Magic totem

Section 121 Reborn

What's going on? Mo Li's mind is cold. Are these magic elements combined again? If that's the case, wouldn't everything you have done in vain? Although he was puzzled, Mo Li knew that he was absolutely afraid to do anything now. Now the energy in the body has formed its own operating system. If he forcibly stops, he is very likely to go crazy. At that time, it will not be as simple as separating the magic elements of various systems, and he is likely to lose his life. So he did nothing, but carefully observed that the seven light belts slowly brightened, and the colorful spiral nest in the middle rotated extremely slowly under his careful observation, and even the colorful light belt moved slowly with the rotation of the socket. If Mo Li hadn't observed carefully, he wouldn't have found it at all. Because less than half an hour later, the rotary nest and light belt moved a few millimeters.

Time continues to pass. Although Mo Li doesn't know what's going on in his body, since he has done it according to the plain saying, Mo Li has been insisting on controlling the energy in his body and continuing to run according to the previous cycle. With the continuation of running time, the running speed has increased more than several times again. Mo Li even found that if he was not controlled, those energy could run by itself. After discovering this situation, Mo Li couldn't help but be happy. Even if he really can't practice the method of balance today, it is already the biggest gain to absorb the energy of magic elements by itself. Think about it, if these cycles can operate on their own at ordinary times, wouldn't Mo Li be able to absorb the magical elements free between heaven and earth all the time? In this way, his magic show will be thousands of miles a day. Even if he can't use single magic, he can quickly become a holy magic mentor on the mainland by relying on the magic array in Magic Totem alone.

God did not abandon Mo Li, nor did he know how many weeks the magic energy rotated in his body, nor how many magic elements he absorbed. At this time, earth-shaking changes took place in his Dantian. The originally inconspicuous spiral nest in the middle of the seven light belts has increased the size of mung beans from the previous small invisible state. And the eyes of the spiral nest also turned milky white. However, at this time, the speed of Mo Li's energy operation in his body slowed down. If he hadn't deliberately controlled it, it seemed that he would have stopped.

Have I reached the bottleneck of cultivation? Mo Li was shocked. Mo Li understands that it is very taboo to be eager for quick success and quick profit in magic practice. What is needed for practice is not to expose the cold, but to progress step by step. Thinking of this, Mo Li no longer deliberately controlled the magic energy, but let them stop slowly. Finally, Mo Li was surprised to find that although the speed of these energies has slowed down, it has even stopped. However, they did not really stop, but still run extremely slowly, as if it were spring breeze and rain. It is really difficult to find it without careful observation. However, even so, some magical elements are still pulled by his body and penetrate into the meridians through the skin. With the slowdown of energy operation, Mo Li's consciousness finally returned to his mind. Everything outside has returned to his perception.

Mo Li's mind moved and stood up. But just as he stood up, a stench suddenly penetrated into his nose. At the same time, a very uncomfortable sticky feeling came from all over the body.

"Mo Li, you finally woke up." At this moment, a surprised voice sounded in Mo Li's ear. Mo Li's eyes opened, and a milky white light flashed away. He saw that the black charm was looking at himself in surprise.

"What's wrong? Is there anything on my face?" Mo Li unconsciously raised his hand to touch his cheek, but then a scream comparable to the wolf howling sounded. Ah! What's going on? My hand..." My originally alert and flawless palm seemed to be smeared with charcoal, as dark as ink. At the same time, Mo Li found that the pungent me came from my elongation.

"Congratulations, you have been reborn. It seems that your balance should be successfully cultivated this time." The black charm's eyes lit up and said in surprise, "It seems that my curse is expected to be lifted."

"Wait!" Mo Li suddenly interrupted the black charm and asked doubtfully, "What did you just say about rebirth? What is that?"

The black charm slapped his nose in pain, frowned and said, "I'll tell you later. Now you can take a shower in the stream west of the valley, like this..."

Although the black charm didn't say anything, how could Mo Li's cleverness not guess? "Wow" ran out of the cave as if he were running for his life.

Looking at his back, the black charm laughed out. It seems that this little doll is still good. He has cultivated to the realm of a magic mentor in such a short time. While the black charm was talking to herself, a cold wind with a foul smell suddenly blew behind her. The black charm quickly turned around.

"I'm sorry, how can I get out of this cave?" Mo Li stood in front of the black charm with a depressed face.

Black charm was stunned, and then quickly said, "There is a small protruding stone by the door. Just press it three times." As soon as she finished speaking, she felt a flower in front of her. When she regained her vision again, Mo Li had disappeared in front of her.

By the stream, Mo Li's whole body was soaked in the cool river and closed his eyes comfortably. After nearly half an hour of cleaning, he finally cleaned his body. The stench also disappeared. To Mo Li's shock, when he just jumped into the stream, he seemed to throw in a basin of charcoal and dyed the water around his body as dark as ink. However, after cleaning, I was surprised to find that the skin under my body emitted a faint milky white glow, which seemed to be several times better than before. What's more incredible is his hair. Originally, his hair was yellow-brown and a little dry. If he didn't wash it for a few days, it would grow messy on his scalp like a dead grass. But now it's different. The hair on the head has become oily and shiny, and the eyes have turned yellowish brown to pure black.

"What the hell is going on?" Mo Li held the long hair in his hand and whispered. Is this what Black Charm said about being reborn, but what's going on? Full of doubts, Mo Li immediately flew up from the water, and a white long run was already worn between waves. After taking a shower, he felt refreshed all over his body. More magically, Mo Li found that he seemed to be much more sensitive than before. The body feels light, as if it is about to float with a little force. Without any magic, his toes gently touched the ground, and his body flew more than two meters high. He easily landed on the ground and looked at his body incredulously. Mo Li didn't know what to say.

"Have you washed it?" The black charming voice came from behind Mo Li, and her voice had returned to indifference. However, the heat in the eyes can't be concealed.

The black charm of the sword appeared. Mo Li stepped in front of her and asked anxiously, "Black Charm, you just came here. Tell me what is reborn. What's going on now?"

The black charm stepped back a few steps, and a trace of vigilance flashed in his eyes, but soon disappeared. The so-called rebirth is just a stage of cultivation. It's not a bad thing for you to have such a situation now, but a good thing. The dirty things in your body just now are the impurities in your body. The reason why they suddenly emerge is due to the great improvement in your cultivation. The energy in your body has purified and refined your body once.

"Purification and refining?"

"Yes, generally speaking, such a change in a magician only shows that your magic show has reached the realm of a magic mentor, because such a situation will only occur after breaking through the realm of a magic mentor. I didn't expect your cultivation speed to be so fast. With your current strength, if we deal with each other again, I won't be so easy to deal with. Although I am already a magic teacher. But don't forget that you are a seven-series fully-cultived magic mentor, and with the magic of Magic Totem, I'm afraid that ordinary magic mentors are not your opponent. The black charm said honestly.