Magic totem

Section 152 Sound Wave Attack

"There is no liquid spiritual power?" Mo Li asked strangely, "Does the spiritual magician have a higher level, but we haven't reached it?"

Yu nodded one after another and said, "I'm not very clear about this. Maybe there is such a magician, but if the spiritual power reaches the liquid state, the person's strength must be very strong. But maybe the spiritual power does not exist in liquid.

Mo Li shook his head and said, "This is not necessarily the case. Let me ask you, the magic power of general magic apprentices is gaseous. As their strength improves, the magic power can be transformed into liquid, because this can store more magic power. When the liquid reaches the bottleneck, solid energy will be formed. Since spiritual power is also a kind of energy, it should be the same as magic energy.

Yu smiled without saying anything and nodded and said, "There is such a possibility, but now we are not talking about this time. Now our level is not enough to reach that level. You know, the cultivation of spiritual power is very rare, so we'd better learn spiritual magic as soon as possible."

Mo Li nodded. Although he still had a little doubt about his spiritual power, Mo Li understood that he could not explain it so clearly now, so he had to give up.

Yu followed the previous words: "There are many ways to use mental magic attacks, but what I am personally good at is music attacks. So now I'll teach you how to use it." After saying that, a white jade flute appeared in her hand, handed the flute to Mo Li's hand and said, "Now try to pour your spiritual power into the flute and play it."

Mo Li took the flute and took a closer look. It was made of white jade. The flute had six holes, according to Yu's requirements. Mo Li gently closed his eyes, slowly released the spiritual power in his brain, and then poured it into the grate. Then he came to his mouth and blew gently. "Wow..." Mo Li couldn't help shivering. Because the sound is really uncomfortable.

"How about it? Now you know." Yu asked with a smile.

Mo Li nodded and said, "So it is. Isn't it very simple?"

Yu shook his head and said, "You're wrong. On the contrary, music attacks are not simple, but very complicated. If you want to strengthen your sound attack, you must learn the most basic music theory knowledge and some famous offensive music. This is not an overnight thing. Let's start learning some of the most basic knowledge now. After saying that, he taught Mo Li the most basic music theory of the flute. Although Mo Li didn't like it, he still studied hard.

After three days, Mo Li has been able to master some basic music. Although learning is a little slow, Mo Li is satisfied. You should know that it took Mo Li three years to study Magic Totem.

The content of the book is: "You can turn this page, and I believe you have made your own decision. Since you have decided to stay and learn this practice, I hope you can do your best to persevere. I believe that one day you will succeed in a pity.

The reason why people like us are identified as magic waste is actually very simple. On our continent, everyone is born with a magical element of an attribute, and this bias also has strengths and weaknesses, so there is a so-called magic genius and magic waste. The so-called genius is that it has a strong bias towards the magic of a single attribute. In this way, it is very easy to feel the magic element of this attribute in the air, so that the future practice of magic will produce twice the result with half the effort. And we are a group of people who are not biased towards magic elements of all attributes, so in their test, they are naturally regarded as magic waste.

But things often have two sides, and this is the biggest secret of magic. In fact, since birth, we human beings have been sensitive to magical elements of various attributes. And the so-called bias is this phenomenon of induction imbalance. Those so-called magic geniuses have lost the ability to sense other attribute magic elements while obtaining the extremely bias of a single attribute magic element. This is the reason why everyone in today's magic world can only major in one attribute magic.

And those of us who are identified as magic wastes have not lost the sensitivity of all attribute magic elements because they do not have the bias of a single attribute magic element. That is to say, as long as we think that if we work hard and do it the right way, we can eventually become a magician of the whole department.

You must be surprised, right? I don't think there have been so-called full-department magicians in your current world, even few of double-departments. In fact, in my era, I am a magician of the whole department, and because of this, I can use dark magic, so one is not accepted by people, and I myself have become a sinner on the mainland for some reason. So now I want to warn you that the pursuit of power is important, but you must take it step by step and never lose the balance of the magic elements in your body. Otherwise, although you can gain more power, your mind will inevitably change, and then you will not be able to control it.

Since they are different from ordinary magicians, their cultivation method is definitely not suitable for us. In fact, our cultivation method is very simple, that is, to use the "magic totem" to cultivate and improve our strength.

