Magic Sword

08 Maybe, maybe--

Demi-God Armed.

Although the church claims that the demigod armed forces are made by gods, no one will believe that such a terrible weapon is made to kill himself? Is there something wrong with the god's brain? In contrast, pagans claim that they are the devil's craft, which is more deeply rooted in people's hearts. However, how to say, whether it is the god-sama or the devil's craft, this vague word can't let people know how powerful this so-called demigod is. Originally, gods are illusory, not to mention that rulers do not want the people to know this kind of thing that is enough to shake their rule. Afraid of power.

So, what is the concept of demigod? Simply put, if an ordinary practitioner wants to surpass a large number of people, first of all, he has to set foot on the legend. The so-called legend is not clearly defined, but there is a simple way to judge it, that is, the energy impact. People who have not reached the legend cannot control their energy and can only rely on feeling to control the magic in the body. Then it can't resist the direct impact of energy; then, to go up, it is the Holy Land. There are few human beings who can reach the Holy Land. It is difficult to determine whether this name is true. Some people think that this is just a relatively strong legend, but the people of the Holy Land have one thing in common, that energy is materialized, and the family of God People can basically gradually master this skill as soon as they reach the legend. Yes, just like Curran's God-given sword, she can basically reach this level if she goes further, so it is inevitable that some people do not admit the Holy Land; in the future, the concept of demigod and demigod, to be precise, is the war of gods and demons. It was settled at that time that the demigod did not mean that they already had the power of half a god. Its real meaning is that mortals with divine power will die and cannot survive the maximum life limit of their own race, but their hands and feet are no different from gods.

The representative character is Nafar the annihilator. Legend has it that Nafar was a very lame mage in the legend. When he reached the demigod, he created a technique that made the gods and demons tremble: the Great Destruction. This technique is very simple, just a directing dark red light ray, but it is not simply its attack power. Any matter and energy blocking this ray will be indiscriminately annihilated. This is a demigod, a mortal who is completely fearless of gods.

And why do you say so much? In fact, it is just used to make a comparison.

The demigod armament is a weapon and equipment specially allocated to demigod figures. All textbooks on the mainland are written in this way, which is probably the same meaning literally.

But this is a lie.

In a war where gods can't protect themselves, what ability can ordinary people maintain their power to affect the war situation?

Yes, it's these strong armed forces.

The demigod armament does not mean the demigod armament, but the holder has the power comparable to the demigod! Moreover, there is no limit on the use. As long as there is will and the method is correct, even underground people can use it. This is the true face of the demigod armed forces. That is to say, as long as the holder is willing, he can do anything, gendarme? Law? The army? Are you kidding? Only the power of the same level can resist the demigod.

However, fortunately, although they are called demigod armed forces, it is difficult for demigod armed forces to exert their full strength for various reasons, even if basically all demigod armed forces can fill their own magic, and the completion of the magic formula is the same. It is like an alchemy machine that can destroy the world. Unfortunately, there is no instruction manual. Of course, the demigod armed forces are usually indestructible. Even if they are used to cut firewood, they can save money to buy axes.

In order to ensure the stability of the rule, all the insiders coincidentally agree with this lie, and part of the ban on martial arts, implying that those demigods that have been known to use or too general use are too strong for the rulers to hold in their hands.

It's just that people's hearts, why don't you want to know what power it has?

In fact, this time, the Imperial Academy took this knife as a prize.

I don't know how to use it at all. I only know that this knife is called Rayche. If there is no instruction manual, then I can only let the excellent soldiers slowly explore in the battle. If this thing is not at this point, even the people who get Rayche will not know that they are demigods armed and stupidly as a demon. French weapons are used as free touchstones!

