Magic Sword

06 bait

At a hill about 50 miles south of the city of Falsas, the military flag of Qianlong Cliff is flying high in the air.

There are rare knights nearby who raise dog dragons. For them, dog dragons are the best partners. In addition to the rations provided at ordinary times, it is necessary to order more meals for them. Dog dragons also seem to like to chase small animals hidden in the grass. This primitive hunting method helps them remain wild and aggressive.

There are about 1,000 people in this camp. If it is an ordinary service, it is probably equivalent to two squadrons, and if this 1,000 are all dragoons, it is completely different. A thousand dragon cavalry can easily destroy 5,000 cavalry, that is to say, this is a dragoon brigade. However, if you look carefully, you will find that this is not just a dragon cavalry team. The camp is mixed with some unusually huge vehicles, which may be some siege equipment or food and grass! As for why this transportation team appeared on the front line? Except for the commanders of Parsa, no one knows.

Young Arnold Bazaire is the captain of this dragoon brigade. He is not from the Thousand Dragon Cliff, but from Buton, the most backward city-state in Parsa. The experience of orphans, being abducted and sold by human traffickers, and later climbing the commander of the dragoon regiment in countless battles, made Bazel quite rigorous in governing the army. However, this is only in terms of governing the army. If you usually look for him, he must be a good man.

The matter of the escort engineer was what he strongly demanded next. He knew that this mission was very dangerous, but it was well-known to seek wealth in danger. Of course, as a mission, he knew that this was not just an escort mission.

He carefully observed the movement around him and waited for the expected fish to eat.

This operation was planned by one of his colleagues. Although the guy named Clark Coreymond usually speaks little, he has a lot of ghost ideas at critical times, and Bazaire is also willing to listen to his ghost ideas. He is the rare person who enjoys war in this war.

"Captain, the fish is on the hook!" The summoners who didn't seem to be adults jumped all the way.

"Shh! This is a secret operation. Don't be noticed by the other party!" Basel stretched out a finger to his mouth with a kind smile on his face.

The young soldier was slightly moved. If it had been normal, he would have been scolded long ago, but this officer would never beat and scold soldiers. He looked around carefully and made sure that there was no problem before he reported, "We have found the Oga scouts!"

"Wren't they shocked?"

"No, it seems that they still have to observe for a while to find out what we sent."

"Then wait for them to take a look and tell everyone that everything is as usual." A slightly cunning smile appeared on Basel's upright square face.

"Hmm!" After receiving the order, the young soldier turned around and ran all the way.

Behind him, Bazel pulled out his sword and began to wipe it carefully.

At the same time, in Falsas, the count was overjoyed by the arrival of the reinforcements and felt that he asked his servants to start a banquet, which was the usual idea of the aristocracy.

But when he hurried out to meet the royal master who came to rescue them, the count was completely dumbfounded when he saw this group of people called rescue.

In Farsas, which is already full of tattered tents and crowded and dirty streets, you can see some soldiers in Oga regular military uniforms. It's just that there are no more than 300 people to support this army! What are more than 300 people enough for? Can these more than 300 Oga troops repel the other side's dragon horse?

Under the steps of the castle, a red-haired man who looked more than two meters came up step by step. Every step was quite powerful. He did not wear any armor, but gave people the illusion that this was a stone statue that could move. In front of him, the count found that the big man had a very ugly face. His two lips on his huge mouth were like sausages, but his eyes were not big. On the contrary, he looked particularly small in contrast with the big nose and big mouth, and his eyes were still the kind of a woman's phoenix eyes. A strong man narrowed a pair of fox-like eyes. Not to mention how strange it is.

"Are you the Count of Dover?" The rude man, the count gave him this label as soon as he opened his mouth. If he only led 300 people, he would be at most a squadron leader. It seems that he is a civilian! The count speculated so.

"I'm Daw Faner. Are you the so-called reinforcement?" His words were unconcealed with a strong disappointment and a little contempt.

"I'm Barbado! Why, can't you be your reinforcements?!" The big man spoke with a strong bandit spirit between the lines, and his unbredished attitude made the count very disgusted. Such a person knew at a glance that he was not a nobleman.

"Please maintain the etiquette of facing a nobleman. I thank you for your rescue and will arrange a place for you to be stationed immediately." Anyway, it's an elder. The count didn't want to argue with a young man. He waved his hand like a fly and turned to go to the castle.

