Magic Dance Song

Chapter 18 The Color of the Sky!

After leaving the magic maze, the little fairy took a drop of blood from him and flew away. Meiji didn't know what she was used to take his blood. The little fairy looked mysterious and didn't let him ask more questions.

And Su Li quickly came to him and told him how to extract magic power through physical contact. This method is actually not difficult to master, but it is difficult to ensure that the whole process does not go wrong.

"So, you need to practice more before proceeding." Su Li said.

"How to practice?" Meiji said doubtfully.

"Follow me." Su Li took him to the river.

As soon as she came to the river, Meggie saw the little witch Karin standing in the water bathing while singing bare. She looked very happy.

"Suli, do you want me to..."

"Well," Su Li replied faintly, "Carrine is the best practice object. The reason why my mother left her in that thorny land was to use Karin to steal the power that originally belonged to another witch. It was only that she had a bigger goal that she let Karin go. If you can transfer the witch power in Karin's body to your body, your practice will succeed..."

"Aren't you angry?"

"This is also to help me," Su Li sighed gently. "You can see that Karin has been lacking anyone to control her over the years, and she is still very ignorant. With her mind, but she has the ability to use legendary magic, I'm really worried that she will make irreparable mistakes. When she was in the Angel Forest, she even attacked her sister with magic. What if she thought she hurt others just because she was angry? What if her magic control is improper and hurts herself?

Mage had to admit that Suli's worry was indeed not unreasonable. In that thorny field, Karin almost dug up Cororia's heart to eat. Moreover, after Su Li's dark magic power transferred to him, even if Karin wants to do something wrong, Su Li will not be able to stop her. As Karin's sister, it is impossible for Su Li not to worry about her.

"But is this really good?" Meiji asked, "In this case, you and Karin will lose the power you have..."

"So," Su Li smiled, "it will be up to you to protect me and my sister in the future."

Since Su Li said so, Meji naturally has no problem.

Although it is not easy for Karin to understand that it is between men and women, it is good that she listens to her sister now. Meiji began to play with Karin, and even slept and took a shower with her. Gradually, Karin also felt that Megyi was the best person for her besides her sister. In the end, Meiji took the opportunity to sleep in a hug and break into the little witch's body. Although the little witch kept shouting for pain when she first accepted the invasion, Sully kept comforting and kissing her, and Meggie was as careful as possible to relieve her pain. After several experiences of this kind of thing, Karin slowly adapted and began to experience the fun, and Meggie also took this opportunity to practice the method taught by Sully to extract the power of witches.

At the beginning, Meji kept making mistakes, and the most important thing was that he could not keep his attention in the delivery room of that ** part. When the witch's power is half extracted, the magic vortex in the body will be interrupted by distraction and sent back. After continuous experiments, he finally mastered the keyholes and successfully inhaled the power of the witch into his body.

Perhaps because of the weakness caused by the loss of the witch's power, Karin has been ill for a long time, which makes Megji feel guilty and holds her everywhere. Even when she is with others, she likes to hold the little witch in her arms. After a while, Karin didn't even want her sister. She only liked to be with Meggie, which made Su Li a little jealous.

Moreover, Karin, who no longer throws magic, and Anna are slowly getting better. In fact, there are only a few of them here. Emma and the little fairy have been locked in the wooden house now. Karin has been managed by Su Li for a long time, and it is inevitable that she will be rebellious. She doesn't like to be with her sister as she did at the beginning. Anna and she are about the same age and have a good temper. Over time, the two girls naturally become good friends.


A remnant army is struggling to walk in the desolate desert.

Sid Si rode the magic night with a sleepy look and her clothes were covered with dust. Although Devil's Night prefers dark mounts, it doesn't matter now. As early as a few months ago, the sun was covered by the blue fog, and it is difficult to distinguish between day and darkness.

A soldier fell beside her because he couldn't hold on. In order to prevent him from "resurrecting", someone cut off his head and limbs. At first, no one has adapted to this kind of thing, but now, everyone is used to it. It's better to separate his dead companion than to watch him stand up again and attack you.

Bayer's power to control the negative energy has covered the whole continent, and has completely fallen into the land of the dead. They have to try to cross the desert to find a glimmer of life. At this time, the desert is no longer as unpredictable as before. It is surprisingly hot during the day, but the temperature drops sharply at night. Perhaps because of the cold cyan light in the sky, the temperature in the desert has become relatively stable, but the desolation full of death has not changed.

Hildeth tried to stay awake and prevent herself from falling from the Devil's Night. Although she had undergone strict training since she was a child, her lifeless escape still made it difficult for her to persist these days.

But at this time, someone issued a warning.

