Magic Dance Song

Chapter 22 Sisters!

The news of Krapol's escape from prison and the assassination of the king has had a great impact on Mogril. On the way to the thorny land, Meji, Sophia and Krapol can see the troops mobilized like ants. Although the hiding place of the fallen knights is not so easy to find, they still have to leave as soon as they find Corortia.

Even Sophia is not sure how much shock the death of the sky will bring to this kingdom. Although she didn't show too many expressions, both Meggie and Crapol deeply understood her inner pain.

Although she has long been disappointed with her second brother, the murder of her brother is a serious crime after all, and the betrayal of her family makes it difficult for her to forgive herself.

When they came to the thorny land, it was almost noon.

Unlike rumors, they did not see the air-dried animal corpses on the spikes, which made them doubt whether they had gone to the wrong place. However, not long after they stayed here, they saw several red-billed slingbirds flying here with small animals such as mice and frogs, hanging them on the sharp thorns, and then flying away immediately.

But at a glance, they really can't find anything from here. There are no wooden houses or strange caves where people can live, and they don't see any ghosts and monsters that protect the forbidden land. No matter how you look at it, this place is like an ordinary thorny land.

They stepped into it carefully, and Crapol had changed into light armor and steel boots, and didn't care much about these spikes. And Meggie's robe and Sophia's skirt were cut out.

"Xiao Xue said that she had been here more than 100 years ago." Meiji said, "Let me ask her."

He began to communicate with the little fairy who was still with Emma through conscious communication.

Soon, he learned from the little fairy that there was a space entrance hidden here.

"Hear my hand." He said to Sophia and Krabol.

Two people held his hand from left to right.

After a while...

He sighed heavily.

"What's wrong?" Sophia asked doubtfully.

"It's okay!" His expressionless question. It's okay to lead Sophia by yourself. Why do you have to lead a big man? You should turn around, let Krapol disappear, and take Corotia to find him by yourself, that's right.

Leg about Corortia on the left and Sophia on the right. This is a man's dream.

He began to read an elf text taught him by the little fairy, and soon, a layer of mist covered them together.

They found themselves in a dark forest.

As soon as he came in, before Meggie could do anything, Krabol shook off his hand first. Obviously, this guy doesn't feel much better than him.

This forest is obviously not part of the "real" world. Light and shadow circulate, and the strange spheres emitting light in the sky do not know whether it is the sun or the moon. The bodies of some small animals are flying in the air, just like fallen leaves drifting with the waves.

They looked at each other and walked forward together.

Before long, they saw a girl in dirty gray sitting in front of a cabin.

She is sharpening a sharp knife with a grindstone.

The red blood penetrated from the blade with the clear water, dyeing the ground into a faint red. She looked up at Meiji and the others, as if she didn't care about their arrival. She just continued to sharpen the knife. Until the knife was sharp and shining, she staggered and walked around behind the wooden house.

The scream of the sharp woman suddenly sounded.

Meggie and others quickly chased after him, and then they were stunned there.

There, there is a woman with scars all over her body, an old woman in her 40s and 50s. The knife in the hand of the girl in gray was cutting her body, from hand to foot, and then from foot to knife, full of blood.

The woman clenched her teeth, and her face was distorted by long-term pain.

"No pain, good boy, no pain." The girl in gray smiled. She threw down the knife and dug a few handfuls of mud from the ground to paint the wound of the injured old woman. Perhaps because there were herbs or something else in the mud, the staggered wounds quickly healed.

"Kill me," the old woman said weakly, "Carlene, please...don't torture me anymore..."

The little witch Karin was still eating and laughing, and she put her muddy fingers in her mouth and licked them.

Sufia and Krabol looked at each other worriedly. The witch's behavior was obviously a little abnormal. She must have deliberately torturing the woman she hung up, and it was not a day or two.

This made them more worried about Corortia who didn't know where she hid.

After torturing the woman, the girl in gray turned her head and stared at them through her scattered hair: "Hee hee, who are you looking for? Looking for me?"

Krapol took a step forward and stared at her: "Let's find Cororia. Please give her to us."

Looking for the heart? Eat, are you looking for the heart? Karin smiled mysteriously, "I haven't eaten yet. It's delicious. You eat it and eat together..."

