Magic Sword

01 Sunny start

The wind is gentle and the sun is beautiful and cloudless. What a nice day.

A row of black and white flags is flying on the largest square in Banbo. Under the flag, the knights wearing black and silver armor stood silently like statues, and he surrounded the whole square. If it is in ordinary times, no one will pay attention to this group of guards, because their task is to silently guard the order, or they themselves are part of the order, but these knights are different. On their high banner, there is a roaring black dragon! The knights were covered with armor all over their bodies, without revealing any flaws; even the parts of their eyes were covered by a deliberately polished crystal. As long as this group of majestic guards stand there, it gives people a sense of shock.

Yes, this is the Imperial Dragon Army.

The strongest legion on the continent! If there is a word robot in the world, it must be the best description of the Dragon Legion.

Under the protection of the soldiers, there was no sound in the whole square. Why is there no sound? Because the most powerful people in the whole continent are standing on the huge viewing platform built on the square by the magicians for more than a week. Except for the guardians who looked like sculptures, all the nobles and civilians who came to watch the ceremony half knelt on the ground to show their highest respect to the most noble people in the country.

Hundreds of thousands of people bend their knees at the same time in the square of tens of thousands of square meters. What a majesty and glory it is for a person! And the king is the one who deserves to enjoy all this.

Pandragang the Great, or Pandragang II, stood high on a 30-meter-high ceremonial table and looked down at his people. Pandragon II, who was born in the world, is neither a wise king nor a tyrant. He just inherits everything the royal family has and enjoys blessings from his ancestors. There is nothing wrong with this. The emperor is also a human being. Although he enjoys all his glory, he will always have a hundred years. As for a hundred years later, it will be difficult to control his flood. For the emperor, the country is a body. You can only expect it not to be too grumpy and run smoothly. How good or bad it is suddenly is not a good sign, because everyone knows that the sudden change in the body is a sign of illness.

And the emperor himself is like this physical spirit. He needs to cheer himself up from time to time to benefit his health, so there is such an activity as the battle conference.

It's like a puzzle game. First of all, it can mobilize all parts of the body to operate, so that it can know whether its functions are complete and check whether the working state is normal. Then, it is conducive to accelerating metabolism and can select fresh blood and nutrition that are good for health to strengthen the body. Finally, it can also make the spirit happy. One time. It seems that it is indeed a beneficial and harmless thing.

It's a pity that some people are not happy.

As the players entering, Seus and Claudia were unfortunately assigned together and knelt in front of the row separated by the Imperial Dragon Army. After that, it was the audience area. No wonder, one entered the competition with the last risk, and the other was the only civilian who entered the competition, although he was once a noble.

Claudia is very uncomfortable with facing her buttocks at such a guy, while Xius is happy to appreciate the embarrassment of the girl twisting around in the back. Ah, by the way, because of some relationships, there is no such thing as underwear in the world, and as an aristocratic woman, Claudia has to wear a skirt. Although there are suspender stockings, the key parts can't be completely covered for hygiene. When there is no need for cotton wool, she can barely cover it with a breathable silk cloth, so... ...So there's no need to say later!

For good, it didn't take long to kneel down, and Claudia soon ended this hellish suffering. After the ceremony, she resisted the impulse to kick Xius without turning back, followed the entrance team to get on the horse and drive to the allocated field. Well, yes, because she was going to ride a horse, it was impossible to wear a long skirt...

Although the prize was robbed, although there were many twists and turns in the middle, and although there were many..., as the most important scene of the imperial college trials, the battle conference still opened as originally planned.

After a troublesome and complex etiquette and customs of the imperial master of ceremonies, the formal battle finally began.

The order of the game is very traditional, and the draw is a final battle. If that's not the case, isn't there no way to operate in a black box?

So, as expected, Sus drew from the paladin who seemed very difficult to deal with. And Claudia should be worthy of the family of God. In the end, she drew a student from an Imperial College, and that kind of unknown person is naturally much more easy to deal with.