A group of skeleton warriors are rushing towards them.

Everyone is desperate. Due to the lack of enough food and water, their physical functions have been reduced to the extreme. Now they are afraid that they can't even face ordinary sand thieves, let alone these tireless dead spirits.

Everyone pulled out their weapons, and it is useless to escape or surrender. This is a desert. Where can we escape again? As for surrendering to these skeleton warriors, it is even more a joke. For those dead, only corpses have value.

Sids also pulled out her saber.

The saber is not a weapon she is good at. She is good at exquisite blades such as daggers or daggers, and she is only proficient in assassination techniques. However, these small weapons are difficult to play a role in the dead. Whether it is a skeleton warrior or a ghost doll, they have no heart and can't let her be fatal.

The skeleton army quickly killed and fought with them. When every piece of blood splashed in front of her, she knew that she had lost another companion. She rode back and forth on the Devil's Night, and the saber deftly pierced the joints of the skeleton warriors and removed their limbs. After all, she is just a young girl who is not strong enough to use the blunt weapons that can directly smash the bodies of skeleton warriors. She can only adopt this skillful fighting method. But on the battlefield of enemies everywhere, this way of fighting is fancy but not practical.

She would rather face the best assassins than fight with these painless skeletons.

But she has no choice.

There were fewer and fewer companions around her, and she also began to feel dizzy and exhausted. At this time, she saw a headless knight with a chill in front of her.

Without thinking much, she rushed up.

Although skeleton warriors are not afraid of death and do not know how to be tired, they have no self-consciousness and can't even think the simplest way. Therefore, at least one skeleton mage or ghost doll in each skeleton army gives them orders, or a more terrible headless knight. In these days of battle, people have begun to realize that the most direct way to win a battle with the dead is to get rid of these higher-level dead spirits first. However, the skeleton mage or the ghost doll has a relatively way to deal with it, but the headless knight's body is completely an armor with a long sword, and there is no flesh and blood in the armor.

In order to destroy a headless knight, in addition to having super combat skills, you must also use enchanted weapons.

The saber in Hildeth's hand is not a demon weapon.

But the dagger hidden in her arms is.

At the moment when the Devil's Night approached the headless knight, she turned her knife at the headless knight and turned up, jumped over the head of the headless knight and stabbed the dagger on its back.

The headless knight ignored the saber he dropped, but turned the horse's head around and split the long sword at Siddes. The saber hit its steel armor and fell to the ground with a bang.

Sidsi turned her hand over, and the dagger blocked the long sword. The powerful force knocked her body away. She spewed out a mouthful of blood and half knelt on the ground and could no longer stand up.

The headless knight rode a dark horse slowly approaching her, and the black sword reflected the cold light.

Shedes already knows that she will die.

She put the dagger on her neck in despair, ready to cut it off. Death doesn't matter, but she can't stand her body standing up again after death and becoming a thoughtless skeleton, allowing the flesh and blood to turn into smelly, leaving only an ugly skeleton and meaninglessly waving the blade at other living people.

Such a "resurrection" is better than a complete death.

At this moment, a blazing light rushed over and suddenly hit the headless knight.

The headless knight was shaken back.

A teenager holding a spirit hammer stood in front of Sids.

This teenager is not old, and may even be younger than Sid Sith. The hammer in his hand was covered with white light, and his tight body was full of strength.

The teenager rushed forward and fought with the headless knight who was unwilling to be repelled. He flexibly dodged the black blade of the headless knight and hammered the headless knight's armor out of the black hole.

"Battle!" The teenager roared and hit him with a hammer.

A pillar of light rose, and the headless knight's body turned into mud.

Sids's heart jumped with the teenager's voice. She clearly remembered that she had heard the same roar before, which was in Katisya, when she was breaking into a house with the vampire Lanoth to kill a girl named Anna Sue.

As a result, a teenager with the same spirit hammer suddenly appeared and defeated her and Lonos.

It was her worst failure.

With the death of the headless knights, the skeleton warriors began to become chaotic. At the same time, a human army was killed from the other end of the dunes to help Hilde's companions remove them.

The teenager sang the war song. With the end of the war song, a range of magic covered Sid and those who were still alive, instantly healing their wounds and restoring their physical strength.

Sids looked at the teenager's back, and her desperate heartbeat was intertwined with the shame that had been defeated by him, which made her not know what to do for a moment. However, the teenager suddenly turned his head and quickly swept to her side, smashing a skeleton warrior who wanted to attack her.

The teenager frowned and wanted to remind Sids not to be distracted on the battlefield. But Sids subconsciously turned her head and didn't want him to see her face.

But he has seen it clearly.

