Magic Dance Song

Chapter 25 Final battle, its own value!

Meji and Xiaoxue only felt their scalp numb. Whether they were bombed by meteorites or hit by broken flashes, the enemy in front of them could reappear intact. Doesn't this mean that he is indeed immortal?

Bayer stepped on the void and looked at them coldly: "Your magic is quite good. I'm very optimistic about you. Give you another chance, one to be my subordinate and the other to join my harem, and I will let you survive.

"Dream," Meji sneered, "I..."

"I agree." Xiaoxue suddenly shouted.

Bayer looked at the snow smiling like a peach blossom, and his eyes immediately lit up. But Meiji almost fell down because of Xiaoxue's answer.

"Do you agree?" Bayer put away his long knife and put on a very handsome look. How can a person who is destined to become a monarch have no harem? However, he has been in the blood pool of the demon realm for hundreds of years. Even if he leaves there now, he is full of dead spirits around him, and there is no chance to build a harem at all. Although there are some "beautiful" in Karis or Netherworld dolls, Karis is a condenser of resentment, with invisible shadows, and can only be seen but not hugged. The "beautiful" of the ghost doll is more like **. Although it looks comfortable, it doesn't really feel "living" in your arms.

Originally, he had seen many ghost women such as Caris, but Bayer didn't feel anything. Today, he suddenly saw Sophia, Wu Chen and Xiaoxue, which were not only beautiful but also "living" women. Bayer immediately felt that it would not be interesting to unify the whole Mengya world without including such beautiful women in the harem.

"Well, I agree." Xiaoxue looked at him with a smile, "Well, I'll be your subordinate, and Meiji will be your harem."

Bayer's expression immediately became stiff.

"Hey," Meiji squinted at Xiao Xue, who covered her mouth and snickered. "Is it necessary to make a cold joke at this time?"

"If you don't say it now, who knows if there is any chance in the future?" Xiaoxue kept laughing, "Besides, who said that a man can't become a man's harem? Does this kind of thing seem interesting?

"Hell," Bayer sighed, "Is it true that there are women who are interested in such things as BL in any world?"

Meggie looked at him coldly: "What is BL?"

"BL..." Bayer paused for a moment and waved his hand coolly. "Forget it, you don't understand."

I don't understand you! Meiji said angrily from the bottom of his heart.

Obviously, the word BL should be something from another world. He has long known that the Immortal Bayer was originally a traveler, the so-called traveler is the person who traveled here from another world. Yufeng is also a time traveler. Her name in the original world is probably Liu Shuixin.

Bayer raised his long knife again and pointed coldly at them: "It doesn't matter if you refuse me now. I will kill you first and then resurrect you. At that time, no matter what I ask you to do, you can only do."

Meji and Xiaoxue knew what he was telling the truth.

"What should I do?" Meiji passed on the question through consciousness.

"Let's observe for a while." Xiaoxue can't come up with a good idea.

The battle started again. This time, they used all kinds of killing magic they knew. However, no matter how many times Bayer was killed, he could appear again and again. Fortunately, Meiji and Xiaoxue cooperated tacitly. When one person casts attack magic, another A person is always blessing protective magic for themselves and constantly moving to be safe.

They fought for several hours in a row, and for a while, no one could do anything. But Meggie knows that if it goes on like this, he and Xiaoxue will be in danger sooner or later. No matter how many times they kill Bayer, Bayer can live again, but as long as they neglect once, it will be real death.

For Bayer, he obviously did not expect that the two people in front of him could support him for so long. Generally speaking, the magician's magic and spells are always exhausted, but Meiji and Xiaoxue can not only extract magic directly from the dragon's dream, but also create the initial power through mutual cooperation and extract eternal power from the universe. Unless the world collapses, their spells will never be used. End.

In addition, there are blue planetary fragments in Xiaoxue's body, which allows her to use the goddess magic to replenish her physical strength at any time. The war of attrition suitable for other magicians is of no use to them.

However, it is not the way to stay in this stalemate. No matter who is, sooner or later, there will be mistakes. For Bayer, even if he makes mistakes, he is nothing more than being killed by Meiji and Xiaoxue, but once Meiji and Xiaoxue make mistakes, they are likely to be doomed.