And the same thing is robbed, which is a big problem. The other party recognizes the knife, that is to say, no matter what it is, the other party has a way to use it, so what will it do as an imperial college or even the Oga empire? Of course, it's brought back together with a knife and method. Of course, things won't be so simple. It's not easy to kill a demigod, not to mention grab him and ask him the method out of his mouth. For this reason, on the day of being robbed, the empire began to make a lot of preparations and directly moved out of the Ogama, and a large number of legendary strongmen searched everywhere. They believed that the prisoners would not escape from Banbo so quickly. As long as they waited, the other party would soon show their feet.

The empire is very thoughtful and accurate. Indeed, the robbed Rayche appeared by himself, and the dense search network also found the prisoner. Unfortunately, they only miscalculated one thing, and the other party did not have more than a demigod arm in his hand.

And the only insider is now in a state of fear that the world will not be chaotic.

"Don't run, you dead woman!" Like a complaining man who ran away from his wife, Hughes chased the girl flying blue in front of him.

Sophie who uses Reche is completely different from the previous one. It is probably due to the performance of the weapon. Reche has diffused a large number of arcs. These arcs create a position to repel gravity, wrap the girl, and move forward quickly under deliberate control, clearing all the obstacles around her, which is obviously more important than the previous pursuit of Seus. It's much faster. If it hadn't been for the recent improvement of Xiusi's ability, he would have been dumped in a blink of an eye. In this way, the distance between the two is still constantly increasing.

If you can't catch up, it doesn't mean that others can't catch up.

"Where to run!" Through the sky, the cyan flowing light instantly surpassed Susi and chased Sophie with the wind and thunder.

Seeing that someone could catch up with Sophie, Hughes tried his best to follow him. If something was taken away by others, it would be bad.

Sure enough, it wasn't long before the sound of fighting came from the front. Strong waves swept in, and Hughes remembered that he had ignored a problem, and the battle level of the other party seemed to be too high.

"...give up! After all, it shouldn't be..." Theus's low voice echoed in the air.

"Ha ha, shouldn't it be? Who stipulated it? Even if he pretended to be disdainful, he still stood still.

What is the battle that can make murderers retreat?

To describe, the thunderstorms that people usually see are thousands of meters high in the sky. Even so, people still use the words 'Tianwei' or 'Shenwei' to express their awe of this scene. When the thunderlight shines the whole world white, even fear will be erased by this white light, leaving only instinctive awe and trembling. And now the battle kilometers away from Sius is like this. The white light shines so brightly that even the black can erase the white light, and the terrible power contained in it will even burn the earth.

Originally, the wind attribute was the prototype of lightning. Air friction produces lightning, which advanced the simple wind attribute to have more lethal lightning; on the other hand, it is a combination of light and lightning. Lightning itself has a trial, so most of the offensive magic appears in the image of lightning, but now, it is more The sacred power that is good at defense and protracted warfare has added invincible thunder and lightning, which has reached the extreme of strength, like a god.

Surrendered to the strong power, screamed and escaped from the center of the dispute. Although the people who came to the battlefield one after another wanted to know what was going on inside, no one at this level would want to be the touchstone.

The thunder roared like hell for about five minutes, and many people who came to see if there were any baskets to pick up quietly slipped away. No matter what the specific reason was, when they left, they were bound to take away their fear.

When the thunderstorm stopped, a piece of scorched earth appeared in front of Hughes, and the electric current drew various patterns on the ground. Unfortunately, no one will care what the pattern looks like now.

In the ashes, two shadows are quietly facing each other.

On one side is a girl wearing a dark blue cloak, a golden sword in her left hand and a pale blue knife in her right hand. Well, only Hughes knows what she looks like. Probably the cloak is not a simple thing, and the headgear does not look like in such a wild airflow.

On the other side is a middle-aged man holding a holy cyan sword. It can be seen at a glance that he is a swordman from a noble family. This man is like a rigorous and regular sword. Whether it is facial contours or dress, it has sharp or smooth lines. You can't see him clearly from a distance, but the holy cyan sword Hughes There is in my memory: demigod armed - wind god. It's a strange name, but probably not many people don't know about Oga. The owner of this sword is the sword Saint Safiron.

