Magic Dance Song

Chapter 2 "Fuck--"

They found a place to rest near the passage with colorful rim crystal and ate some dry food.

Meggie has been very unhappy, which makes Anna feel that she may have done something wrong. She timidly accompanied him and dared not say anything.

Seeing her overwhelmed appearance, Meiji also felt that her heart was too small.

The surrounding environment seems to be quietly changing, reminding Meg for the Fog Forest. However, the fog forest is still part of the real world, at least the star compass can play a role in it.

And everything here is like a horrible dream. There is an invisible darkness above your head. It feels like something is always rolling on it, surrounded by scorched rocks, and other strange things that no one can recognize what ingredients are made of.

The stalactite-like thing is dripping with bright red blood, and there is a strange vortex on the stone wall cut by a knife.

What binds people's hearts is a lingering sense of depression. As long as you close your eyes, there will be a fear that you can no longer open it.

Is this the garden of the goddess or the purgatory of the dark god Shastine?

No one can distinguish clearly.

After a while of rest, they continued on their way. And as they move forward, there are more and more monsters, and it is becoming more and more difficult to deal with. This made Megji feel that maybe Anna's path pointed out by feeling was really right.

Monsters are blocking their progress.

Finally, they found themselves surrounded.

At this time, they were in an open space full of scorched earth, surrounded by all kinds of monsters. Under Molly's leadership, they tried their best to kill a bloody road, but all kinds of strange creatures gathered more and more.

El, a half-human and half-animal, a hard-shelled green beetle, a huge blood-sucking mosquito, and many that even Meggie can't recognize.

"Meggie, think of a way." Molly gasped.

Why should I think about it? Meiji wants to complain, but now is really not the right time.

Indeed, in such a situation, simple combat is not enough to solve the problem at all, and magic often has some unexpected effects.

So, what should I do?

He thought about it.

He tried to contact the little fairy, but although the magic channel between him and the little fairy still existed, her thinking transmission was obviously blocked. Meiji could only faintly hear her calling herself through her thoughts, but she couldn't hear what she was saying at all.

Meggie calmed down and recalled everything the little fairy had taught him.

What did the little fairy who borrowed her body do when she surrounded them as a group of skeleton warriors in the black crystal mine?

Sometimes, combining certain magic can often produce incredible chemical reactions with each other.

He took a deep breath.

"Anna, Will," he said in an unquestionable tone, "you protect us with the boundary of protective element damage. Molly, you two hold on first, don't let them get too close, and don't leave the boundary between Will and Anna."

Molly and Greenless nodded and began to use the terrain to block the monsters. The two children also joined hands to use protective boundaries.

Meggie stood in the center and began to draw. One by one, superimposed magic was thrown out, and countless vines and various trees grew around them.

"Entanglement?" Molly frowned and looked at the plants around them. Although these vines do effectively entangled many Warcrafts, they are also blocked here. She can't see any other effect except for the temporary breathing time.

Meggie ignored her. After putting more than a dozen superimposed entanglement techniques so that there were plants everywhere, he began to release wind masses again. At this time, he had to admit that the "magic superposition" taught him by the little fairy was really amazing, which could increase the power of the same magic by multiple. He controlled the wind mass in the distance and wrapped them and all the plants together. The wind mass swirled faster and faster, like a whirlwind, pulling away from the air around them. Fortunately, the boundary created by Will and Anna kept the air that could last for a certain period of time, but it made Molly feel even more confused.

After all, this alone cannot destroy the groups of monsters around them.

At this time, Meji released several fireballs. Although they were also superimposed, because the surrounding air was gradually pulled away under the action of the wind mass, the effect of fireballs was pitifully small and could only ignite those plants.

The lit plant burned slowly, making Molly frown.

"Be careful." Meiji shouted, and then the wind that surrounded them immediately dissipated.

The air began to roll down, pressing the flame almost out, and then--


All the plants ignited in an instant, and the accumulated high temperature exploded. For a while, the flames rolled wildly, the ground shook, and the rolling heat waves rumbled endlessly, attacking out one after another, and involved those warcrafts in it.

Will and Anna desperately supported the boundary and could hardly withstand the powerful impact. Molly and Greenless were stunned, and the white spots caused by the high temperature almost burned their eyes.

Because the explosion was so amazing that many rocks around it were shredded, and those monsters were buried by the heat and flames before they could even mourn.

The explosion came suddenly and disappeared very quickly. As the black smoke spread and gradually dispersed, there was only a hellish tragedy in front of them. The bones of Warcraft are everywhere, and some are still burning.

Will and Anna were scared. Although they were exhausted, they still dared not lift the boundary.

Meggie himself was also a little surprised. Even if he was psychologically prepared, the effect still made him feel too exaggerated. Thinking about it carefully, he couldn't help but have a lingering palpitation. This is really too risky. If Will and Anna's elemental protection boundary fails to stop the explosion, won't the whole team die here?