Seeing Bayer approaching again and again, Meggie gritted her teeth, stretched out her hand, and a light shackle was set against him. This is "condom". Although the confinement is a high-level magic, it is actually not very practical. Its function is to "contain" the enemy in a chaotic alien space, but although this kind of confinement is theoretically permanent, in fact, the imprisoned person still has the possibility of finding the entrance to the space to escape, and a free art can Enough to lift this confinement.

Even if you don't know how to use freedom, as long as you have the ability to cross dimensional space, you can easily get out. This ability is naturally possessed by creatures such as Free or eye demons and dragons. And ghosts like Kares can't even work on them.

Therefore, to a large extent, confinement is just a magic that sounds gorgeous but is actually not very useful. At most, it can only be classified as advanced magic, far from legendary magic. After all, instead of using this magic that can temporarily imprison the enemy, I'm not sure when he can get back, it's better to smash the other party into meat with a meteorite.

But Meggie has no other magic to try.

The light shackles went towards Bayer, but Bayer, who had killed them with strong momentum, suddenly became embarrassed and retreated eagerly. His long knife stroked like lightning and split the light-shaped shackles.

Meggie was stunned. Although his imprisonment was directly broken by the other party with a long knife, he did see Bayer's panicked expression at that moment.

"He is afraid of confinement," Xiaoxue also noticed that her eyes lit up. "So it is, he doesn't have the ability to cross space."

The reason why Bayer dared to step into the blood pool of the demon realm to challenge the dark god Sardin is, of course, his ability that can't be killed. But although Shastin couldn't kill him, he imprisoned him for hundreds of years. Obviously, although Bayer is powerful, he also has his own weakness, that is... he can't break through the shackles of space.

Bayer is still a martial artist in nature. He will not use space-related magic such as free art or astral projection. At the same time, he does not have the natural ability to travel freely in subdimensional space like eye demons or dragons.

And although he has the ability to control all ghosts, he is still a human.

So, he can't break through the constraints of space on him.

Once they realized this, Meiji and Xiaoxue naturally understood what to do. They joined hands and superimposed countless light-shaped shackles on Bayer. Bayer's expression began to become solemn. Although the confinement could not kill him, it could exile him to a different dimension that was difficult to escape and probably never come back.

While Bayer was in a hurry, Meiji stretched out his hand and pointed, and several layers of space shields surrounded Bayer like a cell, and Xiaoxue was connected with him and immediately sent a light-shaped shackle. Bayer had just broken the space shield and was trapped by the bare shackles before he could get out.

The light-shaped shackles are getting smaller and smaller, and Bayer will be sent away.

Meji and Xiaoxue looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief. Although this is not a complete solution to the problem, it can at least ensure their safety temporarily. If Bayer really can't escape from imprisonment with his own ability as they think, then as long as they let Sophia arrange manpower here and prohibit any magicians from using free art in this area, the world can temporarily avoid the danger of being ruled by Bayer.

Just as they ignited hope, things changed again.

They saw Bayer raise his long knife with difficulty in the light shackles and cut his own neck with a knife.

He committed suicide?

No! Megji and Xiaoxue realized what Bayer was doing at the same time. Sure enough, Baier's body disappeared again.

A strong murderous atmosphere came from above them.

Because I was busy using confinement just now, the protective magic on my body has expired, and Meji and Xiaoxue suddenly found that they were facing the greatest danger from the beginning of the battle to now.

They had to separate and fly to the left and right respectively.

Bayer fell in the center of them and let out a long roar.

I don't know how many bone dragons and Kares gathered here.

This time, Meiji knew that the other party was really murderous to him and Xiao Xue. If Bayer still had a cat-and-mouse mentality in the previous battle, now, Bayer has known that his weaknesses have been seen through by Megji and Xiaoxue, so he doesn't want to play any more.

Meggie's scalp looked at the overwhelming bone dragon and Kares. A Bayer is enough for him and Xiao Xue, and with these flying undead creatures, they can no longer have a chance to imprison Bayer.