At this time, the big man named Barbado grinned, and his big mouth, which was not proportional to his facial features, almost pulled to his ear. "No, Parsa's monkey will come and die soon, hahahaha!"

The count who was about to go back trembled and his heart was full of ominous foreboding, but when he turned around, the big man had turned around and walked down the steps. The blue sleeves were pulled over the wrist, and the tied small arms muscles were exposed below, but it seemed that the already exposed blood vessels became more obvious because of the count's words just now.

"How's Barr?" When Barbado returned to the team, a short young man tapped his buttocks with the back of his hand and asked.

"How about what?" The big man didn't realize that he turned around and looked down at his companion who was less than 1.6 meters.

"Didn't the other party arrange any reception?" This young man obviously knows this rule.

"Banquet? What nonsense are you talking about?" He twisted his hands back and forth, making a crackling sound at his joints, and his small black eyes were full of fierce light: "Anyway, it's none of their business. These damn nobles, when I come up, I must kick their buttocks well!"

"I'll do whatever you want. Anyway, just don't affect the task." The young man doesn't seem to be interested in this topic either.

"Hahaha, anyway, I don't care what Xijia's mother-in-law says, as long as it can make me happy, hahaha!"

"What's wrong? Why are you like this? That's not what I said when I came out. Feeling that the bad friend was a little abnormal, the short young man raised his staff and knocked on the other party's head.

"Ren, go away! If you dare to intervene again, I will skim your stick!" The big man bent down and viciously warned the mage named Ryan.

However, in the face of such a fierce person, the mage still shook his black charcoal-like staff carelessly: "Although I am not as good as you in the legion battle, I know that your brute force can't be my opponent. Let's die!"

Barbado's mouth was stingy, but he was still unwilling to look at the mage's staff with his squinting Danfeng eyes before turning around to do other things.

"Your excellency, how is the other party?" In the shade of a tree about five miles away from the Parsa Dragoon, a red-haired woman was controlling something. Her fingers kept shaking up and down and couldn't see what she was doing.

"There is no movement yet. What about Barr's preparation?" The person who answered her was Zigfei Wind Ires, who was still an ordinary rose knight for the time being. At this time, he did not know that he had been pushed to the forefront of the war.

"Don't worry, my lord, there should be no problem with Ryan." The woman replied in a tone of three respect and seven admiration. This admiration was obviously not aimed at the Rennes she mentioned, but at the descendant of the beloved god in front of her.

Seeing that one and two female subordinates were like this, Zigefei couldn't help sighing: "Naya Knight, please pay attention to the atmosphere. Now is the time to carry out important tasks!"

"Don't worry, my lord, the other party will definitely bite the bait, and don't call me Knight Naya. It's so awkward. My name is Xijia. The name Naya is not my name!" While operating something quickly, the woman wrinkled her nose and protested to her boss.

"Alas, I give you family members so that you can better integrate into the Order. This is an extraordinary time. Can't you let go of that kind of presage?" Zige Fei shook his head helplessly, as if there was nothing he could do about you.

"Yes, yes, yes, I know the painstaking efforts of adults, and I have to say that I still like the original way. After calling the name for so many years, it's a little uncomfortable to suddenly add something in the back. Xijia, full of her little daughter's posture, twisted her mouth.

"It's good to get used to this kind of thing. How is it not good yet?" Taking back the expression on his face, Zigfei returned to his original serious appearance again.

"Hmm~~~It's okay!" Xijia quickly slid her finger in front of her, and a line composed of light waves appeared, and then the line gradually turned into several words. The content of the text was very simple: everything was ready.

"Okay, inform the investigation team to start action immediately!"

"Yes!" The woman began to tremble her fingers again, which seemed to be a spell to convey the message.

"Thanks to your string magic, otherwise this efficient transmission must be completed with a lot of magic by space mages." Seeing his excellent subordinates, Zige Fei rarely smiled.

Seeing him smile, Xijia also laughed, "Hee hee, if it's for adults, I'll do everything!"

"Don't always say such words," Zigfei quickly put away his smile and changed the topic. "However, if this plan succeeds, then the Parsa people should not be able to threaten Xilin for the time being."

"Well, then sprinkle the bait!"