Magic Dance Song

Chapter 18 Smelon Bird!

Of course, Sophia knew that the reason why these people's eyes were so * and bold was mainly because her "motion" was so loud last night that she couldn't help blushing. Megie didn't care at all. He led Sophia around to show off, and then ordered two breakfasts to the boss to find a place to sit down. At this time, he saw the unlucky guy who was defeated by Sophia yesterday evening.

"Yo, you're still there." He simply sat opposite this guy.

Then he noticed that there was juice in front of this guy.

"What are you looking at," Neo stared at him. "If you look again, I'll throw you out."

"Throw me out? Be careful that my woman is looking for you to drink!" Meiji stared back.

Neo looked at Sophia in disretion and said no.

Meggie proudly knocked on the table with her hand, completely pretending to be a tiger. Sophia looked at him angrily and had to sit next to him.

Neo took a sip of the juice in the cup, frowned, and glanced at Sophia and Meggie: "You seem to be very idle. Does it really matter?"

"Do you care whether we are idle or not?" Meiji yawned as if to tell this guy that he was very idle.

Neo put the empty cup on the palm of his hand and turned around: "This morning, the paladin Krapol will be subjected to a military trial. Once he is convicted, the only way to rescue him out is to rob the prison. Is it possible that our princess is really ready to fall out with her brother, His Majesty the current King Sky?

Sufia and Meji looked at each other in astonishment.

"When did you start to know my identity?" Sophia stared at the strong man in front of her.

Neo did not answer immediately, but looked at the pub owner bring breakfast for Meji and Sophia and left, then said indifferently, "You are too leisurely for what I said. In this chaotic situation, the popular Princess Phoenix not only left her army and ran to such a place, but also drank with people in such public places. You know, not everyone can see the dwarf king Grunt, and not many people on this continent can get the 'Song of the Sun' from the stubborn hands of Grunt.

Sofia blushed, and she also felt that she was really careless last night. It is indeed inappropriate to be so eye-catching in such a crowded place. As Meggie said, there are often all kinds of people hidden in such pubs, from cheating nobles to excellent adventurers. It is not so strange that one or two people can guess her identity based on her clues.

"However, for a while, I really suspected that I guessed wrong." Neo coughed dryly, "I originally thought that Sophia, the Phoenix Princess, who could lead her soldiers to repel the army and orcs, and even kill the dark prince Panqi, should be a noble woman with great prestige and self-control, but I didn't expect her to show it on some occasions... Cough, * * one side!"

Sofia couldn't wait to drill a hole in again. There is no doubt that this guy either lived in this pub last night or lived nearby.

Sofia herself knows how loud she cried last night.

It's all caused by Meiji! She had to stare at Megy with resentment. In fact, think about it carefully, she should not have allowed Meiji to arrange it from the beginning. I believe that what he said can get more information in such a place. Now the useful information has not been explored, but their own information has been learned by others.

She should have thought that Megie had no interest in rescuing Krapol at all. He must have just wanted to take this opportunity to have a good time.

Of course, Meji knew that Sophia had seen through his thoughts, so she had to scratch her head awkwardly.

"Don't care so much about this kind of thing," Neo shook his empty cup with a smile. "This kind of place is for people to relax. It's normal for anything to happen. No one will really care who you are. Besides, who said that a princess must be like a princess at all times?

"That's right." Meiji nodded in agreement.

"Who the hell are you?" Sophia didn't bother to talk to Meji anymore, but turned her head to look at Neo. Panqi's death happened not long ago. The news should not have been here. This person can actually know that Panqi has died, which must be a special source. Moreover, as he said, not everyone can drink the "Song of the Sun" treasured by the dwarfs. This person can go to Moschibelle to drink with the dwarfs and speculate so simply about her identity. Naturally, she will not be an ordinary person.

Neo did not answer her question directly, but asked faintly, "How have Leot and your uncle been in recent years?"

"Well, they all still..." Sophia suddenly stared at Neo, as if she had thought of something.

"Speaking of which, I have seen Your Highness in the cathedral several times, but you were still young at that time." Neo smiled bitterly at her.

"Nio... Neo..." The princess's eyes are getting bigger and bigger. "Are you the paladin Neo who ran away with Mary Sulen Eviere?"

"Is this guy a paladin?" Megid was also shocked. There are only a few paladins in this kingdom, and the guy in front of him is actually one of them?

"I'm no longer a paladin," Neo just said indifferently, "and I didn't run away with Mary back then. I just tried to find her."

"What you said about Mary," Meggie asked in a low voice, "Is it Su Li's mother, the woman called Bloody Mary?"

"Well, that's her," Sophia stared at Neo. "As far as I know, Mary Sulen Eviere and the paladin Neo were originally childhood sweethearts, and everyone thought they would get married. As a result, Mary married Sully's father, an ordinary nobleman. A few years later, because of a series of baby disappearances, the church found that Mary was conducting evil magic experiments with the souls of those babies, so it sent troops to arrest her. As a result, Mary washed the whole street alone, and only a few people who went to arrest her survived, which was also the beginning of what she later became known as Bloody Mary.

Meggie asked doubtfully, "That woman is so powerful?"

"Well," Sophia continued, "It didn't take her little daughter and escape from the royal city. In order to arrest her, my father sent his most trusted paladin, but the paladin named Neo disappeared with Mary Sullen Ewell. . Until a year later, Mary died in Sorinta, and her body was sent back by the magician in Sorinta, but the paladin did not appear. At the same time, Mary's youngest daughter... that is, Su Li's sister, disappeared!"

Nio was silent.