The so-called totem, often known as the magic array, is a way to use magic totem symbols of various attributes to draw different magic patterns in a certain space area, so as to release super power. Our magic array is very different from the magic array in the traditional sense. Today's popular magic array general fighters are depicted by magic totem symbols with a single attribute. Even if there are various attributes, it is not possible for a magician to complete it by himself. We are different. Because we have the ability to sense the magic elements of various attributes, as long as the training method is correct, we can constantly enhance our sensitivity to the magic elements of the whole series, so that we can complete the magic array of multiple attributes alone. And this multi-attribute magic array is the real magic array. That's what I call magic totem.

The first thing we need to do is to enhance our sensitivity to various magical elements of different attributes. This is really difficult, but as long as the method we use is appropriate, although the progress is slow, one day we can complete all the sensing capabilities.

Now please sit on the futon in the middle of the cave, then close your eyes, think about nothing, and completely relax your heart. Feel everything in the world you live in with your heart. Remember not to rush to find the existence of magic elements, be sure to relax, relax, and then try to sense. In order not to make you sense the magic elements, I can tell you that when you initially sense the magic elements of all attributes, they will appear in your perception in different forms. Light spots of different colors can also be made within elves of different colors. However, this has a common feature, that is, because they are magic elements with different attributes, they are also different in color.

The metallic magic element is golden yellow, and the wooden magic element is green. The water is blue. The fire is red and the earth is orange. Light is golden, dark is black. When you really feel them, don't rush to get close to them, let alone forcibly incorporate these magical elements into your body as ordinary magicians meditate. Because they practice the magic of a single attribute, even if they are forcibly incorporated, nothing will happen. But we are different. You should know that the magic elements and other attributes of each attribute are difficult to coexist. Although they are very related, they will also repel each other. If you forcibly incorporate them into your body. They will reject each other, and they will be devoured by powerful magic and fail.

In fact, the magic element is not a single energy body as today's magicians think. In fact, they are as emotional as we humans. It is not wrong to say that they are the elves in our world. Traditional magicians use spiritual power, special spells, and the assistance of foreign objects to forcibly enslave these elves. Therefore, it is often eaten by magic, and it is difficult to use the magic elements free in the air when their magic power is exhausted. This is because it is not what these elves want to do. Without the support of their own magic power, magicians themselves cannot forcibly enslave the free magic elements to serve themselves.

So we should try to avoid these problems when we meditate. We must be patient and not rush. Learn to communicate with these elves happily and try to understand them as much as possible, instead of trying to find a way to enslave them. If you can be friends with them instead of slavery. One day, they will enter your body like moths. By this time, you can say that you are half successful. Not only will meditation get twice the result with half the effort in the future, but also the u of the magic array can avoid many magic counterattacks. After all, our friends usually don't hurt us.

Seeing this, Mo Li couldn't help thinking about what happened during the period when he practiced with his master. In my strange dream, are those elves the magic elements of the seven legendary attributes? It seems that those elves do have seven eyes, but Mo Li can't tell exactly which seven eyes they are. So he continued to watch.

When you really feel the magic elements of the seven attributes and successfully gather a certain number of Mo Li in your body, then turn to the next page. At that time, I will begin to teach you how to use magic totems. When you fully master these methods, you will also leave When you go. It's not easy to really feel the magic elements of all attributes, so don't be too anxious. You may have to stay here for a long time. There is food left by me under the bed on the right side of the table. Don't worry. I use the magic array to keep the food fresh, so although it's been a long time, I think you can still eat it. There are enough candles next to the food. I have arranged everything for you. Remember to sit on the futon and meditate. I am convinced that one day you will become the greatest magician.

Seeing here, this page is all over. When he closes the book, Mo Li couldn't help but feel excited. Magic totem, maybe I can really rely on this to complete my dream. In order to verify his previous thoughts, the magic went straight to the futon and sat down, and then relaxed and entered meditation. At this time, the whole cave was quiet again, as if no one had come. Except for the swaying candlelight on the table and Mo Li on the futon proving that someone had entered, there was no other sound.

