Magic totem

Section 260 Long Fei

Everyone walked forward slowly, and Mo Li felt very warm.

"There are no bodies here. They should be chasing those people." Mo Li comforted. Then he turned to Kler and said, "I just heard what this brother said, just like those people before. Has something similar happened here before?"

Kler sighed and said, "Brother Mo Li, we were excited just now. I hope you don't mind. In fact, this is not the first time we have lost people. With that, he told what had happened before.

In fact, a long time ago, the wind chasers did not go to the periphery of the falling feather forest at all. As the vice president said, the wind chasers have been living in the depths of the fallen forest because they are very different from human beings, and rarely come out to communicate with human beings. Although they love peace, they are extremely ** at the same time for fear that others will cause harm to them. So I have been staying in the depths of the forest.

They used to live a very peaceful life, but things changed three years ago. One day, when everyone held a whole family meeting, they suddenly found that a single pursuer in the clan had disappeared. At first, everyone thought that maybe she didn't want to come, so they didn't care. But a month later, another clan disappeared again and thought she was a beautiful girl. Only then did everyone realize the danger. Then gather the whole family again to discuss this matter. In the end, everyone unanimously passed the wind chasing team responsible for safety in the clan to investigate the matter.

But three months later, the wind chase team has not found the cause, and within three months, more than a dozen young women were lost again. No one can stay this time. The young men in all the clan consciously organized and formed the current team. Kler became the captain because he was the most powerful warrior in the clan.

Later, they found a strange group of humans during the patrol. However, they did not doubt and brought these people back to the clan. Treat these people warmly. On the surface, these people are very grateful to the pursuers. And promise to help them find the lost people. But what everyone didn't expect was that on that night, these people left without saying goodbye. And three or four girls also disappeared from the clan. At this time, everyone woke up and chased quickly. Fortunately, one girl did not get it back, but the other three returned to the clan, and Keller was also seriously injured as a result.

After this incident, the wind chasers pushed the whole boundary line directly to their current position in order to prevent the clan from disappearing and being arrested again. Mo Li and others first found that the surveillance of wind chasers was precisely for this reason.

After listening to Kler's words, Mo asked puzzledly, "I don't understand one thing. How can those killers usually do to chase the wind clan to steal people? And those who steal are young women with weak combat effectiveness.

Miffy pulled Mo Li's hand, turned to Kler and asked, "Brother Keller, let me ask you, are those young women very beautiful?"

"Yes." Keller nodded and said, "We don't know what their purpose is. But until now, we haven't found any of our people. I guess it was transported away by them.

"That's right." Miffy shook her head and said, "Well, if I guess correctly, the only reason why they arrested these young and beautiful girls is to sell them to the nobles as female slaves."

"Female slave?" Keller looked at Miffy doubtfully.

Miffy's cheeks turned red, but she couldn't say anything.

Until this time, everyone finally understood what Miffy meant.

"These bastards! If I catch them, I will definitely smash them into ten thousand pieces!" Keller punched the tree trunk fiercely and said hatefully.

At this time, they heard a messy footsteps from the depths of the woods. Mo Li made a silent move, and everyone increased quickly.

"Brother Miller, do you think something has happened to Brother Mo Li and Sister Miffy?" Mo Li, who was hiding in the tree, finally put down a big stone in his heart when he heard this sound. It seemed that he was right about his guess this time. There was really nothing wrong with them and died chasing the killers.

Then he heard Miller's voice: "Brother Mo Li's strength is much higher than ours. He should be fine. If Feifei is with her, I have nothing to worry about, but..."

"Miller, we didn't find any traces of fighting during this pursuit. They should have gone out at the last minute. I will be back tomorrow morning." The vice president's voice sounded at this time.

"Brother, I'm here!" Miffy finally couldn't help shouting at this time. Seeing that her brother was worried about him, she shouted before everyone appeared. Then he flew to the people.

"It's Sister Miffy." Nick shouted in surprise, "It's Sister Miffy."

"Feifei!" The two ran to Mo Li almost at the same time. When they saw Miffy and Mo Li, their faces were on one side, and the magic wand had appeared in Miller's hand. Let go of our people, or we won't be polite!" Miffy said coldly and pulled Nick behind him. By this time, the people behind had rushed over. Like Miller, everyone immediately took out their weapons and glared at the pursuers in front of them.

Mo Li and Keller looked at each other. Then he walked to Miller and smiled, "Brother Miller, you misunderstood. They didn't catch us."

"Well? So what's going on?" Miller gave everyone a strange look.

"Brother!" The woman who was standing behind Mo Li suddenly jumped into the arms of a tall man and shouted. Looking at them, Mo Li turned to the vice president and asked, "President, where have you been?" Did something happen just now?

The vice president sighed and said, "Just now, everyone was resting, and suddenly a group of people in black quietly broke into our carriage, but they were found by our people in time. Those people killed several of our team members indiscriminately. And we also found that the three of you were missing, so we fought with those. When they saw that we were many people, they ran away. Since we didn't see you, we pursued with all our strength. Saying this, he couldn't help shaking his head: "It's a pity that they still ran away. But fortunately, you are fine, or we won't pay off.

