Magic Dance Song

Missing Princess Meiqi

At the door of the palace office, I tidyed up my clothes, put the sword in a suitable position, and then walked in.

I didn't see any other ministers and guards in the room except His Majesty, which made me a little doubtful and full of question marks.

His Majesty saw me and didn't say anything, but his eyes were full of angry sparks, and even his hair was fluffy, as if he wanted to harden one by one.

I couldn't help shivering.

I stroked the hilt of the sword with my left hand and knelt down on one knee. I greeted him in a tone that seemed as innocent and loyal as possible - and in fact, I really can't remember what I did wrong, which made your majesty summon me to the palace so urgently early in the morning, and now he is staring at me with an eye that looks at the prisoner.

I have been reviewing my behavior in my heart these days, but I can't find anything worthy of your majesty's being angry with me... I don't think so, right? Is it the injury of Duke Will's son the day before yesterday? I don't think so. Anyway, it's the guy who flirted with the people first. He doesn't dare to publicize it, right? Although it's too much for me to take off his whole body and hang only one pair of underwear by the roadside, well, I didn't come up with that idea.

Yes, maybe it was the cobra incident the day before yesterday... No, no, with your majesty's shrewdness, it's impossible not to know that I'm just taking care of the aftermath for others. I'm not bold enough to lock the minister and the three cobras in the same room, although it's just three cobras that have been pulled out. In fact, if I hadn't found it in time and knocked the lock and rushed in and killed the three snakes, Lord Zhangxi would have been scared to death.

Is it the day before yesterday...

At this time, His Majesty spoke.

"Motul, hum, what did you do yesterday?" There was obviously a suppressed anger in his words.

Yesterday? I thought about it.

Yesterday, I felt as if nothing had happened. In fact, since Princess Meiqi's fifteenth birthday last year, yesterday was probably the most peaceful day. Before I went to bed, I couldn't help thanking the goddess Luna in my heart.

I looked at Your Majesty puzzledly.

Probably because I didn't see any shame and introspective attitude on my face, my majesty could no longer restrain his emotions. I only heard him scold loudly: "Motul, thanks to my trusting you so much that I even want to marry my favorite daughter to you, but you, but you..." He was so angry that he couldn't speak.

"Your Majesty, if I have made any mistake that you can't forgive, please make it clear." I said solemnly.

His Majesty took a few breaths, as if he had calmed down his anger, and then said, "Mo Chur, did you go to the Hundred Garden last night?"

"I've been there." I replied doubtfully.

"Are you going to find Miss Diss?"

"Yes." I looked up at the king and saw that his face was getting darker and darker.

"What did she send you?"

"She gave me a picture..." I suddenly stopped and looked at His Majesty in a daze. It turns out that the reason why Your Majesty is so angry is because...

Yesterday, Miss Diwei of the Diss family handed me a handkerchief in public, and I did take it. In the Kingdom of Chias, private handkerchiefs are undoubtedly a symbol of mutual affection. But...

Your Majesty scolded: "In three days, it will be the wedding of you and Meiqi, but you, you should... As a knight, you should end up. You have swore to me that you will love Meiqi for the rest of your life. You know, love is sacred and can't be played against, yes..." He I talked endlessly, but I have to say that this topic of love and vows, spoken by our king, who is famous for his romance and ty, really sounds like a toad-like cry from the mouth of a dancing butterfly.

"Your Majesty," I hurriedly interrupted him, although it seemed impolite to interrupt His Majesty's impromptu speech. "Princess Meiqi knows about this matter. You should ask her."

As soon as the words came out, I felt something was wrong. Your Majesty suddenly fell silent, and the cold eyes made me worry about whether he would immediately drag me down and cut me down.

With a cold snor, His Majesty hurled a letter in front of me. I picked up the letter in fear, and my heart was full of bad feelings.

The envelope says "Motul Knight Pro-Qi", and the handwriting is crooked. There is no doubt that it is so bad... Well, no, such a distinctive handwriting is definitely the hand of my own princess.

