Magic Dance Song

Chapter 4 The Ghost of the Wind!

After the surrender ceremony, Meggie sat around with Emma and others.

They learned more from the summoned ghost of Albis.

Because they sensed the threat of the undead Bayer early, the elves on Crescent Island began to collect fragments of the souls of the scattered goddess Luna in order to fight against the evil that they could never resist by their power alone.

Of course, these blue planetary fragments alone can't save their fate, so some people came up with the idea of reviving the will of the goddess through the body of mortals. Although this was just a helpless fantasy, after some discussion, most of the elves thought that this method was feasible.

Goddess Luna is a god that the elves have been serving since ancient times. If she can resurrect, she will naturally use her power to protect the elves on Crescent Island. At the beginning of the dark century, a similar thing happened. A goddess named Shar summoned Luna's arrival by sacrificing herself, which blocked the dark god Shastine's ambition to conquer the world.

So, on the one hand, the elves are searching for blue planetary fragments, and on the other hand, they are also looking for "offerings" that can contain the soul fragments of the goddess.

The task of finding the "sacrifice" fell on the wind. In fact, the person who put forward this idea from the beginning was the wind. She persuaded other elves to believe in her prophecy and mastery of the future, and that she could change the fate of the whole world to be destroyed through prophecy.

Of course, not all elves believe her words, especially those elf elders. They feel that the idea of forcibly interfering in the direction of history through prophecy is not only dangerous but difficult to succeed, but the vast majority of young elves are supporting the wind, including Abis.

After all, no one likes to sit back and wait for the evil forces to destroy their homes.

The "offering" found by the wind is Anna Su.

Only truly kind and pure people can come into contact with blue planetary debris, and due to certain factors, it can only be human beings as a "offering". In order to find such a human, the wind left Crescent Island and went far away, and persuaded Deliad, who had been standing beside the goddess of light for a hundred years of darkness, to help her with the old Urenos, who had left the palace at that time.

Until recently, in addition to the blue planet fragments already possessed by Anna, other fragments have been collected. So, the wind took the elf priests without saying goodbye, and Abbas also persuaded Anna to go to Crescent Island with her.

As soon as Abis took Anna out of the Kyle village, she encountered the wind that came to pick her up.

The wind killed Abice with Anna on his back. Until her death, Abis didn't understand why the wind did this, let alone where the wind learned the spell.

To be honest, even if these things are clear, Meiji still doesn't understand what the wind wants to do. The reason why the wind caused the cicada to miscarry Alice is probably so that Abis can convince Anna faster, but why did she kill Abis?

Unlike human beings, the elves will never kill each other. In all elf races, only night elves and other elves do not blend with each other, but they will not fight with each other for no reason. No matter what the reason is, Yu Feng's practice is undoubtedly betraying her compatriots. Unless she has some ulspeakable purpose, why should she do this?

And the main question now is where will the wind take Anna?

"I think," Emma looked at him, "I'm afraid we're going to Crescent Island."

The little fairy also nodded. The remaining blue planet fragments are all on Crescent Island. No matter what the wind wants to do to Anna, it should not throw those fragments.

"No, wait a minute," Meiji slowly raised his head. "I think I need an explanation."


Because Emma and Alina could not meet, Meiji simply asked her and the little fairy to stay with the old witch.

After leaving them, Meggie returned to Alice, Liselle and others. Since he has been away for several hours, Alina and others are worried about him.

Meggie didn't tell them about the descent, which was of no use but to increase their worries. He chatted with Alice for a while and taught Xue Qiner some magic knowledge. Ziya already knew that he took away the bodies of the cicada and Abice. She wanted to ask questions ignorantly, but she was dragged into the house and "bullied" by him for a while.

Ziya's delicate hum and moan made Alice and others who were listening outside blush.

After everyone rested, he came to the pool alone and sat there quietly.

He stayed like that and did nothing.

After a while, he saw a drop of dew dripping on the pool, ripples.

A woman in a long green skirt slowly floated from the center of the ripple. Her skirt dragged on the water, but it was not wet at all.

Meggie looked at the forest goddess sacrificed by the Kyles and said nothing, waiting for her to speak by herself.

She needs to give him an explanation.

"I'm sorry," Deliadth sighed softly, "I didn't expect things to turn out like this."

