Magic Sword

02 Crocodile logic

Fedred, born in a military family for generations, felt from the beginning that their leader was a very, very special existence.

The young general who has been nearly 26 years old and has read through military history is no stranger to this kind of instigating war. From the first generation of Emperor Oga to the previous generation of creations, whether it is the rulers, the brainless nobles or the people who follow the trend, and even those traitors who are waiting for the other party to fight, there is nothing more than one thing in common: that is, they all hide away from the war and spit and shout. With all kinds of demagogic arguments, waiting for someone to die and face the enemy's bayonet for their benefit.

As a soldier, Fidered is one of the first to be hit. Even if he hates this kind of person, he has to fight for his duty. Of course, this does not mean that he is an anti-war faction. As a standard soldier, he never escapes fighting.

I feel that the leader is special because his behavior pattern makes him unable to understand at all.

After being denied the strategic deployment before, he was also very powerless and could only let this guy mess around. After all, he was the ruler, and he was just a general, but he was a little confused about what happened later.

The other party directly lost the command to himself, then pulled out the knife and rushed up first, leading the infantry to attack the opponent's battle.

Didn't he think that if he died, the battle would end without fighting?

It's just that he can't think deeply on the fast-changing battlefield. Because of the instant opening a huge opening in the opponent's first wave of battle array, Federed, who had planned to carry out a wave-like offensive, had to start adjusting tactics in a hurry and chose the central breakthrough to directly penetrate the opponent's front.

Since the other party's resistance was basically only maintained for a moment, the battle of more than 100,000 people ended in only one hour. The tired and breathless Fidered wiped his sweat and marveled at the combat effectiveness of their leader - worthy of the man who suppressed the whole Tarotheath by his own strength.

When the battle ended, Seus, who was cast red with blood, came down from the battlefield in the cheers of the soldiers and left a bright red seal on Fide's shoulder with his palm. "Thank you for your hard work, you did a good job!"

Fred, who bowed quickly, wanted to say that if you had planned to do this earlier, please let me know first. But is the other party the boss? When the words came to his mouth, it became, "Lord Xie's praise depends on Lord Xius's bravery."

"Well, then cleaning the battlefield is up to you." After saying that, without waiting for him to agree, Xiusi dragged back with some tired steps. This is a war of ten thousand people. Heius is not a monster with unlimited endurance like the Valkyrie. After an hour of high-intensity battle, he can't tell which is blood or sweat.

Yes! My lord." Silently as the teenager who only reached his shoulders faded away, Fid suddenly wondered if what he said in his speech that day was true? Remember that when you were at this age, you were still chasing the girl's buttocks in the college!

After defeating Brun's allied forces, Seus did not stop and immediately chose to attack the city of Modocili of Count Na Jones, which was twice aspopulous as Taros. In the case of all the soldiers, Talossus could only vacate 34,000 civilian soldiers to resist Brun's attack, except for the people who maintained the normal operation of the city. However, when Seus and the others arrived in Modoshiri, Count Na Jones standing in front of him still had more than 20,000 garrisons to defend the castle.

The army only went on an expedition five days ago, and now the other party has hit his doorstep. Count Na Jones, who originally intended to follow the trend and make some benefits, was greatly scared, but he was relieved to see that the other party was only 5,000 cavalry. After all, who would think that this force could capture his castle?

Although Elbrus has a large population and tens of thousands of people in any city, people like Teus should not appear in such a small lord war.

There are only a few dozen people who can graduate from the heavy Oga Five College every year. In addition to being divided by the empire, there are always a few guys who don't know where to hide to practice in order to pursue their own limits of power. The little lord wants to get such a person, not to mention this kind of thing. People in Sius are also the best among these people.

According to Kuran, the previous combat strength of Xius was equivalent to half a regular division. Although he doesn't know how much he has increased in such a circle as Banbo, he is also a role of ten thousand enemies anyway. Even if there is a magic swordsman and magician in Modosiri, there can't be a humanoid monster, so Seus dared to kill with 5,000 cavalry with such a big thorn.

The siege and so on are all nonsense. In the blink of an eye, they cut off the narrow suspension bridge chain of the bowl. Five thousand cavalry rudely opened the gate and rushed in before the soldiers defending the city could realize what had happened, and then shouted to kill four people and stained the tower with blood.

When Razad's follow-up troops came, they only saw Modoshili, who was already full of corpses under the sunset. The body of Count Na Jones was nailed to the high gate by a gun, and his feet swayed back and forth in the slightly bloody spring breeze.

"Have you finished dealing with it?" Hearing his friend's footsteps, he stood on the wall and looked down at the whole city of Modoshiri and lit a cigar.

"Well, where's your side?" Fide deliberately avoided it a little because he didn't like the taste.

"It's much more troublesome than yours, and I didn't expect Modusiri to be beaten like this. There is still a lot of work after that. Although everyone is very well-behaved, there are still people who have been overwhelmed by the war. However, the adult's movements are too fast. The general with a smile shook his head and thought that he still had a lot of work to do later. Instead, he felt how rare it was to smoke now.

"I have received an order from the adults to receive Bellota City in Brun before tomorrow morning."

"Cough..." Rezad's open mouth stiffened, and he was choked by the smoke coming out of his mouth. "What...what did you say? "Bellota City?"

"Well, I think the adults have arrived at Bellota now!" Fidered replied faintly that after seeing the previous battle, he had no doubt that he could take Belota.

