Magic Dance Song

Chapter 20 The Little Witch's Comet!

When Corortia sneaked back into the city, the night was getting darker and darker.

Those fallen knights are still waiting for her.

For these people, they don't think tonight's action will be successful. In order to prevent accidents, the Marquis of Lientin arranged too many soldiers around the prison where Crapol was held. But there are only nearly 100 of them, most of whom are still outside the city. In addition to robbing the prison, they still need someone to seize the gate, and they won't have much time. Once the troops that come to support from Fort Dava, where the Marquis of Lientine lives, will have no way to escape.

But they will not hesitate about this. Although they have abandoned their knighthood, they have not abandoned the belief and dignity of knights. Krapol is their leader, and they are willing to die for him.

Corotia spread out the map and explained the plan to several fallen knights around her in detail.

"Is this really okay?" A knight with a purple star badge engraved with a cross in his armor looked at Corotia doubtfully, "Is it too little to rely on 20 people to attack the prison?"

"Trust me." Corotia looked up and looked at him stubbornly. "Capttaking the city gates is more important than attacking prisons. I will definitely take my brother out of prison!"

The fallen purple star knight stared into her eyes until he was sure that she was serious. So, he also nodded cautiously: "I will seize and guard the city gate until you appear."

Although this so-called plan is obviously aggressive and even unreasonable, everyone still implements it without hesitation. In the middle of the night, Cororia sneaked into the prison with 20 fallen knights who gathered quietly, and the unconcealed sound of horses' hoofs quickly shocked the soldiers on patrol.

They knocked down every soldier on the road and hurried to the gate of the prison. Obviously, their plan had already been seen through by the Marquis of Lienti, and enemies far more than them were rushed out of the prison and surrounded them.

Corotia took out the sticky scroll and whispered, "Carlene!"

The scroll flashed, and a series of wings flapping from the night sky. Countless sagi birds gathered like a strong wind. They covered the moonlight, patted, fluttered, and then swarmed down and pecked at the soldiers. Many soldiers howled and screamed in the night. They covered their eyes tightly, and their eyes overflowed with sticky **.

The fallen knights looked at the incredible situation in front of them in surprise. At this time, a burst of laughter came to their ears, and they saw a thin figure falling beside Corotia.

It was a girl with messy hair.

"Eat...Eat..." The dirty girl who appeared with the snarly bird began to gesture and pronounce long and tedious spells.

Suddenly, all the sally birds dispersed and flew in the distance, allowing the bright moon in the sky to reappear in the eyes of everyone present.

It's not just the moon that comes into view.

There are several blazing lights in the sky. These blazing lights are small and large, emitting amazing heat, as if the stars in the sky were pulled by some mysterious force and fallen by their side.

The sky broke and the air wave rolled wildly.

These fallen knights were all stunned. They couldn't help doubting that they would die with the enemy. Under the cover of this terrible magic, no one could survive.

But they survived.

The surrounding enemies were all smashed into meat mud by fiery meteorites, but it is incredible that they themselves are intact, not only them, but also the surrounding streets and buildings have not been damaged.

It was only the hundreds of enemies that surrounded them that died!

"Kill in!" Crotia pointed her sword at the night sky.

Behind her, all the fallen knights drew their swords and shouted and rushed into the prison together. They now know that they will succeed in saving their leader, because they have not only fighting spirit and faith, but also such a terrible witch helping them.

The meteorite in the sky is still falling and automatically destroys every enemy around them. Even if it enters the prison, the meteorite can directly pass through any obstacles and easily smash those soldiers who have no time to resist.

At the same time, on a section of the wall near the prison, Princess Sophia and Meji are also looking at everything in front of them.

Those falling meteorites seem to be beautiful meteors, but they have no idea of watching them.

They were just shocked.

If you kill hundreds of soldiers in an instant, Meiji may do it herself. When he went to New Asia, he also used high-level water magic to kill dozens of sand thieves in the desert. However, killing so many enemies will not hurt their own people who are also covered by magic at all. Such magical magic can't be done even by meteorite.

meteorite is already a powerful lethal magic, which can destroy everything in a large area in an instant. However, it kills not only the enemy, but also the magician's comrades-in-arms who are within its effective range will be bombarded into pieces like the enemy.