She told Meji: "The first time the wind came to me was three years ago. She told me what the elves on Crescent Island wanted to do. Although I doubted whether the goddess could really be resurrected, on the other hand, she also thought that their ideas were at least feasible. If the goddess can really be resurrected, Bayer's power will be contained and avoid getting the continent into a quagmire, so I decided to help her. But now, I finally realize how much mistake I have made.

Meggie looked at her.

"When the wind let the female magician kill Alice's fetus, I actually saw it, but I didn't stop it," Deliad continued. "Although I don't agree with this practice, there are some things that have to pay a price. If the goddess can really be resurrected, more people can be saved. In that case, even if it harms an unborn life, it's worth it... That's why I didn't stop the cicada."

Meggie still hasn't said anything, and now he doesn't want to blame anyone. What he lost is irreparable, and he just wants to protect what he has now.

"But I didn't expect that if it was over, the wind would kill the cold cicada." Deliades was silent for a moment, "Although it was not a pity for the female magician to die, the vicious method used to kill her by the wind made me see its evil side. There is also a powerful and terrible spell that can never be mastered by the elves. It is a dark spell. A hundred years ago, only the believers of the dark god Shastine could use this spell, and after a hundred years of darkness, it has never appeared.

Luna, the goddess of light, has always been the only belief of the water elf clan, but it is certainly a doubtful thing that the wind of water elf can actually use the magic of the dark evil god.

"In order to find out the true identity of the wind, I left," said Deliades. "When I came back, Anna had been taken away, and Abis also died in the hands of the wind. Nevertheless, I have figured out something.

Meggie raised her eyebrows.

He also wants to know what she has figured out.

"I went to the country of the dead and found a ghost," Deliad smiled bitterly. "A ghost that surprised me."

She stretched out her hand and emitted a glow.

A ghost slowly condensed between her and Meji like smoke. Although she was just a ghost, she still maintained her previous appearance... slender figure, pointed ears, and a pair of too small breasts...

Meji suddenly stood up and looked at the ghost who was obviously a water elf before his death: "Are you... the wind?"

The beautiful ghost looked at him doubtfully and asked confusedly and softly, "Who are you?" How do you know my name?

Meggie has been completely stunned.

"The real wind has already died," Deliades told him, "as early as * years ago, someone sneaked into Crescent Island and killed her."

Since the real wind has died, the current wind is obviously another person. There is no doubt that just as Meggie borrowed the body of Meng Mikina in Longenburg, someone occupied the body of the dead wind and kept pretending to be her. Not only that, the man also induced other elves to help her implement the so-called goddess resurrection plan, and deceived everyone such as Sophia and Meiji.

"Do you remember what kind of person killed you?" He looked at the beautiful ghost. Although the wind in front of him is not the same person as the one who has kissed him intimately many times, Meggie still feels sad to see her vague but weak appearance.

"A woman," the beautiful ghost whispered, "I've never seen her before."

At this time, Deliadise said, "I think I have guessed who the woman who occupied her body was. It's just that even if you know now, what can you do? At your current magic level, even if you meet her, you will just die in vain.

Mage was silent, and he had to admit that what Liads said was true. Since the "dead wind" could easily kill the cicada and Albis, he could naturally kill him. It's just that he can leave Anna alone like this?

He looked at Deliades: "Who the hell is that?"

"I'm not going to tell you. Unless you can reach the level of using legendary magic, you'd better not go to find her," Deliad's figure slowly disappeared. "If you die like this, it will only make other women around you more sad and sad... and it's useless."

With the disappearance of Deliad, the beautiful elf ghost also began to disperse.

Meggie stood there with a tingling pain in his heart.

He sighed heavily and turned around, only to see a little girl standing there quietly.

That's childish!

Meggie waved to her, asked her to come forward, and then hugged her. Zhina had obviously stood behind him for a while, and his conversation with Deliades was naturally listened to by her.

"Child, I'm leaving for a while," he whispered to the vampire girl. "During this period, you want to help me protect everyone, okay?"

The girl nodded.

"If you want to say it, Zhina!"

The girl took a deep breath and nodded her head again: "Hmm!"

Meggie hugged her tightly.

At this time, he saw that Alina, Liselle and Xueqin also came slowly from the front.

It turns out that they didn't go to rest! Meiji smiled bitterly. Obviously, they have guessed that he will leave. The only thing they haven't guessed is Zi Ya, who is simple-minded.

"I'll be back soon," Meiji looked at them and said seriously and firmly, "Also, I will bring Anna back together!"
