Magic Sword

05 undercurrent

When Suses fled with Lucia, he did not know that Farsas had been covered by a war.

After Banbo's chaos, Kilo, who defected to the Parsa people as a second domestic slave, was asked to attack Saphorus as a gift to Emperor Parsa. The Kilo people did not expect Parsa to do this. It was a great contribution to give Olson to them. The Parsa people took an inch, and King Kilo would naturally be angry. Geographically, Kilo and Saphorus are separated from a whole Sao Paulo. It is understandable that the old knights were bewitched by the Holy See and rebelled, but there is no way to make way for the treacherous Kilo people.

Finally, after consultation between the two sides, it was agreed that the 100,000 Black Raven Legion still in Olson would follow several small lords to sweep Sa Pruss, and the dragon knights of the Thousand Dragon Cliffs followed to wait for work.

When Saposse was attacked, he would naturally want to ask for help from the suzerain. Edward III, who took the throne, took the throne in order to stabilize the hearts of the people and protect the last honest man! The Order of the Roses was sent out. The so-called strongest knights in the empire have their own staffing of all nobles, and everyone is a magic swordsman. In the case that three-fifth of the Ogre nobles have been lost, there are only less than 100 people left in the Rose Knights originally configured with 300 people, and some of them are temporarily transferred from the Imperial College. Basically, they are young people with little actual combat experience, which makes the sad cloud on King Sapulus's face even heavier.

However, if there is a loss, there must be a gain. Historically, it is generally believed that if the Rose Knights were still the 300-person configuration of the original group of old knights, they would not have been so brilliant! Of course, this is the aftert.

When Parsa and Oga were fighting with their lackeys, Sao Paulo and Gabor were not idle there.

In fact, since the chaos of Banbo, all the fiefed and armed Oga nobles have begun to move. The situation of these guys is very delicate. Because they are basically located on the current imperial border, Sao Paulo and Gabor dare not send troops to attack them. There must always be a reputation for sending troops. If they attack rashly, they will immediately fall to the empire. It is more likely that they will be attacked by groups and give other kingdoms the advantage of fishermen! Therefore, no one wants to set fire first in this chaotic situation.

The empire is also facing the same truth. If Edward asks them to send troops to fight against the three kingdoms, it is equivalent to pushing them to the enemy, which will only make the empire's situation more unbearable. Since it can be used as a buffer against the traitors, let them go for a while!

However, this attitude of the major powers does not mean that these small landlords can rest assured. Everyone knows that once they have cleaned up their internal affairs, they will inevitably come to fix themselves. Fortunately, the empire was awarded by the emperor himself in those years. If it were St. Paul and Gabb, they would be robbed of everything without saying a word. In this way, there is only one way: in troubled times, only the strong have the right to live.

These uneasy nobles were like beasts in cages. When they realized that they could only survive by hoarseness and devouring each other, the lord's war began first. Coupled with the secret push of Gabor and Sao Paulo, soon a brainless but ambitious guy jumped out to swallow others to strengthen himself.

Count Biman of Tarohsisburg is one of them.

When the nearly 40 Earl of Biman announced that he was going to defeat his former enemy through war, everyone, including his wife, thought he was crazy! If the emperor knows about attacking other lords, it will inevitably be pushed to the guilloine! But the count proved to everyone that he was not crazy, fully prepared for a long time, and appeased the exchange conditions obtained by other lords. In just three days, Count Biman cut off the head of the count who robbed his lover, although Yiren had already lost his fragrance.

Photographed by the gradual strength of Count Biman, other lords around him also began to compete for armaments and enrich their strength. In the end, the shadow of war inevitably shrouded the land.

While enjoying the glory brought by power, he is more busy preparing for war. When Count Biman saw another bandit named Sius coming to him, he didn't think much about it and directly agreed. After all, there are many people named Xius. No, even if there are not many, Biman, a rural count, will not associate this bandit who came to his own and the magic sword Xius who drew a knife and almost killed the imperial emperor in Banbo.

Therefore, Count Biman did not know that this big man who was no different from the active volcano was standing on his territory with a butcher's knife in his arms, and there was the possibility of drawing a knife to wash the blood here at any time.

After entering the territory, you need to pay half of all the property. It is not difficult to pay for this harsh condition with stolen gold. In this stable place, the currency is still more recognizable than the physical object. However, this group of desperate ruffians actually let them keep half of their women's family and name Lucia, which ignited the anger of all the men, including Xius. Seus's first thought was to chop them all into mud like the bastards in Olson.

Fortunately, someone has already taken action before Suses put it into practice.

The so-called fox pretends to be powerful. Whether they are warriors or ordinary people, they know that there is a ghost and god behind them, and they don't need to be afraid of this group of dogs at all.

Claude was the first to pull out the sword, with the expression that if you want to die, I will fulfill you. Although the mercenaries behind him didn't think it had much to do with them, it was not good to stand here because the regimental commander took action. Besides, few brave and fierce mercenaries are fuel-efficient lamps. How can there be no reason not to fight the guys who send them to the door to fight?