The seal was originally sealed with wax, but now it has been opened. Although it is an angry thing to be stolen, considering that the man is a king...

I pulled out the letter and read it. The letter was very long and smooth. Generally speaking, it meant that she was going to run away from home, and the reason for her departure was not to hinder my relationship with Miss Diwei?

In general, there are a lot of letters written about how sad and felt after she learned that Miss Diwei and I fell in love with a handkerchief in Baiyuan. Out of love for me, for my future happiness, she decided to give up and run away from home, and asked me to think that I had never met her...

I think I'm dizzy.

"What else do you have to say?" The king asked me coldly.

I sighed and said, "Congratulations, Your Majesty, the princess's composition level has improved significantly."

"That's not what I asked," His Majesty was furious. "Early this morning, the whole palace couldn't find her. I only found this letter. She loved you so much, and you actually went to make love with others..."


"If something happens to Meiqi, I will never let you go."


"I always thought you would be a good child worthy of entrusting my daughter to you. As a result, you..."

"But," before he ordered me to be locked up or beheaded directly, I hurriedly shouted, "But yesterday Princess Meiqi asked me to find Miss Diwei?"

"What?" His Majesty was stunned.

"Yesterday afternoon, the princess said that she had left a handkerchief with Miss Diwei and asked me to help her get it back and give it to her today." I took the handkerchief from my arms and held it in front of the king. I believe that as soon as your majesty sees the butterfly embroidered on it, he will believe that it is indeed Princess Meiqi's handkerchief.

There will never be a second person in the world who can embroider a butterfly similar to a toad.

But now that I think about it, when Meiqi asked me to get the handkerchief yesterday, her two lovely eyes blinked, and a touching smile appeared on her face... That was obviously a bad smile. Why didn't I notice it at that time?

Your Majesty and I stared at the small eyes.

After a while, Your Majesty coughed dryly and said, "I don't care so much. Meiqi left the palace because of you. I'll give you a day. You have to find her back anyway."

"Yes." I answered helplessly. I have already asked myself:

Where will Meiqi be?

Where will Princess Meiqi be?

I eagerly ran out of the palace, flew on a horse, and then was there.

The horse under the seat stepped on boring steps and suddenly messed up my brain, which was just a little empty.

Meiqi's sweet smile appeared in front of me. She was so kind and cute. In a faint way, she seemed to whisper in my ear again: "Mo Qiuer, can you help me beat that guy? I hate him as soon as I see him.

Of course, as a knight, I always refused righteously at the beginning. Although every time in the end, even I was somehow confused by her left and right sentences and forgot the precious chivalry.

Let the horse walk around, and I fell into memories. I recalled the little bits and pieces of getting along with Meiqi in the past year, her naughty smile, the flexible jumping posture, and the interesting appearance that appeared from time to time, squeezed his mouth and stared fiercely.

Suddenly, a tree appeared in front of me, a thick tree with deep wrinkled bark, and a branch of the tree stretched out to the wall of the palace.

This is the west side of the palace, the other side of the wall is the palace garden, and in the past, it was the ballroom for the royal family to hold a grand dinner.

Looking at this old tree, I couldn't help smiling.

Yes, this is where I met Meiqi for the first time. How long has it been? Well, it's been nearly a year. To be precise, there are still three days left. Three days later, it will be Meiqi's sixteenth birthday and the day I will hold a wedding with her.

On that day last year, as a Red Star Knight, I was sent to protect the safety around the palace to ensure that Princess Meiqi's 15th birthday dinner could be held without being disturbed.

About halfway through the dance, the bright moon hung in the sky. I looked along the wall on the west side of the palace.

When I was about to reach the bottom of this old tree, I saw a figure appear on the wall. With the help of the moonlight, I saw clearly that it was a girl. Her hair is very short, wearing a purple light shirt that is only suitable for the low-cut waist that appears at dinner parties.

She stood up carefully on the wall, stretched out her hands, seemed to measure the distance between the wall and the branches, and then stared at her legs--

"Who are you?" That's when I asked.

Next, she turned her head and looked at me before her hands hooked the branches, and then--

"Wow", "Bah", "Ah".

