Magic totem

Section 184 Elf Past 2

Kalan listened to Mo Li's sudden words and couldn't help but be shocked by him. He quickly ran to Mo Li's side and looked around with some vigilance, as if there was any danger.

Mo Li shook his head helplessly and smiled and said, "Princess Karan, don't be afraid. I'm not doubting anything, but there is one thing I want to tell this elf senior." After saying that, Mo Li clenched his fist at the void and said, "The predecessor of the elf clan, Mo Li, is not an elf clan, let alone royal blood. I'm just an ordinary human being."

"What?" The bitter Kaier's voice just now said, "It's impossible. Since you are not an elf, how can you come here through those obstacles?"

"He is indeed not an elf, but one thing I want to tell you is that I was able to come here with his help. Like the previous forest, he brought me here. Karan stood up and said.

Mo Li said with a smile, "Senior, don't stop the princess from talking nonsense. That forest is just a formation, just the same as some of the formations I learned."

"What, you broke that formation. It seems that the people that Docaster is looking forward to have really come. Don't worry, since you can break that formation, you naturally have the right to know this secret. What Mo Li didn't expect was that the voice would say so.

"But I'm not from the elf clan." Mo Li said loudly.

"In fact, human beings and elves have always been friends." The voice said, "You don't have to worry about anything. Now you walk to the couple's stone slab in the middle of the hall, and I will bring you to me."

Mo Li and Karan looked at each other, Mo Li nodded gently, and then the two stepped on the slate together. Just after the two stepped on the slate, a turquoise light lit up from their feet. They suddenly felt empty under their feet, and then quickly fell down. In a hurry, Karan's little hand grabbed Mo Li's sleeve. Magically, when the two landed, the express was not very fast and fell gently into a larger hall.

The sound of "Welcome to the Real Elf Holy Land" sounded. Mo Li turned his head to look at the place where the sound was made, and saw a female elf who looked like Kaier looking at them with a smile. However, unlike Kaier, this elf has two wings behind it.

"Are you His Majesty Castyas?" Mo Li said subconsciously.

Castius nodded and said, "Yes, I'm Yas. Welcome, human friend."

"It looks like my mother." Karan whispered, "Are you the ancestor ten thousand years ago?"

Castius smiled and said, "I am, but you don't want an ancestor, just call me Your Majesty."

"Hmm." Karan said happily, "It's incredible. If my mother knew that I had met you, she would be very shocked."

"What's your name?"

"I'm Karan." Karan said with a smile.

"I'm Mo Li."

"Well, that's good. Today, on behalf of the ancient elves, I will give you the real inheritance of the elves. Don't interrupt me. What you see now is not me, but the consciousness I left ten thousand years ago. After ten thousand years, the power left by this consciousness has not been much. So, next, no matter what I say, don't interrupt me."

Mo Li and Karan nodded.

Castius continued: "You must be surprised. Our ancient elves are two pairs of wings, but now there is only one pair of elves. I won't hide it from you either. In fact, all this has a lot to do with me. That's why I left this consciousness with the intention of leaving this secret to future generations.

"Now, I will give you a story, a story of the elves ten thousand years ago. At that time, I had become the queen of the elves. My mother has been saying goodbye to the world for a long time. One day, when I passed the ruins of God, I was suddenly attracted by a magical energy fluctuation. At that time, I didn't realize that it was my curiosity that caused the whole elf clan to encounter the biggest disaster in history, and it was at this time that the mutation of the elf clan also buried the root of the disaster.

"When I entered the site of God, I was attracted by a green glowing bead, which was the source of that strange energy. With great curiosity, I picked up the beads. But what I couldn't imagine was that the beads had been bought and turned into a light and disappeared into the palm of my hand. At the same time, I found that I had a strange ability unconsciously. That's what you call life energy now.

"With the acquisition of this life energy, I found that there was an extra memory in my mind, but this memory is not mine, and it is about the secret of the divine world. After learning this secret, I realized that the disaster of the elves was coming. So I hurried back to the territory of the elves. Then he found the big elf at that time to make Docaster, and then asked him to quickly design such a place. Then the whole elf clan of Gaoisu, I have passed the position of the elf queen to my little daughter. After doing all this, I have been staying in this place and left this consciousness.

"I guessed right. It didn't take long for the god of light in the divine world to come to me. Then I was not given any chance to explain at all, and I just erased it. And destroyed my body directly. And he originally wanted to take that green energy for himself. But because of the hint of that memory, I knew that this power could not be taken away by him, so when the main consciousness was about to be destroyed, he exhausted the last energy to guide this power into a big tree, which is the current tree of life. The god of light was very angry, but he wanted to destroy the tree again, and there was no chance to get life energy. Because life has been completely integrated with ancient trees. Therefore, he cast a forbidden spell on the whole elf clan and destroyed half of everyone's wings. Ordinary elves only left the most basic wings, that is, flying, while the royal family left special wings. That's why the elves have become like this.

"After the god of light left, the elf clan declined. If it weren't for the help of the human race, the elf clan is likely to be exterminated under this blow, because everyone can't adapt to physical changes at all. That's why I don't mind you being human, Mo Li.

"Now you understand." The voice finally said.

Mo Li nodded and said, "Yes, I have understood. However, I'm a little curious, that is, what exactly is your extra memory that brought such a big disaster to the elves. What the other green bead is?

"I can't tell anyone about that secret, otherwise it will bring you a disaster. But don't worry, everything will come down in broad daylight. As for the green bead, I can only tell you that it is a pearl of life. Also, during my survey of your body just now, I understand that you will be able to see the pearl of life one day.

"Did you leave this consciousness just to tell us this?" Karan whispered. Because as the direct royal family of the elves, even Karan himself does not know the secrets of the elves.

"Of course not." Castyas shook his head and said, "If that's all, I wish I could go to hell with this secret. I have one more thing to tell you, and I need you to do one thing, because it is related to the future rise and fall of our elves. Only after you complete it can the elves really reproduce and avoid a conspiracy, a huge conspiracy.

"Listen to you, this should be very dangerous." Mo Li said with a smile.

Castius nodded and said, "Yes, are you willing? Maybe because of this, you may lose your whole life.