Magic Dance Song

Chapter 17 Ziya and the Circus!

Although he still wants to miss Sophia for a while, it will be completely if Mr. Ferrian finds that he dares to stay in the princess's room. Therefore, Meiji had to slip out early in the morning.

However, he and Emma didn't leave for Parrot Island until the evening, and the task of preparing was also given to Emma. Now he is idle and panicked.

What should I do to pass the time? He thought about it.

Soon, a smile appeared at the corners of his mouth, put his hand into the dimension bag, took out the magic book, and turned to the pages of making the potion. With Emma, you don't have to worry about anything else. What she is afraid of is that she wants to kill herself in case she is insane. Therefore, it is also necessary to take some precautions, such as... can women treat the man they see as their master's "maid" potion after drinking?

He seemed to see that in the vast desert, Emma, who was bare, shyly blocked * with two hands and said to him with a red face, "Master, I'm ready..."

No, no...

This kind of thing happened to Anna or Yufeng. It must be very cute and charming, but if Emma did it... How could it feel like a chill?

He subconsciously turned a few more pages and then stopped on the page of the "Queen" potion...

In high heels, Emma stepped on a man's belly fiercely, holding a candle in one hand and waving a bone whip in the other... Yes, this is in line with her image!

But this is even more wrong. If he and Emma go out and let Emma act as the "queen", won't he have to be the poor person of her*?

Meji couldn't help shivering at the thought of what Emma had done to him who had become a wind soul by the Ailai River. He clearly felt that although Emma did it ostensibly to stimulate the wind, it was undeniable that... she was actually very excited.

This guy not only has a lily tendency, but also is clearly a *crazy in his bones...

After thinking for a while, Megie finally decided to try to make two potions, "maid" and "*".

The rest is to go to the market to see if you can buy all the medicinal materials needed to make these two potions.

Fortunately, the market is very close to the White Sand Castle. After he came out of the entrance of the castle, he arrived not long ago.

When passing by a clothing store, he couldn't help but feel a little moved when he saw a magic robe selling. Although he is a magician, he has never worn a magic robe, on the one hand, because he doesn't pay much attention to this kind of appearance, and on the other hand, there are few places to sell magic robes in this relatively few countries. Moreover, unlike a natural magician who signed with Frey, most magicians need to prepare magic materials or carry magic items. For them, magicians are a money-burning profession. Therefore, ordinary magicians are rich people, and such people often wear specially customized robes with magical effects, instead of finding a clothing store on the street.

After entering the store, he tried a few pieces, most of which did not fit. Only one gray was better, and the style was acceptable. He asked the shopkeeper to change it, and then put it directly on his body and threw away the original. After paying the boss a few silver coins, he walked to the street again. He felt that he had somewhat like a magician. Well, he still lacked a magic wand in his hand, but this detail didn't matter.

The rest is to find a pharmacy. Of course, there is another problem, that is, he has a limited knowledge of potions. Although there are little fairies pointing at it from a distance, it is his first attempt, and the success rate may be a problem.

So, he began to call the little fairy in his mind.

"Meggie, be careful..." The little fairy suddenly shouted.

"What to be careful about?"

"Be careful behind you... It's too late."

Before he turned his head, a little bear had thrown him down from behind.

Ziya? Why are you here?" He was immediately surprised and happy.

"Meggie, listen to me. It turns out that it's so fun outside. No wonder Joshua refuses to go back..." The little bear's mouth made a crisp girlish voice, which attracted everyone's attention.

Someone began to talk... "Isn't this bear from the circus? Why did it run out?" Did you also watch their performance? This bear is very cute. He not only counts, but also understands what others say. Yes, it can also dance, although it looks a little strange. I really don't know how those people taught a bear to be so capable..."

"Listen to you, they are praising me." Zia said excitedly to Megji.

Meji Khan, even normal children can do those things, right?

"Why did you come here?" He asked.

At this time, the voice of the little fairy appeared in his mind again. Although she didn't appear in front of people, Meggie knew that she was next to her.

She said, "We have been performing here with the circus for several days. Just now, I suddenly felt that you were nearby, so I ran out with Zi Ya to find you."

Then you have to let Ziya change back before coming out. Suddenly, she was thrown down by a female bear. It's really imageless.

The bear grabbed him and ran to the circus regardless of his resistance.

After entering the circus, Qi Ya put him down and the little fairy also appeared. Several girls also ran over, including Jiajia, who was almost caught to let the snake-haired banshee bleed. They gathered around Meiji and chatted. Obviously, they had heard the story of Meiji's angry battle with the shadow dragon and the brave rescue of the princess. They looked admiring and kept asking him for details.

In fact, except for the bard's random choreography and singing, the most widely circulated at present is actually the "Meji version" that Maiji brags about himself in the White Sand Castle and then passed through the rose knights and the maids in the castle. In this version, Meji himself is undoubtedly the most critical protagonist.

