Magic Dance Song

Chapter 15 Astral Projection!

The cold blue light also covers the sky.

The sharp claws of the Shadow Blood Dragon smashed several bone dragons, then dived down and waved icicles towards the flock of undead creatures. But the number of these dead soldiers is too large and will never be feared. No matter how the Shadow Blood Dragon poses a threat above their heads, it can't stop them from chasing.

In front of them, the Sri army led by Li* is constantly retreating. Although they have long been ready to deal with the Necromancer Legion, they have not really understood the strength of those undead creatures until now.

They don't need to rest, don't get tired, and don't need to carry military supplies. And now, they don't even have to worry about the sunshine, they just need to attack. Even the tough barbarians and Elle can't resist their endless attacks. What's worse, you will never know whether your comrades-in-arms who have just died will come back to life the next moment and hold your throat fiercely.

So, they can only retreat and keep retreating.

Fortunately, after the female warriors of Amazong, who had amazing combat effectiveness and could use the god of war magic, broke up with the Shadow Blood Dragon, they did not collapse, but no one knew how long such retreat could last. Those dead spirits followed them relentlessly, and no matter how powerful the female warriors of Amazong were, I can't fight all the time. There is also the Shadow Blood Dragon. Maybe the Shadow Blood Dragon will not be tired, but Joshua and Wu Chen will ride on its back.

In fact, Wu Chen can't hold on any longer. She needs a lot of spiritual power to control the Shadow Blood Dragon, and she is not a real warrior. She tried to drive away the fatigue and fatigue of her body and concentrate on the constantly harassing bone dragons. Because the dead are not afraid of cold, the ice mist or icicles spewed by the shadow blood dragon can hardly play a big role. She can only rely on brute force to smash the skeleton of the bone dragon, which increases the difficulty of Wu Chen.

Joshua also knew that Wu Chen would not be able to support it sooner or later, but he had no better way. Even the strategic General Dreiden could not calculate that Bayer could cover the sun and choose to make a large-scale landing from Sisi. After all, the southern part of the Fair Kingdom and the location of New Asia were closer to the continent, while Bayer circled and let his necromancer go ashore. Forced helplessly, General Dreton could only choose to take advantage of the complex terrain to fight with Bayer.

This is a helpless war. The timing and location of the war depend entirely on Bayer's happiness, but people facing crisis on this continent can only face it passively.

As a result, General Dreiden's efforts did not support his army for long.

A young man with a long knife broke into their army with a group of bone demons and directly killed General Dreiden. Although there are many elite guards guarding in front of the general, no one can stop the young man's casual knife.

Joshua still remembers the situation at that time. He and Wu Chen rushed there with the shadow blood dragon, and General Dreiden was already in a different place. Wu Chen asked the Shadow Blood Dragon to attack the young man, but the man pointed to the Shadow Blood Dragon with his broad-edged sword.

The Shadow Blood Dragon was frightened. It ignored Wu Chen's instructions and flew to a high place and lingered.

The shadow dragon, which has always spread fear in the bottom of the enemy's heart, is actually afraid of the young man with a long knife?

At that moment, Joshua guessed his identity.

He is the immortal king Bayer!

The man who broke into the dark blood pool alone a hundred years ago to challenge the gods!

The death of General Dreiden is fatal to the damage to the army. And the Necromancer's attack was like a wave, which made them not even have a chance to rest. Even those strong barbarians began to be afraid and unable to believe in their future.

There is also Joshua who can't see the future. When he sees Bayer standing there casually with a long knife, while the shadow blood dragon is afraid to fall.

He doesn't know who else in the world can stop Bayer's footsteps.

With the help of Shadow Blood Dragon, the remnant army finally temporarily got rid of the Necromancer, and all the races on this continent began to realize that they had to be forced to unite. Where the Necromancer sweeps, no life can survive. What Bayer needs is not the obedience of all races. He just wants to transform all life into undead creatures that have to obey him.

In the next few months, Bayer tried to cover his strength throughout the continent, while Sophia, the mercenary king Asius and the palaitkrapol joined together to resist to the death, and even the dwarves and orcs joined them as never before. Such unprecedented cooperation has temporarily achieved results, and the power of the Necromancer was limited to several corners, but as the war continued, the balance of victory soon favored Bayer.

Every human or other race who died in the war may stand up again and join the Necromancer after death and become a skeleton warrior who can only obey orders. Undead creatures such as zombies and ghost dolls are constantly harassing behind Sophia and others, making people panic.

The only thing that is beneficial to Sophia is that the magicians who had been hiding in the Sorinta and never went out were also forced to stand up and join her army to provide her with power from magic, but such power is not enough to help her defeat Bayer.

Meggie and Emma still don't appear again.

The sun has also disappeared...


Meggie can't see the sun either.

