Magic Sword

03 The logic of the lust

"I'll tell my name," the superior man in a white uniform has nothing in his hands, but stands there, giving people the illusion of weakness. Yes, this is absolutely an illusion. How can a person who can't beat a strange girl be weak? He casually tidied up his sleeves, "Kasha Agaro, a water magician."

Water magician... Xiusi's heart is a little heavy. No wonder Chiyo will react like that. He didn't expect it to be the most difficult type.

Since the establishment of the surgical system, the water system has been the most terrible system, because its performance is too variable and too excellent.

There are those who pursue attack performance, such as Cassiris' freezing, which wins through physical strikes and freezing the opponent's body tissue; there are also those who specialize in recovery and ability. After all, the main component of human blood is water, and the theoretical throat is cut off due to insufficient blood supply to the brain. If you can skillfully control your own blood, as long as the brain and spine are not smashed, even the heart is superfluous. Similarly, by controlling the circulatory system in the body to accelerate metabolism, you can not only adjust your endurance, but also improve explosiveness, responsiveness and coordination.

There are also direct water controllers who draw water from the air to fight, which is one of the most headaches in close combat. Because the water element itself can exist and accumulate, its stability has reached an almost heinous level, and skilled controllers can easily turn it into anything: High-pressure water flow can cut gold and broken stones; controlling water flow can arbitrarily adjust the power, area, frequency, and strength of the fighter's attack. Under this control, it is just a small witch; what's more, it can extract water directly from the other party's body! You know, according to the magic soul interference theorem, spiritual power is usually impossible to directly interfere with the interior of other people's bodies by clever methods, otherwise it is better to simply summon in the other person's body. However, the water system can directly extract water from the other party's body through pressure control, but this method is too ferocious and vicious.

In addition, the water system can also add various effective attack methods at will, such as toxins. Most toxins and corrosive items are in a ** state, which contain certain water elements. If you fight by controlling these things, you can disgust the other party even if you can't defeat them. And the most disgusting thing is the kind of person who can combine all these, because this belongs to the same system, and the best performance of the water system is compatible, and it is also possible to control all of them. If you have such an opponent, people will stay away from it!

Of course, the water system is not invincible. Among the magic resistance equipment sold on the market, it has the most resistance to the water system. Basically, it is produced in water, and it will have a certain degree of resistance to the water system. In addition, the excellent compatibility performance of the water system is both a benefit and a disadvantage, and the attack is easy to be assimilated. Basically, you can buy that kind of complete water resistance protective equipment more than 1,000 gold marks. In contrast, the power of other departments that can defend half of it has been praised at a sky-high price.

It's just that Sus doesn't have that kind of thing.

It feels like catching a deep-sea viper without even a boat, and this viper looks very difficult to deal with.

"Sius, the magic swordsman of the space department." Pulling out the sword, Seus is ready to attack at any time and kill him before the other party form a spell. This is the most effective way for the other magician.

"Ah, it turns out to be a space department. It's really interesting. I don't know if it can jump around like a flea as Legend has been told?" The other party wore white gloves and made a gesture of unfolding his hand. Xius felt strange. Seeing Xius's vigilant eyes, Cassia smiled, "That's good, it's alert enough." After saying that, he shook his hand violently. Just in an instant, Susi dodged a few meters from the original place, and a splash bloomed in the place where he had just stood, but the power contained in it was beyond doubt. If he was directly strangled, he would immediately lose his fighting power.

Since the other party has taken action, Susi didn't say much. He flashed his sword and broke through dozens of meters of space, intending to bite the other party to death.

Bo, a transparent water ripple appeared in the air, the ripples dispersed, and the hand was undamaged.

"It's useless if it's just fast, hehe!" Kasha raised her hand, and the two streams of water turned into long snakes and strangled them with indestructible strength. Yes, it was a technique of high-pressure water flow.

Xius quickly avoided the encirclement of the two streams, but he was not in a hurry. If it had been a big headache before, but now, the shadowless sword shot out again. This time, it was not transparent water ripples, but the vibrated air. The water ripples finally showed its blue real body, but the defense layer was squeezed open. Mouth. However, this time, Sius still failed, because usually the magicians, a group of insecure guys, will not just put a layer of defense.