Like with the master, although a long time has passed, Mo Li has not found the feeling of magic elements. I don't know how long it took, and the magical dream appeared again. This time, Mo Li didn't think like before, thinking that it was just a single dream. He began to look carefully at the colorful elves. To Mo Li's surprise, as he guessed correctly, the eyes of these elves were exactly the same as those depicted in the book.

It turns out that I have sensed the magic element, and it is the whole series! No wonder I didn't feel what the master said before, so it is. I'm not a magic waste. I can feel the magic element. An aggrieved emotion rose from the bottom of his heart, and Mo Li felt that his nose was sore. Although he was trying to control his emotions, he had been misunderstood for a long time. Now he finally knew that it was not a waste material. Can that grievance be suppressed by a *-year-old child? Tears quickly wet his eyes. Mo Li sighed in his heart, and it seemed that this meditation was fruitless. The book says that you must not be distracted when meditating, otherwise it will have no effect.

But something unexpected happened to him. Just when Mo Li was wronged, he accidentally found that the colorful elves seemed to feel their changes. They flew to his side one by one and kept rubbing themselves with their tiny bodies, as if they were comforting themselves.

Mo Li's mood slowly calmed down. He learned from the appearance in the book and opened his heart to communicate with the elves. He didn't feel anything before, but with the passage of time, he seemed to feel the change in their thoughts in the haze. As mentioned in the book, these magical element elves, like human beings, have their own joys and sorrows. Mo Li experienced everything about them with his heart. Comfort the sad elves and be with the happy elves. Soon he was completely lost in this wonderful world.

I don't know how long it took, Mo Li felt quiet around, and those colorful elves had completely disappeared. He couldn't help opening his eyes, and what he saw was dark. "Where's the candle?" Mo Li said to himself, and then stood up and touched the table. When he touched the table, he suddenly found that there were no candles on the table, leaving only a pile of hard candle tears. I don't know when the candle burned out.

Has it been a long time? Mo Li couldn't help thinking about it, and then touched the bedside. As she said in the book, Mo Li not only found many candles under the bed, but also found several large boxes of food, which were enough for an adult to eat for several years.

Carefully lit the candle, and when the pale yellow light lit up again, Mo Li stared at his hands in surprise. He found that his rough and dark hands had become as white as fat. Fan Jin put the candle on the table and looked at his body carefully. Although there was no mirror, Mo Li clearly found the changes in his body. Not only has the skin become more delicate and round, but even my hair has become much darker and softer.

Is this the magical effect of practicing magic? Mo Li began to recall the scene just now, as if the elves had found their destination in the end and penetrated into their bodies. Thinking of this, Mo Li couldn't help looking at himself, but to his disappointment, he didn't find anything.

"Forget it, I'd better continue reading. Now that I have felt the magic elements of the whole series, and they have also entered my body, I should now be able to see the content on the next page. Mo Li said to himself. But just as he was about to pick up the sheepskin roll, a sense of hunger hit him. He smiled helplessly and had to take out the food prepared and eat it.

It seems that it will take longer to learn these by yourself. Mo Li thought to his heart.

"Now that you have turned to this page, I believe you have felt the magic element. Congratulations on becoming a glorious magician. But now you just have magic power, but I think it's even a problem for you to find their existence now. Don't worry, I will teach you everything in the next time. But remember, while learning, don't forget to meditate every day. By now, you no longer need to sleep. Meditation can not only restore your mental strength, but also help your mental strength continue to grow. Therefore, meditation is a compulsory course for magicians.

Now I will teach you how to release this power. Since we are magicians of the whole department, of course, we can't use magic power and spells to release magic like ordinary magicians. What we need to do is not use magic wands and spells to die.

Magic arrays are divided into seven categories, namely: non-elementary magic arrays, elemental magic arrays, combination magic arrays, decomposition magic arrays, symbolic magic arrays, physical combination magic arrays and spiritual magic arrays.

The non-elemental magic array is the simplest one. It is generally used in some special rituals, so it does not need the support of magic power in its own body, but needs some special symbols to be combined, and then use spells to achieve sacrifice, summoning and other purposes.

Now I will teach you the simplest summoning magic array. Now bite your middle finger, and when the blood comes out, use your fingers to draw the general appearance of the fire slave in the air. When everything is done, recite the following spells loudly, and then you will know the effect of such magic arrays.

"What are you thinking about?"