Magic Sword

06 Masks and Masks

The silent teenager walked on the crowded street with a more silent atmosphere than ever before, but he was alone. In the three months since he came out of his home, Xius has experienced more than in the past 15 years, hitting walls and cliffs everywhere. When he turned around and found that the harbor behind him was no longer there, the huge emptiness and loneliness devoured the young man's heart. A teenager who has never known what loneliness is. For the first time, he really felt the loneliness that he existed in this world. It felt like floating in endless darkness, unable to catch anything, uneasiness and fear, unscrupulous breeding, and nothing can inhibit their mad growth.

Then, it is continuous loss. Sisters, classmates, comrades-in-arms, officers, fathers, and trust, kindness, rationality, and even dignity. The teenager didn't understand why he lost so many things. Obviously, he didn't particularly want anything. Why, why does bad luck always haunt you? Why do you have so much power but have no choice? Why? Why? It seemed that I felt the unwillingness of the teenager, and the sky began to become gloomy. The raindrops accompanied by the scattered crowd gradually left the teenager in this space.

At this time, if there is an elder, I will tell him that this is the training of growth; if there is a villain, I will tell him that it is someone else's fault; if there is an old friend, I will tell him that everything will pass. However, Xiusi was stunned to find that what was in front of him was the enemy.

The dress is different from the majestic knight on the battlefield, but Xius will never admit his mistake. The girl who just flashed by is definitely the coach of Parsa.

Why is she here? Regardless of the doubts in his mind, Xius subconsciously caught up with him.

It was obvious that the other party also found Xius. It seemed that he knew that he could not avoid it, so he was very decisive and stopped immediately.

"Yo, what a coincidence! How can I meet you here!" The other party suddenly pretended to be very familiar and turned around and walked over.

Xiusi ignored her rhetoric, but directly pulled out the broken dragon-killing sword and pointed to the inconspicuous dragon knight who had disguised himself, "What are you doing here?"

"Alas? Slow down," the girl raised her hands with a smile. "It's dangerous to swing your sword on the street! It's just a difficult little thing. What's the big deal?

"Small things?" Seus reacted that she wanted to muddle through and was about to expose her identity. Suddenly, Seus felt numb in her neck, and the whole world suddenly began to twist, "You!" I knew it was the other party's ghost, but there was nothing I could do. I watched her succeeding smile and fell down.

"Ah, why did you fall down? Did you drink too much last night? The girl was still smiling. She stepped forward and set up Xius, "Oh, have you said don't drink too much? Ah, what are you looking at! It's okay!" Naturally, the bright-eyed person could see that it was her, but it had nothing to do with her. Seeing that the play was not interesting, passers-by dispersed one after another.

After the crisis was resolved, the girl took a long breath and could no longer see a smile on her face. "There is really an unexpected harvest today."

When he woke up, he found himself in a hotel, tied to a chair by a rope, which was probably the reason why he woke up. He felt that his whole body was sore and weak, and even if he didn't tie a rope, it would be difficult to move half a step.

"Sius Daupelle, no, it should be called Magic Sword Xius now! You are no longer an Oga aristocrat," the girl sitting at the table with her back to Seus was writing something. She didn't raise her head, her voice was cold and flat, and she didn't have as rich feelings as before. "Your anesthetic has not been completely relieved. Don't think about anything, or I will kill you on the spot."

"You...devil..." Xius tried his body, but most of them couldn't control it, and he was completely paralyzed below his waist.

"Shut up, I'm not interested in your emotions. Sit there quietly or I'll kill you." The girl didn't raise her head, just a cold warning.

Sufied, the Parsa dragon rider had everything the soldier should have. He had no doubt that she would really kill him. Xius felt that he was still young and still didn't want to die for the time being.

