Magic Sword

07 Xilin Strategy Battle 1

The war situation is changing rapidly. The Xilin Pass has just formulated countermeasures, and the first batch of refugees have arrived in Xilin to request entry.

According to the strategy formulated by Dillon and others, the other party certainly did not expect that he would turn on and off immediately. After all, it still takes time to go from Olson to Xilin. Moreover, even if you can't let everyone enter the customs, you can make a gesture to their civilian knights: I'm willing to turn people on and off. In this way, even if civilians are killed, it can stimulate the morale of soldiers, and even in the plain war, the Parsa people will not get much benefit.

The idea is good, and the corresponding method is extremely wise. If the opponent is the original Parsa, 90% will work, but if it is Tiger Chiyo, it is too underestimated her understanding of Oga.

"Oga is not short of capable people." The girl with a wine gourd hanging around her waist sat on the saddle. She grabbed the horse's oily mane with her hand, showing a loving look.

Sophie was also sitting on a horse at this time, but she felt a little uncomfortable. The discomfort does not refer to the saddle, but to the dragon that the girl usually rides, but now riding this kind of 'little thing' makes her a little uncomfortable. This was changed to horseback by Hu Chiyo's strong request to come here, just to see if what the little black-haired girl in front of her said was not true.

"I don't lack a thousand dragon cliffs." Sophie's response was a little cold and even indifferent. A few days ago, the trick of getting this black-haired girl made her feel very excited. Thousands of troops are easy to get. No one will be unhappy with such a wise man when it is difficult to find, but after getting along with each other, the noble Highness soon became disgusted with Hu Chiyo. Because she knows so much that she can see something clearly at a glance. Thinking of those unpleasant memories, Sophie subconsciously shook her head and threw them away.

Chiyo could only smile when the new master reacted like this, "Your Highness, then you lost again. Don't forget my wine!" To put it bluntly, she still wants to drink.

The young crown prince did not pay attention to Chiyo. Naturally, she would not regret this little thing. She turned her head and said to the knight standing beside her, "Let the dragon cavalry prepare."

The knight just knelt down on his left knee, and a voice interrupted his movements.

"It's better not to!" Chiyo shook his gourd and said, "This is the matter of the Oga people. Let the Oga people do it!"

"What do you mean?" His Highness narrowed his eyes and held back the unhappiness in his heart and pretended to be a humble question.

"Half of Kilo's Black Raven Legion." The girl raised the gourd and poured a mouthful of wine into her mouth, and black hair blocked her eyes.

His Royal Highness was not used to pulling the reins of the horse. She frowned and looked at the Xilin Pass over there from afar.

It's like this, it's such a strategy. This is really a woman... She hasn't gathered this idea in her mind, and Hu Chiyo opened her mouth again.

She turned around and rode down on the horse with a big smile to Sophie, "Your Highness, do you know? In my hometown, there is a kind of wolf that will be selected from the children of the previous generation of wolves, and only one of them can be left behind. The rest must die. If the wolf is killed by the hunters encountered in a hunt, the offspring of the wolf will be killed immediately. Even before that, they were brothers of the same lineage.

Sophie was silent, and her hands trembled slightly. As the only son of the Thousand Dragon King, she does not deny that she is more important than ordinary people in terms of human feelings, but after all, she is a person who should become a king, and a person like Tiger Chiyo...

His Royal Highness took a look at Chiyo, but still didn't say anything, but this glance made a knot between the two that could not be untied.

"Ha ha, I don't know what your Highness thinks. Anyway, we just need to drink wine." The samurai girl still has such a hilarious attitude. The knife named Dragon Teeth swings on the girl's waist, looking like an ornament.

The knight kneeling on the ground looked up at the dark-haired military master, looked at their highness, and decided to wait quietly for Sophie to make a decision. The girl looked up and took a deep breath and ordered in a majestic voice, "Tell Yaklov to let his legion arrive here before evening."

"Yes!" The knight hammered his chest with his right hand, and the metal armor made a crisp sound. The knight jumped on his horse and ran to the east.

At this time, Sophie opened her holy cyan eyes, her eyes with a certain desire to penetrate, and fell on the samurai girl through her golden hair: "Hu Chiyo, is this your real name?"

Being questioned like this, the samurai girl blinked unconsciously and suddenly began to calculate with her fingers: "So we were 15 years old last month! Well, although we don't care, according to our habits, we can no longer use a baby name at the age of 15. We should give ourselves a name for future adults.

The samurai girl looks stupid, but I don't know why Sophie can't laugh at all, "So what's your name?"

"Well, it should have been taken by Xiusi for us, but... woo-woo..." With this, the samurai girl began to wipe her tears. Recently, when it was mentioned that Xiusi was like this, no one could do anything about it.

Is this guy really kidding me? Sophie felt a headache. Chiyo's moodiness was also her biggest headache, and she couldn't believe that it came from a girl's innocence: "Okay, okay, don't cry."

"Well... let's take a sip of wine first," the girl raised the gourd and rinsed fiercely before reluctantly raising her spirits. "Since Sus is gone, we have decided not to marry anyone else! So you have to give it a name!"

Originally, I wanted to try, but I didn't expect to be involved in such a strange topic by her. Sophie asked along with tears and laughing, "Then why are you so upright?"