"Wow" screamed, "ba" landed on the ground, and then "ah" with pain.

At that time, I seemed to feel a drop of sweat on my forehead.

Although it was interesting to watch a beautiful girl in light clothes and grinning and rubbing her buttocks under the moon, my duty did not allow me to continue to appreciate it. I pulled out my sword, and I rushed over and pointed the tip of the sword to her throat.

"Who are you?" I asked in a low voice and tried not to be attracted by her fragrant shoulders exposed outside and the shallow cleavage that she would inevitably see from a high.

She showed a sweet smile to me and slowly stood up. I moved my sword carefully for fear of leaving wounds on her white and tender skin.

"Hello, Lord Knight!" She held the corners of her clothes in her hands, squatted gently, and made a traditional lady's salute - this was a dangerous move when the tip of my sword pointed to her throat.

I quickly drew back the sword.

However, she flashed to the side at this time, acting flexibly like a kitten, and then stretched out her hand to stab my horse... I could see that the shiny hairpin's head was sharpened between her fingers.

Before I could stop her behavior, my horse was stabbed, hissed, and rushed forward.

I pulled the reins in a panic with both hands. I turned my head and looked back, but I was showing a lovely smile to her. I waved my hand and shouted, "Goodbye, Lord Knight."

She smiled sweetly.

But she obviously underestimated my riding skills.

I didn't try to stop the horse from running, but my legs were clamped tightly and my body fell to one side. My hands pulled the reins hard to the left and pulled the horse's head abruptly.

Under my control, the horse turned diagonally, turned his head and rushed straight to the girl.

She was shocked and ran to the other side.

The horse was getting closer and closer to her. She turned around and looked at the panic on her face - which made me feel a little more vindictive.

Before the horse was about to hit her, I slammed the reins and the horse jumped over her head.

The horse circled back and forth and comforted it as much as possible, and the horse finally slowed down.

The girl stood there with her mouth squeezed, presumably understanding that she could not run away under the threat of my riding.

I returned to her. The accident just now made me afraid to underestimate her. I'd like to see what new tricks can she make now?

But she stretched her face, put her hands in her waist, and shouted to me, "Get off the horse and kneel down."

I looked at her sideways.

"Do you know who I am?" She shouted angrily, "I'm Princess Meiqi. How dare you make me fall and jump over my head on horseback. If you don't kneel down and confess to me, I'll let my father cut off your head."

I looked at her with wide eyes.

Seeing that I had no reaction, she couldn't help stamping her feet, like a little girl who couldn't eat sugar: "I said, are you deaf? You are so rude that I won't let you go back."

I looked at her with wide eyes wide.

"" She was so angry that she couldn't speak.

I jumped off the horse and made a knightly salute to her.

"Well, are you afraid now? Tell you...what do you want to do?" She looked at the rope I took out of my arms with her big eyes.

Do you still need to say this? - I looked at her like an idiot.

"I, I, I'm really Princess Meiqi." She shrank her petite body.

I sighed and said, "I didn't hear your words."

"Yeah?" She looked at me doubtfully.

"It's not a big deal to climb the wall of the palace, but pretending to be a princess is a death penalty." I said. Gently twisted her little hands and tied them up.

"Hey," it's her turn to look at me, "Lord Knight, what's your name?"


"Well, I will definitely avenge this."

"Oh." I answered indifferently, but I was a little confused.

According to reason, the guard on the other side of the wall should be much stricter than here. We have been shouting here for so long, why is there no response at all on the other side?

However, I soon understood that I only heard a series of noises in the palace.

"The princess is gone!" Meiqi, where are you?" Ah, there are several faint guards here." Wake them up." Yes, Your Majesty!" What the hell is going on?" Princess Meiqi served a dish..."

I stared at the girl in a daze.

She curled her lips and snorted, turning her head away from me.

"Is it possible that she is really..." My heart beat hard.

"Hey," her nose is higher than her eyes, "Why don't you let me go? Now you should know that I am... you... Uh-huh..." She kept twisting and struggling, and her little mouth stuffed by me with cloth kept um.