But he also can't see the cyan cold light covering the whole continent.

There are trees, flowers and plants around him, rivers, and starlight above his head, but the sun and moon can't be seen. In addition, the star compass is useless here, and no matter what he does, he can't leave this place, even if he uses magic.

This is an astral world.

At the moment before the "time stop" took effect, he used the spatial legendary magic "Star Projection" with the help of the little fairy to send him and others here, and Bored Andres cut off the connection between them and the projection that remained in that world and made them unable to go back.

He sat by a river and meditated.

The flow of time in the astral world is not completely equivalent to the earthly world, and he doesn't know how long it has been in that world. Has Sophia been looking for him? Has the child in Liselle's belly been born or even grown up?

He can't know at all.

He looked at the river in front of him and sighed helplessly. The river has no source and no end. It is in continuous circulation. A board was thrown on the water and taken downstream by the water, but it won't be long before it will appear upstream.

Not only the river, but also other things in this astral world. A flower blooms and withers and turns into mud, but soon the same flower will grow in the same place, even the color of the petals is exactly the same. A lion chases a lamb and eats it bite by bite, leaving a skeleton. After a while, the skeleton will disappear, and then they will see the same lion chasing the same lamb.

This is a world that keeps looping, and I'm afraid they are the only ones who can't "cycle". Emma killed the lamb and sucked out its blood, and its body remained there. The lion still keeps appearing, but can no longer find the lamb it can chase, so it becomes one after another, starving to death, and reappearing...

They don't belong here at all!

But they can't go back.

With the soft call behind her, Meiji turned around and saw Anna flying towards him. The wings on her body can never be erased, but there is nothing unusual except the extra pair of wings.

Meggie can't tell what the wind has done to her. However, because she was naked when she was sent here, and obviously couldn't find a place to buy clothes here, Meiji had to find some leaves to help her cover important parts. Fortunately, there was no other man here except him, so he didn't have to worry about his little Anna being killed by others. Look at it.

Although she has been here for a while, Anna Sue, who was only wearing leaves, was still blushed by Meggie's eyes. She sat next to Meggie, and her little hands unconsciously covered between her legs, covering more or less the spring light.

"Brother Meiji, what are you thinking?" She asked shyly.

"I'm thinking of a way out of here." Meiji looked at the unusually eye-catching girl, put his arms around her, and let her half lie in his arms.

"What are they doing?" Meiji asked.

"Carlene is playing there alone, and Xiaoxue and Sister Su Li... and Emma are discussing some strange things. I don't understand." Anna replied. Deep in her heart, it is still difficult to accept Emma's existence. After all, Emma is the one who killed her good friend Meng, but now Emma is also the woman next to her brother Meiji, which makes Anna really feel very embarrassed. In addition, the reason why Emma was trapped here with them was also to accompany her eldest brother Meji to come to Crescent Island to save her, which made her feel that if she hated Emma again, she would have some kindness. However, despite this, it was still difficult for her to forgive Emma for killing Lemon Michelina.

"Strange things?"

"Well, what magic power is the source of the world, I don't quite understand."

So that's it! Meiji thought. Presumably, Su Li and the little fairy also wanted to figure out what the purpose of the wind was. Although they all guessed that what the wind wanted to do was to seize the divine power of the goddess Luna, they still didn't know how to do it.

The most important thing is, what would happen if Meggie really did that to Anna as he wished and sent the strange dark power into Anna's body?

What will happen when the power of the Dark God is combined with the blue planetary fragments in Anna's body?

"Brother Megji," Anna whispered, "It's all my fault..."

"Why do you think so?"

"If it weren't for me," Anna choked, "Abis wouldn't have died and everyone wouldn't be trapped here."

"How can it be your fault?" Megid kissed her on the cheek, "You just want to help Alina and more people. If you want to blame, you can only blame the wind. It was she who deceived all of us..."


"Don't think too much." Meiji raised one of her feet and moved her body around. In this way, the girl turned face to face * on his thigh, with her feet separated on both sides.

Although the girl's waist is surrounded by leaves, the bottom is vacuum, this posture makes her very shy, and she can even clearly detect the squeeze of a swollen part of Megji.

This is indeed a little*, which makes it difficult for Megy to control himself. Unfortunately, the little fairy had already warned him to do anything before figuring out the changes in Anna's body.

"Brother Meiji..." The girl blushed and buried her head in his chest. That sprouting voice almost broke him down.

He felt that it would be difficult for him to control himself if it went on like this, so he had to move her body away and let her sit back next to him.

Anna bent her closed legs in front of her, silent like a little girl who made a mistake.

Although Anna is not very old, she is not a stallion who can't stand it after a few days of abstinence. But the problem is that with the current degree of intimacy between the two of them, they are always unable to become physically "intimate" due to various things. This situation has been maintained, which makes both of them feel uncomfortable. Of course, Meji really wants to eat this cute and mature Lori, and Anna has been longing for a woman who can really become her Megsy's big brother.