"Our family is surnamed Uesugi. The women we have never married are all believers in gods and Buddhas. Although we did not believe in gods and Buddhas before, we should believe in them in the future! Just call it Qianxin!" Tiger Chiyo, oh no, it should be said that the girl warrior Uesugi Kenshin replied.

"If you say something, you will die. God won't forgive you." After knowing that she could never figure out the girl's logic, Sophie gave up this temptation. She tightened the reins and turned the horse's head. Skilled dragon riding seemed useless for horse riding. This turning around was not easy for Sophie, a dragon rider.

"Our gods and Buddhas and the gods here are not the same, haha, but it's hard for foreigners to understand!" The samurai girl yawned, stretched out greatly, and then began to lie on the horse's back and take a nap. The scabbard casually knocked on the horse's buttocks twice. As if she knew what the master meant, the dark horse she sat down slowly turned around and walked back.

Seeing this scene, Sophie frowned and kicked her ** horse fiercely before the horse slowly moved forward.

At this time, Chiyo, that is, Qianxin, suddenly began to sing the ballad. Sophie listened to it. It was not the language of the mainland, and she could not hear the reason, so she didn't care. But if she knew the meaning of these lyrics, she would probably not care so much. The gist of the lyrics is actually eight words: women are jealous, not heroes.

After Chiyo finished singing, he said a sentence in that incomprehensible language: "The inside and the outside should be combined, and Xilin will be broken." Unfortunately, she deliberately didn't want Sophie to understand this sentence, because she was also a woman.

The Green Wolf Division is at the end of the big army. Other brother divisions are busy defending at the gate, while the Green Wolf Division is busy maintaining order here. Simply put, it is the gap between the city defense team and the regular army.

Naturally, it is impossible for a division to be responsible for this kind of thing, so as the last stream, the least useful Xius were assigned to this easy job.

As a conductor, Seus sat on the horse and looked up, and the pushing crowd stretched intermittently to the end of the horizon. The crying of children, the creaking of the axles, and the loud shouts of soldiers were a little more noisy than the vegetable market.

"Many people, when will this be finished?" Look back at the gate. Because of the need to be built, the small gate was deliberately made to look like a raped girl. The suspension bridge was trampled on and creaked, and from time to time it was squeezed into the trench. Fortunately, I was ready before and built a ladder below. If you don't fall to death, climb up by yourself!

"At least two weeks!" Because of his close relationship with Xius, George can also run here to hide laziness.

"That means we will definitely fight with them outside, right?" Sius tilted his head and turned his eyes to the legion that was garrisoning there. Many soldiers are digging trenches with sweat, arranging fences that can trip the dragoons, and triangular edges, which are basically used to deal with the cavalry, just to get more chances when they meet the dragoons in Parsa!

However, what Xius cares about is not this, but the tall man riding a horse in the distance. His pale hair is particularly dazzling in the crowd, or, unlike people like Sus, that kind of person is born with a sense of hero.

Who is that person? Seus frowned and stared at the man. Something vague flashed in his mind, but he couldn't catch it out to see what it was.

George, who was on one side, noticed the movement of Sus. After following his eyes, the three souls were half scared off. He quickly kicked Susi fiercely: "That man is the commander of the army! Don't look at him!"

"Why?" Xius turned his head dissatisfiedly, "I don't like that kind of person, but I really want to think of something about him."

"If you think about it, don't look at anything. If you are noticed, you will be finished!" George roared at Sius in a low voice.

However, at this moment, Zige Fei seemed to notice the abnormal movement here and glanced his eyes here. Then, subconsciously, Xiusi will look at him at the same time.

No one else was involved, but the onlookers' hearts were scared away. George was frozen there and couldn't move. He wanted to open his mouth to remind him that he didn't dare to make a sound, and it turned into a bunch of unwritten words.

Zigfei saw Sius, but it is impossible for the acting marshal, who has been busy with various affairs, to realize who this person is in an instant. Moreover, at such a long distance, he can only judge that this person's figure is a little familiar. As for who it is... There are many people that the marshal has seen! How could you put Xius in the right seat at once?

After the two looked at each other from afar for less than a second, Zigfei looked away. Xius was still thinking hard with his eyebrows and couldn't figure out who the other party was. At this time, suddenly he was kicked in the leg again.

"Why did you kick me?" After being kicked twice, Xius showed unhappy eyes.

"You bastard scared me to death! Do you know?" George stared at his cyan eyes and looked at Xius without fear.

Sius was stunned. He knew that once George became like this, he must be wrong. However, even if he lost his memory, the magic sword seus still won't say the three words 'sorry'. He blinked his eyes and turned his head away. Anyway, if he didn't speak, George would have nothing to do with him. This is the logic of Sius.

Don't mention this move is still a hundred times. George saw that his donkey's temper came up again, and there was nothing he could do, but in order to revenge all the time, he raised his foot and kicked his horse's buttocks fiercely, and reluctantly moved forward a few steps.

Although the Xilin Pass at this moment is noisy and peaceful, at least it is still full of vitality. But what can be met is that it won't be long before it will become a paradise of death.

It's not just the Parsa people who are here. The people who were busy escaping from the sickle of war did not notice the lurking team in the distance. It was not the dragon cavalry of the Parsa people or the reinforcements sent by Oga. They were deliberately divided into two groups. Each of them looked too handsome and did not look like soldiers at all, while the other group had no obvious signs, but a black white wolf embroidered on their shoulders.