Seeing that she couldn't speak anymore, I quickly stepped on the horse, pulled out my sword and pointed it at the sky, and shouted, "Where did the female thief come from? Don't run away."

I shouted so loudly that the noise on the other side of the palace immediately stopped.

She looked sideways at Princess Meiqi, but saw that she was also looking at me puzzledly.

Are you kidding? If you admit her as a princess now, why don't you let her die?

The rest of the things are as I expected. Although it is very disrespectful to tie the princess with a rope, after all, I am just "loyal to my duty" and "I don't know that the other party is Princess Meiqi from beginning to end". Naturally, I was forgiven by your majesty.

Until this time, when I remembered that when His Majesty kept praising me as "good", Meiqi bit her lips on the side, I still couldn't help smiling gently in the bottom of my heart.

But Meiqi, Meiqi, where the hell are you now?

A flash of light flashed in my heart. Maybe Meiqi will be there.

As soon as I pulled the rein, I galloped quickly. The wind rolled down in my ear, and the surrounding scene passed in front of my eyes. I didn't care what people on the road would think of me. I was just running.

I broke into the hundred gardens, crossing the rockery, interspersed flowers and plants, and came to a remote corner of the hundred gardens. There are green willows here and clear streams here.

I rode around among the willows and wanted to see the smiling face exposed in the flowers, but Meiqi was not there. I dismount and traveled between the rockery, expecting someone to come out and scare me, but Meiqi was not there.

Maki, where the hell are you? Are you really angry with me?

Mei is often angry. When she is angry, her eyes are wide open, the corners of her mouth are gently squeezed up, her shoulders are slightly raised, and even her cheeks are red, which looks very interesting.

Other girls blush when they are shy, but they only blush when they are angry.

Meiqi will always be angry for a long time. A beautiful flower, a lovely cloth bear, or beating someone will make her forget why she was angry just now.

In the past year, Meiqi's "angry" has often made me unable to distinguish between true and false. The girl's mind is difficult to guess, and Meiqi's mind seems to be difficult to guess.

Once, Meiqi grabbed my arm and bit me hard, which made me hurt, and then she asked me to guess why she bit me. So I guessed and guessed. I couldn't guess it even if I wanted to break my head. Finally, I had to answer dejectedly, "Who knows? Maybe there is no reason at all. You just want to find someone to bite."

"Oh, how can you guess?" She looked at me with big eyes.

However, the "princes kidnapped incident" (which spread all over Chia City at that time) really made her angry, and it is said that she was angry for many days. Anyway, it's really a shame to be led away with her hands tied, not to mention a princess who has been spoiled by His Majesty since she was a child.

Of course she wants revenge.

Of course, I also know that she wants revenge.

So I'm very careful.

It was not until I stepped into the trap and was hung on the willow tree, and one of my best friends apologized under the tree with a bitter face, that I knew I was not careful enough.

The result was that Princess Meiqi proudly led a group of girls out of the cave of the rockery, and the guy who betrayed me proudly went to ask for credit from one of the princess's maids.

I really want to kill that guy.

"Hey," Princess Meiqi, with her hands behind her back and a flying smile on her face, looked at me with her head and feet (in my eyes). "If you beg for mercy now, I will let you go."

I didn't beg for mercy. "As a knight, dignity is far more important than life." This is what my mentor taught me - in a country that advocates chivalry, I absolutely agree with this teaching. At least, I have to make people think that I absolutely agree.

Besides, will she really let me go after begging for mercy? I'm not that stupid.

So, I smiled, and I could only smile.

"Humph," she stamped her feet, gritted her teeth, and then smiled, "Forget, I'll let you go. Anyway, I'm a princess. How can I argue with a little knight like you? Hey, come on, let him go."

I was a little surprised that she would really let me go so easily?

Two palace guards came, and they also carried something with bamboo baskets. The thing was so smelly that the girls covered their noses and snickered.

They picked up the things in the basket with bamboo pieces and threw them at me. Those soft things hit me, either falling or sticking to me.

