Magic totem

Section 123 How to know the misfortune

Mo Li really didn't expect that he was already very careful and didn't expect that he would make mistakes. Now in the face of such a situation, the only thing he can do is to watch the situation in his body continue to deteriorate. Mo Li Dantian has become a pot of porridge at this time, and the colorful light belt is like a rotating electric fan, and you can no longer see their thundering eyes. And the milky nest in the middle has long disappeared, all the energy has been out of control, and the storm is raging in his body. Pain, unbearable pain comes from all over the body. It has reached the brink of unbearable. Nevertheless, Mo Li endured the pain all over his body and tried not to faint.

The black charm stood not far from Mo's body and saw bright red blood gushing out from all over his body, and then condensed together and dripping on the grass. Hei Mei really wants to save Mo Li, but she doesn't know how to do it. He could only watch his body tossed up and down in mid-air. At this moment, an exclamation came from behind her, and a pale pink shadow rushed over.

"Black charm, what are you doing? What did you do to my brother Mo Li? That shadow was Jiang Yan. She stood under Mo Li's body in a stunned way, with an incredible face.

The black charm moved and fell in front of Jiang Yan. She shook her head and said, "I didn't do this. Mo Li has gone crazy at this time. Although I didn't do it, it has something to do with me.

"What? Go crazy?" Jiang Yan stared at Mo Li, who was in pain in the air, and slowly shook her hands.

"Yes, the energy in his body should be out of balance." Hei Mei stared into Jiang Yan's eyes and said, "Since you can stay by his side, you must know something about him. You should understand this without my explanation."

"What do you mean by that?" A trace of vigilance flashed in Jiang Yan's eyes and asked.

The black charm turned around and stopped looking at her, but just said faintly, "You should understand." He turned around and walked to the opposite side of Mo Li.

Jiang Yan turned her eyes a few times and walked to the black charm and said, "You're right. The reason why I'm with him is to plot the skill of Magic Totem. What about you? Don't you have such an idea?"

"Hahaha!" The black charm looked up to the sky and laughed, "You finally admitted it."

"What about admitting it? Now he is already like this. Speaking of this, her eyes lowered, "But to be honest, I don't want him to die."

"Hmm!" The black charm snorted coldly and said, "Now you can tell me your identity. He is struggling now and will never hear it.

Jiang Yan turned her hand, and a golden magic wand appeared on her slender little hand. Black charm, I didn't compromise with you because I was afraid of you before. Do you think you can really hurt me?

"I have known this for a long time. Not only that, I don't think the heartphilia pills have any effect. Black charm did not make any action and looked at Jiang Yan with interest.

Jiang Yan smiled and turned her left hand. The green pill swallowed by her suddenly appeared in her palm. Is that what you said?

Seeing that there was no strange color on the black face of the pill, but two curved eyebrows beat a few times.

"How about it? Now you won't force me to ask me anything anymore." Jiang Yan put away the pill and said, "Since my task can't be completed, it's meaningless to stay here. I don't want to fight with you. You can do it yourself."

"Wait." The black charm suddenly stood in front of Jiang Yan and asked coldly, "Although you approached this boy with some purpose, she finally took a heart pill for you and didn't leave you alone at the most dangerous time. Don't you really have any feelings for him?"

Jiang Yan was slightly stunned, but then a cold light flashed in her eyes. Yes, you're right. This stupid boy really became what he is now in order to save me. But that doesn't blame me. It's just that he is too stupid. I have something else to do, so I won't accompany you." With the wave of the golden magic wand in her hand, a golden light appeared on her feet in vain, and then flew quickly with her body.

"Are you going like this? Do you think my black charm as the greatest black witch in a thousand years has a false reputation? The black charm's eyes were cold, and a black light shot out silently, turning into a dark light belt around Jiang Yan's body.

Just as the light belt touched her body, Jiang Yan felt a cold breath penetrated into her body from around her body, and the light energy in her body seemed to be frozen all of a sudden, unable to use any energy. How is this possible?" Jiang Yan said incredulously. Then it fell on the grass with a "pung" sound.

"I admit that you are really smart and have a strong ability to act. But there is one thing you forgot. I have lived for thousands of years. If even your little girl can't see through, what face can I have to survive? At that time, you didn't take the heart pill, but I really didn't see it. But I pay attention to it. Since you and Mo Li appeared in my territory, I have not done it directly, but secretly observed you carefully. Your secret was revealed by me at that time. So I don't believe that you will take heartphilia pills for this Mo Li. So to be safe, I added another kind of poison to your meals. This poison is colorless and tasteless, or there is no toxicity at all if taken directly. But it has a big feature that people who have eaten heart pills will not be poisoned at all. And only when dark magic and body will it stimulate its toxicity.

" are despicable." Jiang Yan fell on the grass and said hatefully. Jiang Yan really didn't expect that this black charm could easily see through her disguise and keep such a hand. If she had known so, she would not have revealed her identity. But now it's too late. Not only has my mission failed, but even my life is going to be folded here.

"I'm despicable? Hahaha!" The black charm couldn't help laughing. If I guess correctly, you must be from the Holy See. On this continent, only the light magic of the Holy See can achieve such achievements at your young age. As members of the Holy See respected by everyone on the mainland, you are not only not blessed by the world, but also try to deceive others by deception. You will be open and aboveboard in doing so.

Jiang Yan's face was flushed, and she bit her silver teeth and said loudly, "Since I have fallen into your hands today, don't talk so much nonsense. If you have the ability, kill me directly!"

"Oh, you are bold. It's good. You have the demeanor of those sacred sticks of the Holy See." The black charm smiled and walked to Jiang Yan, "Since you want to die, I will satisfy you!" After saying that, his right hand suddenly stretched out, and a surge of energy gushed out of his palm, slowly forming a dark sphere. He held the ball and walked slowly to Jiang Yan, with a cruel sneer on his face.

"Wait!" Jiang Yan suddenly shouted.

"What, are you afraid? Didn't you look at death just now?" The black charm laughed and said.

Jiang Yan shook her head and sighed, "That's all. At this time, I only have one request, and I hope you can agree.

"Say it." The black charm said lightly. At this time, in the heart of the black charm, the little girl of the Holy See in front of her is no different from a dead body. So I'm not afraid that she has any tricks.

"I hope you can help me bury him well." Jiang Yan looked up at Mo Li, who had stopped turning in the air and whispered.

"Well?" The black charm couldn't help looking at her, then turned her head and said, "What do you mean? Do you have feelings for this boy?

Jiang Yan bit her lip and said coldly, "You don't need to know this. Now you can do it."

"Although I'm curious, since you want to die quickly, I won't stop you." After saying that, he suddenly raised his right hand, took a step forward with his left foot, and was about to throw the black ball in his hand at Jiang Yan.

"No!" A voice of nothing suddenly sounded in their ears.