Magic Sword

01 Dream of the Divine Gate

God's Gate

This is the kingdom of God.

The people who are all destroyed outside the divine gate,

You should give up all hope.


"Ah! Whoohoo..."

"What, did you have that dream again?" George, who had just come in from the door, held breakfast in his hand. It seems that he has been up for a long time.

"Hmm." The dark-haired teenager nodded. He got out of bed and walked to the edge of the window and pushed the window open. The summer wind poured in, lifted the teenager's long hair that had not been cut over his shoulders for a long time.

"Although you used to be more stuffy, now you are more bored." George shook his head and put the bread on the table in the room. This room was the temporary residence of Xius, a black household after Kuran specially greeted him. There was only one bed, a table and a chair left in the whole room. The originally small room felt extremely empty. If the owner of the room did not If you are here, it is probably difficult to detect that someone has lived in this room!

"What did I look like before?" The teenager turned his head and asked.

George was stunned for a moment, and then habitually turned his eyes away and replied, "It's strange, more strange than you are now, and then once you get angry, it will become terrible. Well, it's probably like this."

"Is it terrible?" The teenager blinked and didn't have much idea about this noun.

"It's not true. War is all war, which is also taken for granted." George felt that he had said too much and didn't care about his chaotic order. He quickly changed the topic, "By the way, how has your memory recovered recently?"

The teenager shook his head, "I've just been dreaming."

"What kind of divine door is that?" George took the opportunity to sit down in the chair, which he had heard from Xius many times.

"Well, all the people outside the Divine Gate are destroyed, and all hope should be abandoned..."

"Ha ha, I don't know that this group of dead people don't include us." George naturally smiled carelessly about this kind of thing, "How much do you remember about Olson?"

"Olson is the largest fortress of Oga, that's all." The teenager replied simply.

"Why is it still like that? I'm not asking you about Olson's definition, but a matter. Do you remember the time when we worked hard together in Olson?" George was a little annoyed by the rigid appearance of Xius.

"I'm sorry, I can't remember." Seeing the angry expression on his friend's face, the teenager was a little ashamed.

"Okay, okay, I'll say it casually. If you can't remember it, you can't remember it. Anyway, do people still have to live?" Unwilling to blame Xius, George shook his head slightly, "Eat quickly. After dinner, go to General Kurland. She said there was something urgent to find you."


At this time, Kuran was sitting alone in the military tent and looking through the documents submitted by various troops, and these things were originally done by Kulong.

Since the Banbo Rebellion, Curran was immediately recalled to the army before he could even go to the family to say hello. Due to the lack of generals, the Valkyrie, who could not directly govern the army, was also put on the rank of general and directly commanded the Blue Wolf Division. The rogue egg who just joined the army is either a delicate and dying young master, or a timid rat, and there is no decent one. This made Curran busy. She didn't know why Culon often stayed up all night at the beginning. There is nothing more difficult to care about this kind of thing than people. It was the first time that Kuran, who was 30 years old and did not have a boyfriend, experienced it.

And the current state is that the morale of this new regiment has been very low after the first failure, and the defense of the Xilin Pass is also hiding behind other troops, making Kuran angry half dead but there is no way. The order of the upper legion commander asked for rectification one after another. But no matter how much the order is made, it will be mixed with a lot of water to carry out. Including the adjutant, everyone in the division was fooling Kuran, which made her angry but there was nothing she could do.

At this time, the voice of the guard came from outside the curtain of the military tent: "The division commander, the first-class knight Moses came to report."

"Let him in."

The curtain was pulled open, and the teenager in military uniform came in with his ten-year-old expressionless expression and gave a regular military salute, "Your Excellency, Chief of the Rollros Division, what's the matter with you?"

"You sit down first." As Kuran said, she stretched out her hand to support a muffled boundary. After finishing this, her serious face was sent down: "Dead wood, aren't you ready yet?"

"Uh, no." The appearance of Xiusi was not pretended.

"Well, come and sit down. I have something to discuss with you." Feeling more tired, Curran stood up and sat on the adjutant's seat, and then waved to him to sit next to him.

Sius's eyes wandered for a moment, and after a little hesitation, he obeyed Curran's order and sat down in the chair.

Kuran looked at his small movements and was sad in his heart. Since George brought him back from the dead in Farsas, he has been unconscious. In two months, Kuran took time to see him many times, but every time he could only see him lying in white, as if he had no breath, as if he didn't know when he would die. It was not until a month ago that George heard that he had woken up. But when Kuran ran to visit him in a hurry, he didn't expect that he had lost his memory!

Faced with this situation, Curran immediately hid Sus as a false identity in the legion. After all, he still carried the name of an imperial wanted criminal on his back. In this situation of losing his memory, no matter how strong the force is, it is dangerous. So there is a first-class knight, Sius. As for why he did not change his name, the main reason is that Curran has lost his memory. If he changes his name again, there may be some chaos when he remembers.

What's more, in the legendary news outside, Xius is dead and was killed by a civilian knight named Barbado of the Rose Knights, so that others will naturally not doubt the true identity of the 'first-class knight Xius' here.

It's not a matter if you have lost your memory all the time.

Kuran is now anxious to help. In fact, in this situation, except for George, who had a relationship with Kuran before, who can help, Kuran, who was not popular in the army can be said to be a light pole commander. The identity of Valkyrie makes all officers subconsciously stay away from her and not associate with monsters, which is a subconscious judgment of human beings. In this way, it is not surprising that Kuran has suffered from exclusion and injustice.