That's horse manure.

A piece of horse manure hit me in the face and then fell down. The smell of my nose almost made me breathless.

What else can I do in this situation? I had to keep smiling.

"What are you doing?" Princess Meiqi looked at the two palace guards with big eyes.

"We are retaliating," the two people said in unison, "this man is tilting his eyes all day long, so we have to retaliate." They must have practiced this line for a long time, and it is really neat and uniform.

"So that's it," Princess Meiqi gently patted her chest. "Well, that's your personal grudge. Even I can't manage this kind of thing. Then I'll go first."

She waved to me and then ran away with a smile with those girls.

I smiled and watched them leave, and then smiled at the two palace guards who still wanted to throw horse manure on me: "You have two choices now."

The two people looked at me puzzledly.

"Kill me now," I smiled, but my tone was cold. "Or prepare to accept my challenge tomorrow - you are damaging the dignity of a knight."

The two became panicked, whispered to me, and then left. Without the princess's order, they dared not let me down.

Passing a minute and a second, I am still trying my best to keep my smile, that is, the muscles on my face have become more and more stiff.

About two hours later, Princess Meiqi appeared again, and this time she was the only one.

"Hey, as long as you accompany me, I will release you immediately. This time it's true." She stared at me.

I smile.

Looking at me for a while and seeing that I didn't say anything, she squeezed her lips and said, "I ignore you." Then turn around and leave.

After a few steps, she turned around and looked at me with a long mouth.

"Forget it, you tied me up, and now I have tied you up. Shall we be even?" She looked at me.

I smile.

curled her lips and untied the rope on a stone tied to the side, so I fell down.

"Hey, Mr. Horse Manure Knight." Looking at my awkwardness, she covered her mouth and smiled.

I also smiled and moved. I made a knightly salute to her with respect: "Your Highness, please forgive my rudeness again."

"What do you want to do?" She looked at me in surprise.

"We are not even, Your Highness. I only tied you for ten minutes, but you tied me for two hours.

"Are you..."

"Your Highness, you are smart, can't you guess what I mean? I just want to make up for that hour and 50 minutes.

"Do you dare?" She shouted angrily.

I dare.

I really tied her to the tree, although it was not hanging. I let her scream and curse, but I just sat on the side and ignored it.

"You are dead." After gritting her teeth and saying this, she stopped shouting, just squeezed her mouth.

Yes, I'm dead. This time is different from last time. Last time I could say that I didn't know she was a princess, but this time it didn't work. As a knight, the first thing is loyalty and loyalty to the royal family. Loyalty is above everything.

I sat quietly in the grass, meditating, and occasionally peeked at her. Deep down, I don't quite understand why I do this. I can explain to myself that it is for dignity, but I know that I am not. I am a knight, but in my bones, I know that I am not a qualified knight.

looked at her secretly. She didn't say anything or look at me. Her eyes were wide open and looked at the sky. She didn't know what she was thinking. Occasionally, she would bite her lower lip or open a small mouth.

She is very beautiful, really beautiful.

What appeared on her face was unusual calm. Until now, the calmness that I don't know which corner of the world is flying is still deeply branded in my heart.

Suddenly, she came to her senses and turned her head to look at me. I quickly avoided her eyes. Somehow, I feel a little uncomfortable.

She laughed out.

"Hey, little knight, why are you peeking at me?" She suddenly seemed to be happy again, which made me very strange. What's so happy about a tied princess?

I coughed dryly, but I didn't answer.

"Hey, do you like me? Hee."

"No." I answered immediately.


"Of course," I said without thinking about it, "you are fierce and unreasonable, and you like to climb the wall and are not beautiful. You say that you are a princess, but you don't look like a princess at all... cough... ah... cough, cough..." This sentence is so long that I can't get back for a moment.

"You, you, you..." She looked very strange, as if she was so angry that she wanted to bite people, and as if she was so wronged that she wanted to cry, but it was best that she just hummed and turned her head to look at the sky.

A silence.

