Magic Dance Song

Chapter 15 "Dragon, die!"

Since the disappearance of the dark prince Panqi and his army, the lords in the kingdom attacked each other, and verbal accusations and sophistry soon turned into war. Bincheng, a coastal city that had long been dissatisfied with the royal family and the Holy See due to the sea ban, announced its secession from the kingdom and joined the New Asia Commercial Union as an opportunity, several coastal provinces and counties became independent. The Marquis of Lianting of Sykes County intended to help the second prince Sky be crowned the new king, but Count Einhuly publicly accused the Prince of Sky of murdering his father Philip III and his brother Prince Fengyan before leaving the royal city.

Several powerful lords began to annex the land around them. The Marquis of Lientin and the Count of Einhuly gathered troops and won allies from each other. A big war was inevitable.

In contrast, Dilu County is much quieter. Count Farien only ignored those doubts after he issued a statement that Princess Sophia had safely entered Dilu County. Princess Sophia has never appeared in public.

At the same time, several heroes suddenly appeared in the kingdom. A female warrior who used a big sword, a magician teenager, a wanderer and two children broke into Pingxia Island and destroyed the frightening shadow blood dragon was spread. It is said that it was the magician teenager who rescued the princess from the dark prince with a girl when the royal city fell.

For a while, this young man named Meiji became famous, and everyone wanted to know his origin. However, there is no more information about him other than knowing that he was born in the fog forest. However, rumors that he was actually Princess Sophia's underground lover have also become well known and even become more exaggerated. Even some bards began to comprehend stories about young magicians killing dragons in order to save the princess, and face the immortal dark prince without fear.

For a while, Meggie had a great time in White Sand Castle in Dilu County. Although he didn't do those things alone, it doesn't matter. Among the few people who faced the Shadow and Blood Dragon with him, only Molly is here, and Molly doesn't have him to blow... Well, he doesn't know how to tell stories. Although Emma rescued Princess Sophia from the royal city, none of the rose knights liked her, and Emma rarely left her room since she entered the White Sand Castle. As a result, all the credit basically became Meiji's.

"The terrible dragon rushed to me with its teeth and claws, and Molly has been knocked down by it," he said. "Only I'm still standing. But I faced it without fear, singing my most powerful magic 'broken flash'. A long gun appeared in my hand. I sneered at 'Dragon, die', and then stabbed and stabbed it..."

"Slow down, slow down... slow down..." Miss Rose, who heard him groaned.

"No, I stabbed, stabbed again... comfortable..." After a convulsion, he collapsed softly on Miss Rose, "Then it was defeated by me..."

"I finally understand," Miss Rose*, "that shadow blood dragon is a mother..."


In this way, Meggie suddenly found that he was very famous now.

He learned from Molly that after the fall of Wangcheng, due to rumors and panic, after being driven out of Longenburg, Alina and Anna's parents decided to leave the Fair Kingdom and go to Xinya to defect to her father. Megji doesn't know much about Alina's family background, and she never knows that she still has relatives in New Asia. Fearing that they would be in danger, Greenless decided to escort them to New Asia, while Molly left them and met Leot, who left the royal city with Prince Louis and the Order of the Roses near the Ailey River.

There was Greenless with Alice and Anna, which made Megie more or less refreshed. However, it is difficult to say when we will meet them again in the future. Molly gave Meggie the address left by Alice, who carefully wrote it down in the magic book and put it in the dimension bag.

Compared with Alina and Anna, what makes Meiji more relieved now is actually Emma. Although Emma is the hero of the rescue of Princess Sophia, no one still wants to approach her. Several of the Rose Knights are members of the Holy Lily Knights who once clashed with Emma at St. Louis College. Almost everyone knows that Emma cheated and betrayed the princess. Moreover, what she practiced was the evil necromancer, which was also spread in private.

In the Kingdom of Fair, the practice of necromancers alone is enough to make Emma subject to religious judgment and burned alive. Although no one embarrassed the princess for her face, that strange look must be inevitable.

Unexpectedly, Count Ferrane had a good attitude towards Emma, but he didn't like Meggie at all. Every time he sees Meji, he hums at most. At first, Meiji was confused, but later he didn't care... If there were 100 people living in the White Sand Castle, the old man would be like this for at least 90 people.

He just doesn't look at anyone at all.

However, the Earl of Fline has indeed been upset recently. The messy situation in the kingdom has been ignored for the time being, and the sand thieves abroad have suddenly become rampant for some reason. A sand thief organization called "Blood Wolf" has repeatedly approached the Gu'ai pass to attack business travelers, and due to the chaos in China, the White Sand Castle can't send too much. The troops went to chase the encirclement, and for a moment, there was nothing they could do with the "blood wolf".

