Magic totem

Section 111 Tree Witch

Mo Li stopped to observe the surroundings again, but to his disappointment, there was nothing strange around him except the big tree. Mo Li felt a chill in his heart. Is there really a ghost in this death forest? Mo Li shook his head vibly, and there was no comment about ghosts within the scope of his knowledge.

"Brother Mo Li." Jiang Yan pulled Xiao Yi's arm and whispered.

Mo Li turned his head and looked at Jiang Yan and saw the uneasiness in her eyes. What's the matter? Have you found anything?

Jiang Yan shook her head and said, "I didn't find anything wrong, but I always felt something was wrong."

"What's wrong?" Mo Li repeated, then looked around and said with a smile, "There's nothing wrong with this forest. There is no problem with the sun in the air."

"Yes, but Brother Mo Li, don't you think it's too quiet here?" Jiang Yan suddenly said.

Mo Li's heart was shocked, and it was also true. Since the two entered the forest, the whole forest has been quiet, and there is no other sound except them. I didn't see any creatures like a bird or bug. Mo Li loosened Jiang Yan's little hand, squatted down, and then dug up the soil under the big tree. After a while, he stood up pale. Yaner, take care of our trouble.

"What trouble..." Jiang Yan asked worriedly.

Mo Li shook his head and said, "I'm not sure about this. Let's go and see the big tree with sword marks just now." After saying that, they walked to the big tree they had just found. This time, Mo Li was careless and observed carefully. There is really no problem with the big tree. Branches and leaves. But when Mo Li squatted down, a rotten smell made him almost faint. This is... Mo Li's spirit flashed and quickly dug up. As he expected, this big tree is different from other big trees. The soil at the root of the big tree is black and a little soft, and the rotten smell emanates from under the soil.

Mo Li clapped his hands and stood up. A bold idea appeared in his mind. There must be other people in this forest besides him and Jiang Yan, and these big trees with sword marks were moved by those people in the dark. Mo Li was suddenly scared by his bold guess. I'm afraid such a big tree can't move easily even if it uses seven series magic, and these big trees are still planted here. Thinking of this, Mo Li didn't believe his speculation. In order to verify his thoughts, a golden light appeared on the soles of his feet with a wave of the magic wand. He grabbed Jiang Yan's body and quickly left the ground and swept forward quickly. Yaner, let's go to the front and have a look. Mo Li began to speed up after saying that. At the same time, he kept staring at the big tree beside him.

After flying for a while, Mo Li fell down in vain and lowered his head and didn't know what he was thinking.

"What's wrong with Brother Mo Li?" Jiang Yan asked doubtfully.

"There are still people here!" Mo Li suddenly shouted, "And he is not an ordinary person."

"Ah!" Jiang Yan was shocked by Mo Li's sudden words, got into his arms and said tremblingly, "Mo Li... brother... you... you... don't scare me..."

Mo Li said solemnly, "I'm not scaring you." Jiang Yan pushed away from her arms and pointed to the trees on both sides and said, "Have you noticed that those big trees with sword marks did not appear when we accelerated forward? But once we walk slowly, they will definitely appear. With that, he pulled Jiang Yan forward slowly. As he said, the two found a big tree with sword marks not far away.

Looking at the big tree in front of her, Jiang Yan's face was no longer bloody. What's going on?

Mo Li stroked the sword marks on the big tree and said, "We are not lost, let alone 'ghost wall', but someone moved the big tree we had marked before to our front road in advance."

"You mean there is someone..." Jiang Yan shook her head and said, "It's impossible. Can ordinary people move easily?"

"Look." Mo Li squatted down and opened the soil at the root of the big tree and said to Jiang Yan, "The smell of soil and soil erosion tells me that these big trees must have been dug out before, otherwise the smell of erosion under the roots will not be emitted. In addition, there is not even a creature in this forest. So I confirm that there must be something hidden here. And the hidden things must be very terrible.

"Ah!" Jiang Yan has been with her father since she was a child and can't do anything. Now the strange situation makes her very scared. He took Mo Li's arm tightly and stared around with fear. Brother Mo Li... What should we do?"

The arm was held by Jiang Yan, and Mo Li's cheeks couldn't help blushing. He could clearly feel the softness from his arms. Although he didn't know anything, he still had a strange feeling in his heart. Coupled with the smell of shouting on Jiang Yan, who penetrated into her nose with the wind, Mo Li couldn't help thinking.

Jiang Yan is a very ordinary little girl, one year younger than Mo Li. The whole body is very ordinary. The long black hair is tied behind the head with a purple cloth belt. The skin is not very white, but the eyes are very flexible. It gives people a lively feeling. At this time, holding Mo Li's arm tightly, Mo Li really didn't know what to do for a moment.

Jiang Yan seemed to see Mo Li's strangeness and asked strangely, "Brother Mo Li, what's wrong with you? Is there something wrong with you?"

Mo Li shook his head and gently patted his arm. However, Jiang Yan hugged very tightly, and Mo Li did not pull back. The friction between her arms and the girl in some places shocked Mo Li again. After this time, he dared not move again. Let Jiang Yan hold his arm obediently. I'm fine. Don't worry."

Jiang Yan seemed to understand nothing and continued to hold Mo Li's arm.

Mo Li didn't know what state he was at this time, and even forgot the threat in front of him. I lowered my head and didn't know what I was thinking.

"Ah!" A scream cut through the silent forest. This sound was made by Jiang Yan beside Mo Li. Mo Li quickly turned his head and asked, "What's wrong with Yaner?"

"Below, down, there is something below scratching my feet!" Jiang Yan shouted loudly.

Mo Li looked down and said, "Wow!" Taking a breath of cold air, a light green dead wood hand was stretching out to the ground and grasping Jiang Yan's little feet tightly! Mo Li hasn't reflected in his heart, but the neon sword in his hand has been cut down fiercely! With a crisp click, the hand was cut off by the neon sword. Mo Li didn't dare to stop at all, and his right foot suddenly jumped to one side with Jiang Yan.

"It hurts so much." Jiang Yan squatted down and hugged her feet and screamed loudly. She knocked off the hand, but the hand was like a living thing, clutching her ankle tightly. Brother Mo Li!" Jiang Yan looked up at Mo Li, and there was no trace of blood on her face.

Mo Li bent down and picked up Jiang Yan on the ground, fell to the top of the nearest tree, and then grabbed her foot to break off that hand. But to Mo Li's surprise, the hand was really a living thing. At this time, it was constantly clenching hard. Jiang Yan's little feet had turned black and purple because of the clenchedness, and the long nails of the green hands also pierced into the skin fiercely. Mo Li tried his best to break it apart, but the strength of that hand was very strong. As if nailed to Jiang Yan's feet, Mo Li did not loosen at all. And from Jiang Yan's increasingly painful expression, it can be seen that she is still working hard.

Just when Mo Li was at a loss, an idea crossed his mind like lightning. As soon as he turned his hand, the magic wand had appeared in his hand. Mo Li danced quickly, and then a sacred golden light emerged from the top of the magic wand and shot at Jiang Yan's little foot that was caught. With a crack, the green hand seemed to have been cut off by something. The green light flashed, loosened Jiang Yan's feet and drilled into the soil under the tree. This is Jiang Yan who lost consciousness and fell into a coma because of extreme fear.

"Who did I think it was? It turned out to be a tree witch family. Since you came, why didn't you come out and see it?" Mo Li straightened Jiang Yan's body and shouted with a magic wand.