Magic Dance Song

Chapter 16 Elf Priestesses from Crescent Island!

Although he was so injured that night that he almost died, the good news was not only direct but also magical, and soon Meggie was able to get out of bed. Uneasy, the wind asked an elf priest to come and use the healing spell for Meji again, leaving him without his only sense of weakness.

Six of the eight elf priests brought by the wind are forest elves, taller, and the other two are water elves like her. In fact, whether it is a forest elf or a water elf, there is not much difference in appearance. It also has a slender figure and handsome appearance, as well as long pointed ears. Of course, forest elves can't swim in the sea like fish, and water elves can't communicate with trees like forest elves. However, Meji has also heard that except for this special ability, forest elves and water elves are exactly the same, and even live on Crescent Island.

During the dark century, Sharna, the goddess of the moon, fell in the fog girl forest, forcing the forest spirit who originally lived in the fog girl forest to leave and exile. At that time, it was the water elves on Crescent Island that invited them.

These eight elf priests are all women, and there is no doubt that they have received the warmest welcome in this army full of men. However, Meiji also secretly observed their breasts and found that although the breasts of these elf women are a little smaller than ordinary human women, they are at least very conspicuous.

It seems that the "micro-breast self-esteem" did not exist after leaving Crescent Island...

And these elf women's attitude towards Meji is not only polite, but also seems to be more about goodwill and respect, which makes Meji doubt whether the wind has touted him in front of them. Of course, not only them, but also the soldiers regarded Meggie as a hero and threw him into the air, making him almost faint again.

Anyway, he was the most credited to being able to hold the Guai'ai's gate that night. In the past, even if there was only a little credit, he would have to brag and exaggerate everywhere. However, this time, he didn't have much joy and pride in his heart, but a blessing of being "fortunately alive".

Maybe no matter how naive people are, they will soon become mature on the battlefield, right? He thought.

The battle continues. Due to Meji's understanding of those monsters or unusual races, General Leot did not let him return to the Gull Fortress early because Meggie almost died, but continued to let him stay with him. Although there are only eight of these elf priests brought by the wind, their group magic is indeed quite amazing, which has brought great help to the knights and soldiers in Dilu County.

"Speaking of which," Meji looked at the spiritual women gathered together to pray silently, and then the extensive blessing was blessed to nearly 100 knights who were ready to attack, and asked puzzledly, "Which god are they praying to?"

Since it is a magic, there must be a god behind them giving them divine power. However, in the dark century, ancient gods have fallen one after another, and there are only a few gods who can provide believers with magic. The God of War is undoubtedly one of them, and the little boy Will is a believer of the God of War. However, the God of War is a little different. It is actually a priesthood, not specifically referring to a certain god, which is an exception. And Noswell is one of them. Of course, a hundred years before the darkness, few people knew what Noswell was. A hundred years after the darkness, although the church that believes in Noswell, the only "main god", developed rapidly in the kingdom of Fey, at that time, the priests and priests in the church did not use any magic at all and developed believers purely by promoting the "soul redemption theory". However, I don't know when God Noswell suddenly gave magic, which made the power of the church expand sharply and eventually became the ruling class of the Kingdom of Feuer, and even the royal power was nominally attached to theocracy.

Meggie's mother, the Black Annes once disdainfully told Meiji that the "main god" believed in the Noswell Church was actually a pseudo-god, but Meggie did not know much about the definition of the true god and pseudo-god. Whether he is a pseudo-god or not, there is no doubt that he can give his followers magic. However, in the royal city, the snake-haired banshee also said before being killed by Molly and Meiji and others, "The main god you believe in is actually a..."

What is

? The snake-haired banshee didn't finish!

In addition to the followers of God of War and the Noswell Church, there are actually some other natural gods that can also give their believers divine arts, such as Druid in the fog forest. The Druid magic they use is given by Deluad, and the animal deformation used by Zia is also one of these magics. However, the influence of such natural gods is very limited, and as far as the divine power they have given, it is countless grades worse than the goddess Luna, the dark god Shastine and the goddess of moonlight a hundred years ago. Many natural gods are not even comparable to the weak gods in ancient times.

So, Meji is very curious about which god these elf priests are praying for.

"Of course, it's Luna, the goddess of the Holy Light," but the wind naturally told him, "except for the night elves who believe in Shastine, all the other elf people believe in Luna, the goddess of the Holy Light, and has not changed for thousands of years. We don't change our faith day long like you human beings.

Somehow, when it came to the goddess Luna, Meiji immediately thought of Anna Sue.

"Isn't Luna dead?" He asked in surprise.

"Whether the goddess Luna is still with us or not, we will not change our beliefs." The elves of water replied, "Of course, the elves also believe in some other gods, but these gods have been silent with the disappearance of the goddess in the dark century."

"Who on earth gave them magic?" Meiji pointed to the elf women and asked.