"What the hell is this guy is he worried about!"

"I'm afraid you have something to do! It's not just about fighting for hegemony in troubled times.

"Alas, young people work too hard to do things." Rezad shook his head, but in fact, he was only 27.

"However, taking Belota City has exceeded the limit, and we have no troops to control these places at all. To say something that should not be said, adults are still too arbitrary to do things. There was a trace of sadness in Felder's eyebrows.

"You don't have to worry about this." At this time, a voice came in.

The two turned around at the same time and appeared in front of the young man named Ian, "Mr. Ian, why are you here?"

"I came here with the adult cavalry." The blonde young man stretched out a lot. Although he looked tired, he was still full of energy. "This is different from Tarotheas. The people who are used to ruling are the same. I have had everyone disposed of all the people who may have a to do with the count's family. The unstable seeds have been dug up, and the rest just water the color of Tarossis.

"I don't understand the power skills of you people. Since Mr. Ian can guarantee that they will not resist, I am happy to transfer soldiers to more useful places." Ferder's eyesight is slightly bad, and their team has not been organized for a long time. In terms of trust, although he doesn't think he will be unfavorable to his companions, compared with the high-ranking Xius, this strange Ian does make the old-fashioned soldier feel very uncomfortable.

"No, no, no, this is not that kind of boring power!" The expression of the fanatic appeared on Ian's face, "This is thought, the great glory, and even the gods can't surpass his greatness!"

"Although I don't believe in God, believing in the words of that guy Sus will make me feel strange." Rezad, who stood aside, joked.

In an instant, Ian's eyes became very horrible, and he stared at Rezad. But soon this look disappeared again, "Forget it, I'll tell you, you will gradually understand the greatness of thought. Also, General Rezad, I advise you not to be familiar with Lord Moses and use such a disrespectful name, otherwise one day you will pay for your mouth. After saying that, Ian turned around and left.

"You!" Rezad was about to get angry, but he was stopped by Ferrard. He shook his head. During this period, the most taboo was the fire in the backyard.

Paper can't keep fire.

A week later, the news of the Battle of Tarothea finally came out. To everyone's surprise, the new lord not only blocked Brun's offensive, but also wiped out the old nest of him and his accomplices. In a blink of an eye, half of the whole Broken Golden Mountains were branded with the name of Moses. As the Marquis of the Empire, Bren didn't even have time to escape, so he came to the end of a dead enemy, and the other party killed all Bren's cronies and branches, from top to bottom.

This scares all the lords.

At this time, they began to analyze the beginning of the new city owner, which surprised them.

Cut off the imperial emperor's magic sword, Sius.

Such a rebellious person dares to be so rampant. If it had been in the past, the lords would have united to fight against him immediately.

But what about now?

Who dares to send troops to consume their own strength? When the empire was already insurable, everything except fists was floating clouds. Moreover, this magic sword, Seus, has the ability to wipe out more than three times more enemies than himself overnight. No one wants to be the first touchstone of how strong he is. Therefore, although the nobles here are screaming, none of them really sent troops to avenge Bren or fight against the rebellion of the empire.

Swallowing such a place, even if Teus himself does not want to, his people also have to digest it. If they don't even have the strength of an imperial legion, they are not qualified to intervene in the battle between the empire and Parsa. Moreover, his army's combat experience, discipline and other aspects are not only a little worse than that of the regular army. In addition, he is not a general, and the only generals who can command the army are Rezad and Fide. There is no way to operate without expanding the command team.

The crocodile that swallowed three cows in one bite stopped lying down, which made the lords breathe a sigh of relief. Since they didn't do it, it was easy to say anything, so all kinds of temptation and pulling methods began.

"Lord Xius, this time it's the Marquis Hayden's messenger. Do you want to see it?" Greg, who is nearly 60 years old, is in charge of internal and external affairs like Ian, but an old knight with good education is more interested in foreign affairs than Ian, who likes to teach people.

"Can I cut him with a knife?" Seus frowned and sat in the church temporarily converted into the city lord's mansion, which made him feel like a saint, if there was no murderous atmosphere all over his body.

"I think you'd better not do that." For the young master, the old Sir is still very patient. "Marquis Hayden has always been neutral. I'm just here to explore the situation this time. If there is no mistake, they can recognize your lord status without threat."

"If I can, I'm like letting them know my threat now." In recent days, he has been bored to death by visits.

"Please don't say such capricious words. I think you know that we can't make them too nervous now." Greg is kind and tempted.

"But they make me nervous." The teenager leaned his chin in the chair, and his face was full of bad deeds.

"You have to learn to relax. You should know that it's not good for your health to always be nervous."

"Shut up!"

"So you agree to meet the messenger?"

"I don't see."

"I think maybe they will send a beautiful noble lady this time. Even if it's not as good as Miss Lian, I think you are interested in meeting her."

"If not, can I kill him with a knife?"

"No, I think you just need to say something and let a noble lady talk to me next time."

"Shut up, isn't that marriage!"

"If you worry too much, you won't get married just because of this."


Looking at the two masters and servants who kept bickering, they tilted their heads, and their big eyes flashed and didn't know what they were thinking.

At this time, a soldier ran up quickly, whispered to Gregg, and quickly retreated.

"Your Excellency, I think you will want to meet the messenger this time." Greg is still in that slow tone.

"Hmm?" Xius raised his eyebrows.

"It's the messenger of the Rollros family."