This teenager is naturally Will, and he also remembers the girl who once broke into Alina's house and tried to assassinate Anna. The most important thing to remember is that it was because of her sneak attack that Greenless was injured and almost died when he fought against the night elf assassin.

But he didn't say much, just whispered, "Be careful, the enemy is coming again soon."

With his sight, Sidsi noticed that a gust of sand was pouring in the distance, and countless dead spirits were overwhelming. In the sky, there are dozens of bone dragons flying, as well as those who screamed.

Everyone's faces turned gray. They had just survived the attack of this skeleton army and didn't expect to face more enemies soon.

"Don't worry," Will said loudly, "We won't lose!"

As if responding to his determination, there was a long roar behind them, and a beautiful firebird rushed into the sky and then circled down.

A beautiful woman sits on the back of the firebird!

At the same time, a huge army followed the beautiful princess, which included not only the knights of the Fair Kingdom, but also the mercenary regiment of New Asia. Not only that, but also dwarves, elves and orcs.

The cold light shines, and the wind and sand shines all over the sky.

The most tragic battle after a hundred years of darkness is about to unfold on this desolate desert...


Meggie suddenly woke up from her sleep.

The surroundings were still quiet, and Karin moved on his chest and continued to fall asleep. Beside him, Anna Sue opened her eyes wide and looked at him worriedly: "Brother Meiji, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay," he wiped the cold sweat on his forehead. "It's just a nightmare."

He dreamed that Sophia was surrounded by many enemies on the battlefield.

The longer he stays in this astral world, the more uneasiness he will be. Has Bayer and his necromancer army begun to attack that continent? Can Sophia survive from the battlefield safely? Are Alina and Zia, who are staying in the fog forest, safe? And have he and Liselle's children been born?

He can't understand anything.

Anna reached out and hugged him from the side: "Xiao Xue said that we can go back soon."

"I hope so." Meiji said. The little fairy and Emma didn't know what to toss in the wooden house. If they were not allowed to go in and have a look, he couldn't control their progress. Moreover, the flow of time in the astral world may not be synchronized with the world. When they return to Sophia, it may have been only a few days or even hours, but it may have been decades.

Maybe now, the whole world has fallen into Bayer's grasp.

He carefully put Karin on the side, reached out to hold Anna, and gently stroked her body.

"I wronged you." He whispered. If he can choose, he would like to choose a more romantic and better time for Anna to taste her first time, rather than just breaking into her last line of defense for the purpose of transferring blue planetary debris.

"None, it doesn't matter!" Anna blushed and buried her head in his chest. "Actually, I, I can do more..."

"What do you do?" Meiji doesn't quite understand.

"That's what Karin did by the river yesterday. In fact, I and I can do it, and I also saw Emma and did it to you..." The girl didn't dare to look up at him.

That kind of thing? Meiji's heart moved. Yesterday, he coaxed Karin to eat his "lolipop" while Su Li was away. The little witch who became more and more obedient to him served him with a gentle mouth under his guidance, which made him very satisfied. Unexpectedly, this picture was seen by Anna.

According to the method developed by the little fairy and Su Li, only through the "only way" will the blue planet fragments that have been activated in Anna's body be disturbed. If it is carried out in another way, there is actually no problem. It's just that Meji loved this little girl very much and always hoped that she could have a good memory of her first time. Therefore, although she often "bullied" her, she was still not allowed to do that.

Now that she shyly mentioned it herself, Meiji also immediately felt itchy.

"Do you want to try it too?" He deliberately teased Anna, "Then you have to beg me well."

Anna's little face has already been hot. Of course, she also knows that it's embarrassing to do that kind of thing. However, even Karin has had the closest physical contact with her brother Meiji, and she obviously knew Megji for longer and had a better relationship, but it was always a little worse on key issues, and even made them live with each other. There was an obvious gap that both sides were unwilling to admit, which made her very unwilling.

"Brother Meiji," she raised her head and made up her mind at the same time, "Please, please, let me do, do that kind of thing."

"What do you do?" Meiji asked in surprise.

Courage is easy to summon, but difficult to maintain. Anna's head is so ashamed: "Let me eat, eat..."

Meggie was actually very moved. Little Anna's affection for him was so deep that he couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt. Her efforts are unrequited, but this should not be the reason for Megsy to enjoy her affectionately.

He did not let the girl continue her shyness, but pulled her higher, kissed her lips, and then hugged her tightly. He owes this girl too much. She is a woman worth protecting for all her life. However, she is not the only one for Meji. At this alone, Meji already knows that she is not qualified to say anything about love to this girl.

But he really cherishes her very, very much!