I don't know how long it took, and the rapid footsteps sounded.

sighed, I slowly stood up, pulled out my sword, gently wiped the sword body, and then inserted it back.

came the head of the order and other knights, as well as several maids of the princess. I know that it was those maids who secretly saw the bound Princess Meiqi just now, and it was they who notified the head of the order.

I didn't say anything, just knelt on one knee in front of the head of the Order and handed over my sword.

He took the sword with a calm face, and then ordered me to be tied up.

I didn't resist, I just smiled. I'm not suitable to be a knight, really not.

However, at this time, Meiqi spoke and said, "Let him go."

Everyone looked at him in a daze, even me.

She hummed and turned her head aside: "I asked him to tie me up. I think it's fun."

I am silent.

After a moment of astonishment, the head of the Knights ordered me to let me go.

Meiqi, who was untied by the maids, slowly walked past me without looking at me. However, my ears sounded her childish but still some angrily voice: "Now we are even, right? Little knight."

I sighed and smiled.

This is it.

I looked at the tree in front of me. The tree once hung me and tied up Meiqi. It was still standing straight there, but Meiqi, where are you?

I can't laugh.

For the past year, the flowers and plants here have recorded how much laughter between Meiqi and I have. It was here that I kissed Meiqi for the first time.

"What are you going to do?"

"I want to kiss you."

"I don't want it, if you dare to do this, I will...uh~~"




"You...ah, I'm so ashamed~~" She covered her face and jumped with her feet.

Meiqi, Meiqi, where will you be? Why on earth are you hiding?

silently rode on the horse, silently left the hundred gardens, and walked silently on the street. Cars on the street are quiet and orderly.

Without Meiqi's street, it's boring. Without Meiqi's company, I can't trigger the mood of running.

Mei likes to let me ride her on the streets of Chia City or run wild. Her laughter, accompanied by the sound of horses' hoofs in a hurry, spread in the sky from time to time.

When was the first time you flew around with her? Well, it's been a long time, but it seems to be yesterday.

That day, I was still patrolling around the palace, but suddenly I heard a noise at the main entrance of the palace. I turned my head and saw Meiqi running out happily with her skirt, chasing a group of maids and bodyguards.

She saw me, immediately ran towards me, and then jumped lightly behind me.

"Go, go, go." She urged and laughed mischievously.

Looking at the hurried maids, I couldn't help smiling.

"Is this your order?"

"Of course, hurry up!"

So I stiffened my horse and took her away from the palace like a wind.

Although it is a loss to leave the post on duty, there is nothing I can do. I did it under the order of the princess.

I took her around the city with my pretty good riding skills. She gently put her arms around my waist and smiled happily.

When I passed by the square in front of the Cathedral of the Goddess of Light, I laughed with her in the eyes. Although it is an act of blaspization to pass by the Statue of God, it is an act of blaspization. I did it under the order of the princess.

The head of the Knights came face to face. I ignored him and drove directly past his gloomy face. Although as a subordinate, it is undoubtedly disrespectful to see the boss, there is nothing I can do. I did it under the order of the princess.

Someone held a wedding, and I passed by and snatched the bouquet from the bride's hand. I can't help it. I did it by the princess's order.

I overturned a minister's carriage and stained a nobleman's clothes... I can't help it. I did it all under the order of the princess.

Run freely and laugh loudly. She said, "Come on, come on, I order you to do whatever you like."

So, I rushed over under my colleague's tongue-tied eyes, rushed over in front of the guards guarding the gate of the palace, and rushed through the flowers of the palace garden. I can't help it. I did it by the princess's order.

There was a round, fat and ridiculous guy staring at me. I rushed past him and knocked him on the head with a horse whip. Alas, I can't help it. I'm doing this under the order of the princess... No, it's useless under anyone's order. That guy is His Majesty. I'm done!

"You're finished." Meiqi laughed loudly behind her back.

Then I was punished.

Yes, I have been punished many times over the past year. Nevertheless, I still accompany Meiqi to be crazy and make trouble with Meiqi. Occasionally, I will accompany her to sit quietly somewhere, looking at the white clouds, looking at the birds, and looking at the dreamy luster that can only be seen with my heart outside the world.

