Magic Sword

13 Xilin Strategy Battle 7

The murderer entered the battlefield unexpectedly. Not only the Parsa people, but also the Ogans were caught off guard by his appearance, because in addition to Parsa's dragon cavalry, there was also Ogha's military flag in the corpse behind him.

The young man in black and blood laughed on this bloody battlefield. The sword in his left hand was a fighting dagger used by the Oga cavalry, and the gun in his right hand was a broken Parsa dragon gun.

Seeing this scene, a name immediately came to Moore's mind: Magic Sword Seus.

Is the magic sword that has been killed by the Oga people actually been recruited? Seeing the murderer in the enemy's position, Moore naturally thought so. In the madness of the murderer, he did not seem to notice that there was no Ogah soldier behind Seus.

"Everyone back!" Moore shouted and patted the back of the feather dragon. The white dragon, which was only four meters long but had six meters long wings, flapped its steel-filled wings and flew up.

All the dragon knights retreat knowingly. No one wants to go up and die in this level of battle.

The white dragon flying in the air naturally became the next target of the killer.

The white feather dragon flying in the air gives people a sense of sacredness and majesty. But in the eyes of the murderer, another desire immediately emerged: how about cutting off this sacredness and majesty from the sky? The feeling of a bird flying in the sky being suddenly cut off its wings must be quite wonderful!

Destruction and bloody desires drove him to lift the dagger in his hand. It's just a dagger, but it's no different from the sharpest long bow in his hand.


Moor already knew it when he saw Seus raising his sword. Because Sophie has explained the investigation of the relationship between Xius before, he still knows a lot about the magic sword Xius.

Is it a space swordsman who ignores the attack distance? Moore, a dragon rider, did not have his own dragon gun. He just pulled out his sword in the face of the enemy.

It is a pure black sword. The overly smooth blade does not feel like metal, but like a crystal material. While the black sword was waved by Moore, the dagger of the murderer 100 meters ahead fell. The black sword behind the scabbard is wrapped in a layer of smoke-like things, making the blade look a little blurred. With this smoky thing, Moore's sword reflexively met the invisible sword.

The air scratched by the black blade was distorted, and then a broken blade appeared out of thin air and fell from the air. On the contrary, the sword in the hand of the murderer has also become a broken sword.

It's really him. Moore was energetic. If his opponent was the rumored magic sword, he didn't know if his sword could win the opponent.

The etching sword of the dark system is Moore's proud sword skill, which has the strong nature of melting matter into dark energy while supplementing itself. The reason why he doesn't need a dragon gun is that the sword will get longer and longer in battle, so he doesn't need a dragon gun at all. Moore knows that the advantage of his sword skills is attack power, and he must let the other party fight hard with him to win. If he fights a war of attrition, he can't touch a hair of Seus even if he is exhausted.

"Magic Sword Xius has this ability?" The black fog-wrapped sword pointed to the bloody murderer. Moore stretched out his left thumb and pointed it to the ground.

The sun has completely sunk into the horizon, leaving only a little halo reflected on the earth, and the murderer's red eyes flashed in the haze. Moore reflexively grasped the hilt of the sword in his hand, and he knew that his provocation had succeeded. He is angry, and this mad dog is going to lose his temper!

In an instant, the bloody figure in his eyes was just an arrow step across hundreds of meters. When it appeared again, the broken dragon gun had hit him in front of him.

"Good luck!" Moore, mixed with excitement and anger, greeted him without thinking about it. Such an invincible sword must cut the mad dog in two.

But an accident happened.

A soft sound from the collision of knives and guns.

This should have been taken for granted, but Moore stared at the broken dragon gun in the other party's hand. This is impossible! Why?

How can you be a little distracted at the time of the death war? Moore only had two thoughts in his head, and the dragon gun waved again had hit his left shoulder. Parsa's dragon horse fell from the sky like a broken kite and hit a thick tree in a bowl.

Then, the wailing of feather dragons resounded through the sky came from the dark sky.

"General! Everyone! Protect the general!" The dragon cavalry can't just sit and watch their general be killed by the enemy. The leading dragon knight waved a long gun and roared, "The guard covers the general's retreat! The rest of the brothers come with me!"

"Protect the general!" The dragons of Parsa rushed to the bloody figure that fell from the sky with the feather dragon.

