Magic Dance Song

Chapter 3 The Battle Song of Blood and Fire


The women and children in Shelley Village watched the soldiers pushing cars back and forth at their door in their homes. The slightly powerful people in the village were taken to the south of the village to dig trenches, and all the livestock and even pigs and cattle transported by the neighboring village were concentrated in the central square. The soldiers pushed a bucket of ** through the village and sent it somewhere. One of the buckets fell down during transportation. What was thick black oil was knocked over. After the black oil fell on a soldier's body, it suddenly ignited, and the people around them were in a hurry to put out the fire on him.

The soldiers who died painfully in the fire were put into the wooden ring where the livestock were locked.

A knight is now in the village, shouting loudly: "All the villagers should gather immediately and move before dark." The soldiers he brought kicked the door one by one and drove out all the villagers he could find.

No one resisted and no one cried. Although I don't know what happened, the blockade of roads and the control of news have planted greater fear in the hearts of every villager.

When they were escorted out of the village, a carriage drove in instead. The carriage was covered with black cloth, but it was a young nobleman. Those women and children did not recognize their future lord.

The carriage stopped next to the knight, and Viscount Clovis nodded to the knight who greeted him.

"Your Excellency." Awagley reported, "The things here have been arranged. All the animals and their surroundings are covered with black oil. Five death row prisoners sentenced to sit together in the whole family were arranged to set fire. We promised to release their families as soon as the task was completed."

"It's getting dark. You should leave as soon as possible."

"Yes, Your Excellency."

Kendall nodded again, controlled the reins, and continued to drive south of the village. Before long, he turned to a fork in the road that could barely pass. The light at dusk is getting darker and darker, and occasionally a few crow calls sounded from the scattered woods around.

"Kendall," there was a sound of Wei Ye in the car. "Tell me about your family and say whatever you want."

After a moment of silence, Kendall said slowly, "My father is a majestic man in my impression. He always gives me the best education possible, but... He makes me feel a certain distance. And my mother has been ill since I was a child, and I rarely see her..."

"What disease?"

"It's not clear that doctors can find a different cause every time, but none of them can be completely cured."

"Ah, I know what's wrong with her. What about your grandmother? You should have another grandmother, right? If I guess correctly, she should be the one who asked you to come to the dark forest to find Schwini.

"Yes," Kendal said softly, "she is very kind. She has always been good to me and taught me a lot. She taught me how to love others and let me witness miracles.


"When I was a child, I fell from a tree and knew that my leg bones had been broken. At that time, my grandmother came to me and put her hand on my feet to pray for something. Incredibly, my legs don't hurt, and I can stand up and walk around immediately. The viscount recalled, "And I have never seen this miracle even in the bishop of the temple."

"Ah, this is actually nothing great... Are you angry? I'm telling the truth. The healing of the goddess will be used by priests who were a little firmer in the past.

"But the church..."

"Secular power and miracles are two different things. Kendall, when will you understand this truth? Many times, people who pray for miracles want nothing but spiritual comfort, and liars often know best how to comfort people.

Kendall was silent.

The carriage drove into an open forest, in which the Purple Knight Spence and hissheng dian Knights, as well as many soldiers and recruited civilians, had already been waiting there...


Midnight has passed. The cold wind blows the leaves and touches people's hearts. The stars in the sky are lonely, but the moonlight does not become dim because of the thinness of the moon. Wei Ye lay on the ground with her ears against the ground and had not moved for a long time. The soldiers and civilians behind her were waiting uneasily, and the knights also tried their best to control their horses from making a sound.

"Ah, they are coming." The gray-dressed witch's blue eyes became brighter.

Other people did not hear more voices, but still felt a sense of urgency and depression rendering the earth. After a while, I saw Wei Ye jumping on Kendall's horse like a cat: "They passed. Hurry up, hurry up."

Viscount Clovis immediately rushed out of the forest, and Wei Ye huddled in his arms, as if he was very tired. Avagley and the Templars hurriedly followed them, while soldiers and civilians pushed a truck of black oil away from the forest. All the way to the grass in front of him, Wei Ye let Kendal stop. The soldiers and civilians who followed quickly dug up the trenches. The land in this area had been excavated and refilled during the day. It was much softer, and no one dared to slacken. After digging a trench, immediately throw in the wood already piled up nearby, pour black oil, and then continue to dig another one.

The second one has not been dug, and the village in the north has been full of fire and thick smoke.

"It's a little earlier, damn it, it's a little earlier." Wei Ye, who was lying on the ground again, muttered. Kendall's face was as heavy as water, and Avagley's urging voice became more urgent, and even the Templar knights joined the ranks of digging. Everyone knows that if more projects are completed, there will be more hope of survival.

"They are back." The girl in gray said softly.

Avagley shouted: "Leave 20 people to pour black oil into the trench, and the others go to dig the third one. Hurry up!"

The moonlight became gloomy, and the order was quickly executed under the pressure of the shadow of death.

"Here, 500 meters, 400 meters, 300... 200... 100... 50..." Wei Ye read gently.

