Magic totem

Section 212 Verification

Although Kaier didn't seem to have anything to do with Yat, both of them know each other's thoughts. Naturally, Cayle doesn't want her daughter to tell Yat about Mo Li. Because only Kaier and Mo Li understand Yat's real purpose.

After being stared at by his mother, Karan was a little dissatisfied, but after all, he did not dare to go against his mother's intention and stood obediently behind Kaier.

"Bad boy, what's so sad? Is there something wrong? Yate looked at Mo Li with concern and asked.

Mo Li shook his head with a smile and said, "Yat, don't worry, will there be anything unhappy about people like me? Even if there is, is it not easy to solve it with your backing?

"It seems that the relationship between you two is unusual." Chipasalente said with some surprise.

"That's it." Yat said happily, "You know, we are friends of the New Year. Why don't you think the stinky called my name and I would let him go? Yat looked at the situation around him and said to everyone, "The people of the major forces have basically come back. Your Majesty Sarente, please take everyone over later."

"No problem. But are you not sure about the way and personnel to enter before you go? Chipasaliant asked worriedly.

"Don't worry about this. I think no one dares to enter easily when it's not sure. Let's wait until it's confirmed." Yate said with a smile.

"Since Yat has said so, your Majesty, don't worry. Just leave it to Yat to deal with it." Mo Li said with a smile. After saying that, he looked at Kaier, and both of them smiled frustratedly.

After listening to Mo Li's words, Chipa Sa Lian nodded and agreed, while Yat temporarily said goodbye to everyone and walked to the leaders of the major forces, probably to discuss to verify the underground palace of life.

After Yat left, Chipasariant asked Mo Li doubtfully, "Brother Mo Li, your relationship with Yat's predecessor seems extraordinary."

Mo Li and Kaier looked at each other and whispered in Chipa Sarente's ear, "Your Majesty, there are some things that Mo Li doesn't want to hide from you. Shall we talk about this later?"

As the dwarf king, Chipa Sarente is also a sophisticated person. He smiled and said, "Okay, now let's go and see what the senior Yate has." After saying that, he took Mo Li's arm affectionately and walked forward.

Kyle took a look at Karan behind her and pulled her forward behind the two.

When Mo Li and several people arrived at Yate's side, everyone had reached a consensus. This time to verify, the leaders of the major forces went together. Except for the four empires replaced by their most powerful magicians and swordsmen, everyone went to verify in person. Roman participated in the verification as a representative of the Rift Empire.

After everything was confirmed, under the leadership of Chiparsalente, everyone flew forward together. Mo Li flew to the front of everyone with Chipasaliant, while Chipasaliante guided Mo Li.

Everyone flew forward along a path in the forest. Suddenly, Chipasarante pointed to the right side of the path. Mo Li flew directly with him. After turning around the forest, an open space appeared in front of the crowd. From the still wet tree stumps on the ground, it can be seen that these big trees have just been cut down. There is a deep pit of more than 20 meters in the middle of the open space. The pit is hemispherical. Around the big pit stood a circle of heavily armed dwarves with golden armor. This is also the most powerful defense force of the Dwarves. Everyone fell around the deep pit.

As soon as he landed, Mo Li was shocked by the unusually abundant breath of life energy. He was about to say something, but was interrupted by Kaier, who followed closely behind. Cayll took Mo Li's hand and stared at him. Only then did Mo Li suddenly wake up. Now I can't expose what I can do about life magic. This matter has a very important relationship in this competition for the crown of life or in the future confrontation with the sacred revision.

Mo Li looked at Kaier gratefully, and then shyly pulled back his hand. And Kaier gave him a deep look.

"Senior Yat, the underground palace of life is below." Chipasarente opened his men and pointed to a round hole under the deep pit.

Yat looked down at the hole, turned his head and asked, "Your Majesty Salente, how much space is there down there? Is it enough for us to go down together?"

Chipasarente smiled and said, "Don't worry, we have specially dug a lot below for the convenience of entering in the future. Don't doubt it when the hole is small. After saying that, he jumped into the hole.

The others looked at each other and jumped down one after another. Yat was not anxious to go down, but walked to Mo Li and said with concern, "You must be careful when you go down. Although it is the periphery of the underground palace, there is still danger. Why don't I take you down?"

"Yat, why do you always treat me as a child? Don't worry, I won't die." Mo Li said with a smile. After waiting for Yat to answer, his feet suddenly kicked on the ground, and his whole body flew up and fell into the round hole quickly. Cayle didn't say hello to Yat at all. She patted the transparent wings behind her, followed Mo Li closely, and entered the hole.

Yat looked at the disappeared two people, shook his head doubtfully, and then a golden light lit up on the soles of his feet, and his body slowly entered the hole.

As Chiparant said, the space below is really large, and more than 20 people jump in, which looks very loose. The walls of the cave are set with torches unique to the dwarves, shining like day. The scene in the cave was clearly reflected in front of everyone.

As soon as they entered the cave, everyone was attracted by the stone door with a faint turquoise light to the east of the cave.

Cipasaliant went straight to the stone gate and pointed to the stone gate and said, "This is the entrance to the underground palace of life. After we found this, we brought His Majesty Kail to verify it. According to His Majesty Kail, these symbols on the stone gate are ancient elf characters, the meaning of which is the place where life begins, which means the gate of life. And there is a strong breath of life energy from the stone gate.

At this time, Cayle walked to Chiparsalent and said, "Yes, as His Majesty Salente said, there is indeed a strong breath of life energy here, and with the symbols on the door, I'm sure that this is the entrance to the underground palace of life. But I don't know how to open this stone door.

Ya Te, who finally came in, slowly walked to the stone gate and gently put his hand on the stone gate. There is a pale golden light on the palm of his hand. This stone is of strange material. After a while, Yat frowned and said, "In my opinion, this stone does not exist on our continent. As His Majesty Kaier said, there is indeed a strong vitality here.

After listening to Yat's words, people from all the major forces went up curiously and stroked the stone door one by one, but no one found out the secret of the stone door opening.

"One thing is certain, that is, this stone gate is most likely the entrance to the underground palace of life." Roman turned around and said, "But how to open it is distressing."

Yat turned around and looked at everyone and said, "What do you think? Do you think this is like the underground palace of life?"

People of various forces looked at each other, and one of the slightly fat people stood up and said with a smile, "Senior Yate, we all think this is like the entrance to the underground palace of life. Therefore, we'd better go back and confirm the personnel who will enter. As for the method of opening, let's talk about it after the personnel are confirmed.

"Well, that's a good idea." Caier nodded with a smile.

Everyone also nodded.

While several people were discussing the number of people entering, Mo Li stood in front of the turquoise stone door and stood in front of the door. Mo Li always felt that the life could be a little familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before. There seems to be something calling himself in the stone gate. Just as he put his hand on the stone door, he felt something suddenly enter his body. I can't help shivering and immediately withdrew my hand.

But when Mo Li looked at the symbols on the stone gate again, a miracle happened, and he could understand the meaning of those symbols. That doesn't mean what Kail said as the "gate of life", but "non-disciples mistakenly entered". When Mo Li saw all this, he was extremely shocked, and he didn't know why he could understand it. As if he could have understood it, a trace of cold sweat appeared on his back, but he didn't dare to show it for fear that others would notice.

After the discussion, everyone agreed to leave together. After everyone left, Mo Li was stunned. Because the shock was too great, he didn't hear what everyone was saying at all.