Magic Sword

03 The Sorrow of mortals

The time will be delayed by half a month.

A team of people on Qiaosheng Grassland, more than 300 kilometers east of Banbo, are busy camping. This kind of thing was rare before, because the Oga Empire built an official road on Qiaosheng Grassland. Through this road, it will soon pass through this wolf-swarmed grassland, and no one will choose to stop here. But this is not the same time. After claiming that Banbo became chaotic and Oga split, city owners, powerful people, and even robbers everywhere think that their opportunities have come. The originally well-mantwined road has been destroyed, and this place has once again become a dangerous place full of thorns.

The team's destination is Tarrosburg behind Chuck Hill. It is said that there was a count ruler with strong force, which was relatively stable, so many refugees began to converge to the rumored Bilbisburg with a glimmer of hope, hoping to have an inch of shelter there. This is the psychology of ordinary people. Even if they are cruelly ruled, it is better than being involved in war.

"The first and second team is responsible for defense. The other brothers go to eat something and change shifts at eight o'clock!" Claude is the commander of the mercenary regiment responsible for this escort mission, but he looks less than 20 years old, and it is amazing that he can skillfully command this hundreds of mercenary regiments.

The mercenaries responded and quickly disbanded. In the turbulent era, mercenaries are probably one of the few beneficiary groups. Mercenaries who put their heads on their waists basically have nothing to worry about. Although the probability of death has increased in the turbulent era, the relative income has also increased. Mercenaries are not afraid of death, as long as they can live happily, even if Death on the battlefield is also a matter of karma.

"Msander Claude, how long will it take for us to arrive?" A well-dressed old man asked in the tone of the superior.

"We will arrive in about ten days, Lord Hawke." The young regiment leader is neither humble nor arrogant. There is no need to be polite to these people who take the money of the villagers to dictate to themselves. The young people's blood is not cold to this kind of person at all.

"Can't it be faster! I give you so much money. If you dare to postpone it, you can't get the rest of the money!" In fact, he came here to say this sentence. After leaving this sentence, Mr. Hawke waved his sleeve and left.

Claude rolled his eyes and didn't take his words to heart. At this time, a woman wrapped in a black veil passed by. Claude's eyes lit up. After confirming that there was no problem with his dress and dress, he took two steps to catch up with her. "Miss Luna! Good evening!"

"Good evening." The answer is the girl's voice. Although only a pair of blue eyes are left wrapped in black gauze, it can be judged from those eyes that the girl is definitely a beauty.

"Do you want to bring food to your brother today?" Claude tried to close the two, but it was not easy.

"Yes." This time, the girl inadvertently dodged his hands that wanted to take the food on her hand and turned around and walked in the other direction.

Looking at Yiren gradually leaving, Claude shook his head and sighed. At this time, he suddenly felt someone patted him on the shoulder, "They ignore you!" This sentence can be seen from the sentence that there is no comfort, just pure gloating.

Claude, with an affectionate face, didn't look at the face of his bad friend, but just shook his head, "Vick, you don't understand. Luna is willing to talk to me, which shows that I still have a chance!"

"It's over, this brain is burning!" She shook her head helplessly, and the comer made an expression of being defeated by you. "This girl seems to know that the aristocratic lady who has to be anonymous for some reason can't like you."

"But if something really happens to her family, I can protect her!" Claude's face was full of the words 'irrecurable'.

"Alas..." Vic shook his head, "It's up to you."

A girl named Luna walked into the tent with food. What she saw was Xius lying on the ground in a cloth plate, and the long knife was tightly wrapped in a place within his reach.

"I'm back. Thank you for your hard work." Xius opened his eyes and sat up from the ground. At this time, he was no longer the magic sword that even Emperor Oga dared to cut, but just a downtrodden boy who followed the villagers to escape. As a strong young man, he must help pull the goods, even if a large part of the goods are from the master known as Hawke.

"It's okay." Naturally, the girl who took off the veil is Lucia. The beauty she is usually proud of is like a curse at this time, and she will constantly cause all kinds of trouble for herself, so she chooses this dress. Unfortunately, even if this can't hide the arrogant appearance, it is still entangled by the young commander of the mercenary regiment. "This is given by Uncle Jim. Eat it while it's hot."

Looking at the yellow aristocratic girl with a slightly yellow face and a baked sweet potato in her hand, there was a sense of guilt in his heart. At one time, he thought that Lucia had other intentions, but now he even regretted that he had promised to take this girl with him. It was Edward that he became like this. I'm sorry..." The teenager muttered.

"What?" Lucia's eyes showed confusion.