For this result, Sus is a little disappointing. It would be nice if he could draw any Zigfei first, but thinking about it, the other party will not let this kind of seed player get up at the beginning. Shaking his head, he walked to the designated field with his sword and saw that the other party was already standing on the stage waiting for him. After seeing the arrival of both sides, the referee began to signal each other to name each other.

"The Paladin, Zach Van Earls." The paladin's voice sounded quite young, but he wore a heavy helmet and could not see the other party's appearance.

"Space Magic Swordsman, Sus." Xiusi shook his sword. Well, it didn't look like there was any problem and wouldn't fly out casually. He turned his eyes to the referee and said, "It's time to start."

After both sides nodded and confirmed at the same time, Xius shook his hand and shot the sword out. Of course, the hilt was still in his hand. Longya crossed a distance of ten meters directly and shot at the other party. Of course, the other party has to fight. As soon as the cross-shaped knight gun turns, it will swing, and then the sword will bend to the other side, soft... Xius is silent. Isn't this become a whip? But speaking, what kind of steel bar will definitely bend into this shape. Although it has strong toughness and will not break, it is like this It's really not easy to use. So he still changed the sword back to its original appearance.

chou, well, needless to say, there is only one word, draw, you can only see the shadow, but you can't see the action, and you can't predict it at all. You can understand that its action seems to be drawing people, and you can also understand that this swordsmanship is very convulsive, but this is not a troublesome thing for the earth knight. Love, saw the opportunity, and his hand was wrapped in strong magic. The knight's right hand suddenly lost his gun, grabbed Seus's sword in one hand, and his left hand pulled out his sword to prepare for close combat.

This is the best strategy. The knight's sword is the kind of short sword that is dozens of centimeters long, which is most suitable for close to the war. For the space system with weak defense, there is nothing more troublesome than proximity, and the sword skill of Xius itself is like a spirit snake. , grasping the sword body will inevitably be close to you.

If you are an ordinary person, you must suffer a big loss!

But are there ordinary people still standing on the stage now?

The teenager's disposal was very decisive. He directly threw away his dragon teeth and dodged. Then when the knight turned around, he was pulling out the knight's gun.

The earth knight laughed and said, "The knight's gun can't be used by everyone!" With that, he threw Xiusi's sword off the stage. This is a very wise strategy for ordinary people. If he loses the easy weapon, the strength of the other party will be greatly reduced.

"Oh, is it?" In the knight's surprised eyes, the teenager pulled out a 100-pound war gun with one hand and shot down the knight without hesitation. It was really a messy way to fight.

But I have to admit that the effect is indeed amazing. The reckless slash of such a heavy gun directly bombarded a crack on the table. After such a long time of slashing, the earth knight narrowly dodged, because if it is an attack sent by Xius, the distance and speed need to be recalculated. One second before the gun fell, I was not sure where the slash would indeed fall. This is the knight's homework a long time ago.

"That's good. It's better than that damn thing." Xius threw up the gun with satisfaction, controlled the space and distance, and began to bombard at will, and the whole field blossomed everywhere. Looking at all the games, this is the most lively. This kind of powerful bombardment is absolutely impossible to be received. Although the speed of the attack has slowed down a little, the attack trajectory is more and more strange. He obviously waved forward, but the knight standing on the left has to hide to the front of Seus to avoid this violent slash. And the earth knight, who completely lost his weapon advantage, was like a fly, and was run away by a rat waving a gun by Xius.

You don't need to deliberately calculate to master the rhythm of the battle, which is the so-called combat instinct. Originally, such a thing, whether it is competition or fighting, as long as you fall into the rhythm of the other party, it is basically difficult to have the art of returning to heaven, of course, except for those who have must-kill skills.

Unable to stand this kind of humiliating chase, the God's family will naturally use their skills. Yes, it is awakening.