"Who said they used magic?" Yu Feng glanced at him and said, "They use light magic, okay?"


Indeed, among all types of magic, only light magic has the same effect as healing magic. Due to the particularity of light magic, few people on this continent can use it. The little fairy is actually a little bit, but that's her own ability and can't be taught to Meggie. Of course, Anna will, but that's because she has the soul fragments of Luna.

Not only ordinary people, but even some magicians will have a misunderstanding that only the magic given by the gods can have the effect of rebirth, and magic can only be used to deal with enemies. Of course, this perception is wrong, but this is also because the only light magic with healing effect is not something that can be learned if you want to learn. There must be a supernatural existence that provides it with light energy.

Meggie carefully observed the process of casting spells by the elf priests and finally noticed that when they cast spells, there would always be a small glowing figure flashing in front of them. People who didn't know thought it was just the effect of their magic.

"Those are the elves of light, and ordinary people can't see them at all," the wind told him. "Each elf priest will carry an elves of light. These elves of light originally lived in the heavenly garden with the goddess Luna. Before the heavenly garden fell, the goddess sent them down. They are the ones that provide the light energy, and our priest only uses those light energy through magic.

So it is. Meiji finally understood that this was actually the same reason as the little fairy providing him with natural elements in the process of using magic.


Since these elf women use magic, they deliberately make a pious prayer. Isn't this a sheep's head to sell dog meat?


The army gathered more and more, and at the same time, they kept sending soldiers to harass the defenders at the Guai Pass in turn.

On the afternoon of the third day after Meiji woke up, the enemy began to attack. They rushed up again and again, and then were killed. The number of arrow towers is getting smaller and smaller, and the physical strength of the Wind Knights and infantry is also consumed very little in defense and counterattack.

"Tomorrow morning, the enemy will attack here with all his strength." The lone wolf general stood high and looked at the barbarian army retreating again under the impact of the Knights.

"Do they still have any reservations?" Meiji asked.

A group of soul-eating eagles flew over and tried to attack them, but were forced back by the archers.

"Look there," General Lone Wolf pointed to the distance. "Although the enemy keeps attacking, their rear is too calm. Obviously, their main force is taking time to rest. After all, they are also in a hurry here. If they go directly into the battle, even if they can capture it, the loss will not be small. Therefore, first use some people to constantly consume our physical strength and will, and then carry out a general attack before dawn tomorrow morning to seize the Guai's passage. This should be their tactical arrangement.

Meggie nodded. Before dark, the main force of the enemy has to take time to rest, which will definitely not be delayed until dawn tomorrow. Before dawn, it was often the most sleepy and tired time for ordinary people. At that time, they forcibly attacked, and the defenders of Guai pass have been exhausted under the continuous intrusion of the enemy these days, afraid that the enemy will easily capture here.

"Are we going to withdraw tonight?" Meiji asked in a low voice. After all, they have been delayed for several days, and the combat effectiveness of the north of the Lvqun should have been almost withdrawn. There is no need for them to stay here.

General Leot shook his head: "If we retreat now, the enemy will soon find that they will use El and the Devil's Night to chase them overnight, and it will be difficult for our people to get rid of them. Once entangled, it is likely that the whole army will be destroyed before retreating to the Gull Fortress. Therefore, we must push the enemy back tomorrow morning and let the enemy think that we will continue to defend here without giving in. In this way, we can confuse the enemy and retreat calmly.

"How can I do it?" Megsy is very suspicious.

"It's up to you," General Dulang was silent for a moment and then asked lightly. "The last time you ambushed the blood wolves, you completely hid our cavalry with illusions. Does the magician of that kind of illusion have the ability to see through it directly?

"It's not that easy." Meiji is very confident about this. "That kind of magic is called the Mirage Fantasy. It was invented by an old warlock from the Yag continent. It is built on the lock, and the ordinary magic to remove illusions is ineffective for it. Since this illusion has not been used by anyone else in this continent before, I think even the most smart magician will be hidden for the time being. However, illusion is an illusion after all. Sooner or later, it will be seen through sooner or later.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you can hide the enemy temporarily."


After leaving Leot, Megji kept busy. Others only saw him walking around and occasionally stopping somewhere to dance, but they couldn't see what he was doing. And Liselle just followed him quietly without disturbing him.

"Liselle, you go to rest first." When he stopped for a rest, Meiji looked at the girl. What he is doing now is a tedious job. He still feels boring when he has something to do, but Liselle has only been following him for several hours, which must be even more annoying.

However, Liselle just shook her head.

"I will be busy until midnight, and there is no danger. You don't have to stay with me all the time..."

"I just want to see you," the girl whispered, "as long as I can see you, I feel very relieved..."

This girl...

Meji touched her face, and the sad eyes hidden in her bright eyes really made him like it very much!