And the magic in front of you not only covers more than meteorite, but also will only hurt the enemy.

"This must be a comet!" His tongue was a little stiff and reluctant to make a sound. "Only comet art can do this."

Comet is the same as the projection of the astral world and the stop of time, which is legendary magic.

Although comet art is theoretically lower than the astral projection and time stop related to space and time, it is far better than any high-level magic that Meggie knows and is included in the legendary magic.

"What should we do now?" He turned his head and looked at Sophia.

Sofia has learned from Father Am that Krabol was sentenced to death in this morning's trial, and the execution date turned out to be tomorrow. Obviously, the Marquis of Ting just couldn't wait to kill Krapol, and he didn't even want to delay symbolically for a few days.

Originally, Sophia was only worried that Corotia would do "stupid things" before following Meji to stay here. But now it seems that she is really stupid to worry that Corotia will die in vain. Although I don't know where Corotia found such a powerful magician to assist her, it is obvious that it is completely superfluous to worry about Cororia's safety.

"Isn't there any news from Emma?" She asked.

"Xiao Xue hasn't contacted me yet," Meiji replied. "In terms of time, Emma is almost going to act, right?"

"I hope it will be in time." Sophia thought with a headache.

"I don't think you have to spend so much effort at all," Megji snorted. "As long as you persuade Krapol yourself, that guy will definitely go with you."

Sofia stared at him: "You don't understand at all. If Corotia doesn't show up, although the chance is small, I may still persuade him to escape from prison. But Corotia appeared, and Krapol would never escape with Corortia, and once Corortia's persuasion failed, no one could persuade him to leave.

"I don't think so," Meiji shrugged his shoulders. "There is a saying, "What's the saying?" Love can turn any smart guy into a fool. Since Crapol likes you so much that he has proposed to you, I don't believe that he doesn't want to give up those damn things for you. What honor, dignity, and the messy laws? These things are ridiculous to death.

Sofia continued to stare at him: "I said, you don't understand at all."

"Okay, okay," Meggie said angrily, "I just don't understand those ghosts. I'm a scoundrel without ideals and beliefs. So what? If you think those stupid knights are better..."

"I'm not saying that you don't understand this," Sophia knocked him on the head. "I mean, you don't understand the real inside story at all. Do you think Krabol proposed to me because he fell in love with me?

Meji was stunned: "Isn't it?"

"Of course not," Sophia sighed, "he's just running away."

"What to avoid?"

"Escape from his sister!" Sophia said, "When Corortia was very young, their parents had passed away, and it was Krapol who brought her up. Maybe it's because my brother is so excellent that Corordia feels that there can't be a better man in the world. Gradually, her feelings for her brother have gone beyond the due bondage between brother and sister, and Krabol also found this.

"You mean that the girl fell in love with her own brother?" Meiji opened her eyes wide.

"Well," Sophia said, "Crapor proposed to me to cut off her thoughts. You know, he is not only Corotia's own brother, but also a teenager older than her in terms of age, and can almost be Corortia's father. To be honest, I was really a little moved at that time. After all, Krapol was an outstanding man in any way. However, on the night after the dance, I accidentally saw him drunk in the dark corner because of the pain in his heart. At that time, he grabbed my hand and kept crying and repenting. At that time, I realized that if I really agreed to his proposal, I, Krapol and Corortia People are pushed into the eternal hell together.

"Is it..." Meji is getting more and more surprised.

"Well," Sophia smiled bitterly, "Krapol's guy, that guy... has been hopelessly in love with his own sister!"

Meggie is dumb.

It turns out that the paladin, who is perfect in everyone's eyes, is not only a Lolita, but also has a sister complex that will never be recognized by the world...

"If that's the case," Meji didn't understand more and more, "Wouldn't Krapol be more willing to escape from prison with her sister?"

