Magic totem

Section 186 Lost Scepter

Castius saw that both of them were so firm, and his face couldn't help showing relief. Since you are all willing to contribute your strength and even your life to the elves and the whole human world, I will tell you this secret. You can tell the current Elf Queen, but in addition, try not to let too many people know, otherwise the consequences will be very troublesome.

Moi and Karan nodded together and looked at Castyas curiously.

"In fact, before I was punished by the God of Light, in order to avoid it, I once went to the demon clan, but something went wrong in the demon continent. Not only did the elves who followed me rebel against me, but also the queen's wand, which symbolized the authority of the elf queen, also lost the demon continent." Castyas sighed and said, "It was after that that that the decline of the elves has accelerated again. As for what the Queen's staff means, you will understand when you find it. If you don't look for it, it's not a good thing for both people and demons. Especially don't fall into the hands of those elves who betray me. Otherwise, the human race will be in danger.

Like with the master, although a long time has passed, Mo Li has not found the feeling of magic elements. I don't know how long it took, and the magical dream appeared again. This time, Mo Li didn't think like before, thinking that it was just a single dream. He began to look carefully at the colorful elves. To Mo Li's surprise, as he guessed correctly, the eyes of these elves were exactly the same as those depicted in the book.

It turns out that I have sensed the magic element, and it is the whole series! No wonder I didn't feel what the master said before, so it is. I'm not a magic waste. I can feel the magic element. An aggrieved emotion rose from the bottom of his heart, and Mo Li felt that his nose was sore. Although he was trying to control his emotions, he had been misunderstood for a long time. Now he finally knew that it was not a waste material. Can that grievance be suppressed by a *-year-old child? Tears quickly wet his eyes. Mo Li sighed in his heart, and it seemed that this meditation was fruitless. The book says that you must not be distracted when meditating, otherwise it will have no effect.

But something unexpected happened to him. Just when Mo Li was wronged, he accidentally found that the colorful elves seemed to feel their changes. They flew to his side one by one and kept rubbing themselves with their tiny bodies, as if they were comforting themselves.

Mo Li's mood slowly calmed down. He learned from the appearance in the book and opened his heart to communicate with the elves. He didn't feel anything before, but with the passage of time, he seemed to feel the change in their thoughts in the haze. As mentioned in the book, these magical element elves, like human beings, have their own joys and sorrows. Mo Li experienced everything about them with his heart. Comfort the sad elves and be with the happy elves. Soon he was completely lost in this wonderful world.

I don't know how long it took, Mo Li felt that the surroundings were quiet, and the colorful elves had completely disappeared. He couldn't help opening his eyes, and what he saw was dark. "Where's the candle?" Mo Li said to himself, and then stood up and touched the table. When he touched the table, he suddenly found that there were no candles on the table, leaving only a pile of hard candle tears. I don't know when the candle burned out.

Has it been a long time? Mo Li couldn't help thinking about it, and then touched the bedside. As she said in the book, Mo Li not only found many candles under the bed, but also found several large boxes of food, which were enough for an adult to eat for several years.

Carefully lit the candle, and when the pale yellow light lit up again, Mo Li stared at his hands in surprise. He found that his rough and dark hands had become as white as fat. Fan Jin put the candle on the table and looked at his body carefully. Although there was no mirror, Mo Li clearly found the changes in his body. Not only has the skin become more delicate and round, but even my hair has become much darker and softer.

Is this the magical effect of practicing magic? Mo Li began to recall the scene just now, as if the elves had found their destination in the end and penetrated into their bodies. Thinking of this, Mo Li couldn't help looking at himself, but to his disappointment, he didn't find anything.

"Forget it, I'd better continue reading. Now that I have felt the magic elements of the whole series, and they have also entered my body, I should now be able to see the content on the next page. Mo Li said to himself. But just as he was about to pick up the sheepskin roll, a sense of hunger hit him. He smiled helplessly and had to take out the food prepared and eat it.

"Now that you have turned to this page, I believe you have felt the magic element. Congratulations on becoming a glorious magician. But now you just have magic power, but I think it's even a problem for you to find their existence now. Don't worry, I will teach you everything in the next time. But remember, while learning, don't forget to meditate every day. By now, you no longer need to sleep. Meditation can not only restore your mental strength, but also help your mental strength continue to grow. Therefore, meditation is a compulsory course for magicians.

Now I will teach you how to release this power. Since we are magicians of the whole department, of course, we can't use magic power and spells to release magic like ordinary magicians. What we need to do is not use magic wands and spells to die.

