Magic Dance Song

Chapter 2 Game between girls?

Yinemon's father's funeral was held in the family church of Miqi's family.

The periphery of the church is covered with wisteria, and the sunlight is blocked above the wisteria leaves, and only occasionally leaks a little from the cracks. People silently passed under the wisteria leaves, entered the church, said goodbye to the remains of Baron Michelina, and then quietly came out.

The shade lemon stood in the church and received the comfort of those who greeted them. Although she actually didn't know the man lying in the coffin, this solemn atmosphere still gave her a feeling of blockage. This reminded her of the death of Black Annie, who raised her (he), when he couldn't cry.

I can't cry, but there is a burst of pain in my chest.

Standing next to the lemon is a girl about the same age as her, with long hair, a black shawl, quiet and elegant. Alina said that her name is Anna Sue, a distant relative of her mother who has been dead for many years. Anna Su's parents own a manor in the north of Longenburg, which was given to them by their father during their lifetime. Alicena said that Anna Sue is the best friend of the lemon. Of course, it is impossible for the lemon to remember. But Anna Sue did care about her and has been with Meng since the beginning of the funeral.

Anna Sue is a girl who blushes easily, especially when the person standing in front of her is a man. She is always timid. If she hadn't wanted to stand beside her friends and silently support her, she would have been shy to hide.

Yin Meng thinks she is very interesting... At least she is very cute, much cuter than Ziya.

If it hadn't been for the wrong scene, the lemon would have rushed over and knocked her down.

Those who can enter the church are all people with status. As for the civilians on this territory, they can only stay outside and look at the coffin when the baron is buried.

The inlaid glass on both sides of the church is engraved with the story of the salvation of the Lord God. The sun shines through the glass and the reflection covers the mourner, with religious mystery. Old Geer kept busy and welcomed the people who came to mourn, while Alina just stood there quietly, looking at the baron in the coffin with sadness on her face. Meng felt that Ms. Alice seemed to have an emotion she didn't know about her "father". Thinking of her care and love for herself, Ying Meng believes that that kind of real concern is not just because she is her own tutor.

Another person came in.

To be honest, Yin Meng doesn't care about who came in at all. Anyway, she doesn't know any of them. Just let them come in and stand for a while, say a few words of comfort to herself and then get out of here.

But this person is a little different.

Because the lemon felt her eyes as hot and dangerous as fireworks.

It is a girl who is several years older than the shade lemon. She is tall and has white skin. There was a faint smile on her face, and her fingers always habitually knocked on the outside of her thighs. Yin Meng felt that there was something hidden in it, and she believed that it could easily break her neck.

The tall girl symbolically stood in front of the coffin for a while, and then walked to the shade lemon. As she approached, Meng felt as if a dark shadow was rolling towards her, giving her an impulse to escape desperately. Anna Su felt that something was wrong with her, thought she was tired because of grief, and quietly took her hand from the side, which made the lemon feel a little relieved.

But the girl spoke.

She stood in front of the lemon, looked at the lemon condescendingly, and said lightly, "Sister lemon, I haven't seen you for a long time. How are you?"

The lemon only felt that the whole soul was moved, and even the blood became cold. She heard the girl's voice not long ago.

At that time, she had just entered the current body.

The person standing in front of her killed Su Li, and it was she who killed the original owner of the body.

Yin Meng raised her head and looked at her. The sneer on the other party's face became more and more obvious, even with a kind of wolf-like cruelty, as if contempt for an immovable little sheep.

"I heard that you had a serious illness, which made me very worried," the tall girl stood straight in front of her and said slowly, "Now that I see that you are fine, I am relieved. Your father is a good man. What a pity that he died.

The lemon felt that her feet were a little weak. However, you can't escape, you can't hide, and you can't let your enemies know that you are afraid of him.

"Yes, it's a pity that my father died," she met the other party's eyes and made her tone as cold as possible. "But I'm still alive, and I will make his death no longer worthless."

Fool, idiot, idiot! As soon as she finished speaking, she scolded herself in her heart.

Although you can't escape, you shouldn't provoke the other party like now. You can't let the other party know that you have recognized her, and you can't let her know that you are on her. Escape is the behavior of the weak, but impulse is also not wise enough.

Impulse is the devil.

Or her tone attracted the attention of Alina, which made Alina stop mourning and look at them puzzledly.

The other party's sneer turned into mockery, but he didn't say anything more, just turned around and left.

It was not until she saw her back walk out of the church that Yingmeng was relieved and only felt that her whole back was in a cold sweat.

"Yinmeng, what's wrong with you?" Anna Su asked uneasily.

"Who is she?" Meng still looked out of the door, although the girl was no longer in her sight.

"You mean Emma? She is..."

"She is the daughter of the Burid family, Emma Burid!" Alina walked to Meng and looked at her with concern. "She and her father, Count Burid, occasionally come to Ronburg to discuss some business with your father. Why did you ask about her?

"She is..." The lemon stopped. Can she say it? Should she tell Alina that Emma Burid was the one who attacked her?

But Alina didn't wait for the lemon's answer. She just turned around and looked at the door of the church like the lemon just now.

"Ema...Bleed's Emma..." Alina pondered.


After the funeral, Alina left Longenburg for King City, but before leaving, she expressed to Anna Su's parents the hope that they would leave their daughter to accompany Ying Meng, and they agreed.

When she left, Alicena asked Meng many times to swear that she would never leave the castle. She couldn't resist her, so she had to make a promise to Alice.

Of course, in her idea, ensuring and doing are completely two different things.

The appearance of Emma Burid added a sense of urgency to the heart of the lemon.