Because I was not afraid of death, I rushed up. This is an idea in the heart of every Parsa dragon cavalry, and what happened just now is obvious to everyone. The monster that General Moore can't defeat is already extravagant to fight with death and delay him for a moment.

"Hahaha! Ah ha ha ha! Ah ha ha ha ha ha!" The bloody murderer seemed to have foreseen the scene where Ma* was going to appear, and half of the dragon gun trembled, not because of fear, but because of the pleasure that was about to come.


The murderer with a half-cut dragon gun made a sweep. Knowing what that action meant, the dragoons subconsciously blocked to the left.

It's strange that nothing happened. The murderer himself was stunned for a moment. He took the dragon gun in his hand and found that the dragon gun had been broken, but there was still dark smoke on it.

Is it done by the person just now? The murderer turned his eyes to the half-dead dragon rider who was smashed. Although that guy is not dead, his whole left shoulder and big arm have been smashed into his body. He can't live. How can he disturb his battle?

Forget it, if you can't figure it out, you won't think about it. The murderer had no time to struggle with this kind of thing. He threw away the broken gun. With a gentle swing of his right hand, a sword appeared in his hand again. Now he wants to enjoy the killing.

Moor, who had been completely deformed, did not faint. Even if you feel that your spine seems to be broken, your lower body is completely unconscious, and it is extremely difficult to breathe, the strong dragon horse will still be awake. An obsession wrapped around every nerve of his mind: I don't understand, I don't understand what's wrong? Don't understand why the sword is blocked?!

When he saw the murderer throw the black smokey broken gun on the ground, a light flashed through his mind, and then the numb fear began to swim around.

"Difficult, difficult, is it!" The dying dragon horse will gasp violently, and the difficulty breathing makes his consciousness more and more blurred. He stared at the murderer who was slaughtering his subordinates, as if to see through all his secrets.

"Your excellency! Come on, take me away!" The knight of the guard jumped off the mount and reached out to lift Moore.

"No! Go! Must, must escape back to one person and tell His Highness! Heavy, important, situation, forever, forever..." Moore's breathing became more difficult because he was eager to speak.

"Forever?" The knight didn't know why. He reached out and stroked Moore's back, "Your Excellency, speak slowly!"

"Ha, ha, ha," Moore gasped violently, "Yong, Yong, Yong, eternal Alfi Lorenz, that, that, that person is! Yes! Yes..." He stared with wide eyes and desperately wanted to spit out that word. But he spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Cough, cough, cough!" The ruptured pulmonary cavity finally could not support the accumulation of blood stasis, and the blood mixed with alveoli kept gushing out of the mouth.

"Your excellency! Your Excellency! My lord!"

In the knight's crying cry, Moore's eyes widened and stared at the ghost god who killed wantonly in the distance. Unwilling, frightened and angry, the young dragon rider extinguished the blue eyes mixed with all kinds of emotions to the extreme, and with his fear and unwillingness, it was extinguished forever. Maybe he found a hidden conspiracy, maybe he still has a lot to say, but it has nothing to do with him.

"Your excellency! My lord!"

"What else! Hurry up, you must bring your words to Your Highness!" A knight next to him mentioned the knight who was going to hug Moore's body and kicked him hard.

"Oh! Oh!" The knight jumped on the dog dragon in a panic and ran backwards as soon as he shook the reins. Behind him were all the knights of the Guards.

"Kai, you must live to bring the words, otherwise I can't spare you if I'm a ghost." Looking at his companion's departure, the knight smiled relievedly and had sent his hope away. Then, the next words...

In front of the knight is a slaughterhouse composed of flesh and blood. Bloody murderers randomly cut off the knights rushing up from all directions, one after another. The knights know that only continuous attacks from different directions can delay the devil's footsteps and not let his butcher's knife idle, which will kill more people.

Some people can catch a blow, and some people can't even catch a blow, but if they run away together, the invisible and almost infinitely extended sword will harvest everyone's lives like mowing grass.

can only attack, attack, attack, and then attack.

"Brothers, let the Oga dog see our blood! Long live Parsa! Long live the Dragon King!"

"Hail Palsa! Long live the Dragon King!"

The dragon riders shouted slogans and died generously without any hesitation. In the face of the dragoons rushing up to die, the murderer was also shocked by this belief. His movements were dull, and his bright red eyes showed a trace of shaking.

At this time, suddenly, a red meteor appeared in the sky, followed by Elini's angry and even crazy roar: "Sius! Go to hell!"