Magic Dance Song

Chapter 19 There has never been a prophecy!

After leaving the Sea Breeze Hotel, Meiji walked aimlessly in the street. Molly and the others must have gone to Pingxia Island, and in Sofia's plan, there must be some arrangement that they can avoid the rebels guarding Pingxia Island and enter Pingxia Island smoothly.

However, he didn't know what the arrangement was and couldn't think of a way to help him sneak into Pingxia Island. At this time, it is impossible for anyone to dare to take him to the Gorge Island with a fishing boat, let alone pass through those deadly reefs and surrounding defense circles.

Can he only wait here?

Pedestrians on the street are very rare. In a corner of an alley, several scoundrels tried to rob him, but they were paralyzed by him, searched their wallets and kicked them fiercely. Although everyone is a scoundrel, he is now a magical scoundrel, and these scumbags have not been paid to him for a long time.

This is called grade!

After venting, he also calmed down a lot. Then, as if there was a flash of inspiration, he took out the whistle from the dimension bag and ran to the beach.

After running to the beach, he put the whistle to his mouth and blew it, but there was no sound. Just as he was puzzled, a wave appeared on the sea and the dolphin jumped out. Obviously, this whistle makes a sound that only dolphins can hear, and its intention is to call the dolphin out.

"Did the wind ask you to send me back?" Meiji stared at it, but doubted whether it could understand what she was talking about.

The dolphin just floated its head on the sea and stared back at Megee. The round eyes seemed to be telling some information. Meiji looked carefully and tried to understand what it wanted to say to himself.

Well, what it wants to say should be... "Did you just guess it now? Pig!"

"..." Meiji was speechless.

With a sigh, he asked, "Can you take me to find the bastard Feng?"

The dolphin looked at him sideways. Obviously, what it wanted to say was... "You are the bastard."

Forget it, good men don't fight with dolphins! Meiji sighed and said again, "I'm sorry, I was not polite just now. I just want to ask, can you help me find the wind that is not an asshole?

The dolphin turned around and let him climb on his back.

Animals are really just animals, and IQ is a problem. Meiji smiled in her heart.

What kind of egg is not an asshole?



The dolphin took him to the sea, which was so bumpy that his stomach was extremely uncomfortable, and he almost spit it out.

This time, it was a long way, and finally Meji found himself close to a reef. The dolphin swam to a shallow place, turned over and threw him down. He struggled to climb up the reef, covered his stomach and squatted, barely stopping the feeling of turning his stomach.

"Are you really here?"

The voice of surprise came from behind him. He looked back and saw the beautiful water elf leaning out from behind the rock and looking at him with a smile. Thinking of the good things she had done, Meiji only felt angry. He staggered over and fell to the windy face.

The elf did not hide, but closed his eyes and waited for the pain on his face to come.

Meggie's hand suddenly stopped and didn't really fall on it. After a wry smile, he turned around and sat on the ground with his back against the rock.

"Are you angry?" The elf asked in a low voice behind him.

Meggie is too lazy to answer her question, and of course it feels uncomfortable to be fooled.

"Where are the others?" He asked angrily.

"They have sneaked into Pingxia Island," the elf whispered. "However, they won't enter the center of the island until dark. We have enough time to catch up with them."

"Then why don't we go?" Meiji is in a bad mood. As a result, it still became like this.

The elf calmed down and then said softly, "Meggie, do you think I'm fooling you?"

"Isn't it?" Meiji said coldly.

"So, what did you lose?" The sound of the wind also began to fade. "If you don't want to go, you can't go at all. No one will blame you..."

"You took Anna away," Meiji suddenly stood up, turned around and roared at her. "You know I can't watch her die."

"Anna, Anna..." The elf's face became extremely ugly. She looked at Meiji with sparks in her eyes. It is a kind of look mixed with anger and sadness, loneliness, loss, hurt pain and uncontrollable anger.

"When you care about her life and death, have you ever thought about it for others?" She suddenly grabbed Meggie's collar and stared at him. "Have you ever thought about it for me? Do you think I want to go this far? I thought I could make you change your mind. I thought my charm was enough to move you, but I didn't get anything. You didn't even say a word of false response. Who the hell do you think I am? Do you think I'm so cheap to everyone?"

She pushed Meggie to the ground and shouted hysterically at him, "I'm telling you now that it was the first time I did that with a man. Do you know how much effort I put to hide my fear? Do you know how humiliating and uncomfortable I was when you entered that kind of place? What's the result? As a result, I didn't get anything, so I had to let Molly take Anna away in advance, and I huddled here like a fool for fear that you wouldn't catch up..."

Meji fell to the ground and looked at the elf with tears on her face. He felt that he was really a scum. As the wind accused, he didn't really think about it for her at all. But...

"Why?" He asked in a low voice, "Why did you do this? I mean..."

"You have to go to Pingxia Island, which is what I see from the silk thread of fate," the elf looked at him lonelyly. "Otherwise, all efforts will be in vain. Molly will die, Green Rais will die, and Anna and Will will die. They can kill Wu Chen and then die with her..."

"But isn't that what you want? As long as the girl named Wu Chen dies, Panqi can't use the Shadow Blood Dragon, and then..."

"Then, everything is over." The water elf looked at him indifferently, "Wu Chen can't die, and Anna can't die. Both of them must be alive, otherwise everything will be over..."

Mage was completely stunned. If Wu Chen must live, why did Molly and the others land on Pingxia Island?

"This also has something to do with the prophecy you said?" He looked at the beautiful elf incomprehensiblely, "What the hell do you want us to do?"

"There has never been a real prophecy!" The water elf looked at him in pain, "I saw countless futures, all dark, cold and ultimately desperate. I looked hopelessly in the fog, but nothing could change. In the end, I found an ending that was at least not so bad and worked hard for it. Most of the road is gray. I can only figure out some key points, but for some reason, those key turning points always have you. I try to figure out who you are. I observe you carefully in places you don't know, but I still can't figure it out. Meiji, if history will be a book, then I will try to make you the protagonist of this book. But what kind of person are you? Can you really show me hope?

Meji looked at the wind at a loss and didn't know what to do. Obviously, her body is bound by too many things, prophecy or fate, those things that are just illusory in Meiji's eyes, but they trap her layer by layer like a silkworm cocoon, unable to escape and avoid until she forced herself to the edge of collapse...

He slowly stood up, walked to her, stretched out his hand and held her in his arms. The elf lost his voice and became painful, as if to vent all his grievances.

"Let's go," Meiji said softly in her ear, "Let's go to Pingxia Island."

The elf looked up and seemed to want to confirm something.

"What do you want me to do, I will do it. I believe your words, no matter how unbelievable they sound. And," Meiji looked at her quietly, "I'm sorry..."