Meiqi, are you punishing me this time?

Mei always says that it is boring to be a princess. She wants to be an adventurer. For this reason, she sometimes weaves one interesting adventure story after another and then indulges in it. There is me in her story.

She went to learn swords and told me proudly that none of the guards in the palace were her opponents.

I laugh.

"Don't you believe it?" She said angrily, and then pulled out the small and delicate sword and said she wanted to compare with me.

So I told her that she looked beautiful with a sword.

"But I don't hold the sword to look good." She squeezed her lips and said.

"But it's really beautiful."

"Really?" She smiled sweetly and then suddenly stabbed over.

So I dodged, grabbed the sword, and held her in my arms.

"It's unfair," she said aggrievedly, "I just made a show, and people are afraid of hurting you."

"You also know it's unfair." I laugh.

"You mean," she looked at me with wide eyes, "those guys also deliberately let me?"

"What does it matter?" I said, "Anyway, you look really beautiful with your sword."

She snorted and her eyes turned.

I know that those guards are finished.

Meiqi, Meiqi, I can't find you, and everything in my eyes has lost its color. You avoided me, but can you keep the fresh smile on your face?

Gently took out the handkerchief in my arms and showed it in front of my eyes.

Since oriental knitting was introduced to China, handkerchiefs have become a tradition. I know that Meiqi has been unwilling because she has not given me a handkerchief embroidered by herself. I also know how many needles her fingers have been stabbed in order to embroider this butterfly.

Although this butterfly... really looks like a toad.

Now that I think about it, the whole thing was very suspicious from the beginning. She had been hiding this handkerchief secretly. Even I just accidentally knew from several of her maids. How could it be left by her to Miss Diwei? And wouldn't it be more strange for me to go to Miss Diwei to get it back?

What on earth does this foreshadow?

"Mr. Mosle, where are you going?" There was a soft voice next to me. I turned my head and saw that it was Diwei.

With a wry smile, I saluted her. Before she spoke, she answered herself and said, "Are you looking for Meiqi?"

"Do you know where she is?" I asked eagerly.

"I don't know." Miss Diwei looked at me with a smile. If there was always the wildness with infinite vitality in Meiqi's eyes, Diwei's eyes were as clear as the moon.

"But maybe, I know why she avoided you." She whispered.


Miss Diwei glanced at me with a smile and said, "No girl likes to look at her love to praise another girl. No matter how cheerful a girl is, she will be unhappy when she encounters this kind of thing.

No girl likes to look at her loved one to praise another girl?

What does this sentence have to do with me?

After saying goodbye to Miss Diwei, I rode the horse and thought about it.

Have I ever praised anyone in front of Meiqi? I don't remember!

However, even if there is, it must be two days. With her heart, she can't hide her unhappiness in her heart.

I remember that she happily went to the trial platform of St. Ease School with me yesterday morning...

My heart flashed, and then my eyes lit up, and then I felt more and more sweat on my forehead.

Yesterday, when Miss Karin in General Calu's mansion lost several people in a row with excellent sword skills, what did I say?

"She has the best sword skills among the girls I have ever met."

Yes, that's what I said.

Isn't,, it's just a sentence...but...

My heart is beating.

Well, I admit that although it is just a casual sentence, it is likely to be really a disaster. Isn't such a sentence popular among men in the Kingdom of Chias?

"The pain of kneeling on the bed for countless nights is just for the crime of accidentally talking nonsense."


But where will she go?

I must have said something else.

I seriously asked for it and reviewed it by the way. Well, I also looked at Miss Karin and said, "I think she can deal with a strange bear alone."

Then what did Meiqi say? I remember that she answered a sentence, but it was very light. She said... She said...


I suddenly turned my horse and rushed out of the city.

Meiqi, Meiqi, don't let anything happen.

Meiqi is playful, Meiqi loves to make trouble, and Meiqi sometimes makes her hair messy and scary...

However, I only love Meiqi.

