Magic Dance Song

Chapter 18 Doing Bad Things--

Li is a commander in the army. He has black hair and a soft and angular face, coupled with his always smiling expression, which makes him look silent and serious at all times.

His rank is a *, and this rank is not just an honor.

There is no nobleman. Only capable people can climb high and stand above other people's heads. Only the strong can survive in Si, and only the elites among the strong can lead these strong people. Lee is not a barbarian born and raised in Si, and he is not even a man on this continent.

He came from a country in the East and was forced to flee and exile due to the violation of the law. After encountering dangers, he finally became a subordinate of General Dreton.

At this time, the night was slowly coming. He stood on a temporary high platform built with wooden boards and looked at the direction of Gu Ai'ai's entrance. A small-scale battle has just ended, and it has not achieved much except for blowing down an arrow tower that was already full of cracks with siege wood. However, this is not important. Continuous intrusion must have exhausted the enemy's strength. Although it has been delayed by the enemy for a few days, as long as the defenders at the Guai pass are completely annihilated, it is worth delay.

With the creaking sound, a tall woman stepped up. She held a spear in her hand, wore a steel ring on her head, and wore dark yellow lock armor. Although she is a woman, her body is powerful, and her bronze skin is full of luster. In addition, although the left side of her chest is shrugged, her right chest is extremely flat, because her right breast has been removed.

The first thing the female warrior of Amazong did at the ceremony was to cut off her right breast to avoid throwing a javelin or waving a spear in battle.

"Ipolde," Commander Li did not look back, but called the name of the female soldier faintly. "Let the people of Amazong rest early. Before dawn tomorrow, they will attack the pass with your people as the main force. We are going to capture the Guai Gap tomorrow, and we must completely annihilate the enemy.

The female warrior replied coldly: "Amazong's soldiers know when to rest and will never retreat on the battlefield."

Li nodded.

The night is getting darker and darker, and torches have been lit in the barracks. Taking advantage of the night, dozens of El hid among the barbarian warriors and attacked the defenders of Guai pass, but were eventually killed. Several trainers whipped the explosive monsters to try to approach the Guai pass. However, the Wind Knights of Dilu County divided into several teams and shot the trainers with random arrows with the cooperation of the arrow tower. The explosive monster who lost the trainer only knew that he stood there blankly and was also killed by random arrows.

The night elf cavalry riding the devil's night rushed forward and tried to confront the wind knights head-on. However, the wind knight retreated to the remaining arrow towers. Although the night elf had better vision in the night and the range of the long bow was farther, the archers on the arrow tower attacked them according to their height, even the night spirits. There is nothing the spirit can do. Therefore, the night elf quickly retreated, and the barbarians with shields launched another wave of offensive battles, and the Wind Knights also retreated, allowing the infantry to hold the enemy with the fortifications and rest as much as possible to maintain their physical strength.

"The enemy reacted quickly." Ipolüta said.

"Well, they always seem to be able to see our offensive steps first," Li nodded. "I tried to change the tactics several times, but I couldn't take advantage of them. However, their physical strength has been almost exhausted. To be honest, it is beyond my expectation that they can support it until now, but the main reason is that I don't want to pay too much to seize this place.

"Maybe they are waiting for reinforcements..."

"Their commander is not so stupid," Li said coldly. "If they plan to fight a life-and-death battle with us with this place, then I'm too happy. Our current military strength has taken an advantage, and there will be supplements later. If the enemy hadn't obtained our attack plan in advance and made us passive, the Guai Pass would have been broken through by us. Even so, the only thing they can do is rely on the defense of the Gull Fortress and the White Sand Castle to hold us. Other than that, they have no choice."

Ipolite didn't say anything more. Strategic and tactical arrangements are none of her business. All she has to do is obey orders and seize the enemy's head on the battlefield. She is the most outstanding female warrior of Amazong, and every woman in Amazong regards herself as the daughter of the God of War. Every female soldier can pierce the enemy's chest with a spear on the battlefield without fear.

She still sticks to the spear, and her tall body is as straight as a cedar.

The bright moon hung in mid-air, and it was already midnight.

"Go to bed early." The commander turned around and walked down the stage. "I will make everyone stop attacking at three o'clock. An hour later, all the main forces will participate in the battle. We must capture Guai pass by noon tomorrow. This is also the first battle of your Amazong on this land. I hope you won't let me down.

"The people of Amazong will never be looked down upon on the battlefield," Ipolüta just sneered, "so do I. Those who like to escape, that's yourself, right?"

Li stagnated for a moment, turned around and looked at the female soldier silently.

"Eva, I..."

"Don't call me that again," Ipolute said coldly, "you don't deserve it."

Li smiled bitterly.

"Anyway," he whispered, "we are on the battlefield now. Let's put aside the past for the time being."