"Excuse me, when you fight with those people in black again, can you see them with a wind-chasing woman?" At this time, Keller went to the vice president and asked.

Miller shook his head and said, "We only saw five people, and we didn't see any women chasing the wind."

"This..." Keller turned to Rongtian and looked at him doubtfully.

Mo Li suddenly walked to Kler at this time and shouted, "Brother Kler, if I guess correctly, Mira should not have been taken away by these people and should have been hidden nearby by them."

Kler's body shook and stared into Mo Li's eyes and asked, "How dare you be sure?"

"It's very simple. Rongtian chased them. In order to blame us, they got into our caravan, but what they didn't expect was that there were so many masters in our caravan, so they had no choice but to escape. When they entered the caravan, they should have restrained Miss Mira and hid her somewhere. They wanted to secretly transport her away after we fought.

"It's not too late. Let's find it quickly." Keller said loudly to several pursuers behind him. Then it will rise to the sky. Mo Li grabbed him at this time.

"Brother Mo Li, Mira's identity is important. I'm in a hurry now. Let's talk about it later." Keller said anxiously.

Mo Li shook his head and said, "Don't worry, listen to me. I think Mira should be in the caravan.

"What?! How can this be? Haven't we seen it just now?

Mo Li did not answer and pulled Kler to the caravan. Mira in Kler's mouth was found under a carriage

When Mo Li and they found Mira, she was helped by cowhide tendons and stuffed a piece of black cloth in her mouth. Keller rushed up, took down the black cloth in his mouth, and asked with concern, "Milla, are you all right?" With that, he quickly cut off the cowhide tendon with the long sword in his hand.

"Wow!" Mira took a deep breath and suddenly got into Keller's broad arms. Kler, I knew you would come to save me."

Kler blushed and helped Mira stand up. He asked awkwardly, "Are you all right? Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine." At this time, Mira noticed that there were so many people around looking at the two people. She suddenly got out of Kara's arms and lowered her head and said.

"Kler, now you should believe that we didn't do all this." Mo Li said lightly.

Kler turned around and said gratefully, "Brother Mo Li, thank you very much this time. We must remember your kindness to the wind chasers. If you need anything in the future, just come to our clan." With that, he pulled off a feather from his wings and handed it to Mo Li and said, "You take this. If you need anything in the future, you can send someone to take this and hand it over to me. I, Keller, will definitely help you to the death."

Mo Li was not polite. He took the feather and said with a smile, "It's best to get rid of the misunderstanding. We will be friends from now on.

"Hmm." Keller answered, and then turned to the crowd and said, "Now Saint Mira has been found. We need to return to the clan as soon as possible. Ladies and gentlemen, goodbye. You can move freely in the falling feather forest, and I promise that there will be no more wind chasers watching you.

"It's our honor to meet the kind-hearted wind chasers. Since you still have important things to do, we won't force you." The vice president said with a smile.

Kler and the others nod to everyone, and then spread their wings and quickly left here.

"Let's go and have a rest. I don't think anything will happen tonight. Let's go on our way early tomorrow morning. In order to prevent those killers from getting into trouble again. After Keller and the others left, the vice president said cautiously. After being busy for most of the night, everyone was tired. So we found a place to rest.

The next day, at dawn, everyone embarked on the road to Telland again. Move eastward against the rising sun.

Two months later, everyone finally arrived safely outside the city of Telan. Although the journey was relatively far away, nothing else had happened since they left the falling feather forest, so the journey was particularly stable.

Outside Tlan, the vice president looked at everyone with a smile, "Thanks to your assistance this time, we can arrive in Tland safely. Now the gate is close at hand, so your escort mission has been successfully completed here. Don't worry, as soon as we enter the city, we will send someone to inform the Mercenary Association. After lunch, we can go to receive rewards.

"President, in this case, let's say goodbye first." Miller said with a smile, and then handed over the three horses to the caravan and took Mo Li to the city of Telland. Since Mo Li and the three of them are magicians, it is easy to pass the inspection of the city gate.

It is worth mentioning that as the capital of the empire, the city of Transn is second to none in terms of scale or architectural style. The gate is almost ten times larger than that of Haixing Town, and the wide gate can travel almost 15 carriages in parallel. All the streets in the city are paved with a whole piece of marble, and there are exquisite carved patterns on the marble. The street is so wide that more than a dozen carriages will not feel crowded in parallel.

These are nothing. The most eye-catching are the shops and pedestrians on both sides of the street. There are all kinds of shops on both sides of the street. Unlike other places, there are no small vendors with open stalls here, and all merchants have their own independent shops. Pedestrians are extremely gorgeously dressed. Mo Li walked on the street like beggars.

"Wow! The city of Teland is so prosperous. Miffy seemed to have lived in the mountains and forests for a long time. Like entering the city for the first time, she kept looked at everything around her and sighed loudly.