Not to mention the soldiers of the team of Sius. Although Xiusi is a nominal leader, Lucia is basically giving orders these days, especially with Xius, a demon-like guy here. Lucia, who is beautiful and heroic, naturally earns more popularity. A flower in the army, who cut him to death! That's probably the situation.

Seeing that the other party really moved the sword, the guarded soldiers began to be cowardly. How many people are needed to guard the door? More than 200 people stared at themselves cowardly. How many can they not be frightful?

"What's wrong! What happened?! Everyone put away the sword!" At this time, a loud shout inserted into the stagnant situation, and everyone turned their eyes to the young man in his twenties.

"senior! They don't hand in anything!" The villain's first complaint has always been the ability of their ruffians.

The young officer faced more than 200 swords without a trace of fear. "Are you here to turn to the count or to die!" With this arrogant words, he knew that he did not pay attention to the more than 200 people present at all.

Soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals. At this time, the soldiers standing in front of Xius gave way, and they knew that it was not the time for them to intervene.

When the officer crossed a distance of dozens of meters and saw this short black teenager, he subconsciously put on a fighting posture. Killing is like ubiquitous tentacles, penetrating the clothes and licking the skin, forcing the muscles of the whole body to keep tightening and gathering strength to resist this chill. Say who wants to die." The teenager's faint tone was incredibly deterrent.

"Who are you?" The officer asked this rhetorical question.

"What do you think?"

The officers are silent. Although the people who come here are basically shrimp soldiers and crab generals, there may be Jianglong. In this case, it is better to be careful. Let them go and arrange a good station for the knight's troops.

"Oh!!!" Everyone cheered, and the ruffian soldiers who had been blackmailed also knew that their eyes were not good today and obediently shrank away.

In the cheers, only Claude silently took the sword back.

"The general's name is Rezad, and he is in charge of more than 3,000 swordsmen under the earl. He is a person with good reviews."

In the station, Lucia was busy cleaning the temporary wooden house up and down while chatting with Sus standing next to her. It was hard to imagine that a young lady could do such a clean and neat job. In contrast, Xius stood like a piece of wood and had no intention of helping at all.

"Three thousand." Lucia can hear obvious contempt from the four-word statement of Sius.

"Knowing this is nothing, but you can't kill all of them!" She has been trying to change from the concept of "As long as people die, there will be a hundred, so it will be a hundred troubles." "Otherwise, who will cook, grow food, and who will go to war?"

Knowing that he couldn't say anything about her in this regard, he changed the topic, "So what do you want to do next?"

"Why have you been asking me from the beginning, 'What do you want to do?' Isn't there anything you want to do? Lucia suddenly became angry, and she turned around and stared at Xius.

"There is nothing, so there is nothing special I want to do. It was also my whim to draw a knife to kill Edward. Don't get me wrong. Xius turned his eyes to one side and did not look at Lucia.

"You lie! If you really don't care about anything, why you always hold that broken knife! Why do you stare at that badge every night in a daze! If you really don't care! Just leave me here!" After saying that, the girl threw the duster on the ground and was about to run out.

Theus almost subconsciously stretched out his hand and grabbed her.

"Uh." After holding the girl's hand in the palm of his hand, Xiusi found that he didn't know what to say. If it's Hu Chiyo, maybe it's enough to rub it fiercely, but Lucia really doesn't know what to do.

At this time, Lucia, with her back to Seus, suddenly smiled. Looking back at the dull-looking Seus, the girl smiled while touching her tears: "You still have a conscience. If you don't catch me, I really won't come back!"

The teenager pulled the corners of his mouth stiffly and didn't know what expression he should put on.

As Rezad promised, Suss and others were divided into a well-landed station. The camp against the hillside will not be blown by the whistling autumn wind. Standing on the hillside can supervise the soldiers to practice, and at the same time, he can continue to practice his swordsmanship. Seus is very satisfied with his current life.

Speaking of the drill, Xius just copied the one he saw in Olson's barracks. Eight hours of training, eight hours of rest and eight hours of free movement are easy for soldiers, but many people are still afraid of Seus. Even if they know that it is only for him to decide, they will still go to Lucia first. In the face of this ghost that killed many former comrades-in-arms, the grudge in the hearts of the soldiers was not a little bit.

To His surprise, Claude took several people to ask to join his army. He did not pay attention to what had happened before this man and Lucia, so he felt that his arrival was a great help to him.

In the dark tide, everything is as usual on the surface.

"General Sus, the count has an order." Razad was consciously close to Xius a few days ago. He also knew something from the mercenary's mouth. Although he couldn't believe it, he still felt that he needed to have a good relationship with Xius. Otherwise, the 200 people under Hyes could not let Razad take him seriously.

"Hmm?" Suss, who was practicing the sword, stopped. He is not interested in orders at all, but since he wants to maintain such a life, he still has to 'work'.

"This is the order." Rezad handed a sheepskin roll to Sius.

The teenager took a look at the scroll and put it away, "I know."

"What, are you confident?" Rezad seemed to be going to talk, but Sius turned around and left. Because the order said: ambush the Valkyrie squadron.