Magic arrays are divided into seven categories, namely: non-elementary magic arrays, elemental magic arrays, combination magic arrays, decomposition magic arrays, symbolic magic arrays, physical combination magic arrays and spiritual magic arrays.

The non-elemental magic array is the simplest one. It is generally used in some special rituals, so it does not need the support of magic power in its own body, but needs some special symbols to be combined, and then use spells to achieve sacrifice, summoning and other purposes.

Now I will teach you the simplest summoning magic array. Now bite your middle finger, and when the blood comes out, use your fingers to draw the general appearance of the fire slave in the air. When everything is done, recite the following spells loudly, and then you will know the effect of such magic arrays.

Remember that the action must be fast when depicting, and you can't make any stay in the middle, and you should do it in one go. After the painting is finished, immediately recite the following mantra. You can try it now."

Mo Li put down the book, bit the middle finger of his left hand according to the method mentioned in the book, and then quickly depicted it in the air with his middle finger according to the appearance of the fire slave in his memory. After he described the appearance of the fire slave in his heart, he immediately read it loudly.

"Messenger of Flame

You are the elf in the fire

Have the divine power to burn everything

Indated by my blood

The door of space will open

The Great Spirit of Fire

Flame Essence

Please listen to my call

Come here and meet me

Fire slave appears!"

Outside the cave, the fire beast Fire Slave is standing on a big tree, looking at the sky not far away, where a small red cloud is flying towards him. Almost in an instant, the huge giant bird suddenly spread its wings and flew. "T-chi-chi-chiu!" Two tones flew towards the red cloud.

"Haha, old friend, I didn't expect you to come in person." The red cloud was the wings behind Master Mo Li. When he saw the firenu flying, he immediately put away his wings and reached the back of the fire slave.

"Ji-jiu!" Two cheerful calls, and the fire slave quickly took the old man to the open space in front of the entrance of the cave.

"Old friend, where's my precious apprentice?" As soon as he landed, the old man asked anxiously.

Firenu walked to the old man and said, "Choo-jiu!" I called twice, and then I didn't move.

"Huh, what do you mean? Where is my apprentice? If it weren't for the old man, it would have been inconvenient for me to take action, and I wouldn't have scared that kid as much as you did. Now that it's over, I hope you can send him to the southeast of the forest, where someone will wait for him. The old man put his hands on his waist and looked at the fire slave and said.

"Ji-jiu!" Hunu shouted helplessly twice.

"What do you mean?" Seeing that the firenu had never wanted to bring Mo Li out, the old man moved his face and asked in a low voice.

"Ji..." At this time, the red light on the fire slave suddenly lit up, and a long cry sounded. Then with a "swish" sound, it disappeared in front of the old man out of thin air.

"What do you mean?" The old man said in a low voice, and his body disappeared immediately in place, but after a while, he appeared again. Strangely, there is no trace left. What's going on? The old man said in surprise.

After Mo Li finished reading the spell, a fiery red light lit up without warning, and then rotated along the traces described by Mo Li for a week. Then he flew out of the cave with a "sw" and didn't know where he was.

"Has it failed?" Seeing that there was no response at all, Mo Li couldn't help shaking his head.

During this period, many accidents happened due to the first depiction of the magic array. Even once when he was depicting a single attribute magic array, he was almost burned alive by the fire magic array he had developed. If he hadn't painted the water magic array, he would have disappeared from the world long ago.

Time flies, and three years have passed unconsciously. At this time, Mo Li is already a 12-year-old young man. Although there is still a little childishness on his face. But it shows that he is not old enough to be old, which may be related to learning the magic array. His skin is like sheep fat, his lips are red, and his eyes are like stars, just like the image of a beautiful man.

At this time, Mo Li was sitting in front of the table, holding the last "Magic Totem" in his hand, and he had turned to the last page. I saw it written above.

"Today, I have to say that you have completed all my magic array depiction. Except for the most mysterious spiritual magic that I can't preach, all the magic arrays have been handed over to you. Congratulations, you have become a veritable magician now. According to the level of ordinary magicians, you have reached the level of intermediate magicians in any series. If the seven attributes add up, they have reached the primary level of the magic mentor. What is missing now is actual combat experience and my own performance.

Remember, all magic arrays are not fixed. It is like the popular bartending process in our era. The magic elements of different attributes are like different original wines. Different blending methods can form different wines, and so can the magic arrays. When you can create your own The magic array, and you can master it skillfully, then you can become a holy magic mentor.