She climbed to the ground, picked up the knife from the ground, and disappeared through the wooden wall beside her like a virtual shadow.

Clapoll was anxious and quickly walked around to the main door of the cabin with Sophia and Meiji, kicked the door open and broke in.

The little** in the wooden house, where Corortia is lying. She was only wearing a half-naked bra and trousers, her expression looked lost and confused, and her eyes looking at the roof were empty.

The girl in gray took a knife and wanted to cut Corortia's chest.

Clapoll pulled out a roll of the long sword, twisted its body, and stabbed the gray-clad witch with a gorgeous trajectory.

The witch disappeared again.

Krapol grabbed his sister and helped her up. However, Corotia didn't seem to know him at all, just opening her eyes and her pupils were motionless.

The little witch sang outside the house, and mysterious energy fluctuated from the air. At the same time, there seemed to be a loud sound from the sky, with an oppressive heat wave.

"Don't move, everyone." Meiji was shocked and cast the spell quickly.

The superimposed magic mask suddenly spread from the palm of his hand, covering everyone in it.

The powerful energy like stars went straight through the roof and collided with the magic shield. The wave fluctuated, causing the house to be overturned by the waves caused by the magic impact in an instant, and broke into countless pieces of wood scattered around them.

In the sky, meteorites with flames are still rushing down continuously.

Mage supported the magic mask and resisted the little witch's "comet art".

This magic mask is a high-level space magic called "Otiluk Elastic Shield". It is a powerful protective magic that isolates magic damage through the fault generated by space dislocation. People in it can temporarily protect themselves from any damage from the outside world, and also can't hurt people outside.

Although Sophia and Krabor are protected by this space shield and are not hit into meat mud by the powerful energy of comet, they are also locked in it.

However, the reason why the "Otiluk Elastic Shield" can only be regarded as a high-level magic and does not enter the legendary level is not because its protective ability is not strong enough. In fact, it can even resist the amazing killing magic of comet and meteorite. However, its weakness is also very obvious. On the one hand, people who are "protected" by it will be locked in and can't do anything else, and can't even use teleport magic. On the other hand, it also has the biggest weakness, that is, it can be easily cracked by cracking techniques such as "remove magic".

Sure enough, Meiji has seen the little witch appear in the distance and sing magic to them.

At this time, the "comet art" above their heads continues to attack them. Once the elastic shield is lifted, they will not be able to get out of this legendary magic, which is almost equivalent to a forbidden spell.

Meggie's back has begun to sweat coldly.

A beam of light shot from the little witch's hand and hit the magic shield.

To her surprise, the magic shield was still there, and the meteorite falling in the sky was still offset by it, unable to hurt Meji and the others.

"It's useless," Meggie shouted at the little witch. "I'm a special effect 'Otiluk elastic shield', which can't be cracked."

Among all kinds of magic, there are indeed some "special effects" magic. Some magicians often spend a lot of time studying and changing some well-known magic, adding some unique effects that others don't know. There are even some magicians who hold the concept of "specialization" and only study and learn a few magics in their lives. There was once a magician who relied on this understanding and developed "powerful magic missiles", "super magic missiles" and "legendary magic missiles" all the way from the lowest level of "magic missiles".

He even killed a dragon with a magic missile.

Of course, most magicians do not care about this concept at all. In their opinion, if those so-called "special effects magic missiles" correspond to other magic, they are nothing more than "fireball", "flame scroll" and "meteorite". Since the same effect can be found in other ready-made magic, there is no need to make so many famous.

But it is undeniable that some magic with "special effects" can indeed have unexpected effects in the confrontation between magicians.

Seeing that her cracking technique did not work, the little witch immediately squeezed her mouth angrily and was unwilling to try again. Similarly, Meggie's magic shield has still not been broken this time.

"As I said, this is a special effect 'elastic shield', which can't be cracked." Meiji sneered, "Why don't we calm down and talk about it first? It's not good to call back and there."

Although he was sneering, Sophia and Krapol clearly saw that the magic robe on his back had already been soaked with cold sweat.

In fact, Meji doesn't have any special effects of Otiluk elastic shields. He just superimposed three layers of shields at the same time through magic superposition. Because the three layers of elastic shields are closely connected, although the little witch Karin cracked two layers in a row, she still left one layer there.