"I haven't finished playing yet. Why don't you move?" The guy next to him waiting to pick up the cheap one is a little impatient.

"One is waiting for someone, and the other is waiting for an opportunity. Of course, it won't move." Hughes smiled, but his eyes paid attention to the war without blinking.

"The old dog of Sephiro can't help it. It seems that the ideas are very hard this time? Whose little doll is so bold? The talking old man in black casually took out his cigarette bag and nodded. It seemed that no one present thought that it was the Parsa who came to rob the demigod.

"Old dog?" Hughes smiled. He didn't care about the swordsman. The silver sword in his hand shook and rushed up first. Before the others noticed his movements, the silver light had arrived in front of Sophie, a kilometer, just a short distance.

"Dead woman, it's mine!" Despite the stunned eyes of others, the long sword has made a crisp golden sound on Sophie's knife without even appearing.

"..." Rayche lit up silently, but Hughes was not knocked down, thanks to the fact that Claudia's sword was not a crude sword. When this magic weapon was built, it had already taken into account the plan for rare lightning weapons. Seeing that the counterattack was ineffective, Sophie directly threw out the lightning, and the long blue and white snake whip forced Hughes to dodge dozens of meters in an instant and was almost hit.

"Young man, help me." When Kensei saw Hughes, he subconsciously thought he was helping himself.

"Shut up! This is my business!" Without giving swordsman any face, Hughes refused and persistently attacked.

Saffillon doesn't understand why this young swordsman in the space department knows that he can't defeat the enemy and has to rush to fight to the death, but since he is not on his side, let him die! With such a mentality, the swordsman retreated and gave up the battlefield of the two, but did not notice that at the moment when the swords fought each other, the young swordsman's eyes had become different from human beings.

"Reche." Sophie lowered her voice and temporarily turned her target to the man in front of her. Although she had an inexplicable sense of discomfort, if she killed him, maybe this curse-like chain would be untied! This knife called Thundercut seems to be able to control thunder and lightning, but it is only an additional function. As long as each demigod arm can exert more than half of its real power, it is difficult to lose to anyone. Sophie, who intended to move seriously, raised her right hand, raised the blade, and pointed the tip of the knife at Hughes. As soon as the imperial order came out, the tip of the knife fluctuated an invisible wave. Although she did not know what it was, Hughes had already felt the cold blade of Death on his neck.

Even if there is no physics, Sephiro can see what's going on with this knife. The attribute of lightning should belong to a secondary attribute. Wind friction produces lightning, which is his technique, and he who is familiar with the wind naturally feels that there is no wind power on the knife. So where did the lightning on the knife come from? Lightning was converted again, and its attached next attribute was magnetism, which was not as difficult to control as lightning. In the confrontation just now, he had vaguely felt that he did not see what was going on with the famous knife at the beginning.

The real power of the knife is to interfere with the magnetic field, using the magnetic force to shine into a rotating force field to obtain the power of lightning. For this knife, lightning is just an accessory. Isn't it too troublesome to use the thunder and lightning to hurt people? With such a strong control power, isn't direct attack more straightforward? Who can surpass the speed of the magnetic field? Or is there anyone who is not standing in the magnetic field of the earth now?

At the moment he felt the danger, Hughes retreated, so he was lucky to escape. The place where he had just stood had been pressed into a big pit by the twisted geomagnetic force, and the pit wall was smooth and strange. Of course, this was not the end. He was excited by the threat of death and his eyes were red. The bloody murderer roared and dodged the attack at the moment Sophie aimed with Superman's intuition.

And the girl is not willing to show weakness. The left and right light swords dance at the same time, and the magic of the emperor continues to fill and expand the scope of the attack. Originally, this sword is a pair, and the cooperation with each other is simply like adding wings. Even Sephiro had to retreat hundreds of meters far away. The invisible magnetic fluctuation was like an invisible giant. The girl smashed the ground into a big hole without giving any defensive space at all.

