Magic totem

Section 195 Help

Without waiting for those dwarfs to do it, Mo Li came down with three women. How could these ropes trap several people? After falling to the ground, Mo Li went to Roman and said with a smile, "I said, Elder Roman, you don't think your prestige in the Rift Day is very high, and even the dwarves here know it."

Roman knocked on Mo Li's head and said angrily, "You are still in the mood to say this. What did I tell you when you left? You see, it took a long time to cause me to have an accident. Have you forgotten the purpose of our trip?"

Mo Li touched his head and muttered in a low voice, "It's not our fault."

Dwarf Billy quickly hugged his fist and said, "Duke, in fact, it's not to blame this little brother this time. We made a mistake. Please don't mind."

"There is something wrong with us, too. I didn't make it clear to you." Jiang Yan said with a smile, "But this is also a failure to know each other. I think if we come back to your dwarfs later, there will definitely be no misunderstanding."

"Yes, yes, definitely not." Billy said honestly, "I look forward to visiting our dwarfs."

Roman shook his head and said, "E elder Billy, I don't think it will work this time. We still have something very important to deal with, so we can only say goodbye. I hope to have a chance to talk about it again." Roman knows the temperament of dwarfs very well, so he wants to get out as soon as possible and doesn't want to stay here more.

But Mo Li didn't understand what Roman meant and stepped forward and asked, "Billy Elder, is there something wrong with you dwarfs? Why do you arrest them as soon as you see human beings? Did anyone offend you dwarfs?"

"Alas...|" Elder Billy couldn't help sighing, "This little brother is right. Someone has indeed bullied us. To be honest, we have been patrolling this forest for three or four days, but those people are very cunning and have not appeared again until now. We misidentified it when we just saw four. For their detective, I have offended you. Please forgive me.

"This is easy to say, easy to say." Mo Li said with a smile, ignoring Roman's stare and asked again, "I don't know who has offended you. Maybe we can help."

Before waiting for the proportion to open, a shorter dwarf next to him whispered, " Elder, if they can help us, they will definitely solve the problems in our clan, you see..."

bi li stared at the dwarf and scolded loudly, "Bdolin, you didn't hear the Duke. These friends still have important things to deal with. Let's not bother them."

In fact, if Billy really follows the words of the dwarf and wants Roman and others to help, I don't think Roman will really help. But Billy said that if Roman didn't speak, it would be a little demeaning. So Roman stared at Mo Li and asked with a smile, "Pier Billy, since I am the Duke of Rift, I can't ignore the affairs in Rift Ri. Since the Bdolin brothers said that we can help, please tell the reason of the matter. If we can help anything, the definition is unavoidable. We are all subjects of Riichi, and it is natural to help each other.

"Thank you, Duke." Billy is a smart man. Although his temperament is a little reckless, he still knows how to speak. After all, Roman is the Duke of Ri, and his strength on the plane is extraordinary. Naturally, it would be better with his help. Here's the thing. Half a month ago, several teams of mercenaries came to our territory and didn't know what they were looking for. They wandered here for a long time. As you know, we dwarfs are naturally belligerent and hot-tempered, so there has been some friction between them. But under our king's eagle festival, it finally calmed down. Who knows, these people still haven't left and wandered around the territory. At first, we followed the king's instructions and let them move around at will. But half a month ago, things changed again. They are still looking for it, but there seems to be a dispute between them, and we have seen them fight together several times. But we don't care. After all, it's not a conflict with us.

"But who knows, these people fought by themselves and slowly began to destroy our forests. You didn't see that the forests east of our territory had been destroyed by these people. They don't know what they are looking for, digging here and chopping there. We really couldn't stand it anymore, so we came forward to stop it. Who knew that they changed their previous respect and fought with us. After several battles, they learned to be smart and no longer confront us head-on, but we advance, they retreat, we retreat, and they are still the same. Billy said angrily, "We are here today to catch one or two people and ask what they are going to do. I don't want to..." He said that he smiled apologetically at Mo Li and others. Duke, everyone, you are all human beings. If we can come forward, we will have a lot more natural coins. We don't have any excessive requirements now. As long as these people leave, those destroyed trees will be fine.

"These human beings are so abominable. Why should they destroy the forest? Since human beings were strong, isn't it enough that they have destroyed so many forests to build cities? Elder Billy, don't worry, I, Ji Fanyu, will be the first to help you. Ji Fanyu said angrily. But when he saw Mo Li's look, he smiled awkwardly.

Roman touched his beard and thought for a while and said, "Humans have indeed destroyed a lot of trees, but that's understandable, but this time these mercenaries are indeed a little too much. Elder Billy, since you can tell the truth, and we meet, we will naturally help you. But do you know where those people live? In this way, we can also inquire and see what their purpose is.

"Yes, those people should not dig the ground and cut down trees innocently. There should be their reason." Mo Li said, "Maybe there is no misunderstanding between them."

"We don't know this. If we can find out where those human beings live, we don't have to be so troublesome. We will wait here. As I said, as long as we come, they will not appear, and after we leave, they will come out to act. Billy frowned and said.

"This is a little troublesome. It seems that those mercenaries see the power of dwarf friends and are unwilling to do it with you." Mo Li said, "Senior Roman, do you think this is okay? Ji Fanyu and I will stay. You will follow the dwarf friends to their place of residence first. I think after they leave, those mercenaries will naturally appear again, and we are investigating in the dark. With the strength of the two of us, I don't think it's so easy to find.

Roman thought for a moment and nodded and said, "This is indeed a method, but you have to be careful. After all, Ji Fanyu is not a human."

"Hmm." Mo Li nodded. We will be careful."

"Well, let's go back first." Billy agreed with Mo Li's idea and said with a smile, "With your help, I think we will soon figure out what's going on."

After everyone left, Mo Li and Ji Fanyu hid and moved quickly in the huge forest. Although the speed is very fast, it leaves no trace.

More than an hour has passed, but there is no movement around. Mo Li and Ji Fanyu looked at each other. Just as they were about to fall down to discuss, Mo Li suddenly saw a team of people running here. He quickly made a color with Ji Fanyu, and the two attached to the branches and leaves of the two big trees and observed quietly.

There are no more than 20 mercenaries, each wearing a mercenary's unique uniform. Mo Li can see from the medals worn by those people that this team of mercenaries turned out to be an A-level mercenary regiment. It seems that this time it is not as simple as Mo Li thought. If it is an ordinary mercenary regiment, it can be easily dealt with with the strength of a few people, but the A-level mercenary regiment is different. You know, there are only three S-level mercenary regiments in the whole mainland, and only ten A-level mercenary regiments. There is one here. It seems that this time it will not be so simple.