I'm afraid the only thing he can do now is to use the teleportation magic immediately with Xiaoxue and escape as far as he can.

"Meggie," Xiaoxue's voice came to his mind, "let's enter the subdimensional space first."

Meggie nodded and immediately used the "invisible spirit body" to enter the subdimensional space. Subdimensional space is not the same as different dimensions. It is only the fourth dimension of the real world, which is equivalent to overlapping on real space.

Meggie and Xiaoxue entered the subdimensional space together, and then found that not only did the bone dragons lose their target, but also Baier glanced around to find them.

This once again proves Meiji's speculation.

Bayer's biggest weakness is space, and he doesn't even have the ability to see through subdimensional space. Although there are not many people in the world who can see through the sub-dimensional space, they are not unique. The vampire prince in the Golden Temple and the Black Annes in the fog forest all have the ability to see through the sub-dimensional space. And since they were able to use the initial power, Xiaoxue and Meiji have been able to do this.

But Bayer can't.

In terms of combat effectiveness alone, Bayer is undoubtedly stronger than any of them.

But space is his limitation.

The biggest question now is, why can't Bayer be killed?

Xue bypassed Bayer and stood hand in hand with Megy again.

She whispered, "Mage, look..."

"What are you looking at?"

"Look at the source of his life!"

Meggie was stunned. He closed his eyes and opened them again. The whole world immediately unfolded in his eyes in a "spiritual" way. Everything in this world has a source of life, and even those dead spirits who have got rid of the law of life are no exception. The "spirits" of everything are connected. The so-called source of the world is actually the source of life and magic.

But Bayer is different. His body is empty.

"He has no soul?" Megji stayed for a stay. But how is this possible? How can a soulless body still be alive?

"Well," Xiaoxue said, "that's why he can't die... because he's already dead."

"But he clearly..."

"That's a belief," Xiaoxue said. "There is no doubt that the absolute belief that he can become a king supports him, and although he has lost his soul, he still 'exist'. Because his essence is just a belief after death, he can 'live' again and again.

"How can we make him disappear?"

"I already have a way!" Xiaoxue smiled and said, "However, let's destroy these bone dragons and Kares first."

They kept flying high until they approached the highest point of the blue sky. Then, they lifted the spiritual state and began to fall hand in hand. Countless meteors surrounded them under their call, tearing through the blue sky, and the sun penetrated the clouds and enveloped them.

In this way, they carried the sun and meteors and fell straight into the center of the undead ghosts. The swarm of bone dragons and Kares turned to ashes under the joint attack of meteor explosion and sunshine.

Bayer looked at them angrily and held the long knife high.

"What should I do now?" Meiji asked.

"Meggie, do you believe me?" Xiaoxue asked him.

"Of course."

"Well, you just need to continue to believe me," Xiaoxue smiled. "His strength comes from his belief, so we will defeat him with stronger faith."

Meggie turned his head and looked at her. The sunlight shining on her face was strange sweetness and self-confidence, which deeply moved Meiji. She was originally just a thin Flee. Although she had been betrayed and hurt, she still looked for her magic path without regret.

"Kiss me." Xiaoxue looked at him and raised her head playfully.

He kissed it.

Meggie's attitude undoubtedly angered Bayer, who raised his long knife and came straight to them. But Meggie doesn't care. He believes in Xiaoxue and the little forest fairy who brought him into contact with the magical world.

He left the enemy behind and wholeheartedly enjoyed the touch brought to him by Xiaoxue's lips.

It seems that there are only two of them left in the universe.

Bayer cut it with a knife, but found that he had split it empty. Meiji and Xiaoxue stood in front of him and kissed, as if he were just a false shadow, but he couldn't hit them.

This feeling of being ignored gave him fear. He wanted to summon more bone dragons to help him, but those bone dragons did not respond to his call.

His strength comes from his unparalleled belief, but when he finds that he can't defeat his opponent, he loses self-confidence.

He fell to the ground with his hands trembling gently.

Xiao Xue led Meiji and fell in front of him. She looked at Bayer with pity in her eyes.