But one thing I want to tell you is that nothing in this world is absolute. The Holy Magician is not the ultimate existence of a magician, and there is a higher power in it. So don't be proud or arrogant because of the strength of your magic. As the old saying goes, 'There are mountains outside the mountain, and there are people outside'. Therefore, you have to make unremitting efforts. Only in this way can you always be invincible.

Well, I have nothing to teach you. You open the bottom board under the bed, and there is a magic wand 'Star Love' that I used in it. I think you may use it in the future. Don't worry, thousands of years have passed, and at that time, the empire had destroyed all the information about me in order to block me. No one will recognize this magic wand. It is also the end of my life after writing this book. My heir, I hope you will not follow my path and can make up for my previous mistakes with everything I taught you. In the 29th year of the Kos Dynasty.

After reading the last page, Mo Li was not in a hurry to take out the "Star Love" magic wand, but put the book back on the bookshelf, and then knelt down and respectfully kowtowed three times in the direction of the bookshelf. Senior Su, I don't know what you did wrong in those years, but in Mo Li's heart, you are still a respectable senior. Mo Li is lucky to get what you passed on. You are Mo Li's master. Don't worry, I won't let you down.

Then he stood up. I packed my things and opened the board smoothly as said at the end of the book. Just after the board was opened, a silver light "sw!" It flew out. Mo Li quickly got out of the bottom of the bed and couldn't help staring at a little "star" flying in mid-air.

"It's so beautiful!" Mo Li exclaimed. I saw a dazzling silver light flying in the sky, like a star, up and down. Mo Li subconsciously opened his right hand, "Whis!" The silver light flew into his hands. Mo Li felt a pain in his palm, and a hard thing had pierced his palm. At the moment when the blood flowed out, Mo Li felt that the things in his hands had become part of his body and felt very cordial.

"Star Love, this is Star Love." He stared at what was in his hand and muttered. At this time, the silver light has disappeared. Mo Li was holding a one-meter-long magic wand in his hand. The magic wand is silver, with a crystal-like seven-pointed star at the head, and each sharp corner of the star is inlaid with a crystal representing the eye color of magic elements with different attributes. The handle of the magic wand has an unknown spiral pattern of the sculptor, which makes me feel very comfortable on it.

Waving gently a few times, Mo Li smiled with satisfaction. Suddenly, his right hand moved, and a milky white light bloomed on the seven-pointed star of the magic wand.

"Great God

You are the guardian of the earth

The maker of countless spaces

The door of thousands of spaces

Only with your magic power can you open

Please give me the supreme power

Open the door of your own space

Open the door of space!"

After singing the spell, Mo Li suddenly waved the magic wand to his package. After a white light, the package disappeared in **. This is the space magic that Mo Li learned three years ago, which is also a kind of magic array, and successfully opened his own space. After the space was opened, Mo Li was surprised to find that this exclusive space was larger and wider than the space ring given to him by the master.

After all this last night, he waved his magic wand again. After a red light, the fire beast Fire Slave appeared in front of him.

"Firenu, I'm leaving today. You can follow me as my mount in the future."

"Ji-jiu!" The fire slave shouted happily and nodded hard.

Mo Li sat on its back as soon as he sat on his back. Then he waved the love of the stars in his hand again, and a complete fire magic array was completed, and then suddenly patted the fire slave on the neck and roared, "Let's go!"

Just after they left the cave, the place where Mo Li had lived for three years was buried in a huge sea of fire. Although Mo Li missed here, he finally destroyed everything here before leaving according to Su's explanation. The history of this generation of legendary magic mentors has been completely annihilated, but another legend has also quietly begun.

In the high air outside the cave, Mo Li sat on the back of the big bird firenu, respectfully saluted the mouth of the thick black smoke, then raised the magic wand in his hand and danced quickly in the air. All kinds of light kept flying out of the seven-pointed star, and soon formed a huge six-pointed star in front of Mo Li. . The six-pointed star has three tips upward, and each tip shines differently. Each side depicting the six-pointed star is composed of different eyes. There is a faint light in the air.

Looking at the mouth of the hole for a while, the magic wand in Mo Li's hand suddenly moved. A golden circle immediately connected each sharp corner of the six-pointed star, and a strong pressure immediately emitted from it. The big tree below seemed to realize something, and the crown couldn't help lowering it.

Didn't you tell yourself not to go the wrong way?