Magic Dance Song

Chapter 11 Blood Curse!

What should I do? Meiji asked herself. Tinuville was taken away under his protection. Although he can't be blamed, he still feels that he can't make it to Sofia. And now, Tinuvir has been held hostage by the wind soul, and if he moves strongly, it is likely that even Tinuvir will be injured together.

He quickly called the little fairy in his mind.

"What's the matter?" The little fairy didn't know where to respond to him.

"Is there any magic that can only hurt vampires and won't hurt people?"

The little fairy calmed down and said after a while, "Well, there is one, there is a space magic specially designed for the undead, which was created by my last contractor..."

At this time, on the other side, Sophia's heart was also nervous. Although Tinuville always has a certain guilt about her, Sophia has never resented Tinuville. Sophia only sympathized with her childhood friend in her heart. Whether she was forced to become her stepmother or the never-ending love between her and Parnqi, Sophia could not hate her.

Although in the eyes of many people, Tinuville is not only beautiful, but also the most prestigious woman in the kingdom, in fact, she has never had a choice.

Sofia doesn't want to see her hurt.

Next to Sophia, Emma is much calmer. For Emma, she doesn't care whether the queen is alive or dead. The important thing is to protect the princess around her. If possible, she really wants to take Princess Sofia away immediately and stay away from this ghost place that has become purgatory on earth.

At that time, Megji's curse sounded.

What does he want to do? Emma looked at it in astonishment.

Meggie was slowly gesturing.

Although there are many kinds of magic, it is difficult for magicians of one department to fully understand the magic of other departments, and the natural system and the necromancer are naturally opposed to each other. But for the sake of combat, a magician will still take some time to learn about other magic.

Although she didn't understand why Meggie, who could cast the spell silently, whether from the spell itself or his gesture, Emma quickly recognized the magic he wanted to perform... because it was simply a lowest level of magic.


Idiot! She can only give Meji such a comment.

Yes, the wind soul is a bloodsucker, and it is well known that bloodsuckers cannot appear in the sun. But that doesn't mean that the bloodsucker is afraid of any strong light. What they are afraid of is only some kind of energy contained in the sun, which cannot be produced by flash.

Obviously, the wind soul also saw through Meiji's gesture, and there was a sarcastic smile on the corners of his mouth.

Mage's spell is over... but the strong light did not appear.

Failed? Emma looked at Meiji doubtfully. Will he even make a mistake by casting a low-level magic?

At this moment, a space crack was opened above the head of the wind soul, and the sunlight came straight down from the crack like a beam of light, covering the wind soul and Tinuville.

A light smoke suddenly came from the boy's body. He let out a stern scream, instantly retreated and went straight into the distance.

Meggie's release is not a flash, but a magic he has never seen before, and this magic actually hurt him.

Emma also stayed for a while before she realized and quickly stroked the bone whip to chase the boy, but the boy escaped so fast that there was no sign of him for a while.

She stopped beside Tinuvir and turned to look at Meggie.

And Meggie just waved her proudly...


Emma stood on the hill and looked at the castle in the distance.

It used to be her home, but now it has become a dead silence. The gray color seemed to tell its ominousness, and the tower on the right side of the castle collapsed for some reason.

Somewhere under the hill, Princess Sophia is resting there. Perhaps because she knew that Emma would want to be quiet when she passed by her former home, so no one came up to disturb her.

There is not even Meiji.

For Meji, there is really nothing she can do. That guy is simply a scoundrel, careless and shameless... Sometimes he is a little cute...

No, he is cute.

The girl's cheeks are a little hot. Who is your mind? How can you think that guy is also cute?

Be sure to whip him a few times later!

Throw away the hippie smiling guy in her mind, Emma sighed. She bent down and lifted her skirt. The crescent-shaped wound appeared again, constantly bleeding down.

A black fog appeared and slowly condensed into shape, but it was not the little girl in the previous few times, but a middle-aged man with a little fat body.

"Miss Emma, nice to meet you." The middle-aged man took off his hat to greet him.

"Your Highness Lu Ruishi?" Emma's face showed surprise, and she slowly curtseyed, "I'm glad to see you here."

"I prefer that you are talking to me face to face in the temple at this time, rather than through a projection." The bloodsucker said gracefully, "But I think you may need someone to answer some questions for you, and that's not what Zhiya can do."

Emma pondered for a moment before slowly said, "So, would you like to tell me the origin of the boy named Wind Soul?"

"Yes," the bloodsucker whispered, "Obviously, you must have seen that he is not an ordinary blood clan. I'm afraid you will misunderstand that his attack on you is out of our unwelcome to you..."

"You worry too much about this." Emma's face looked extremely cold, "So, is he really from the temple? But it seemed that he was even less than ten years old when he completed the ceremony. I thought this kind of thing could not appear among blood dancers. After all, you are the most observance of the ancient tradition."

The prince of the blood clan smiled bitterly: "It's true... or it should have been. But as you know, most of us have lived for hundreds of years, and a long life is not easy for everyone. Therefore, it is inevitable that some people will make mistakes..."

"It should be a felony for a blood dancer to complete a mysterious ceremony, right?" Emma stared at him. Because children's minds are usually not sound enough, transforming them into vampires too early will often cause some trouble. Therefore, a long time ago, blood clans prohibited the conversion of minors into blood-suckers. Although many traditions have no longer been valued over time, blood dancers are the blood-sucking organization that best adheres to the ancient tradition.