"Nothing." The teenager who took over the sweet potato and began to nibble on it didn't want to say more.

The half-curved bright moon hung high in the sky, and the young regimental commander stood at the highest point of the camp and looked into the distance.

The grassland reverberating at night is the most terrible. Even on the second night of entering the grassland, there are many people who are trembling with fear. After all, the wolves on Qiaosheng's grassland have a legend that even dragon beasts can besiege and kill.

But that's not what Claude, as the head of the mercenary regiment, is worried about. Wolves are not terrible, but human beings are terrible... Since someone deliberately destroys the road, whether it is a band of thieves or rebels, it is better to cross here undetectedly, otherwise...

Before Claude came to a conclusion, the moonlight grassland flashed a little.

Of course, he will not naively think that it will be some kind of stream or strange flowers and plants, because there is only one possibility! Enemy attack! Enemy attack, enemy attack, enemy attack! Women and children go to hide! Men take up arms and prepare to fight!!!" The running Claude slapped his scabbard with his sword, and the sound woke up more people. People got up in panic, and the camp was in chaos for a moment.

"Claude! Which side came to the enemy attack?

"East. Vic, go and help me take care of Miss Luna, and I'll organize my brothers. Claude quickly explained to his best friend and then ran to the center of the camp.

"This guy..." Vic shook his head helplessly, but had to take care of a woman.

A group of mercenaries. Generally, there will be more than a dozen to two dozen regular members in a mercenary regiment who can maintain enough to complete daily tasks. Every time there is a big task, they will recruit some scattered free mercenaries. As long as they obey the command, they can get a commission. Therefore, although everyone has good skills, because of its loose situation, it is still difficult to command when fighting, which requires the ability of the mercenary commander.

Claude shouted loudly, preparing his hands for defense with one hand and preparing for raiding the enemy in the other hand when necessary. Mercenaries are not soldiers, and they are better at attacking than defense, which is well known to every mercenary regiment commander.

The enemy didn't let Claude wait for a long time to appear.

is a pack of wolves. However, it is a relief that the number is only 30. Compared with the mercenary regiment with more than 80 people, it is at most a little more wolf meat to taste, and some mercenaries have begun to cheer! Claude kept frowning, "Be careful, everyone! There is no reason for such a large number of wolves to attack such a large camp!"

Just when a person was awakened by this sentence, there was a sound of air sliding away in the dark, "It's a bow and arrow!" Raise the shield!" The deaf and clear-sighted person first reacted and escaped the disaster, and the slightly suspicious person was shot to the ground by the arrow.

Claude glanced and estimated that the other party's archers were about 50. If they were nomadic thieves, they were basically archers. With so many arrows, it means that they were only so many people; but if they were an ordinary group of thieves, the general swordsmen were It will be more than three times that of archers! This made Claude sweat coldly.

The attacked mercenaries began to be a little chaotic, which does not mean that the wolves will also be chaotic. The wolves on Qiaosheng grassland are extremely tough because they have been hunting various large beasts for a long time. With the scream of the beast, the mercenaries realized that someone had been attacked by the wolf. When they hurried to find who was attacked, a young mercenary who hit an arrow in the leg and was crushed by three wolves had been bitten off his throat, but in this situation, no one dared to come forward to take back the body for his companions and could only be dragged into the wolves to bite and share food.

The mercenaries tried to retreat to stabilize the formation, but the other party obviously would not give them this opportunity, and the second round of bow and arrow strikes came as promised.

This time, few people were hit by arrows due to their defense, but the approaching wolves killed two more mercenaries.

Claude knows that if his side is bound to be completely destroyed if it goes on like this, it's better to attack. He hasn't seen the other party after two rounds of attacks, and he must not be a band of thieves. Brothers! If it goes on like this, you will die! Rush up and kill these bastards first!" Claude, the leader of the regiment, was the first to rush up with a big sword.

The regimental commander took the lead, and the mercenaries behind also rushed into the wolves and killed them, and soon killed half of the wolves.

Claude knew that this was just the beginning, and then the third round of arrow rain came, because there was no defense in the wolves. This time, several people were shot to the ground. Fortunately, the wolves had been scared back and began to escape, and there was no time to care about the mercenaries who fell to the ground.

Just rush to kill the other party. This is Claude's current idea, but the moment he broke through the rain of arrows, a very powerful arrow hit his left shoulder and even the whole person was shot out.

Plop! When the mercenaries saw that their regimental commander was shot to the ground, their morale immediately disappeared and quickly set up a shield to prevent themselves from being shot next.