These girls were still a little skeptical, but now they were quickly "confirmed" by Meiji and immediately regarded him as an idol.

It was him who gave the most deadly blow to the Shadow Blood Dragon after all his companions fell.

It was him who appeared in time after the princess was injured. With just a cold look, he made the dark prince and his pirates afraid to move.

It was him who broke through many levels with his beloved princess lover, even annihilated the vampire army led by a perverted guy named Wind Soul, and brought his princess safely from the royal city to Baisha Castle.

Although he has done so many great things, he is still modest and never shows off his glory to others. It is only when others ask questions that he has to abide by his noble virtue that never lies to tell the details of these things...

Everyone was deeply impressed by him.

"Well, it must be bragging." - Only a Druid girl named Ziya can see through all the truth and curl her cute little mouth disdainfully.

It was not until the head of the circus, the middle-aged man Meiji had met in Wangcheng, appeared and captured these girls to perform, that Meiji calmed down.

Qiya has turned back to look like a girl, perhaps because she has been in the city for a long time, and she actually knows how to dress up, refreshing hair, knee-length skirts, well, her chest seems to be a little more protruding...

"Is it beautiful?" She turned around.

This girl is obviously much more stinky than when she lived in the Kyle village... It's been a long time since she left, and she has become a bad habit. Meiji sighed.

"Zia, there's one thing I need to tell you. I can't bring Joshua back..." Meggie said with some guilt. Originally, the main purpose of taking Zia out of the fog forest was to help her find Joshua...

"Uh-huh, I know. He is going to take Sister Wu Chen to the Fog Girl Forest and asked me if I want to go back with him. How fun it is to run around with Jiajia and others. I won't go back to see my dead father's stinky face. Zia said.

"Oh, it turns out that he is going back to the fog... Wait a minute, have you seen him?" Meiji opened her mouth wide.

"Yes, just yesterday. He took Sister Wu Chen to come to the performance and then saw me. He waved to me, and I jumped at them, which scared Sister Wu Chen to cry..."

"Did you become a bear at that time?"

"No," Ziya said, "I just became a tiger. Not only Sister Wuchen, but also many children in the audience were scared to cry. Really, I don't bite them. What's there to be afraid of?

"..." Watching the performance, the tiger on the stage suddenly rushed to himself. He won't be scared to have a ghost, right?

The little fairy smiled secretly: "Since Zia joined the circus, most of the original animals in this group have been sold. Anyway, Zia can change any animal, tigers, eagles, bears, monkeys... And there is no need to train. She can do whatever she wants."

No wonder the circus owner smiled when he saw him just now. I guess he was afraid that he would take Qi Ya away...

"Meji Meji, shall we open a circus ourselves in the future?" Zi Ya grabbed his hand and shook it, "It's fun, and you can still walk around."

"Well,, wait a minute, what about Joshua?" Meiji asked doubtfully, "Aren't you going to be Joshua's bride?"

"No, Joshua said you have defeated him, and I am your bride now. Ah, it doesn't matter. Anyway, no matter which one of you marries me, you have to help me get a circus.

"Did I defeat Joshua? When did it happen?" Meiji is confused.

"What Joshua said, he said that you fought with him in an island called Ping and Ping. If you win, you will marry me, and if you lose, you will marry Sister Wu Chen, who has been sad that you can't marry. As a result, you won, but Meggie, you can beat Joshua. It's much better. Qi Ya tilted her head and looked at him.

"...So that's it." Meiji finally understood.

The main reason why Zia used to say that she was Joshua's bride was a fight between Meggie and Joshua when she was a child. At that time, the two children were ignorant, and the one who won Zia was the bride. Zi Ya grew up in the fog girl forest and has always been simple. She takes that kind of game between children seriously. And Joshua made up a lie about his duel with Meji in order to be with Wu Chen.

Joshua... You are so despicable!

"Don't worry about this kind of thing." Ziya shook her head as long as you are willing to marry me. "Meggie, why don't you stay in this circus? It's fun..."


"No, no." Zi Ya turned into a bear and threw him down directly.

Why is this girl still like this...

"Cough, Ziya, listen to me..." Meji began to circle around and find out a lot of reasons that he couldn't understand until he confused Ziya's simple little head.

"Isn't it really okay?" Qi Ya turned back to the appearance of a girl, * on his waist, with a disappointed face. She tilted her head and thought about it, and then seemed to suddenly think of a good way and became happy. She shook her hair, pulled out some of the collar on her chest with her hand, exposed half of her chest, and then winked at Meiji and said sulkingly, "As long as you agree, I can do anything for you."

Meji calmed down and then grabbed her hand tightly: "Ziya..."

"Are you willing to stay here?" Zia asked happily.

"No, I want to say," Meiji looked at her solemnly. "Tomorrow I will take you back to the Fog Girl Forest. In such a place, you will learn bad sooner or later..."

Who on earth taught her these messy things?