A dull and depressing atmosphere permeated this room, and Sius looked curiously at what the fierce woman was doing. It's strange that she kept writing on a piece of parchment and then erased it. Such things are going on over and over again. Although Xius is unwilling to use his brain, it does not mean that he is stupid. In turn, he knows that this should be a magic communication tool. Writing on it, the parchment in another place in the distance will The same text appears. To put it simply, she is doing intelligence processing.

It's probably related to anesthetic. In such a place where the other party would drop his head if he was unhappy, Susi was still a little drowsy. Just when he decided to take a nap first, the girl finished her work.

"Is the medicine coming up again?" Looking at Xiusi, who kept nodding, the girl did not show any expression. The drug power of this anesthetic is very long-lasting and will be repeated several times. She carefully checked that Xiusi was not pretending, then locked the door and went out alone.

When Susi woke up again, the room was empty. So sleepy, Xiusi thought so, then tilted his head and fell asleep again.

This situation was repeated several times. When he opened his eyes again, he suddenly found something in front of him.

"Is it because you feel murderous?" The cold voice made Xiusi's spine cold, and he woke up from the confusion in an instant. He subconsciously fell back and flashed the deadly flash.

The other party is going to kill people. Even in the state of the whole province, Xius is not confident that she can beat this girl who looks about her age. What's more, her current appearance, in addition to the golden sword in her hand, has an extra knife.

"Do you still have the strength to avoid my sword after being in a coma for a week without eating?" It seems to show what she looked like when she talked to Culon before. Although there was a smile on the girl's mouth, there was no smile in her eyes at all. "Since you still have some skills, follow me! You are just a commoner of Oga now, and you have been insulted by the royal family in public. If you follow me, I will give you a status that meets your ability, okay?"

ius opened his mouth and found that his vocal cords were a little disobedient because of long-term paralysis. He opened his mouth but couldn't make a sound. He couldn't express it in words. Seus only made one action to make the other party understand what he meant and shook his head.

"Don't you know that you just lost the only chance that you can live?" For Sius, she did not have the patience of Coron. What's more, she instinctively, she was very afraid of letting Xius bite herself and escape. Then kill him! The girl made a decision again.

The girl raised the golden sword, and Seus knew that he had no time to live, but strangely, like his first murder, in the face of the impending death, Seus did not feel any fear. Doesn't it matter if you die? At this moment of distracting, the teenager's eyes fell on the girl's white neck. In an instant, his heart was pounding and his heart was violent**!

The impulse of blood flowing back.

The wound with some scars is so charming. I really want to do it, I really want to do it again.

The moment she saw the big eyes of the Oga teenager who was about to be killed by herself, the girl suddenly felt that she was being feared by something, and her muscles were stiff and unable to move at all. Then, what appeared in front of her opened the memory that should not have been forgotten.

The red eyes split into three petals and turned into lotus-shaped pupils. Why, why did you forget it? For the first time, the girl was afraid of something, because it was unknown, because it was completely incomprehensible, because she couldn't figure out why she didn't have the memory of being bitten...

He was overwhelmed by an Oga soldier on the battlefield, who sucked himself like a hunting blood bat.

But I can't have the idea of resistance,

Full of joy and relief,

It's like I'm a food specially prepared for this person, no, this creature, and I'm also sincerely happy because I have realized my value.




How can such a damn thing happen!


No, it's possible.

The girl holding the sword trembled and couldn't hold her right hand tightly, causing the sword to fall to the ground and make a crisp sound.

Joy, yes, the joy that makes the girl herself fear permeates the cold heart in that usual state. His heart fluttered completely, just like a girl in love. His Royal Highness Prince Qianlongya, after all, his masculine pretty face is covered with red glow. Reason is a real traitor. As soon as it comes to the critical moment, he doesn't know where to hide, joy, and joy. Yue's fear, and all the remaining subtle feelings have been eliminated.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Qianlong Cliff knelt down in front of Xius, crawling on the ground like a domestic dog.