"It's not finished, Miss Emma." Prince Lu Ruishi smiled bitterly, "At least in theory, the wind soul is not a blood-sucker, and his ritual has not been completed... Well, you must be confused, because he has indeed become a blood-sucker. But I can only tell you that it was an accident, and it was just an incomplete product caused by the accident.

Emma didn't say anything, just waiting for him to explain.

"This is the thing," the bloodsucker said slowly, "you know, several of my wives have lived in the temple for hundreds of years. I hope you understand that long lives can easily lead to mental emptiness, so they did something without telling me... They planted blood for the two captured children. Curse.

"Childish is also one of them?" Emma remembered the little girl's always bleeding calf.

"Yes, Fenghun and Zhina, they were originally sisters and brothers." The prince sighed, "I'm sorry that I didn't notice their game in time. They just want to pass the time by abusing the two children. They planted blood spells for them without ceremony. They enjoyed appreciating the pain of the two children. However, what they don't understand is that although the girl was indeed tortured to death by them, the boy will not hurt at all... Obviously, you are too."

Emma looked down at the blood flowing into the soil from her feet.

"Actually, although the probability is extremely low, there have been cases where the parties did not feel pain when the blood spell occurred before, but they did not understand it." The prince shook his head helplessly. "They didn't understand what had happened to the boy, which scared them. They began to torture and abuse him in other ways, but they soon found that although the boy would not hurt, there was nothing special in other places. However, it has become a habit for them to abuse him. They even regard him as... Well, in short, they have done something that makes me unspeakable.

Although he didn't say it explicitly, Emma easily guessed it. They treat the boy as a sex slave... a boy under the age of ten...

"They even violated the habits of some blood clans, took him to hunt and feed him alive blood. They also asked him to suck their own blood in the game... This is the biggest mistake they made.

"That alone is not enough to turn him into a bloodsucker." Emma looked at him with understanding. Many people who don't know think that anyone bitten by a vampire will become a vampire. Or think more complicatedly, thinking that a bloodsucker can create another vampire by biting an ordinary person and feeding his blood to that person...

However, real rituals are much more complicated than this. Although some blood clans have long not followed the ancient rituals, only blood dancers are still performing the oldest tradition of blood spells. But making a bloodsucker is still not as simple as taking a bite and then feeding blood.

"Indeed, by common sense, this is not enough to complete the ceremony... but there are still accidents." The prince sighed, "Although it is very rare, there are indeed people who are born with the potential to become bloodsuckers, and the energy from the negative world has melted into their blood at the time they are born. Therefore, even if the ceremony is not completed, they still have a chance to become vampires. All they need is an opportunity. Because of the protection of the natural negative energy in the body, the blood curse will not bring them pain. In fact, I am this kind of bloodsucker, and Miss Emma, you and Fenghun are obviously the same kind of people.

Emma was silent.

"In fact, the most primitive purpose of the blood curse is to select this kind of people to focus on training. However, with the evolution of history, there are fewer and fewer potential blood-suckers. Therefore, the purpose of the blood curse has been forgotten, leaving only a ritual shell, and even some blood clans are too lazy to observe this empty shell. ." The prince continued, "It's a pity that my ladies don't know about it either. It was too late when they found that the boy suddenly became strong. The only comforting thing is that they did not die in the boy's hands because I found and arrived in time. However, the boy also escaped from the temple and his whereabouts have been unknown.

So that's it! Emma began to understand. The wind soul eventually became Ainhuly's subordinate and hunted down himself and the princess for him. However, when he used the soul search spell to find his position, he inadvertently triggered the blood curse that she should not have offended so early.

More importantly, the wind soul became a bloodsucker because of an "accident", and he did not receive the knowledge and education of the blood clan. And what those women did to him has distorted his immature mind.

"One more thing." Emma whispered, "Can he appear in the sun?"

"That's impossible." The prince shook his head, "Even for talented blood dancers like us, the sun is deadly. If we want to walk in the sun, we can only use it for projection..."

"However, he killed a man during the day..."

"That's because he has a power," the prince explained in a low voice. "You know, every blood-sucker will have some unique powers. And this kind of bloodsucker, which is born with negative energy in the body, is often more prominent. To be honest, I'm really sorry that I didn't notice the existence of the wind soul earlier, otherwise, maybe I can cultivate him as my heir. He has never been exposed to necromancer, but he can automatically learn those things at the moment he becomes a bloodsucker. This talent, even I am far inferior. And the power that allows him to kill in the sun, which we usually call 'saints', is only a small part of the blood clan. It can create an external incarnation similar to a mimicry, which is not afraid of the sun and can do many things that cannot be done with projection. In fact, its role is not much different from the physical puppet you commonly use. The only difference is that the physical puppet must take time to make and can be destroyed, while the 'saint' appears at any time entirely in the mind of the power owner. Of course, although the 'saint' can appear in the sun, he still has to avoid the sun, and compared with his real body, this kind of external incarnation is much weaker than enough to face the real enemy.

Emma was slowly relieved. Knowing that the wind soul is not really not afraid of the sun, which reassured her a little.

"If you have nothing else to ask, I will say goodbye." Prince Lu Ruishi greeted gracefully, "Although it's just a projection, it still makes me feel very uncomfortable to appear in the sun. The blood curse on your body has begun. I hope you can come to the temple early. I will welcome you with the greatest enthusiasm.

After saying that, his figure began to dissipate and disappeared for a while.

And Emma is still silent...