"Dimensional cut! Bastard!" Kasha, who was still leisurely the first second, immediately became nervous. Because Dimensional chopping could only add one effect at a time, she was blocked by his second layer of protection, but this was enough to scare him half to death. What is Dimensional chopping! Spell nemesis! There is almost no unbreakable defensive technique. Since the other party is a space system, how can you not beware of this technique! There was no intention to surprise why the other party used this technique. Kasha quickly reflected and immediately changed his tactical strategy.

Seeing that his raid was unsuccessful, Suses no longer avoided the high-speed current. The other party saw that there was anything else to cover up? Shake his hand and smashed the two high-speed water currents. Without saying a word, Yin Zhan hit Kaxia for free. It was not seen that he had set several layers of defense, but under the sword of the dimension chopping, they were all meaningless things, thinner than window paper and broken as soon as they were poked. But when Xiusi's sword hit Cassia, an accident happened and his whole body cracked! Yes, it cracked and then turned into a pool of water and disappeared on the ground.

Water mirror? Xiusi was alerted around. The water on the ground flowed around, as if it were alive. How to cut off it would still get back together, while Cassia seemed to disappear. Without these flowing water, Xius would have thought he had escaped.

Claudia, who was in the appearance battle, showed a little bitter smile when she saw this scene. She was the same at the beginning. This magic sword is too sharp to shake its edge head-on. If she doesn't use tactics, she will be defeated in less than five minutes. Similarly, the first time I really saw the invincible fighting method of Xiusi, Hu Chiyo also frowned, but he shook his head slightly while frowning, as if he was denying something.

The other party has not shown his real body for a long time, and Susi stood silently in the center of the field. If it had been in the past, he would directly use sword skills to force the other party out, but now Xius is no longer so fierce or immature. This is just a game and does not want to kill the other party. To grow up is to know how to stop. What, are you going to be a shrinking turtle?"

"..." Can't you get an answer? Only the circular water flows rapidly around Xius.

"Do the students of Imperial College have this ability?" Seus smiled and continued to provoke.

Bang! The other party immediately responded. A water arrow shot out, and Xiusi raised his sword and smashed it. Suddenly, the eyes of the people around him suddenly became surprised.

"You will pay the price!" As Sius turned around, Cassina's figure with an ice thorn appeared in the field of vision, close at hand, and he pushed the ice thorn like a thorn.

"Mage's melee? You look at me too much." Ice belongs to entities, and there is naturally no way to break it directly with the current dimension of Moses, but how much is the coordination of a mage to the body? No matter how good it is, it will rust if you don't use it! With a gentle push, Xius pushed away the ice thorn and approached his body. The blade hit Cassia's throat.

Just as Sus was about to make a declaration of victory, Kasha suddenly smiled and said, "You've been tricked." He suddenly hugged Xiusi, turned into a ball of water, and wrapped Xiusi. One of the characteristics of water is entanglement. Once it is entangled, it is difficult to get rid of it. What's more, Xiusi does not have any defensive skills. In the blue **, Xiusi struggled desperately and can't get out.

"Hahaha, Magic Swordius is just like this!" On the other side of the field, Cassia appeared again. He crossed his hands and quickly constructed the technique. A rapid collection of water flow formed, which was the most practical high-pressure water flow in the water system. "It's over!" Probably afraid of another change, Kasha did not hesitate to take action. The water turned into a snake and was about to bite Xius to death.

"...It's said that you can't do it... How can you win without the idea of killing the other party!" With a deep fluctuation, Xiusi, whose right shoulder was penetrated by water flow, did not know where to send out the dimension cut. The water prison collapsed in an instant. The water splashed everywhere, holding a sword in his left hand, and the messy sea of the soaked teenager revealed the crimson of choosing people.

"Bastard! It's so difficult!" Kasha sank into the flowing water trail on the ground again, hoping to wait for the opportunity to use tactics again, but he was no longer the young man in front of him.

Puff! The sword ran through Kasha's thigh and nailed him to the ground, while the murderer pulled him up by his collar. "That fool, obviously we have the same strength, why is it so lame! The malice of this rat is more obvious than farting! Why don't you get him out? Hey, you hurt me! Hello!" The red eyes are full of crazy murderous intent. Because of his pull, Kasha's white uniform has become red, blood and dripping. The water system can repair itself and control blood loss, but under this almost murderous means, who can endure such severe pain to control the technique?