She has heard of the rumors of Ceus in Tarothea. Since she learned that Xiusi has almost recovered a while ago, she came up with the idea of whether she could borrow the help of Xius. If he really has such a commander-in-chief talent, it will help her a lot.

"Can you lead the army?" Kuran doesn't like to take turns and asks directly.

"No." Xiusi's answer was quite straightforward.

"Well, then...what? No?" Obviously, this is not the answer that Curran expected. Hearing what Xius said, she couldn't help staring.

"Well, no." Theus nodded with great certainty.

"How can it be? Then how did you beat half of the Broken Golden Mountains overnight?"

"I don't know, I can't remember." Xius answered honestly.

Kuran, who was out of power, had an impulse to beat the little devil in front of him, and made him raise his eyelids and stare at Xius with very dangerous eyes: "You really don't even remember how to lead your troops?"

"I don't remember." The teenager replied foolishly.

"Well, I'll give you a meal and see if you can remember it!" With that, Curran flew and kicked Xius in the stomach. However, unexpectedly, Xius did not fly out, but successfully dodged Curran's attack when he had been kicked.

"Lord Kuran, what do you want to do?"

What do you want to do? Of course, I want to help you recover your memory! It is said that you can recover as long as you put it on your head. I want to try it. Maybe your amnesia is so good!" Kuran, who failed to win, stared at Xius with burning eyes and looked at him straight hair. Even if he lost his memory, Xius was able to judge that the woman in front of him was definitely not trying to help him recover his memory, but simply wanted to beat himself.

"Lord Kulan, please calm down."

"I'm very calm." Although the tone of her voice was completely unconvincing.

Just as Suses was considering whether to run away first, the voice of the guards sounded again outside the military tent: "Differ, Lord Irini Boulder, please see you!"

The two people in the military tent who put on a fighting position around tables and chairs couldn't help loosening their tense nerves. Although Seus was lucky, Curran was a pity. What is she doing here?" Saying this to himself, Kuran still waved his hand to remove the muffler boundary and sat back in his chair: "Please come in."

After such a smooth response, Kuran knew that it was bad!

She always moved faster than her brain and realized that Sus was still here! You should know that when it comes to the battle meeting, Magic Sword Xius is unknown to everyone. As a member of the contestant, Elini must have paid attention to this dark horse! I just didn't pay attention to it, and later I could know his appearance on the wanted notices posted in the streets and alleys. It's just that Xiusi's hair is long now, but his face is still the same! Ninety of them are going to wear gangs when they are met now!

Kuran knew Elini's temper. If she knew that Oga's number one wanted man was still alive and still appeared in front of her, it goes without hesitation that she would not hesitate to poke the magic gun into the heart of Sius and make him the rumored dead forever.

But now it's too late to hide. Seeing that Elini is about to come in, Kuran can only pray desperately for the Valkyries of Light to be on top and don't be discovered by this rigid woman.

"You go down first!" Desperately suppressing the stormy waves in his heart, Kuran dismissed Seus in a formulaic tone and deliberately skipped the name 'Seus' and used the pronoun 'you'.

"Yes, my lord." Xius didn't know what Curran thought. He didn't notice Kuran's abnormality at all and nodded honestly and retreated. The next thing happened very reasonable: when Moses turned around and was about to leave, he raised his head and subconsciously glanced at Inili, who had just come in, and Inili, who was looked at, naturally glanced at Xius.

"Wait." With this clear female voice, Kuran's disillusionment was shattered.

She now wants to kill Elini with a knife, but unfortunately this is also unrealistic. So she still had to force her composure. Now although she wanted to open her mouth to cover up for Sheus, it suddenly became even more abnormal. The anxious Curran stared at the two people in front of him, hoping that Xius would not say anything strange.

"Your Excellency, what's the matter?" Xiusi saluted respectfully.

"What's your name?" It seems that the red-haired girl who is probably two or three years older than Moses asked.

"Seus." The teenager answered honestly.

Hearing the name, Curran really wanted to rush up and give Xius a kick, but this guy actually told the other party so honestly! At least, make a little name! This dead wood! The silver teeth squeaked, but Kuran still had no choice. If she went up to stop it now, everything would be over.

Unexpectedly, the red-haired girl just looked up and down and said, "I have a friend who looks very much like you. Coincidentally, his name is also Sius."

Sius blinked and didn't understand what the other party meant, but he still agreed, "Oh, isn't it? That's a coincidence."

The red-haired girl tilted her head and stared at Susie, and then nodded as if she had made a decision, "Do you know martial arts?"

"Well, I will." Although he has lost his memory, his body will not forget those skills that have been refined, which has been verified by him and George before.

"Well, wait for me outside for a while. I want to compete with you." As soon as he said this, Curran knew what she meant. What Seus became famous was the magic sword skill of the space department. Maybe the two of them are very similar in appearance and have the same name, but it is absolutely impossible for them to have exactly the same sword skills, let alone the kind of space system that tens of thousands of people can't produce?

"Well, Mr. Elini, I still have something to do with him. It's not good!" In a discussion tone, Kuran, who saw that things had turned around, tried to stop the competition.

The red-haired girl glanced at Kuran with her fiery red eyes, but turned her head and asked Xius, "Is that so?"

"Uh." Xiuston took a moment, but no matter how stupid he was, he knew that he could not lose Cullen's face, so he nodded and said, "Yes."

"That's good." Elini quickly made a decision, "In that case, let's do it tomorrow!" This evening! I'll come to you this evening and tell me where your barracks is?

"Uh, the westernmost part of the barrier."

"Okay, go ahead!" After saying that, Elini turned around and ignored Xius, and Curran opposite her was so angry that she gritted her teeth, but there was nothing she could do.