In contrast, the body and the rope used for binding that were originally paralyzed by anesthetics were not obstacles at all. The strange magic fluctuated, and the rope turned into debris. It got up from the posture of falling down in confusion. The red pupil emitted a bloody light and reached out and grabbed the girl with her neckline. The tender The white skin still retains the scars left by the last bite. Xius, who no longer knew why he became something, licked the scar.

The girl couldn't help trembling. Obviously, she was lifted up, but now she can't help hugging the person in front of her.

Yes, it was the same feeling last time.

Although it is so humiliating, my heart is full of happiness.

"...blood, golden dragon blood, hehe, it's really golden dragon blood! ...Is this the secret that Qianlong Cliff can tame the ancient dragon..." Greedly sucking the wound that broke again, the teenager who did not know what he had become did not open his mouth, but said this.

" that?" The girl's pupils began to dilate, and a large amount of blood loss caused severe nerve pain, as well as coldness and numbness, but the strong will did not allow her to die now.

"... dying..." Didn't pay attention to her. The monster suppressed his desire and moved his mouth away from the wound. The magic fluctuated quickly healed the bleeding wound. Looking at the blood left on the white and tender skin, the monster cherished it very much and licked it all. Then, the monster put the girl into ** like a treasure, "...power... is not enough... descendants of the dragon clan, I need more power..."

"What kind of monster are you...?" The girl stared at the thin teenager and tried her best to straighten up, but was pressed down by the monster.

"You don't need to know..." The monster smiled, smiling with love and desire, "... Suiradelna... the name... is so long... Sophie... I like... the name... then... we will meet..." After saying that, the teenager turned around.

"Wait!" As soon as the girl struggled to get up, the figure disappeared. The space system could not catch up. The girl looked out of the window sadly, her eyes were full of panic and inexplicable, but strangely there was no trace of hatred.

"What are you?" Her Royal Highness the young prince of Qianlong Cliff can't know the reason, which doesn't mean that Xius himself can't know what the monster is.

"..." Silence, Sus felt that his body had no longer had a sense of restraint since that jump, but he could feel the strange feeling that he had never had before.

"Answer me, I know you're there." The teenager roared in the empty suburbs, but there was still no response.

"...I'm you... You don't know... How can I know..." The voice finally opened, and the answer was unexpected, "...just now, you also felt... the memory of the dragon girl..."

"..." Xiusi was silent. Just now, he did 'see' the dragon rider directly. No, it should be called the memory of the thousand dragon cliff crown prince of Suhiradrna Saint Sabah, and before that, he also recalled that he escaped from the battlefield because of fear, so he took the other party and himself My memory has been sealed, and I hope I don't see it again, because I don't want to become a vampire. When did you do this kind of memory operation? Xius can't remember, or what on earth he is?

It seems that this ring separates its normal personality from its killing personality.

"...that thing seems to be... something with both sacred and magical attributes, absorbing the emotional essence they need... and strengthening..." The voice said what Xius's own thoughts, which made Xius feel a little strange.

"Hey, don't say what I think!" The personality that you can't control can exist at the same time as yourself. This strange feeling that a person can make two choices at the same time is really uncomfortable.

"...I... don't make decisions for me casually... I don't agree that you are the master..." It seems that this guy is the same as Xius. No, he is Xius. They share a thinking system, but they have brought the internal selection process of the thinking system externally.

"Shut up."

" just shut up..."



The two, no, Xiusi suddenly realized that he could not act at all if he went on like this, "Let's have a good talk!"

"...I agree..." It's worthy of being a person, and compromise is also compromised at the same time.

Soon, no, it should be called the Xius, and they will find that they don't need to talk about this kind of thing at all, because their ideas are exactly the same, but the methods of expression sometimes will be different, and the strange thing is that they can accurately understand the reason why the other party does this.

" awkward..."

"Shut up, me too."

"...I really want to cut you with a knife..."

"This is my line!"



Fortunately, the action control is still unified, and there will be no strange things because of the ununiform will.

"...This state really makes people want to die once..."

"Don't say what I'm thinking!"