Magic totem

Section 156 Magic Domain

When Mo Li's attack was about to break out, Hei Yan looked at Mo Li's attack with an indifferent face and disdainfully formed at the corners of his mouth. "As I said, you are in my demon realm, and all attacks are futile."

Mo Li ignored him and devoted himself to his music. At this time, Mo Li thought about nothing but his own music. He knew that the magic circle was already his own strong attack. If such an attack doesn't work, it won't be of any use for name to do more. Instead of this, it's better to concentrate on what you can still do now. If you really fail in the end, you can't control it. After all, you are just a magician who has only practiced for four or five years.

Hei Yan looked at Mo Li's calm appearance and looked slightly stunned. He didn't understand why this boy could be so calm. Wasn't that attack as he guessed? However, for the confidence of Heiyan's thousand-year cultivation, although the boy in front of him is full of tricks, he is nothing in his eyes. Heiyan's eyes are wide, and now he has no patience to delay with Mo Li any longer. His hands were slightly raised, and a dark light emerged from his hand, and then practiced into a line in the air. The black light slowly condensed between his hands, and in an instant, the whole black flame demon realm darkened. But these darkness did not hide the light that broke out of Mo Li's magic array. The pink light also spread in the space.

At this time, the light of the six-pointed star suddenly darkened, and then suddenly burst out, and a huge thrust burst out of the six-pointed star magic array.

Hei Yan's face changed, and his hands immediately danced quickly, and the black light condensed between his hands twisted and deformed in his hand. An oval black ball immediately appeared. Heiyan's eyes lit up, held the oval light ball in his right hand, looked at Mo Li's magic array and roared, "In front of absolute power, all tricks are futile. Mo Li, you are doomed to fail today. After saying that, the light ball in his hand slammed into the magic array. I flew over silently.

The magic array was broadcast at this time. Unlike what was expected, there was no earth-shock sound, and everything was silent. Including the impact of black light balls and magic arrays. Everything is done in an instant. Ripples are generated when two energies collide with each other. The ripples are completely transparent. If it weren't for the light of two attacks, it would really not have been seen. The ripples slowly dispersed around, and everything hit by the ripples, whether it was energy or the black flames that were still burning, seemed to have been washed by the water and immediately disappeared in front of them.

Hei Yan looked at everything in front of him incredulously and had lost the ability to think. Now only Mo Li's flute is spreading in this space. The pink energy is not afraid of those ripples, and the whole space will be filled in a short time. And Mo Li's body was also wrapped in this pink light. Transparent ripples can't break through the pink light and can only take a detour.

But the black inflammation can't be spared. The wooden stick in his hand was the first to hit, and the ripples touched it and immediately turned into powder and disappeared into this magic realm. Fortunately, Heiyan reacted quickly, waved his hands quickly, and a series of spells quickly sang out of his mouth. The black light kept flashing and finally blocked the ripples and hungry attack.

Just when Hei Yan breathed a sigh of relief, he only heard a loud "rumbling", and the originally static energy burst at this time. The black flame demon realm was like glass, fragmented, and their bodies were also thrown away. Mo Li could not guarantee his stable state of mind at this time. A stream of blood spewed out of his mouth like tap water. Heiyan was also uncomfortable. His whole body was covered with blood marks, and a mouthful of blood was swallowed back by him.

When everything calmed down, both of them were suspended in mid-air. At this time, the black flame demon realm had completely disappeared, and their bodies returned to the sight of the three women again. But it seems that they are not as chic as before. Especially Heiyan, like a beggar.

At this time, a long sword appeared in Mo Li's hand. Mo Li didn't expect that the energy of his whole body would be able to break the demon realm of the black flame. There was a triumphant smile on his face. This is what you call the demon realm, and it seems that it's nothing more than that. The tip of the sword pointed to Heiyan, and Mo Li spit out a mouthful of black blood and said with a smile.

Hei Yan smiled bitterly, "Good boy, it seems that I was careless. I didn't expect you to have such strength. But do you think you have won now?

Mo Li shook his head, raised his sword in his hand and said, "I think you are the same. Although you still have combat effectiveness, it's hard to say how long you can hold on. Again, I advise you to stop. There is only one result of our fight, that is, both sides will lose. I don't have any problems, and the three of them are there, but you, hum..."

"Are you threatening?" A cold light flashed on Heiyan's face and said disdainfully, "I have been here for thousands of years, and I won't be scared by a descendant."

Mo Li shook his head again, "Are you people who have lived for thousands of years so stubborn? My suggestions are all good for everyone. The reason why I came here this time is to lift the seal of the Death Forest. It's not a bad thing for everyone. Why did you stop me?

Hei Yan laughed. In fact, we have met for a long time. If I had known that your boy had progressed so fast, I would have killed you directly that night. Well, since you said so, I won't fight, but you still can't touch that seal.

Mo Li couldn't help but be stunned, "What are you talking about? We've seen it. It's impossible. There is a seal here. How can you get out? Even if you can go out, why don't you know that the Kos dynasty has been destroyed?"

Hei Yan turned his hand and changed a set of clean clothes into the clothes that were already full of holes. This is why I don't want you to lift the seal. I can really go out because I already know how to leave. The reason why I don't know about the destruction of the Kos dynasty is that I don't believe that that dynasty will be destroyed at all. How can I deliberately inquire about it?

"What? Have you got a way to get out of here? Mo Li stared at Hei Yan incredulously and asked, "And he has left."

Heiyan nodded and said, "To be honest, I only learned this secret recently, and I left a few months ago. That day, I went to find Pope Yat thousands of years ago, and it was after he found my trace that I met you on the way to escape. It was that you were practicing a strange magic. Although I was a little curious, I didn't pay much attention because there was Aat behind me. I didn't expect your progress to be so rapid in just a few months. I would have known..."

"If you had known, you would have killed me." Mo Li said with a smile. Mo Li also rang at this time. If Heiyan really saw himself, it is very likely that he and Yat also met at that time when he was plotted on the hill behind the teaching building that day.

Hei Yan did not shy away from it and said with a smile, "Yes, it's also casual."

"But you don't have a chance." Mo Li said, "We want to leave here. It's okay if you don't let us break the seal and tell us how to get out."

"What if I don't say it?" Hei Yan looked at Mo Li and asked.

With a smile, a cunning look appeared on Mo Li's face as a war criminal. Pointing to the three black maids and said, "Do you think the four of us have joined hands, and you can still deal with it now?"

The three women have been paying attention to the dialogue between the two. At this time, they flew to Mo Li's side tacitly. Everyone shined with different light and looked at Heiyan coldly. The meaning was very simple. Mo Li's words were what we meant.

"Well, do you mean to fight?" Mo Li looked at Heiyan with great interest.