"Ignite!" Awagley ordered loudly. Kendall stood by Wei Ye and watched intently. A burning torch was thrown into the first trench, and the blazing fire came up. Almost at the same time, there were bursts of crackling. It was the sound of blood ants crawling into the fire, and the shell bursting because of burning. Countless red ants climbed out of the ground from the other side of the trench and rushed to the flame without stopping. The firelight reflected from them, staining the sky with blood red. The fishy smell permeated the air as more and more blood ants were burned to death, but the red ants that rushed into the fire layer by layer increased.

"Will they get around?" The viscount frowned.

"No, they can't do it." Wei Ye raised his head and smiled at him, "Even if they come from the magic realm, ants are still just ants. They have no sense of direction and have to rely on the smell to find their way back. If they take a detour, they will get lost and can't return to where they came before the sun comes out.

Kendall was a little relieved and continued to look at the blood ants. The death of their companions did not make them retreat at all. They began to roll into the trench with gravel or soil in the front, trying to fill the fire ditch that blocked the way forward.

"Bang some black oil," Avagley ordered loudly, "push down the whole barrel and don't let them open the gap."

The oil barrel pushed into the fire ditch exploded, and some civilians who could not escape were burned by the splashed black oil and stumbled painfully. Several temple knights quickly ran past them and cut their heads with their swords to prevent them from touching the whole bucket of black oil in the collision or jumping into the second trench to ignite it prematurely. The fire ditch was filled up little by little at the sacrifice of several endless blood ants. Finally, they climbed through the layers of burnt black companion bodies and passed through the fire ditch, and some soldiers and civilians who had no time to retreat behind the second ditch immediately turned into white bones.

The second ditch was lit under the order of Awagley, while the third was still being excavated. Kendal looked up at the sky. The sky was gray and there was no morning light. Lowering his head, Wei Ye was half squatting and staring at the ant colonies that went to the fire. The firelight reflected on her face, revealing uncontuitous excitement and desire, holding her knees flat in her hands and light blue light in her eyes...

The second-line offensive and defensive battle is still continuing, and there are still too many bloody ants to see the end, and the heat of the flames makes everyone sweat. People are digging the third trench as deep and wider as possible. As the blood ants move forward fearlessly, gradually, the second ditch is almost untenable. Seeing that there was not enough time, Awagley urgently ordered the soldiers to stuff large roots of wood into the last ditch and pour black oil. A small piece of burning wood splashed out and ignited the third trench, burning some people who had time to climb out of the ditch alive. Blood ants broke through the second ditch, and many soldiers and civilians trapped between the two or three ditches jumped into the fire ditch because of fear.

It was too late to continue digging other trenches, and everyone had to try their best to hold on the last front. They tried their best to widen the trenches with heat and thick smoke, and the timid civilians were cut off their heads by the Knights Templars. Their skin was roasted into blisters, and some people even fell into the fire ditch in the chaotic push.

The viscount looked at all this blankly. Now is not the time to sympathize with these Kessane people. If the blood ants cannot be stopped, not only will all the people here die, but more villages will suffer disaster.

The battle song of blood and fire continues, and the desire to live torture the strength and perseverance in people's hearts, and the footsteps of death are getting closer and closer until they are tapping in everyone's ears. The wood is gradually running out, and the black oil has been used up. The fire ditch was gradually swallowed by the blood ants rushing into the gravel. Even if they had been swallowed up by countless fireworks, they were still endless.

Despair erodes people's hearts, and the passage of time tormentes everyone. When the first dawn of the day shone on the field, people saw hope again.

The morning sun wandered, penetrating the smoke and sprinkled on the blood ant colony. The blood ants moved more and more slowly until they could no longer move. The fire gradually went out, and all the people looked at each other and cheered with excitement...

Win! Kendall breathed a sigh of relief and looked down at Wei Ye, but saw that her fiancee was not happy at all. She just stretched out her hand to stand in front of her, as if it was just such a dawn that had made her feel uncomfortable.

Throughout the day, the soldiers were cleaning the battlefield. They lit dozens of bonfires on the open space and swept every blood ant they saw into the fire. The civilians dug the ground to find all the red ants hiding in the ground.

Kendall stood among the blood ants. Even if these little things had lost their harm, the blood-like red still made him palpitate. He turned his head and looked at the carriage, but saw that Knight Awagley was talking to Viye in the car. After a while, the knight rode his horse and galloped towards him.

"Your Excellency!" Awagley saluted him immediately. "Miss Viye asked me to go back to Louburg immediately and investigate something she wanted to know."

"Then you go." Kendall nodded.

"Do you want to know what she asked me to check?"

"Does she agree with you to tell me?"

"No, in fact, I have sworn that I will never tell you what she asked me to investigate." The knight smiled and said, "But you and your father are the object of my loyalty. If you ask me to say something, I don't think I can refuse."

The viscount frowned and looked at Avagley lightly: "Well, please use your loyalty to me and my father on my fiancee... In fact, you already knew my answer, right? What do you want to test? My thoughts? Or is it my personality?"

"Ah, I misunderstood you. It's my fault." Awagley bowed half-bowed immediately, "Please allow me to apologize to you."

"I forgive you, but I don't want another time."

"It won't happen again." The knight put away his cynical expression and said solemnly. Then he rode his horse in the direction of Louburg.