Kasha's scream shocked the whole venue, but if Kasha did not admit defeat, the game could not be suspended. As the captain in charge of this ring, only Kasha has the right to suspend other people's games. Although others can replace the emergency, the juniors who are familiar with his personality dare not suspend the game for the battle maniac Kasha at all, or they have been scared by the demon on the stage and stared at it. This tragedy can't move a step.

Hu Chiyo clenched the authentic in her hand. This big knife was given to her by her father. The so-called everything is spiritual, and the authentic who followed this samurai family for generations also has a strong spirituality. Now, Hu Chiyo feels that the authentic, who usually exudes blood, is actually afraid, and his hands are constantly trembling. This is the true face of the murderous intention! Compared with the prepared Tiger Chiyo, Claudia was completely scared. How exciting this scene is for the aristocratic girl who has never been to the battlefield and has never seen a bloody one!

When the murderer raised the poor water mage to the height of his shoulder, the scattered blood had already splashed with the original water on the ground, dyeing half of the ring red, and a huge torn wound was pulled out on his thigh. The scarlet blood fell down the corners of his clothes. Kasha's screams were exhausted, and her eyes began to turn white.

" Stop it! Stop the game!" From the beginning of the occurrence, to alarming everyone, and then to the appearance of the stopper, it only takes about 20 seconds. How much blood can the arterial vessels spewed out in 20 seconds? How many people can be hoarse for up to 20 seconds to the scream of the smeller's scalp? Already satisfied, the murderer threw the broken bag-like Kasha on the ground, pulled out his sword, the indigo uniform was stained with a blood-red medal, and Shiran left.

"He is indeed a devil." Looking at this scene coldly, Cassiris's blue eyes sparkled with hatred.

Due to the advanced medical conditions of Imperial College, Cassia did not die, but the fear of death tormented him for at least a long time. The injury on the leg was not very serious. Although there was too much blood loss, the blood was collected and filled by the first-aid water mage on the spot. It was not a big problem. After recovering the wound, it was soon to move. The only thing that could not be cured was Kasha's vocal cords. Because of excessive howling, Kasha's vocal cords exceeded the load, just like A long string can no longer return to its original state. Kasha's life has to communicate with others with an old man's hoarse voice.

At this time, Hughes sat in his previous seat. The difference is that all the people in Belsas were far away from him. He was very satisfied with what he had just done. Just now, Hughes, who was timid to face his friend, was unwilling to take control of his body. He has been detained by him for the past few days and unable to speak. The anger finally came out. Now Hughes is extraordinarily comfortable, hanging on an aggressive smile and sweeping at the field. He needs prey, the next prey, to make him happy enough.

"xiu...ius." Others will hide far away, but Hu Chiyo won't. She also has a responsibility to see the murderous side of Seus. It's just that the girl samurai is still careful, "You, are you all right?"

"Ah?" Hughes moved his red eyes to the girl, "Of course I'm fine. No, I should say that I feel quite good now!" Looking at the confused girl, he suddenly came up with an idea and reached out to pull the girl over.

"You, what are you doing!" The girl dragged by Hughes was a little nervous. In Hughes' current state, anyone would feel a sense of crisis.

"Lend me your knife, this is too bad." Hughes was quite dissatisfied with his poor weapons.

"Oh, that's good." The girl was slightly relieved, took down the authentic and gave it to Hughes.

Take over the authentic. Although this knife is not a weapon he is used to, Hughes likes it very much. This is a killing knife, not an aristocratic toy like Claudia's silver wings soaring. So beautiful!" Hughes pulled out a knife and exclaimed sincerely.

"It's the first time I've seen you like authentic so much." Hu Chiyo looked at Xiusi unexpectedly. When he was in his hometown, he was indeed a good knife that everyone admired, but the aesthetics of this country was basically the kind of broad sword or thin sword. For the first time in a year, he saw someone praising the authentic and used adjectives only by swordsmiths.

"It's the same as you!" Suddenly, Hughes launched a raid. Unprepared, he reached out and hugged the girl in his arms, kissed her fiercely, and then stood up and turned away.

Hu Chiyo looked at the young man's departing figure, and his pretty face was full of blush and confusion. His stunned expression was so cute. Hughes turned his face and put on an innocent expression, "Is it really beautiful?" After saying that, he walked to the next prey that had just been picked. Today will be a bloody day.