Magic totem

Section 117 The Tragedy of Black Charm

"Did you really detoxify my heartphilia?" Mo Li asked incredulously.

Black charm nodded, as if she remembered something, and couldn't help sighing.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I thought you could help me this time, but it's obviously my own delusion." Black Mei sighed, "If it could help me, it would have helped me thousands of years ago. Although Magic Totem is magical, there is really no way to solve my problem.

"What's your problem?" Mo Li asked, "Maybe there is really a way to solve it."

Hei Mei said painfully, "Since you have asked and are a disciple of Su, you also have the ability to know." The black charm sat cross-legged on the futon opposite Mo Li, tried to recall for a while, and whispered, "Mo Li, if I told you that I was not like this a thousand years ago, but a very beautiful girl, do you believe it?"

Mo Li took a look at the black charm and nodded and said, "I believe this, because I can be sure that you are a woman from your body and eyes, not the fierce black witch you can dress up."

"Thank you." Black charm sincerely said, "Actually, thousands of years ago, I was indeed a very beautiful girl who was almost loved by the family. What I told you before is true. Maybe it's been holding back for thousands of years, or I feel that you and I are predestined. It's the first time that I have shown the darkest part of my heart, even the only brother Su who didn't discriminated against me at the beginning. Speaking of Su, Mo Li felt a rare gentle expression in his black eyes.

Mo Li was stunned. Is there any affection between black charm and Su? But soon he gave up the idea himself. Because the black charm has just said that she doesn't know her own secret. Maybe she doesn't even know that the black charm is her daughter. How can she be emotional? If there is really anything, the black charm may have some feelings for the only man who does not discriminate against himself.

"Since I was kicked out of my family, I don't know where to go. The shrinking and deformed face makes me not want to see anyone. Because of psychological factors, I have ended their lives with a sword for anyone who discriminated against me. You can imagine how a girl who was surrounded by the princes before suddenly lost his proudest face and was kicked out by the family. The black charm sighed heavily, put his hands on his forehead, and said painfully, "At that time, I tried to find short opinions several times, but I always failed in the end. I hate why God doesn't even give me the power to die. It was at this time that I met someone who gave me the courage to continue to live. That's my only relative in this world, my teacher, Hei Sa. It was he who used the black witch method to prevent the curse from continuing to deteriorate, and accepted me as a disciple and taught his skills. If it hadn't been for him, I'm afraid I wouldn't have died somewhere at this time. A drop of crystal tears dripped from the black and bright eyes.

Mo Li didn't know how to comfort this poor man and put his hand on the black charming shoulder. Mo Li thought that this could reduce the pain in his heart. Later, didn't Hesa have a way to restore your face?

The black charm shook his head and said, "That curse is the most powerful curse of the demon clan. Can ordinary people solve it? Master once told me that if he wants to restore his face, he must find a predestined person, and he can definitely do it. But he didn't say who was my predestined person. He just took me around the demon continent, and finally took me to the human side. Unexpectedly, this time, he was cursed by the Pope for me because he met the Pope of the Holy See. It was at this time that I met Brother Su. It was because of his help that I was not found by others and escaped here safely. But what we both don't know is that it is because of panic that I have stayed in this forest of death until now. And Brother Su was also suspected by human beings because of my relationship. The last time he left the ground, he told me not to hurt human beings arbitrarily. I haven't come back since then. I didn't expect him to die like that." He said that there was a look of silence in his black eyes. But fortunately, the heir of Brother Su came here thousands of years later. Maybe this is fate. That's why I directly removed the poison after confirming that you are his disciple.

Mo Li stood up and took a few steps, bowed his head and asked, "Yes, Black Charm, why on earth can't you leave this forest of death?"

"The boundary, an invisible boundary, has no effect on any human beings, but it has a very strong restriction on the creatures in the forest of death. With the black witch magic I have practiced for thousands of years, I can't shake it at all. The black charm said helplessly.

"This is strange. Is there any hidden secret or something terrible sealed in this death forest?"

"This is not." The black charm said decisively, "I have been in this death forest for thousands of years. I have been almost everywhere here. There is nothing here except some large dark monsters."

"This is difficult to do." Mo Li frowned and said, "Blackberry, can you tell me what the curse in your body is? Thousands of years have passed, is it still so powerful?

Black Mei smiled and said, "If others make such a request, I dare not let them check it even if they are willing, but you are different, because you have the power of darkness. Since you have such curiosity, I will show you. But I don't have any hope. It's been a thousand years, and it shows no sign of weakening.

Speaking here, the black charm took Mo Li's hand on his left chest and whispered, "You will understand by penetrating your dark magic elements deep into my heart."

Mo Li doesn't care about it. After all, Black Charm can no longer compare with girls now. Mo Li carefully controlled a dark magic element and slowly penetrated into the heart of the black charm. But just as he was about to arrive, he was blocked by a very cold breath. A black fog wrapped around the black heart, like a black cage, completely wrapping her heart. Mo Li did not withdraw his strength because of this, but observed carefully, and the dark magic elements circled around the black cage a few times. Mo Li's heart suddenly lit up, and he found that this force did not seem to be the same power. On the periphery of the black fog, there is rather a different force from it. Mo Li thought that this might be the power of the black witch. It is the suppression of this power that the black fog did not spread wildly. If it spread, it would have been over to take care of the black charm.

Mo Li tried to separate a small dark magic element and slowly touch the power of the black witch. Mo Li guessed that the power of the black witch was also composed of dark magic elements. However, the difference is that it is much colder than the dark magic elements cultivated by Mo Li. When Mo Li's own power touched the black fog, he really understood the power of this thing. The power of my magic element was almost frozen. The black fog is extremely cold. And the strength is also very strong. In desperation, Mo Li had to withdraw his magic power.

"Well, I didn't lie to you." Black Mei saw Mo Li frowning and withdrawing from her body and said with a wry smile, "This curse is really powerful. If it hadn't been for the teacher and I, I would have died long ago."

"Awesome, it's really awesome." Mo Li exhaled a cold breath and said, "But it's not impossible to lift it. If I look at it again, I may be able to find a solution.

"What did you say?" Hei Mei grabbed Mo Li's neck and asked loudly, with excitement on her face.