Nick took Miffy's little hand and obediently followed her. After nearly two months, the little guy has been successfully bought by Miffy. Now the relationship with Miffy is even more than that of Mo Li. Sister Miffy, can you take me to eat something good later? Looking at the various snacks in the shops on both sides, this little guy has long been greedy.

"Why do you look like you're entering the city for the first time?" Miller smiled and said, "You look at Mo Li, and there is almost no reaction to everything around you."

"He is a standard wood. I haven't found anything else he is interested in except magic." Miffy said with a smile. In the same two months, the relationship between the four has been very familiar. In particular, Mo Li and Miffy often chatted alone on their way to Telland.

Mo Li smiled and said, "It's not that I'm not interested, but I'm shy. If I had a lot of gold coins, I wouldn't be what I am now."

Miller scoffed at Mo Li's words. He hit Mo Li's shoulder with one hand and said with a smile, "Mo Li, don't cry poor with us. Others may believe that you don't have money, but we are different. You said how many extra tasks you took along the way, and those rewards are not ordinary.

Indeed, because he was very calm all the way, Mo Li used his identity as a mercenary to constantly take over the tasks he could complete and earned a lot of rewards along the way. Of course, he will not only care about making a fortune, and sometimes the Rafale mercenary regiment takes over the task together. In fact, everyone has also earned a lot of rewards. But Nick has now become a small rich man. Although he made no special contributions to the mercenary regiment. But everyone loves him very much. Therefore, the remuneration is generally distributed equally. The Feller Mercenary Regiment was also successfully upgraded to Class C. And Mo Li was even more horrible. Because he accepted a more dangerous task alone, his personal mercenary level was directly upgraded to level B.

Mo Li smiled faintly and said, "Miller, what is our money? You can understand by looking at the clothes of the people here. How can the consumption level of the imperial capital be accepted by us little mercenaries?"

"That's true." Miller nodded. There will be a new assessment in one month. Along the way, we are only focusing on making money, and there is basically no progress in our cultivation. I think we will find a place to practice at ease during this period.

"Well, I just don't know if there is a cheaper house here." Mo Li said with a smile.

Miffy said with a smile, "We finished this before we came here. My uncle is the owner of a shop in Telland City, and we can live in his manor.

"Your uncle?" Mo Li asked doubtfully, "But it doesn't seem good for us to live in."

Miller slapped Mo Li on the shoulder and shouted, "That's my own uncle. His family is my home. You are Feifei and I's best friend. Do you think it's convenient to live in?

"That's right, you're welcome to us." Miffy pouted and said, "Don't you treat us as friends?"

Hearing this, Mo Li couldn't stand. After this period of hard work, he finally formed a hazy tacit understanding with this girl, but he could not destroy the relationship between the two in this matter. He quickly explained, "I didn't mean that. I just don't think it's a good..." Mo Li can't wait to slap himself at this time. He is usually as smart as him, but he can't say a word at this time.

Looking at Mo Li's sweaty and anxious appearance, Miffy laughed. Well, you don't need to explain. We haven't known you since we've been together for so long? That's it. You and Nick will stay with us at your uncle's house. After saying that, she lowered her head and kissed Nick on the forehead. Little Nico, would you like to live with your sister?

Nick nodded obediently and said, "Kier is willing to live with my sister, because she is the most beautiful in the world. If my brother doesn't want to, let him go out to sleep alone.

"Haha, Nick is so good." Miffy smiled at Silent Nick's little head and turned to Mo Li's cunning smile and said, "Look, now three to one, you have nothing to say."

Mo Li shook his head helplessly. Then I'll disturb you."

"You're looking for a beat, aren't you?" Miller shouted, "Mo Li, let me tell you, if I hadn't been as strong as you, I would have beaten you long ago. Trouble? Do we still need to use these two words?"

"I'm sorry, I used the wrong words, I used the wrong words." Mo Li quickly apologized. By the way, do you know where your uncle's house is? Mo Li quickly changed the topic for fear that he was saying something wrong.

Miffy and Miller looked at each other and said with a smile, "We really don't know about this, but when my uncle came home a few years ago, he told us that his shop was on the main street of Telland City, called Mi's Casting, which seemed to be very famous."

"Mi's casting? So, your uncle is a great foundry?

Miller shook his head and said, "My uncle is not a foundry, but an authentic magician. But he liked to do business since he was a child, so he came to Telan City. Through his own continuous efforts and the support of his family, he became one of the few rich businessmen in Tehran more than a decade ago. The family was also ordered to guard the Underworld Sea in northern Xinjiang because he was crowned as a noble by the empire.

"Well, that's how it is. So, it must be easy to find there. This should be the main street of Telland City. Why don't we ask someone?"

"Good." Miller took a look at an ordinary road and walked up and asked respectfully, "Brother, I don't know how to get to Mi's casting?"

The passer-by seemed to look at Miller like an idiot. He said indifferently, "You are new here, and you don't even know the famous Mi's casting. Go straight along this street and you will see it. After saying that, he left without looking back. Miller stood still and was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect his uncle's shop to be so famous. Then he walked to Mo Li, talked to everyone, and then walked along the street together.