Magic totem

Section 201 Dwarf King

Not long after Jiang Yan left, Billy the dwarf hurried in and ran to Mo Li and said, "Brother Mo Li, you want to go with me. Your Majesty was very shocked after hearing the news you got. So I want you to tell him the details in person. Why don't you send me to invite you to the hall in person?

Mo Li smiled and said, "You mean you dwarf king want to see us?"

"Yes, it is King Chipasarente who wants to see you. Please come with me." Billy said respectfully.

Mo Li looked at several people, then nodded and said, "Well, we are also happy to meet Your Majesty the Dwarves."

"Then please." Billy the dwarf took the lead and walked out of the door. Mo Li and others followed the dwarf Billy and walked out of the room together. After the crowd left, the maid closed the door of the room.

Everyone walked straight ahead along the passage that Mo Li had entered before. After walking for about half an hour, Mo Li didn't know how many turns he had turned, and a wide spiral ladder appeared on the right side of the passage. This spiral staircase is very similar to the spiral staircase that Mo Li saw on the platform above the castle, but the difference is that this spiral staircase is much more spacious than the upper one, more than four times the width of the spiral staircase above. Several people walked side by side without any feeling of crowding.

The steps of the spiral ladder are paved with dark red marble. Each step is half a meter wide. At the edge of the steps, it is inlaid with four-finger-wide brass edges, shining under the light of the torch. Every nine steps, there are two heavily armed black armored warriors standing on both sides. The samurai held a huge tomahawk in his hand, and his face was covered by a black mask. He couldn't see the samurai's face at all, giving people a very depressed feeling. These warriors bowed their heads respectfully when they saw Billy coming with Mo Li and others. Both sides of the steps are made of fine copper handrails. On the armrest is a delicate axe, representing the supreme power of the dwarf king.

Dwarf Billy didn't pay attention to the warriors at all and took Mo Li and others all the way down. From time to time, he looked back at Mo Li and others and told everyone to be careful of the steps. The surface of the steps is not as smooth as the ground of the passage, but the strange pattern of the sculptor. Although Mo Li stepped on a pair of sheepskin felt boots, he could still feel the bulge on the steps.

There are nine circles in the steps, and it takes nine circles to reach the next floor. At each corner, there is a wide platform with copper tables and chairs, which seem to be prepared for those tired dwarfs. Mo Li and others naturally dare not stay again because they were summoned by His Majesty himself.

Walking down the spiral staircase is a large hall. Both sides of the hall are full of black armored warriors. The hall was very quiet. Although there were many warriors standing there, there was no sound. Thirty-six fist-sized green night pearls are inlaid at the top of the hall, which fully shows the wealth of the dwarves. The sculptor on the four walls of the hall is a powerful dwarf warrior. Every warrior holds a huge tomahawk in his hand and fights with unknown monsters. It looks lifelike.

At the end of the hall is an arch. The style of the arch is almost the same as the one above, but there are two huge copper tomahawks standing on both sides of the arch. Two silver-bound warriors stood on both sides of the tomahawk.

Billy took Mo Li and others to the gate. He stepped forward and whispered to one of the silver warriors, "Lord Sheng Peigugis, Billy and Mo Li and others came to visit your majesty. Please inform me."

Sheng Peigugis quickly saluted Bili and said respectfully, " Elder Billy, wait a minute. I'll report it." After saying that, he turned around and approached the arch.

bi li turned around and smiled at Mo Li and others, and then stood there respectfully.

Mo Li looked at another silver armored warrior with some boredom. Seeing that the tomahawk in this person's hand is made of sterling silver, Mo Li is a little confused. Although silver is precious, it is a weapon that shows off wealth. Everyone knows that although silver is extremely precious, it is not as hard as ordinary steel. Isn't this dwarf king too rich?

"Your Majesty is affectionate." While Mo Li was thinking nonsense, Sheng Peigugis had come back and said respectfully to everyone.

"Please." Billy said gratefully.

Sheng Peigugis quickly shook his hand and said, "You're welcome, elder. It's just my job. Your Majesty is waiting for the elders in the hall. You'd better go quickly.

"Then let's go first." Billy said with a smile, and then walked through the arch with Mo Li and others. After entering the arch, Mo Li found that there were not only two silver armored warriors outside, but two silver armored warriors standing on both sides of the passage every ten steps. The passage was not very long, and it took five minutes to walk to the end. At the end is a tall arch made of fine copper. The door frame is wrapped in a bright red wool blanket, and there is a golden-red mink carpet in front of the door, extending into the arch. Two golden warriors stood on both sides of the arch. Seeing the arrival of the people, one of the golden warriors shouted, "Pride and Mo Li and other distinguished guests."

"Let them in." A thick voice came from inside the arch. Hearing this sound, Mo Li concluded that he was the dwarf Wang Qipasalente. Because this voice is not only full of confidence, but also shows a strong spirit of king.

Dwarf Billy and the crowd looked at each other, then took off his boots and stepped into the arch. Although Mo Li and others were not used to it, they still took off their shoes one after another, followed the dwarf Billy to the arch.

After walking into the arch, Mo Li couldn't help but be surprised. The previous impression of Chipasalente suddenly took a 180-degree turn. This dwarf king is not as rich as Mo Li thought. Because in the hall where Chipasalente stayed, there is no luxurious decoration in the whole hall except for the luxurious seat. Only the mink carpet on the ground is a little luxurious. Besides, Mo Li has seen such a carpet in Billy's room, which shows that such a carpet is not a luxury among the dwarves.

Cipasaliante is a slightly fat dwarf with a flowing beard on his chest. He wears a golden crown on his head, inlaid with a big turquoise gem in the center of the crown. A golden long run on his body is no different from ordinary dwarfs for the first time. Next to Chipasarante stood two beautiful dwarf girls.

There are only three people in the whole hall, and no one else is here. After Mo Li and others entered the hall, the two golden warriors outside the door closed the door of the hall.

"Pilly Adok has met His Majesty." Billy knelt on one knee, crossed his hands on his chest, and said respectfully.

At this time, Ji Fanyu took a step forward and put his right hand on his chest and said respectfully, "The elves made Ji Fanyu see King Chipasalente."

Mo Li and Black Charm and others looked at each other, and then walked to Billy and Ji Fanyu together, holding their hands and said respectfully, "Mo Li, a fire magician, has seen His Majesty Chiparsalente." Jiang Yan, a light magician, met His Majesty Chiparsalente. Spiritual magicians have met His Majesty Chiparsalente one after another. The little woman's black charm has met His Majesty Chiparsaliant.

Qipasaliant glanced at everyone's faces and said with a smile, "I didn't expect that the friends of the elf clan also came together. Everyone, get up, don't be so polite." After saying that, he turned to Ji Fanyu and asked with a smile, "Ji Fanyu's elf envoy, I haven't seen you for several years and become an elf envoy. Is your father okay? By the way, what happened to the disappearance of your elves now?

Ji Fanyu blushed and said respectfully, "Your Majesty for your concern. My father is very good now. As for the disappearance of our clan, it has been solved with the efforts of the Mo Li brothers and Princess Karan.

"Well?" Chipa Sarente looked at Mo Li curiously and asked, "Mo Li, did you solve the crisis of the elf clan? What a hero."

Mo Li arched his hand and said, "Your Majesty praised it. Mo Li is just a meeting. The key is that Princess Karan is powerful."

"It's not arrogant or impatient, it's really extraordinary." Chipasalian asked with a smile, "Mo Li, I heard that today you and Ji Fanyu went out together to inquire about the news of the mercenaries outside, and also got the news that the second artifact will be born in our dwarf territory. Is this true?"