"Spish superposition" is a unique skill taught by the little fairy to Meji, and this little witch naturally can't see through it for a while. Of course, Meiji is also very clear that if she tries again, she will really be finished.

Although he also has a certain degree of confidence in his magic, a witch who can use legendary magic is still not easily defeated by him.

"You can't hit us now, and we don't want to embarrass you." Meiji shouted at her, "Why don't we talk about it? What do you want?"

"Food," the little witch stared at them, "Don't grab my food."

Food? Megsy turned around and looked at Cororia stupidly.

Is this witch like Black Annes? Is she a cannibal who likes to cook people? Or do witches like to eat people, whether they are Black Annes or humans?

"This is an exchange, a witch's exchange, you know?" The little witch said unhappily, "I helped her and she gave me her heart. Do you know? Don't know? You are so stupid. You don't even know the exchange of witches. You are so stupid.

Hey, I didn't say I didn't know! Meiji stared at this girl who was a little stupid no matter how she looked at her.

At this time, the duration of "Comet Art" is finally over, but in case, he still dares not remove the last elastic shield.

"Okay, exchange, right?" Megid said carefully, "Well, let's exchange it. I want to go back to Cororia's heart, okay?

"Yes," the little witch nodded seriously and then pointed to Meiji. "Heart, your heart exchanges her heart."

"Reject, change something else." Meiji directly opposed it.

"Then use her heart." The little witch pointed to Princess Sophia.

"No, let's change it to something else."

"Why don't you use his? His heart also looks delicious." The little witch pointed to Crabor.

"No problem, deal." Meiji turned around and looked at Sophia, "We have made a deal."

"Meggie!" Princess Sophia looked like she wanted to beat him.

"Well, okay, okay." Meiji sighed and turned to look at the little witch again. "Does it have to be the heart? Can I use something else? The heart is actually... not delicious at all!"

"Have you eaten it?" The little witch looked at him expectantly.

"Well, it's terrible. It's just like nibbling insects. It doesn't taste good at all." Ghosts will eat it.

"But there are also delicious insects," the little witch squeezed her mouth dissatisfiedly. "The dragonfly is delicious, and the little ladybug is also good. Spiders are terrible, as well as cocoon bees and tails... Pooh... It's really bad!"

How dare she eat it all? Meiji felt that her forehead began to sweat.

"Well, the human heart is as bad as a spider. Really." Meiji told her seriously, "So, you'd better not eat it. It's for your own good. Is there anything else you want? As long as we can do it, we will definitely bring it to you.

"What you want," the little witch suddenly fell silent, "Sister!"

"What?" Meiji doesn't understand.

"Sister," the little witch lowered her head, "I really want my sister... my sister..."

"Your sister?!" Meiji's heart didn't know why, as if he suddenly thumped, as if he had awakened something. He stared at the girl and tried to see her face through her messy hair, but it was really not easy.

"Who is your sister? What's her name?"

After a long silence, the little witch whispered, "Su Li... Sister Su Li..."

Meji only felt a loud noise in his mind, which made him unable to calm down. Although some people vaguely realized that the girl might be Su Li's sister, when it was really confirmed, he felt at a loss.

faintly, he remembered the last sentence Su Li said to him in the bronze heart altar.

-"If you can see my sister, tell her for me... I miss her so much!"

Of course, Suli at that time did not expect that Meji would really be able to see her sister one day, but she had fallen into despair at that time, and even in that last moment, she still remembered her sister deeply.

"I've met your sister, but I don't know where she is now." He clenched his fist and looked at the little witch in front of him. "If you want to believe me, I promise you that one day I will find her and bring her here."

The little witch raised her head and looked at Meggie in a daze.

Tears wet her hair.

"She also wants to see you again," Meggie told Karin. "She has never forgotten you... I know!"

Yes, he knows.

However, the current Su Li is no longer the original Su Li. He was not even sure whether Su Li could still remember him. In these days, too many things have happened that make him feel that the world he lives in has been completely changed.

He didn't believe in fate, but now he really feels that something seems to be pulling him and letting him move forward step by step.

He doesn't know where his end is.