Finally, when the range expanded to about 50 meters, it reached the limit of Hughes' movement each time. Fortunately, after avoiding twice, the third attack, the magnetic field finally hit Hughes.

The huge magnetic force did not give any face and directly pressed the ground out of a huge pit, which was probably resisted, and high dust splashed in the pit.

Safilon was secretly shocked. If such a force is hit by himself, it is estimated that half of his life will be taken. It seems that this teenager can't survive.

Things will always develop beyond expectations.

Just when both of them thought Hughes had been killed, a burst of laughter suddenly came from the pit, "Hahaha, I understand! I finally understand, wow ha ha ha ha!"

"..." Sophie has always been a decisive person, regardless of what that guy understands. Since he is not dead, let him die!

Boom! The continuous bombardment was like a crazy giant, punching the pit and vowing to turn this place into Hughes' grave.

The continuous bombardment splashed dust all over the sky and was eager to know the result. Safiron waved his hand to blow away the dust. It was already deep in the big pit that could be used as the foundation of the palace. The brunette teenager stood there as if he had nothing to do. "Dead woman, you really want to kill me!"

Answering him was a thunderbolt, and the girl never said a word.

In the face of this thunder, the teenager waved a sword at will, and then inexplicably,

The lightning was cut!!!!

The thunder and lightning from the thunder cut was cut!!!! And that sword is obviously not any demigod!!!!

Sophie, who hid her face, also hid the shock on her face. There was such a thing as cutting thunder and lightning! In contrast, the old-eyed Sephiroon saw what had just happened at a glance. Dimensional chopping. When the teenager waved his sword just now, he issued a dimensional chopping. The dimensional chopping directly cut the direction of the thunder and lightning, so the thunder and lightning seemed to be cut into two strands.

This is the true face of dimensional chopping. Directly cutting the direction is not directly related to matter and energy, but simply cutting the direction, so whether it is the energy attack or the direct physical sword attack, as long as it has the power generated by the attack, it can be directly removed. The truth of this strange space spell is not so much a sword as a strange shield that you can't feel the force no matter how you fight. Even if your strength is greater than the other party, you will still feel that your power keeps sliding away and being suppressed.

"You've had enough! It's my turn!" The murderer quickly broke through Sophie's power field. The silver sword cut hard on Sophie's two half-gods armed, but it still pressed her to keep retreat.

Safis was stunned, and the swordsman, who was in his prime, suddenly felt that he was old.

In fact, the reason why Sophie retreated is not only because of the relationship between dimensional chopping, but also because once she is approached by this man, she will have an inexplicable sense of happiness. This feeling is constantly gnawing at Sophie's strong will, so she chose remote attack at the beginning. Sophie felt that she would go first. Following the power of the sword, the girl suddenly retreated and was swept out by Hughes with the support of the force field.

Hughes looked at the enemy who had flown far away, "Strange, I didn't use that much strength!"

"He is going to escape!" Jiang is still old and hot. He can't let the other party escape. Now that he has figured out the details of the other party, the subsequent battle will be much easier. "I'm really not very clear about the bloodline that will become red eyes," Kensei's love for talent. In order to give Hughes a good impression, he deliberately paused, "But if When you come to my castle, I will treat you with the most beautiful girls and the best wine. After saying this, Jiansheng turned into a blue light and chased in the direction of Sophie's escape.

However, this sentence stunned Susi, who suddenly realized something.

"...You don't really think that the woman appeared kindly to help you get rid of the crime... Compared with that knife, the charge is useless..." Hughes, who was squeezed back inside, roared angrily.

"Shut up." Xiusi put away his sword and turned back.

"...Hey, where's the knife! Knife! ......”

"There is something like that that will only interfere with the mood."

"... Bullshit! You obviously want it very much..."

"I told you to shut up!"

In the sunset, dozens of warriors carefully bypassed the place where the teenager stood and chased in that direction. The decadent teenager took the silver sword and began to worry about how to explain to the owner of the sword.