The female warrior snorted, turned her head and continued to look at the direction of Gu Ai's pass. On the surface, she pretended to be stubborn, but in fact, her heart is tingling. If she really intends to break up with him because of his escape, how can she stand here alone and accompany him? If you have forgiven him, and if you really want to go back to the past with him, why do you always pretend to be indifferent?

Perhaps she is the most outstanding female warrior... but she is also a woman.

But isn't it strange to think like this? Ama's women never needed men. They only captive* with the captured men when they passed on to generation, and cut them directly off their throats afterwards. If it is a girl, it will be put in the clan to cultivate the next generation of female warriors, and if it is a boy, it will be thrown into the river.

Why can such a man who always escape keeps hurting his heart?

Li looked at her stubborn face from the side and could only sigh secretly. Some words, no matter how clearly you say, can only increase each other's estrangement, and sometimes, the more you do, the more wrong you will make.

He turned around and continued to walk down the stage.

However, at this time, there were bursts of excited cheers from the direction of Guai Pass. Li was stunned and saw that the top of the whole Guai Pass had become extremely bright, as if countless torches suddenly lit up.

The barbarians who were still hitting the entrance were under unprecedented counterattack, and an energetic cavalry entered the middle of the barbarians and cut their formation.

The barbarians retreated one after another.

The commander strode back to the high platform and frowned at the entrance. His side has been repulsed, but the guards are still cheering. The fire glowed red half of the sky.

"Let the magician see what happened." The commander frowned and ordered the commander under the stage.

As the messenger ran away, it didn't take long for several magical eyes to appear over the army, shooting light in the direction of the pass, and then disappeared.

"*Sir," the messenger ran back sweating, "the enemy's reinforcements have arrived."

reinforcement? Li was stunned. Although it is inferred from time that the main force withdrawn from the north of Dilu County can indeed get here, will they really take this desperate approach?

"How many people." He asked.

"The Eye of Magic found that the enemy's reinforcements have reached at least three or 4,000, mainly cavalry," the messenger reported the results of the magician's review, "and it is still increasing."

"It seems," the female warrior said lightly, "they are not going to let us step into their land."

Three or four thousand cavalry? The commander thought quickly in his heart. According to the intelligence, the cavalry that can be dispatched by the whole Dilu County will never exceed 6,000, that is to say, at least the main cavalry of the other side has arrived here. Then, the infantry must also follow...

It seems that the enemy really wants to decide the winner directly here.

"Let all our people go back!" He ordered to the summoner. The messenger quickly issued the order.

"Go back to sleep," the commander looked at the female warrior Amazong. "Since the enemy intends to fight to the death directly in this place, it will be as they wish. Just let the enemy rest for a while. When all their people arrive, our next group of soldiers will also arrive soon... Well..."

"What's wrong?" The female soldier seemed to be a little confused when she saw Li's face. The shaking fire around them swayed on them, making their shadows a little erratic.

"No, it's not right!" Li looked at the fire above the entrance and pondered for a long time.

"Let our magician see clearly," he ordered the messenger, "maybe it's a magical illusion created by the enemy."

The messenger ran quickly, and after a while, he came with an old mage.

"*Your Excellency..." The old magician saluted Li*.

"Can those reinforcements be the illusion of the enemy?"

"Our 'Mage's Eye' is used in combination with 'Real Vision'," the old mage replied respectfully, "Moreover, we have found no signs of enemies using illusions to interfere with our vision."

Is it really not an illusion? Li's expression slowly became gloomy.

He waved his hand and asked the old mage to retreat.

"What are you worried about?" Ipolüt asked.

"Do you think the enemy is too stupid, or does the enemy think I'm stupid?"

Ipoly raised his eyebrows and didn't quite understand what Li meant. And the commander did not explain much, and directly asked the summoner to order El and the barbarian as the main force to attack the pass, and the Night Elf Knight responded in the rear.

This time, before the barbarians approached, the other side's cavalry had been killed. Si* stared at the battlefield in the distance. Although the moonlight was not bright, his eyes suddenly became fierce and terrible.

The night elf knight riding the night rushed forward, but a team of cavalry killed from the entrance and the night elf knights hedged unyield. Although it is a night that is more beneficial to the night and night elves, the knights of Dilu County do not fall behind at all.

"The enemy is very strong this time." Ipolüta clenched the spear in her hand, and the blood of the Amazong warrior boiled on her body. Even in the night, the armor of the enemy knights is extremely bright. Obviously, they are made of fine steel mixed with mithril, and there is enough maintenance to reflect such a luster with the moonlight. And the knights in these exquisite armors are so strong that even the Devil Night can't hold them with a sword.

This is indeed the enemy's reinforcements, and it is an elite cavalry composed of elites among the other knights. Li* thought to himself.