Meiqi loves to be petty, and Meiqi loves to look for trouble. Meiqi loves to suddenly pinch me and step on me inexplicably...

However, I only love Meiqi.

Meiqi, don't let anything happen to you.

Mei always wants to be an adventurer, but her sword skills are always not good. She weaves one dream after another to adventure with me, but I always refuse to promise to take her to adventure together.

I'm afraid something will happen to her.

Meiqi, don't let anything happen to you.

Breaking out of the gate, flying, flying... But why hasn't it arrived yet?

Why am I so stupid? Why am I so careless? Why didn't I care so much about her words?

She said, "I can also deal with strange bears."

She spoke very lightly, and she rarely spoke so lightly.

I'm used to her noise, and I'm used to her ridicule and scolding, but I don't care about her such a serious sentence.

Meiqi, don't let anything happen to you.

I rushed into the south forest, and countless sparrows fluttered around me. Outside Chia, there are only strange bears.

I went back and forth in the forest, but I couldn't find my Meiqi.

My sword blade crossed one beast after another and attacked me, but I didn't find my Meiqi.

Time passes slowly.

I'm so anxious.

Suddenly, I heard laughter.

I rushed along the laughter, and then I saw Meiqi. My princess.

She sat on a tree with half a broken sword in her hand and a few traces of blood on her arms. Under the tree, a strange bear shook the trunk angrily.

Meiqi shouted at the strange bear: "Hey, stupid bear, big stupid bear, come up if you have the ability, la la la la la la..."

Is she still singing? Still clap your hands and sing?


I quickly rushed over: "Meiqi, don't move around."

The sword cut the strange bear's head, but only cut a cut on its head.

I turned the horse and stared at the strange bear that had changed its target and rushed towards me. My palms sweated slightly.

Meiqi's voice sounded in my ear: "Mo Chur, you're here, ah, that's great, you know, I just... Wow, be careful, it's going to eat you, be careful... Wow..."


With a pinch of my legs, the horse suddenly rushed forward. I leaned forward, stabbed the sword quickly, and abruptly put the tip of the sword into the strange bear's mouth and passed through the back of its head.

I exhaled gently, and I wiped the sweat on my head. Get off the horse and walk to Meiqi.

Meiqi jumped off the tree lightly and shouted, "Mo Chur, you are so awesome. What's wrong with you?"

I didn't say anything, just held her in my arms and held her tightly.

"Mo" She called softly.

This is my princess.

"Motriel, you know, in fact, I was really scared just now."

"Oh, do you look scared?"

"I'm afraid you don't care about me, I'm afraid you won't come to me, I'm afraid you won't find me, I'm afraid... I'm afraid I'll never see you again." She buried her head in my arms, and at that moment, I found something.

It turns out that when she is shy, her face will also blush.

I gently picked up her face and watched quietly. The sunset reflected on her little face, full of youth.

"No matter why you leave me, I will come to you. No matter where you hide, I will find you." I said.



"What if I run to the sea?"

"I found the seaside."

"What if I run into the moon?"

"I found it in the moon."

"What if... I die?"

"If you are in the heavenly garden, then I will find the heavenly garden; if you are in the dark blood pool, then I will find the dark blood pool."


I smiled.

I don't know who told me, "Every girl likes to listen to her lover's sweet words." In order to keep my princess's happy smile, I don't mind telling her over and over again.

What? Do you think it is not allowed to make unattainable vows in the knight rules?

Go, get out of here.

Hold my princess tightly, and there are still three days left for our wedding. I have to hold her tightly and never let her escape again.


Early the next morning, His Majesty had me summoned to the palace again.

I walked into the palace office uneasily, and I already had a bad feeling in my heart.

Your Majesty is still the only one in the room.

I knelt down on one knee and threw a letter in front of me before I could finish salute.

My name is still written crookedly on the letter, and the seal is still opened.

"Princess... is missing again?" I asked carefully.

"Look at it yourself." Your Majesty's tone is full of anger.

I pulled out the letter and slowly unfolded it. There is only one line in the letter, which reads:

-"Come and find me!"

I think I'm dizzy.


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