"If you dare to rush up, you don't know anything alive or dead." The torches suddenly lit up in the darkness, and the mercenaries were stunned. The enemy in front of us is not a thief at all, but a group of heavily armed troops! The middle-aged man in the front was holding a bow in his hand, and the arrow just now was his masterpiece.

"Army, why!" Claude, who fell to the ground, was reluctant to get up, but failed.

"You don't need to know this." The officer put down his bow and arrow, lowered his eyelids and waved his hand gently, "Kill them all."

Immediately, thousands of soldiers waved their swords and began to charge. Although their formations were scattered and looked completely unrelated to the elite, they were more than enough to deal with the mercenaries, one thousand to eighty, which was not a battle at all.

The scattered mercenaries died and fell to the ground without running far. When the wolf-like soldiers were about to enter the camp, a strange roar suddenly came out of the air, which was not very clear, but it gave people a creepy cold.

If this strange sound is just uncomfortable, then the next scene will only appear in a nightmare.

Dozens of soldiers were cut off at the same time, and their flying limbs and splashing blood flew high into the sky. Claude, who fell to the ground, felt that his eyes had been dyed red. He looked up like the sky to confirm whether he had come to hell. The moon above his head is blood-red, "It turns out that the moon in hell is red!" He looked at the sky, as if his soul had been taken away by something.

" Lucy, didn't I tell you to close your eyes?" With one hand, the authentic teenager looked at the stunned girl beside her, and her tone did not mean to blame her. If she really wanted to follow herself, she must get used to this kind of thing in the future.

"I'm sorry, repair." Lucia quickly turned around. Even if she throws her back to the enemy, she doesn't want to see that scene again.

Just as she turned around, Zhengzong took dozens of lives and scattered his limbs, and the teenager just stood there with a knife as if he had done nothing.

"What else to watch? Don't you bring your regimental leader back?" Sis recognized Claude. This guy had cleared Lucia once before and took good care of himself in the motorcade.

"Ah! Ah, yes!" Vic's only knowledge did not help him judge what was going on in front of him, but it should be no harm to his side. He dared to step on countless broken limbs and arms and rushed to the place where Claude fell.

"Up! Kill them!"

It seems that the other party is just a group of ants. After making the above judgment, Xiusi casually began to build a sea of corpses.

Sus gave up a large area of slashing, but used the speed of the sword to kill all the people close to him. Now he doesn't want to expose his whereabouts, so he controls the officer first.

One, one, one after another. Swords, amputated limbs, internal organs, blood, and the teenager stepped on the red and white sticky substance on the ground, and the teenager came slowly with death and blood.

The officer with good archery has been completely stunned by the crazy scene in front of him, and even the bow and arrow he is proud of has forgotten. The footsteps mixed with screams and calls for help are heavy like a warning of death, and the footprints soaked in plasma are getting closer and closer, 40 meters, 30 meters, 20 meters...

When Seus put the knife on the neck of the middle-aged man in the officer's uniform, he found that he was staring at himself with wide eyes, and even the cold blade on his neck was unconscious.

"Are you dead?" The teenager knocked the officer's head with a knife. He fell to the ground and stared at the dark night sky.

I was going to save some effort. Forget it. Anyway, I'm going to kill everyone. Xiusi looked around at the group of soldiers who were still running away. No one could escape in such a broad grassland. All they could do was die. The teenager wanted to disappear in the same place.

The howling first sounded from the farthest distance from the camp. The deserters, who were already frightened birds, were so scared that they ran in the other direction. As a result, they soon found that someone in front of them was also wailing because of the loss of their lives.

Where is the enemy? I don't know, but I just know that another person will die every second, and this person may be himself the next second.

It seems to be a flock of sheep driven away by an evil tiger, but unfortunately, people are not as ignorant as sheep. If the ignorant escapes and dies ignorantly, it may also be a blessing! But the soldiers who fled back and forth in vain soon found that they were not actually in place immediately.

After eating the last will of fear, the soldiers who gave up the escape knelt on the ground and cried loudly. Some even couldn't bear to pull out their daggers and ended up their lives.

Repair! Enough! Stop it!" Just as Moses was about to kill the young soldier in front of him, Lucia's call came from the distance.

Looking at the girl running over with the veil, Susi showed a confused expression and didn't understand why the other party wanted to stop him.

"Leave the lives of these people. You have been a soldier in the army. You should be able to organize them! If there are so many people, we will soon get a certain status in Tarrosburg.

Although the teenager really wanted to say that he had only killed people in the army and never brought troops, he still swallowed his words when he remembered the way she suffered for herself these days.