It is this kind of helplessness that should be "finished" but is always forced to give up, which makes them begin to create a sense of alienation invisibly, which makes both sides feel a little sad.


"I," Anna said at the same time as he spoke, "I'm a little sleepy. Go to sleep first..."

She jumped up and ran away almost like an escape.

Why did it become like this? Meiji looked at her back distressedly.

When Anna left like this, Meiji immediately had no intention to think about anything else. What's worse, he knew very well that Anna would definitely not be able to sleep. Since the last time Meggie slapped her in the fog forest, the girl has become more and more ** and always feels that everything is her fault.

Meggie is really worried about her.

However, although she really wants to comfort her, the little fairy's warning is not unreasonable. After all, they haven't even figured out why Anna gave birth to that pair of wings. In case they can't help doing irreparable things, who is sure that there won't be some unexpected consequences?

His heart was confused and uneasy, and there was nothing to do around him. After thinking about it, Meiji took out the "water pattern forbidden" from the dimensional bag.

He took the crystal ball, closed his eyes, and began to build a space in a different dimension with maze.

The magic maze originally built in a different dimension was disintegrated under the "freedom" used by the little fairy to deal with the wind, and the magic maze was not only narrow, but also very dark, which made Emma, who often hid in it, complain.

Meggie himself has long wanted to make a large magic maze like the kind made by the red-robed wizard Chris, but there have been no suitable magic items in his hand, and now he finally has a "water pattern forbidden" and "water pattern forbidden" is the crystal ball used by the moonlight goddess Sharma, which is used as a constant fan. Naturally, the fulcrum of the palace is not a problem... It can even be said that it is useless.

In fact, there is a problem that Meiji has never figured out. In the angel forest, why hasn't the wind ever used the "water pattern ban" against them? As the little fairy once said, the artifact of "water lines are forbidden" may not be able to fully exert its power in the hands of the cicada, but it must be like a tiger's wings for the wind that can use powerful spells.

But the wind didn't use it all the time.

Of course, this can also be interpreted as that she didn't expect Meggie to get out of her control, too careless, or she didn't find a way to exert her power.

But Meggie still feels that this explanation is too far-fetched.

It's just that the wind is dead anyway, and it's useless to guess her thoughts.

He expanded a space in a different dimension through his ideas and kept adding bricks and tiles. "Waterprint Prohibition" disappeared from his hand and moved to the center of the different dimension space, becoming a constant fulcrum. Because of his "water pattern ban", coupled with his ability, which is far from being compared with the maze technique for the first time in the Golden Temple, he has not encountered any difficulties in doing it this time, or even easily.

The only problem is the structure of this magic maze. He doesn't know much about architecture and doesn't know what this "villa" should look like to make people comfortable to live in. Fortunately, this kind of thing can be modified later, so he only generally designs it after the appearance of the Golden Temple.

When he felt that it should be almost the same, he stopped and opened a space entrance and jumped in by himself. In the past, the small magic maze that Emma said was "it is more uncomfortable to be locked in than lying in a coffin" because he lacks a fulcrum, which will cause the magic maze to collapse because of the loss of his magic support, but now he no longer has to worry about this problem.

After entering the magic maze, he walked on the aisle and kept modifying according to his feelings, but he still felt not very satisfied. Therefore, he planned to bring Su Li and Emma in and ask them to give some advice, so that they could live in directly after it was done.

However, just as he was about to leave, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

This is a strange feeling, like you clearly feel that there is something more around you, but you don't know why. He opened the rooms doubtfully and looked in, but it was actually meaningless. This magic maze was created by himself. Without his consent, no one could come in.

Or, at least in theory, no one should be able to come in.

However, he really saw a person.

That's a girl!

Just next to the crystal ball in the middle of the maze, a strange girl was standing there blankly. Her hair is dark and her eyes are black. She is wearing a blue top and a knee-length skirt. The style of the dress has never been seen by Meggie. Her collar is opened, and her chest is pleated with a ribbon, which looks like some kind of uniform.

Meggie is sure that he has never met the girl, and at the same time, he wants to know how the girl came in.

"Who are you?" Meiji stared at her.

The girl was shocked by him and looked at him at a loss.

"Who are you and why are you here?" Meiji did not intend to be easily deceived by her weak appearance. He guessed that the brunette girl was probably a powerful magician, otherwise there would be no reason to break into the magic maze he had just created.

"I, my name is Liu Shuixin." The girl looked like she was going to cry. "I don't know why I'm here."

I don't know why I came here? The ghost will believe her words.

Meggie stared at her fiercely, and a spell secretly appeared in her mind, followed by a quick finger.

A powerful lightning rushed directly to this strange girl...