still symbolically chanted a magic spell that he didn't even know. Then the magic wand danced again. With the dance of the magic wand, a huge flame immediately burned with Mo Li as the center. The flame kept changing the color of the flame with the swing of Mo Li's magic wand, and finally formed a golden yellow. Just after the flame appeared, Mo Li's left hand had stopped, because after encountering the golden flame, the arrow rain turned into a drop of golden ** and dissipated in the air.

Mo Li no longer cares about the arrow rain in front of him at this time, put away the magic wand, and then the neon sword returned to his right hand again. His body suddenly lowered, his right foot took a step back, and the neon sword swang from the bottom up to the opposite Desa. Only a "hoo" was heard, and the neon sword suddenly stabbed out with a golden flame. The sword did not leave his hand, but the golden flame drew a beautiful parabola and shot at Desa's body. Mo Li concocted it like this, and waved one sword after another. A cluster of golden flames flew over Desa's head like cannonballs.

Looking at Desa, just after he released the arrow rain, he was not idle, but used Mo Li's time to block the arrow rain to use a gold intermediate magic, summoned a set of golden armor, and completely wrapped himself. That's not enough. He knew Mo Li's power, so he used three light tons to set it in front of him again.

Desa is indeed not an idle person. Although Mo Li's attack looks extremely sad, the three light tons have been blocked for a long time. During this period, Desa once again exerted powerful gold magic. But Huo Kejin, these magics have no effect in front of Mo Li's golden flame. And two of the three light tons in front of him have been left. And the second one is also crumbling. Mo Li's attack did not stop for a moment, and golden flames flew one after another.

Looking at the situation in front of him, Desa couldn't help shaking his head. It seems that it is absolutely impossible for me to defeat Mo Li today. This guy's strength is not what he can deal with. Thinking of this, Desa thought of giving up. He put away the magic wand in his hand and looked at Mo Li with a smile on his face. But he just wanted to open his mouth to surrender. But a very huge flame flew out of Mo Li's hand, hit two light tons fiercely, and flew to Desa's cheek at an unabated speed.

Desa was really shocked, his feet suddenly kicked on the ground, and his body quickly raised back to avoid the flame, but even so, his skin was still burned in many places. These Desa don't care anymore. He has only one idea now, which is to end the game as soon as possible. In his heart at this time, Mo Li is a madman. But just as he wanted to open his mouth, another flame came, and he was in a hurry and had to avoid it again. After several times, Desa finally understood Mo Li's intention. It turns out that he already knows his mind. The only purpose of attacking so crazily is not to let yourself have a chance to admit defeat. Only in this way can Mo Li have a chance to destroy himself on the field. At that time, you can also say goodbye with accidental injury.

Mo Li is indeed the idea. His mother left himself forever in the hands of the Kai family. Today, it is rare to fight with the descendants of the Kai family. How can he easily let him go? Besides, this guy is the culprit who revealed everything in the college. And it was this guy's disclosure that almost surrounded himself in the black market. How could Mo Li let him go easily?

At this time, the sword itself successfully stopped the other party from admitting. A cruel color flashed in Mo Li's eyes. The long sound of the long sword in his hand "wow...", and then quickly danced up, instantly rolled up the flames around his body, and then with a large mass of constantly burning flames, his body quickly flew up and was hiding. Desa flew away, and the neon sword in his hand was like a golden lightning, which instantly reached Desa's eyes.

It seems that he has to kill me here this time. Looking at the rapid approach to the ground, Desa's eyes couldn't help narrowing, and a cold light flashed away. Mo Li, you are looking for death this time. Don't blame me for being ruthless. At most, I was expelled from the college for illegal use of props, but you, I don't believe you can resist my prop. Thinking of this, Desa no longer hesitated, put his hands in one hand, and then suddenly went to Mo Li, who had already flown. A dazzling blue light suddenly lit up, and then spread quickly, and the eyes of everyone present could not be opened almost instantly.

and Mo Li, who is right in front of him, feels more real. I only felt a mountain-like pressure coming from the opposite side. Mo Li quickly swept back as soon as he felt something was wrong, but it was too late. A dazzling blue light soared at this time. Mo Li seemed to have been hit by more than a dozen fierce horses, and his body, like a broken kite, flew quickly to the rear. At the same time, I felt as if I had fallen into a thousand ice caves, and my whole body was extremely cold.

Mo Li hated it at this time. Seeing that he was about to kill his enemy, he was defeated by the other party at this time. No, Mo Li was suddenly stunned. This is water magic. How could he have such a powerful magic? Mo Li secretly used the gold magic elements in his body to repair his body while resisting the huge magic in front of him. Finally, Mo Li understood what was going on. Scroll, this guy used props illegally. Desa, do you think you can escape like this? Mo Li ignored the water magic attack in front of him and stabbed the long sword in his hand to Desa, who was paralyzed on one side. At this time, Desa had exhausted all his physical strength and magic power by attracting this magic scroll that he could not control. At this time, he watched the neon sword in Mo Li's hand fly, but he couldn't make any movement.

"Boom!" At this time, the power of the scroll also completely exploded, and Mo Li was shocked and suddenly lost consciousness.