"Now I finally know why Shastine didn't kill him," Xiaoxue sighed, "because he is so pitiful. Evil gods also have the mercy of evil gods. For such a person who can't even know whether he exists, even evil gods will inevitably have sympathy.

Is she actually pitiing me? Is she sympathizing with me? The uncontrollable anger hit Bayer's heart, and he roared, "Do you know who I am? I am destined to become a monarch. I am a strong man who can manipulate death. I am..."

"You are a soulless person!" Xiaoxue looked at him and said, "Even if you are invincible, even if you can rule the world, what can you get?"

"I can get... I, I..." Baier was stunned, "I can build a harem, I can have countless subordinates, and I can take my army back to the earth, and even conquer it..."

"And then?" Xiaoxue asked, "Even if you rule the universe, what's the use? You are still just an empty shell. No one needs you and no one cares about you. It's not that you won't die, you just never live."


"Has anyone ever loved you?" Xiaoxue asked, "Whether in your original world or this world, has anyone ever loved you? Or, who have you cherished? Why did you come here?"

"I...I..." Bayer recalled, but found that his memory was in chaos. He didn't even remember what his original world was like. The only fragment in his memory was sitting on a stool with a computer in front of him, and nothing but an empty room behind him...

"You have been locked up by Shastine for hundreds of years," Xiao Xue looked at him, "Why are you still alive?"

"Because I'm immortal..."

"Vampires are also immortal, but the world has never lived for more than a thousand years. Do you know why?" Xiaoxue said, "Because of loneliness and unbearable life that has no meaning to survive, they will go crazy and seek death. Many people want to live forever, but they don't know that it actually means loneliness and loneliness, but you can be locked up for hundreds of years without pain or madness. Why is that?

"Because, because..."

"Because you have never lived!" Xiaoxue sighed, "Your soul has been wiped out, leaving only an empty shell. Can you really manipulate death? In this case, why don't you look at yourself to see if you are still alive?

Bayer lowered his head, as if he was really looking at himself. His pupils are getting bigger and bigger, as if he saw nothingness.

"No matter which world it is, it will not revolve around just one person," Xiaoxue continued. "A person who is not needed by others has no value. I don't know what your previous life was like, but there is no doubt that you were dead before you crossed into this world.

Bayer finally remembered that he had died in another world. He committed suicide!

My parents divorced and did not study well. After playing online games in the room for more than a year, they finally faced the step of having to enter the society. But he was afraid. He lacked self-confidence and could not see his future, so he chose to commit suicide.

"You don't belong here at all." Xiaoxue stretched out her hand to him, "Go back to your own world."

"No!" Bayer roared. In his original world, he had no friends and didn't know how to live at all. He committed suicide and found himself crossing into such a world. Maybe it's just a dream, or maybe it's just the latest online game, but it doesn't matter. Has his life been changed... changed?

If this is a fantasy novel, can he really become the protagonist of the world?

As if seeing through his thoughts, Xiaoxue looked at him with a sigh: "No matter which world, there is no need for a protagonist like you!"

She stretched out her hand with Meggie and grabbed Bayer tightly, and the activated blue planet fragments and dark forces were injected into his body.

They grabbed Bayer and flew to the sky. They flew out of the sky and out of the world. The opposite divine power continues to merge in Bayer's body, restoring the most fundamental power of the universe.

They let go of Bayer and let him escape from their world and fly towards the unknown universe.

The initial force tore Bayer's body. He wanted to struggle and escape, but he couldn't do anything. His body began to burst, and the magic power disappeared in the endless universe.

And Megji and Xiaoxue returned their own world through the mysterious fluctuations.

If a person can't find the meaning of life in his own world, what can he change even if he travels to another world?

No matter what kind of world it is, it will not revolve around only one person. Perhaps, because of the inability to recognize this, the so-called "traveler" will appear in the universe?

In the final analysis, these so-called travelers are just poor people.

After falling to the ground, Meiji looked at the sky with Xiao Xue.

The cyan cold light still covers the sun.

Meggie asked, "Why is the sky still like this?"

"This should have something to do with the Stone of the World." Xiaoxue said, "I think we need to go to the Moyu Blood Pool."