Seus also tried to interrupt it, but this armor played a good role in protection. After a hard blow by Seus, the paladin was bombarded dozens of meters away, turned over several heels on the ground and fell a dog to eat shit, but the awakening was finally completed. The gift from the earth is unparalleled defense and resilience. In fact, when it comes to defense, most people will think of such a defensive field such as the imperial dragon armor. However, for the paladin of the goddess of the earth, defense is incomplete without endless resilience, and the defense that the soil can have from force field to physics is truly a truly perfect defense system. It's not easy for Xius to get it.

The knight who got up from the ground shook off the dust, held the dagger in his right hand, and made a provocative gesture to Seus.

The murderer smiled and laughed quite horribly. The red light in his eyes seemed to devour the other party. He waved a big gun and appeared above the earth knight in an instant, with a shot down.

It was jaw-dropping, and the knight caught the slash. Although the ground under his feet cracked because of the violent force, he still caught it. The dagger shines earthy yellow, like a solid stone. If it is an ordinary person, he should be scared and confused! Unfortunately, there is a murderer in front of him. If you can't kill him with one shot, then two shots, ten shots if you don't kill him, and 100 shots if you don't kill ten shots!

The stormy bombarded the earth knight, and the whole stadium and the earth trembled. Other unknown people turned their eyes one after another and saw a teenager smashing the other party to the ground crazily, as if he were a stake, until he hit him above his chest and was still exposed. The murderer stopped, and in everyone's stunned eyes, he raised the gun high and stabbed it. Puff! The defense of the earth knight was broken through, and the high splashing blood announced the crazy victory.

"Why?" The earth knight with round eyes looked at the teenager in front of him in horror and didn't know why his defense would be broken through.

"Idiot, how many times do you think your defense can stop the dimension?" Leaving a regal back for everyone, the teenager Shiran left, and the rescue team behind him was nervously busy.

At that hit, when the dimension chopping was offset, Xius would add it again. In an instant, it was imposed several times in a row, so the stronger defense was also broken. The knight was nailed to the ground by his own gun, which is to step on his face under the horse's hoof! The students of Sao Paulo roared angrily, butius deliberately turned his face to give them a sarcastic smile.

"Chu, I don't think you need to provoke them." At the break table, Lucia handed over water and towels, and I have to say that the girl did quite perfectly in this regard.

"I just think there will be a good show in this way." The teenager took the water and shrugged his shoulders indifferentally, "Where's Chiyo? Where did she go?"

"She went to pick up your sword." After saying that, I saw the girl warrior struggling to squeeze out of the crowd, holding the dragon's teeth in her hand.

"Sius, your sword!" Hu Chiyo held the sword and wanted to hand it to Xiusi, but the teenager did not follow.

"Well, Chiyo, let me borrow your authentic! This sword is too difficult to use!" Xiusi had the audacity to discuss with the girl.

"No!" Chiyo refused, threw the dragon teeth to him, and quickly retreated. "Sius has broken the authentic once!" Thinking about the previous situation, it is really impossible to lend it to him again.

However, Sius did not give up, "Well, Chiyo, aren't you going to marry me in the future?"

"You, you, why did you say this, so what!" The girl protected her love knife.

"After becoming my wife, you are mine. Your things are my things, so the authentic ones are also mine, right?" This brazen logic can never be said by the previous Xius.

"Wow...Yes..." The girl samurai blushed and lowered her head, but still clung to the authentic.

"So why don't you give me the authentic?" The devil deliberately raised his face.

"Yes, but Sus will interrupt the authentic!" Chiyo is still struggling for authenticity, but it's only the last blow.

Exus stretched out his hand and pulled the girl warrior into his arms with a knife. "Don't worry, it won't be like last time. It's just an accident."

The situation of girls is always blind. In the end, Chiyo believed his promise and handed over the authentic to Xius, but poor authentic classmates.