The Beride family's fief is close to Fort Long, and it is much larger than Fort Long, and some mines are in the middle of the two families. In fact, there are not many contacts between the two families, and sometimes they just visit each other politely. They also have no old hatred. Although the two families are slightly controversial in the division of territory, they are limited to some black crystal mines that cannot be mined.

Emma Buride is a necromancer, and from this point of view, the shade lemon is not completely unpregnant. In the Kingdom of Fair, necromancer is considered to be the most evil gray magic and is strictly prohibited. If the lemon exposes Emma's identity as a necromancer, the church can't even ask questions.

But who would believe a little girl's words? What's more, the little girl was seriously ill and couldn't even remember what happened when she was a child.

So, she still has to solve the problem by herself. Of course, because revealing her identity is a dangerous thing, I believe that Emma Burid can only attack her in the dark and dare not kill her openly.

Who is the wolf and who is the sheep?

The shade lemon sighed.

At this time, Anna Sue entered her room.

Anna has just finished taking a shower, wearing a cute pajama embroidered with cherries and holding a pillow in her hand. Her pajamas were put on her body, her calves were naked outside, and the two small steamed buns on her chest were obviously raised out under her pajamas. As soon as she closed the door, she saw that Meng was staring at her chest, and her little face turned red.

"What...what's wrong?" She shyly blocked the sight of the lemon with her pillow.

"How old are you?" Meng looked at her thoughtfully.

"Ten...12...a little younger than you."

"Smaller than me..." Meng looked down at her two small bumps that she could hardly feel under her pajamas.

"Lemon, what are you thinking? Are you not feeling well?" Anna, who was worried about her friend, walked over and sat at the head of the bed and looked at her uneaseasedly. Before she came here, she had heard that many people and things could not remember because of a serious illness.

"It's not fair!" Meng suddenly threw her down and rubbed her two small steamed buns. "Obviously, she is younger than me, but her breasts are much older than me."

" itchy...haha..." Anna Sue pushed and smiled childishly.

It's so cute.

The lemon was itchy. She vowed that after changing her man's body, she would go back and eat this little Lori.

She gave half of the bed to Anna, and the inner half. It felt that Anna had become the * sheep she was imprisoned in the sheep pen. Of course, Anna didn't know this. She was glad that the lemon seemed to be in a much better mood. She didn't know that the lemon was considering the evil Lori breeding plan.

"What is this?" Meng Meng saw Anna Su wearing a chain around her neck, and the things on the chain were covered in her pajamas, so in the name of the chain, she opened Anna's collar and looked inside openly.

Two attractive little cherries appeared in front of her eyes. They were white and tender, and they felt that they would squeeze out water after a bite. Even the pink * was so cute that the lemon wanted to hold them with her fingers and gently pull them out.

Anna Su was not conscious of being voyeur at all. She thought that Yin Meng was really looking at her chain, so she pulled it out and showed it to Yin Meng.

It is a blue pebble, which is not exquisite, but it gives people a strange sense of tranquility. The blue light flows, as if as long as the line of sight stays on it for a while, the whole heart will be involved in it and surrounded by a warm breath. Meng couldn't help reaching out and touching it gently, and then there was a feeling of electric shock. Even so, this strange electric shock still brought her indescribable softness and joy.

The little fairy's voice suddenly appeared in her mind.

"What did you move?" The little fairy asked.

"A small stone, blue." Yingmeng reflected the appearance of the pebble into her mind and tried to pass it on to the little fairy.

"Fragments of the blue planet?" The voice of the little fairy was full of surprise. "At the end of the hundred years of darkness, the goddess Luna turned her soul into a blue planet and broke through the dark god Shastine's blood pool with the explosion of the blue planet, finally forcing Shastine to leave the world. Although the goddess Luna is dead, part of her magic power is still preserved by the blue planet fragments lost on earth.

"Is this little stone a fragment of the blue planet?"

"It must be," said the little fairy. "In Free's legend, only a pure and kind girl can get it. Because it is part of the soul of the goddess, and the goddess Luna is the most loving and compassionate of all gods, so those who get the fragments of the blue planet can directly transform the divine power contained in it into the water of life.

"What do you mean?"

"It means... I'll explain it to you later."

"Are you still having diarrhea?"



Little fairy: "It's really annoying to be a human."

"..." yin Meng increasingly doubted whether she still had the day to return to Meiji.

"Where did you come from?" She asked Anna.

"It was given to me by Mr. Urenos. He is the new tutor my father invited for me." Anna Su said.

A little lemon. She is not interested in knowing who this guy named Urenos is. There are more interesting things now, such as...

"Let's play games." She turned over Anna and began to take off her pajamas.

"Wait, wait."

"This game can only be played if you take off your clothes." Meng said shamelessly, "It's fun."

"Really, really?"

"I won't lie to you." Despite the little girl's shame, she forcibly took off her pajamas. "Anyway, we are all girls. If I'm a man, you need to be afraid."

"What will happen to a man?"

This question is well asked, and I will definitely teach you in the future.

"You close your eyes first," Yin Meng coaxed her. "This game was taught by those nuns when I was in college. They said that any girl should play this game."

"Really?" Anna Su closed her eyes suspiciously.

Looking at the girl in cute underwear, she couldn't help kissing her little face. Anna's face turned redder, and she didn't know what kind of "game" Meng wanted to do. She was a little nervous and jumped quickly. She felt the lemon's lips slowly wandering around her body, from the pink neck to the collarbone, and then to some embarrassing places. After a while, Meng put her face to the girl's ear and whispered, "The game has begun, little Anna."

Anna hummed in a daze.