"Only those who pass the really rigorous trials can become paladins," Sophia looked at Neo. "As a paladin, what is required is not only the combination of heart and skill, but also absolute loyalty to ideals and beliefs. This is also my father Wangming that you know that you have a close relationship with Mary Sulen Ewell, and The reason why I still asked you to catch her, but you never went back to die. This is also the most disappointing thing in my father's life. He can't believe that he will misread you... Can you tell me what happened now?

Nio sighed: "It's already past, so why talk about it again?"

"What if I want to know?"

"Well," Neo smiled and looked at Sophia, "But don't you think that there is another paladin who may be sent to the gallows tomorrow needs you to care than me, a paladin who has been almost forgotten for a long time?"

Suffia was shocked. Indeed, no matter why Neo disappeared in those years, it was a long time ago. Clapole obviously needs her help more than him.

"You just said that Crapol would be tried this morning?" She asked quickly.

"Hmm." Neo nodded.

"But what the hell happened?" Sophia asked doubtfully, "Why was Clapol regarded as the murderer of Cardinal Orius?"

Nio said, "Crapor did kill Eurius, and he himself did not deny this."

Sufia and Meiji were stunned.

"He claimed that Eurius had become a demon at that time, and he could not kill Eurius in self-defense." Neo continued to answer, "However, there seems to be no evidence that Euris has become a demon, or even if there was evidence, there is no evidence now. In fact, there have been several strange incidents of clergy turning into demons in the church, and for some reason, no one in the church can use magic, but these strange phenomena obviously can't help Krabor get rid of his crimes.

"But," Sophia hesitated for a moment, "With Krapol's ability, if he wants to escape..."

"You should understand that he won't do that." Neo whispered, "He is a paladin, and a paladin will never escape from his duties. Loyalty and dignity are a virtue that a paladin must have. The King of the Sky and others can doubt him, but he will never doubt himself. If the court convicts him, he will unconditionally accept sanctions.

"Even if he is wronged?" Meiji stared at Neo, "Isn't that a fool? Isn't it worth dying for those idiots?"

"It's not for those people," Neo said lightly, "for the kingdom, for the law. A paladin who openly resists the law will do far more harm to the kingdom than a thousand real criminals. For the paladins, the value of their existence is to protect law and order. If even the paladins begin to undermine the dignity of the law, who else will abide by it?

"Oh!" Meiji yawned. I don't understand!

Law is useful only if at least the vast majority of people abide by it. The current situation is that civilians don't believe in the law at all, and those nobles, including kings, don't even take it seriously. Isn't it a fool to obey it? Just because you are a paladin, you must abide by it. Isn't that a fool among fools?

Neo didn't expect Meji to understand his truth. He looked at Sophia: "Now it's too late to go to court, but once the trial is over and Clapole is found guilty, even if you go to prison, he may not be willing to leave. What can Your Highness do in this situation?"

Sofia has a headache. Of course, she understands the thoughts of those knights with a real sense of honor.

"Honor is my life", which is the most basic creed of those knights. Indeed, after Krapol was imprisoned, some knights gave up their loyalty to the king and claimed to be "depraved", but they would rather engrave a cross symbolizing shame on the knight's badge than take it off, which means that although they have a reason to give up the knight's belief, they are still ashamed of it. .

Unfortunately, her second brother Cangqiong didn't know about these real knights, otherwise he should have known that he didn't have to kill Krapol at all. As long as he is nominally the king of this country, Krabol will never betray him.

That is the loyalty of a paladin.

"Anyway, I need to meet Krabol." Sophia thought for a while and then looked at Neo, "Or, do you have any good advice?"

"I don't have any suggestions!" Neo suddenly turned his head and looked out.

With his sight, Sophia and Megji saw a blight with a blood-red sharp mouth falling to the ground. It scratched the ground with its claws and then raised its head. For a moment, Sophia felt some strange light from the eyes of the sling bird.

"That's right," Neo's voice amplified, "I heard that the woman's eldest daughter Su Li has also become a rose knight. I don't know how she is doing now?"

Sufia and Meji looked at each other in astonishment. Because talking with Sophia about something that is not suitable for other drinkers to hear, Neo's voice has been very low just now, but now he suddenly speaks so loudly, as if he is deliberately trying to be heard.

"I don't know." Sophia also made herself speak louder, "I don't know where she is now."

Although several drinkers around heard their conversation, because they didn't know who they were talking about, naturally no one would care about them, let alone come and interrupt.

And the slew didn't do anything strange, just twisted its neck, and then was shocked by a nearby passer-by.

Nio stood up: "I have to go."

"Mr. Neo," Sophia lowered her voice, "a paladin will never escape from his duty.' - this is what you just said. Do you mean..."

"Well," Neo looked at her seriously and bowed slowly. "I'm sorry to disappoint your father, my royal majesty, but I have never given up my duties, even now."

After saying that, he turned around and left quickly.

Sofia looked at his back silently.

In those years, the paladin Neo disappeared on the way to capture the bloody Mary, and Mary Sulen Eviere was dead, and even the body was returned to the royal city, that is to say, the mission performed by Neo should have been lifted.

But he said that he never gave up his duty.

What the hell is he doing now? Why stay in this city?

Of course, compared with Neo, Crabor is still much more important and urgent. As Neo said, even if she sees Krapol, she may not be able to persuade him to escape from prison. For a paladin, dignity and glory are far more important than life.

However, she really can't think of any better way except to rob the prison. The trial of Krapol was this morning, and no matter what she wants to do now, it must be too late. But once Clapole is convicted, according to the law, he has the power to pardon him only to become the king's sky.

What else can she do?

"Sofia, what are you thinking?" Megsy looked at her.

She shook her head and sighed. At this moment, she seemed to feel that something came to her mind. That idea made her feel deeply scared, but she had to think about it.