"Meggie," Molly hesitated for a moment, as if thinking about whether to praise him or scold him for such a reckless gamble. In the end, she just gently answered, "Fuck you..."


Anyway, the current crisis has finally been solved. Although everyone is too tired to move, no one wants to stay in this messy place. They dragged their steps forward and stopped to rest until they found a place that seemed not easy to be noticed.

This relic looks much bigger than they originally thought, and no one knows where the blue planet debris is hidden. In fact, how Princess Sophia and the former palace magicians were sure that there were blue planet fragments in it was also somewhat doubtful, but this kind of thing should not be within their consideration.

After a break, Greenless whispered to Molly and quietly dived on the road alone.

Meggie didn't ask him what he was going to do. Of course, it was not difficult to guess.

At this time, a group of people slowly walked into the place where there were burnt warcraft corpses.

Emma Burid is also among them.

"What's going on?" A very slender man looked at the purgatory-like scene in shock. He is very tall and moves extremely light. If you look carefully, you can see that his ears are much longer than normal people. His eyes were blue, as if covered with a layer of fog, with a faint fluorescence in this dark place.

He is a night elf.

The night elves almost do not exist in this kingdom, and they are not seen in the New Asia Complex. Only in Si, there are still some settlements of night elves, but they basically do not have contact with other races.

A night elf will appear in the Kingdom of Fair, which is unimaginable.

Beside him, Emma frowned, suppressed the angry eyes in her eyes, and replied, "Among those people, there is a magician named Meiji. His magic level is very high, which must also be his masterpiece.

In fact, the "Meggie" Emma saw in the black crystal mine was actually a little fairy who borrowed Meiji's body, but she never knew it. At that time, the little fairy performed magic one by one in the skeleton army created by Emma, which impressed her deeply. Although the teenager who** was suddenly a little vulnerable in the night attack a few days ago and almost died at her hands, it may also be because his raid had an unexpected effect on him.

And this battle that kills groups of warcraft in an instant is obviously his real ability.

Can he really return the shame he inflicted on him?

"Meggie..." The night elf read the name in a low voice, trying to remember this person. The ability to solve so many Warcrafts in a short time is really amazing.

Not only him, but also others are a little hesitant. Their task is to follow those people and grab the little girl and the soul fragments of the goddess in the relic at a critical moment. However, if there is such a powerful magician among those people, this task will not be easy to complete.

"If you are afraid, it's too late to quit now." Emma looked at them coldly.

"Cautiousness and fear are two different things," the night elf said indifferently. "Anyway, at least we have an advantage in numbers."

"And they didn't know we were following them." Someone next to him said.

"No," the night elf sneered and glanced at the darkness in the distance. "They have already found out."

Emma looked in the direction he was looking at, but she didn't see anything. Nevertheless, she believes that the judgment made by the night elf around her will never be wrong. The night elf has a natural night vision ability, and the one in front of them is even more heterogeneous.

"What did you find?" She asked.

"Someone tried to observe us and retreated immediately after being found out." A sharp light flashed in the eyes of the night elf, "A brilliant stalist, very smart."

"But you still noticed it."

"So he is a powerful character, or an excellent assassin," the night elf said blankly. "The moment I noticed him, he immediately withdrew. As a human being, it is by no means easy to have such a keen feeling.

"It should be the man named Greenless." Emma whispered, "No one can find out his exact origin."

"I really hope I can compete with him face to face." The man of the night elf clan narrowed his eyes.

Emma looked at him lightly and said nothing.

On the other side.

After Greenless quietly retreated, he sneaked back to Molly and others.

"How's it going?" Molly looked at him.

"Those people have been following us."

"It's really haunted," Molly patted her big sword vigorously. "Let's work hard to open the way in front of us. They follow slowly in the back and really know how to pick up a bargain."

Greenless didn't say anything.

"Is there any way to get rid of them?" Molly asked again.

"It's difficult," Greenless shook his head. "The other party also has a wanderer. If I read it correctly, it's still a night elf."

"But we can't keep procrastinating like this," Molly thought. "If it goes on like this, when our physical strength is exhausted, they can attack us at any time."

"So," Meggie couldn't help but say, "Why don't we attack them first?"

Molly and Greenless pondered together, and then nodded.

"However, we have to find a favorable terrain first. After all, there are more people on the other side." Molly said.

"Let's go ahead," Greenless said. "At least, they are unlikely to attack first before finding the blue planet fragments. As long as you set a counterattack plan, the rest is to find a suitable place. Their advantage lies in the large number of people, and our advantage is that we can observe the environment ahead of them.

They discussed it for a while, and then called Anna and Will to continue on the road.

This time, they observed the terrain more carefully.