In desperation, Count Feline simply left his hand, unified his army under the name of Princess Sophia, and then upset General Leot.

His reason is also very simple. Since someone is more suitable to be a commander of the army than him, why does he still bother himself? In this regard, Meiji's evaluation is... a dead old man who is smart enough!

However, General Leot made a bold decision to form a cavalry specifically for sand thieves. He broke the previous practice that members of the Knights could only be served by nobles, and instead trained people with combat strength from low-level soldiers, and those with outstanding achievements could even be knighted directly by Her Royal Highness. Although this practice is contrary to tradition, it has stimulated the fighting spirit of those soldiers. In addition, General Leot deliberately sent people everywhere to publicize the deeds of Princess Sophia sending Molly and others to remove the shadow blood dragon and leading the soldiers to resist until the last moment in the royal city, which made Sofia's reputation among the army.

After all, chivalry is still the mainstream in the Fair Kingdom, and a princess who is unwilling to abandon her subordinates even at the last moment is not only unusual in the already corrupt aristocratic class, but also more popular. This also makes many rootless knights willing to enter Dilu County and fight for the most beautiful princess in their minds.

Nevertheless, many people still doubt whether the knights dedicated to sand thieves can achieve good results. In the past, the Earl of Ferrane's way to deal with sand thieves was to establish various military strongholds on the edge of the desert outside Dilu County. Once the sand pirates were found, they would besieged and intercepted with large-scale troops. Although every operation was too waste of manpower and material resources, it was also the most effective way, which made those sand pirates dare not take it too much. Near the ancient Ai's entrance.

However, the current situation is a little different. Because they want to prevent other surrounding lords from taking the opportunity to hit the idea of Lv County or being involved in the increasingly fierce civil strife, they have to send a large number of troops to station at various gates leading to the inside the kingdom, and it is natural to throw most of their troops to deal with sand thieves. It's through. However, the desert is a paradise for sand thieves. In a harsh place with volatile and full of yellow sand, it is really hard to imagine to intercept and attack sand thieves through a small number of troops. This is also the reason why people have doubts about the possibility of fighting sand thieves with elite cavalry.

Of course, those who have doubts do not know that the biggest reason why General Leot dares to do this is that there is a magician named Meji under him.

Well, although everyone now knows that this young magician named Meiji has participated in the battle to remove the shadow blood dragon and saved the princess, he is not a god or a well-known prophet. He can close his eyes for a while to know when those sand pirates came and which way they took.

But... he has a star compass!

According to General Leot's analysis, the base of those sand thieves could not be too close to the ancient Ai's past, mostly in the middle or north of the distant desert, otherwise, they would have been found long ago in the previous encirclement. However, every time they attack, they use fast horses that are conducive to raids and escape, rather than camels that are conducive to long journeys, so they must have secret transit stations, which can provide them with enough water and rest. However, it is not easy to find a water source that only sand thieves know in the vast desert.

However, the star compass helped him solve this problem. The star compass is an artifact created by ancient gods. It can display a map of a certain area or even the whole continent according to the user's wishes, and even automatically update the names used in a certain area or town in this era and mark it with words that the user can recognize.

Basically, there is no place that can't be found with the star compass except for the heavenly garden or the secluded blood pool.

Leo asked a draftsman to cooperate with Meiji to draw dozens of maps in the distant desert. He was so tired that Meiji almost hit himself in the mouth and blamed himself for revealing something like the star compass. As a result, he found himself a lot of suffering.

By analyzing the map and asking some travelers who often cross the desert, General Lone found a desert road that had obviously had not been discovered. He suspected that the road was a secret passage used by sand thieves. And one of the small oasis, as in the travelers or caravan he asked, no one knows its existence, but the name " Parrot Island" is clearly marked on the star compass.

A region will be marked on the star compass only if someone calls it that. This also means that the small oasis is by no means a wasteland that no one knows.

Of course, in order to confirm his speculation, someone is still needed to scout, and the final candidate for the reconnaissance was decided by Emma and Meiji.

In fact, Meji doesn't want to go at all, but I don't know why, when Leot proposed to send someone to investigate, Emma offered to let her and Meggie go. General Leot quickly agreed after thinking about it. After all, if you let a natural magician and a necromancer go together, it is easy to escape. Moreover, as long as Megee sets up a remote transmission array somewhere in the White Sand Castle in advance, once the situation is found, they can immediately open the portal and send it back, which is convenient and fast. The only thing to worry about is not to be hacked to death before stepping into the portal.

Of course, it takes a lot of preparation to enter the desert. Fortunately, due to the star compass, they can find their own water source or a place to rest at night without having to find a guide. If you are really in trouble, just send it back first.