The Wind Knights stationed at the Guai'ai's entrance have long been exhausted by the continuous harassment of the army, and it is impossible to fight with the Night Knight at night.

"Let me and the female soldiers go up." Ipold's expression became cold.

The commander did not answer and directly ordered the army to move forward, but the other party also sounded the horn, and the infantry kept pouring out of thepass and guarding there neatly with long guns. The reaction of the soldiers of Dilu County deepened *'s judgment. He sneered and directly ordered the collection of the troops.

As soon as he made the general attack, he immediately pulled out the army, which made the messenger a little confused, but he still faithfully issued the order. The army began to retreat, and the Night Elf Knight covered the barbarians and Elle who rushed to the front with bows and arrows. The knights of Dilu County chased and killed for a while, and were finally forced back by bows and arrows.

"Why don't you let our Amazong people go up?" Ipolüta's tone was strongly dissatisfied, "Such an enemy is nothing to us."

"That's not necessary," Li replied lightly. "As soon as the enemy's new force arrived, it was the most vigorous time. We don't have to fight with them immediately. Moreover, a large number of troops behind us are coming in batches through the teleportation array, and since the enemy's main force has arrived here, it is impossible to retreat.

At this time, seeing Si's army retreat, the knights and infantry of Dilu County also began to retreat into the entrance.

"You are always like this," Ipolde blurted out, "it's because you think too much that our relationship becomes like this. You always have heavy scruples. Whether on the battlefield or facing me, you think too much...too much..."

"Eva..." The commander looked away from the battlefield and looked at Ipolüte.

"Don't call me Eva anymore. Since you have chosen to leave me for a long time, don't call me Eva anymore!" The female soldier turned around and strode down the stage with a spear.

Li silently looked at her back and was in a state of confusion.

At this time, if he still looks in the direction of Guai'ai's passes, and if his eyes remain sharp, perhaps he will notice that the enemy's knights who were still majestic just now have become scattered when they retreat to the position. Although other knights and soldiers helped them cover up as much as possible, there was still a knight who staggered down from the horse...



And in the position on the side of Dilu County, the lone wolf General Leot also stood high and looked calmly into the distance. It was not until it was confirmed that Si's army had completely retreated and no longer invaded the entrance that it walked down the sentry building with a blank face. The elves of water followed General Leot and obviously noticed the calm general, whose clothes on his back had been soaked with cold sweat.

Those knights in exquisite armor mixed with mithril, as soon as they returned to the position, could no longer support them and fell one after another. The elf priests who had been waiting there quickly used light magic to treat them. Just now, they were able to forcibly repel the night knights who were good at night fighting and make the enemy's generals think that they were the elite cavalry in the reinforcements, but only because these elf women used an auxiliary magic that forcibly stimulated physical fitness.

Behind the entrance, a team of energetic knights are holding torches and constantly entering the entrance. However, if anyone really wants to touch these knights, they will find that their hands can easily pass through their bodies.

This is just an illusion made by Megvi's Mirage.

"Tell Meji," General Leot turned back to the wind and said, "Let him launch the remaining illusions, and the army will withdraw now."

The wind nodded.

She ran to the stone house on the inside of the entrance, and as soon as she reached the door of the stone house, she began to knock on the door.

No one responded.

"Meggie, I know you're in there." The water elf said delicately, "Come out quickly! The army is retreating, and you have to finish the rest of the illusions.

"Wait a minute." Meiji's voice sounded awkward. "Don't come in first, just a moment."

"How long will it take?" The beautiful elf curled her lips discontentedly, "Ah, I know. You must be doing something bad to Liselle."

As soon as her voice fell, some soldiers next to her who were packing immediately ran over.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?"

"Nonsense, it must be that kind of bad thing. Be quiet and don't disturb them..."

"Hey, it's wrong to peep."

"Then you still climb up the window..."


Several soldiers lay down on the window, and there were some that couldn't be squeezed up. They simply came to the door to see if there were any small holes that could be made do with.

"Wow, it's really a bad thing."

"No, I haven't started to do it yet. Hurry up, let's see how long they can do it?"

The soldiers on the window whispered, but the people next to the door couldn't find a place. Under the left and right, the door was squeezed open and several people fell in.

The wind couldn't help looking inside, and then saw that Meji was awkwardly wearing Liselle's trousers, while Liselle's hands were tied behind him and her buttocks were raised towards Megji. After being looked at by so many people, the girl's face had long been red, but her hands were tied and she couldn't move. And something of Meggie's own is standing there, and it is obvious that it has been interrupted before it is contained by some part of the girl.

"Get out of here, what's the point of view?" Megji shouted angrily.

Seeing that Meji would definitely not perform in public, the soldiers laughed and ran away.

"Well," the water elf waved to Meji and Liselle embarrassedly, "I'm not disturbing you, am I?"