"No," Sophia whispered, "didn't you say it yourself just now?" Love can turn any smart guy into a fool. It is because he finds that he has fallen in love with someone he shouldn't like that Crapol can't help but start to escape. To become a paladin, the perseverance in your heart is far greater than others, and even the heartbreaking love and desire can be suppressed.

"That is to say," Meiji smiled bitterly, "would he rather die than leave with Cororia?"

Sofia was silent. This taboo love is indeed unacceptable to the world, but to some extent, she has some envy of Corotia. Corotia's feelings for Krapol were reborn, but her two brothers gradually became strange from childhood intimacy until she began to feel disgusted and despised.

Her eldest brother Fengyan was killed by the second brother Sky before the dark prince Panqi captured the royal city.




In Fort Davao.

The sky, which has become a king, is walking back and forth in his room. Although the night is dark, he has no desire to fall asleep.

He only has irritability in his heart.

Since he fled the royal city and entered Sykes County, his heart has never been calm. Indeed, he became the king as he wished, but this kind of king is really boring.

There is nothing he can do.

At the beginning, the Marquis of Lianting told him that this happened because the paladin Krapol played tricks behind his back. Although the royal army that resisted aggression was formed in his name, he had to appoint Krabol as the commander of the royal army due to military needs. As a result, Krabol's prestige in the army was even much higher than that of him, the king, which made him have to believe what the Marquis of Lientine said, Krabol Sooner or later, he will betray him with those knights.

But now that Krabol has been put in prison, his power and status as a king are still not respected. When Krapol was the supreme general of the royal army, he could at least get superficial respect, and since Krapol's accident, he suddenly found that no one else took him seriously.

He can't even leave here with his own pleasure.

He has been under house arrest!

It was not until then that the sky knew how stupid he was. The hard-won royal army began to split. Ambitious nobles such as the Marquis of Lianting and Count Einhuly began to expand their territories. The knights who had followed him out of honor also left because of Clapole's imprisonment.

He has nothing but such a ridiculous title as the king.

The candlelight swayed and was barely swallowed up by the night outside the window.

At this moment, there was a sudden disturbance outside. The wolves and dogs guarding around the wall barked wildly, and the soldiers' footsteps were chaotic. Alarm bells rang in all corners of Fort Davao at the same time, which means that assassins were found.

He opened the door and shouted at a hurriedly running guard, "What's wrong?"

"Someone wants to assassinate the Marquis." The guard wiped the sweat on his forehead.

So that's it! The king of the sky looked worried, but he sneered in his heart. If the Marquis of Lientine is assassinated, I'm afraid it's not a bad thing for him.

Maybe it's a good thing!

He thought that if the assassin who came from somewhere really succeeded, he might be able to take over Fort Davao immediately in the name of the king and go to prison early tomorrow morning to pardon Krapoor's death. No matter how much he hates Klapol, this time, he must show tolerance as a king and blame all the mistakes on the Marquis of Lianting.

In this way, Krabol will definitely be grateful to him and be truly loyal to him. And he can reorganize the royal army and completely drive away the enemies in the south to become a king who surpassed all his ancestors.

He began to listen carefully to the outside. Obviously, the soldiers and guards had gone to protect the Marquis of Lianting, which made him worry about whether the assassin could succeed.

Whung be a real king depends on an assassin who doesn't even know his name, which makes him feel a little incredible.

At the same time, there is also tension in the field.

I'm nervous and chilly.

Then, he suddenly noticed that the reason why he felt cold was not because he was nervous, but because the window had been opened. The cold wind blew in from the outside and made his heart cold in an instant.

He slowly turned around and saw the girl standing there at some point.

It was a tall girl with a faint soft light on her fair skin and dark blue flames in her eyes.

She holds a bone whip in her hand.

The candlelight shook, and then immediately went out.

The bone whip rolled up the neck of the sky and suddenly twisted it.

He fell to the ground.

The girl who killed the king did not stop. She stepped on the window sill and flew out like a phantom. The soldiers on the ground were still nervously looking for the assassin, and she had stepped away with her back to the moonlight.

A little thing like a butterfly flashed on her shoulder. It was a little forest fairy.

"Tell Meji," the girl said softly, "I have finished what Your Highness ordered!"
